Posted 18 March 2019 - 05:50 AM

With 72 battlechips so far!
(Man! You'd think I'd move onto Love2D!)
Download the game with:
Then run the auto-extractor:
ccbn-autoextract.lua ccbn
That will extract to "ccbn/". Run the game with ccbn/ccbn.lua. The game can also be moved out of that directory.For netplay using Skynet (HTTP), use the skynet argument (so run "ccbn.lua skynet")
Ever want to play Megaman Battle Network, but…um…?
Introducing ComputerCraft Battle Network, a modem slash Skynet (HTTP) multiplayer versus game where you and a friend (or partner) can square off against one another in the battle system of one of the best action RPGs on the Gameboy Advance!
Duke it out on a 6x3 grid of panels, each of which can be broken, set on fire, turned to sand, completely poisoned, and outright stolen from your enemy! (with the right battlechip)
Master panel ownership and use quick reflexes to not miss
Default Controls:
- [Arrow Key] - Move your character.
- [Z] or [Zed] - Fire the MegaBuster.
- [X] - Use the currently selected battlechip.
- [C] - When the custom bar is full, open up the chip selection screen.
Fire attacks at the enemy until their HP drops to 0! I don't think that's so obtuse.
If you need help with the mechanics, the game comes with additional HOW TO PLAY instructions on the main menu.
At the beginning of each turn, select battlechips to use! Each one has different effects. You'll find a (overly) brief description of them on the chip selection screen.You can only pick battlechips that have the same code and/or are the same chip. If you select a chip, it'll grey/gray out the ones you can't also pick.

This is what the battlefield looks like! Different panels have different (relatively simple) properties. Poison will cause you take gradual damage, Lava will cause you to take an instant 50 damage, Sand will slow your movement, Ice will cause you to slide, and Normal panels do nothing

And yes, you are either playing as a 6 or as a 7. Don't ask.
The game doesn't run super well on SwitchCraft, but it is what I'd call """"playable"""". Give it a shot if it looks fun.