Ok…. so…4 years ago I first discovered mods in minecraft, in particular ComputerCraft. I was instantly stunned by all the possibilities this mod opened. So I got into coding, a very frustrating experience. I wasn't too good in English at that time and had never coded before, which is why I gave up quite fast. But around a year later some video inspired me to get back at it again, couldn't be too hard right? And indeed, I had a lot more success this time. That's when I started writing this program which started as a normal strip mining program. Once it worked I figured it would be nice if the turtlle could mine the ores for me too. I discovered the compare function (which has since then been replaced by the inspect functions). That was the beginning of a huge learning process for me. The first working Version was about 3000 lines because I didn't know about tables at that time and therefore specified 72 variables (from "a" to "zzz" :D/> ) to hold the information of how to get back to the main tunnel. When I proudly presented the program at my internship the poor guys had to hold back from vomiting and made me aware of the existance of tables. Following this big evolution I improved the program further and further for the sake of challenging myself whenever I really wanted to code. This has been going on for over 2 years now, before I decided to post this program here (where I also received a lot of help over this journey) so all the work wouldn't have been for "nothing".What it does:
Once started, this program will dig a main tunnel with n adjacent tunnels which length can be customized too. The interesting thing is that this program will find and mine ores that it comes across so that there is no work left to do for you.

Although I did program it to work pre 1.64 I've never tested it out, so no garanties. It is optimized for Computercraft Version 1.64 or higher.
An advanced turtle is required due to the color and mouse support
Key features:
automatic update
As soon as I release a new update on pastebin, the program will update on next startup and notify you afterwards. All your variables will be saved.Automatically continues after world reload/server restart
The program will automatically save my startup handler at /startup, move any existing startup-programs to "old_startup" and set this "old_startup" as standart startup so that it is executed whenever no program needs to resume. To make sure that the program doesn't continue into a wrong direction it figures out where it is facing before every start, and adjusts if necessary.intuitive, clean layout to navigate through the starting process
- supports the EnderStorage enderchest
completly customizable and savable settings
Anti-Mobspawn-Torch-Algorithm-Thing (scientificly reffered to as AMTAT)
When this option is selected the turtle will calculate the amount of torches it needs to be as low as possible while still preventing mobs from spawning (don't want to brag but this shit is genius)- Autofuel
- place floor
- place walls and ceiling
Items contained in the ignor-list will -who would've guessed- be ignored by the turtle when searching for ores. You can easily add and remove blocks to/from it.- Throw away trash
- Stable af:
- gravel-proof
- water-/lavaproof
- mob-proof
- wont crash when out of fuel
- will place torches under any circumstances
- wont crash when materials (e.g. torches or chest) are missing
- fuel = "unlimited" -proof
Well, this program wont move in height and therefore be a lot more efficient if you are searching for specific ores since their occurrence depends on the level above bedrock.
Also, this program doesn't destroy a huge area, you can easily run it in your cellar.
Known Bugs:
Walls aren't placed consistently.
Planned features:
Disclaimer: I am not as motivated and heavily invested in the developement of this program as I was when posting this, these features may therefore never be realised. Sorry.
automatically continue after server restart (very difficult but I'm working on it and it will probably come within the next patch before October)- option to let the turtle dig down before starting so that you can execute this program from the surface
- snail option (Currently working on it and it's rather easy but very hard to implement into the existing code.)
- test all the code for Version < 1.64 and make it compatible
- make all Buttons clickable so that you can use the entire program with only one hand, leaving the other hand to eat crisps for ultimate comfort
- live feedback screen while the turtle is running to see progress in %, estimated time, true time etc.
- write custom read function or use existing API (if I find a good one) to optimize the options page further
- implement chunkloaders (very difficult, so be patient)
The code can be found on pastebin and therefore also be used in your turtle directly via "pastebin get gkz5sgZ8 OCM"
On first startup you need an internet connection and the http API activated, so that my program can install all its dependancies itself.
Since it's quite a complex program you're gonna need more than 100kb of free storage which shouldn't be a problem but might be restricted if you are playing on a server.
I hope this program turns out to be useful to some of you. I would love to get some feedback. Suggestions, bug reports, english corrections etc. are also very welcome!