EMPaM 1.1.0 is out!
EMPaM is a modular package manager that supports custom plugins and decentralized repository information.
To get it, type:
pastebin run ZJEUaKP6
This install "wizard" will grab everything it needs via wget.
So, what's so special about it?
Spoiler1) It's modular. It automatically loads every plugin in /empam/modules/plugins/ - meaning you can create whatever plugins you may need. This could very well be a GUI, for example. Or a file compressor. Who knows.
2) It's decentralized. This means that unlike in Lyqyd's packman (which is also a very good package manager, but with different objectives - this is not supposed to bash him or his package manager!!) there is no centralized repolist, rather every repo you install gets saved to your disk locally.
3) It saves everything as a easy-to-read textutils.serialze() format. This makes it very easy to create your own configuration files.
How do I use it?
Spoilerempam –help will tell you an in-depth explanation on how to use it.
empam –version gives you the version.
empam finish-install is internal-use only and should not be called.
empam –install [package] installs [package]. If multiple repos offer [package], you will be prompted to tell which repo you wish to download [package] from.
empam –uninstall [package] uninstalls [package].
empam –update [package] updates package.
empam –updateall lists all available packages and updates them.
empam –addrepo [reponame] adds repo [reponame] with a URL of .
empam --removerepo [reponame] removes repo [reponame].
empam --listrepos lists all currently installed repos.
empam --listpackages [repo] lists all packages in [repo].
empam --plugins lists all plugins.
empam --plugin [plugin] [command] executes the command [command] of [plugin].
empam --plugininfo [plugin] prints the info of [plugin].
I'm curious! Is there more information?
Yes, there is. Check out it's GitHub, where you can find a short tutorial on how to write plugins and on how to write repository/package information files as well as examples for these:
Thank you for reading!
(Btw, if the forums software did it correctly there should be a screenshot attached. It did not.)