Posted 21 November 2019 - 08:09 AM

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LDRIS is an advanced port of Tetris to ComputerCraft, complete with many modern functions that you'll see in official releases.
- Holding tetraminos
- Ghost pieces to see where your tetramino will fall
- Hard dropping / Soft dropping
- Online/Modem Multiplayer (thanks again Gollark) with garbage attack
- T-spin recognition (including T-spin triples)
- Optional TGM locking controls (hard dropping won't lock / soft dropping WILL lock)
- LEFT or RIGHT: Shift tetramino
- UP: Hard drop tetramino
- DOWN: Move tetramino down (fast drop)
- Z or X: Rotate tetramino counter-clockwise and clockwise respectively
- Left Shift: Hold tetramino / replace current tetramino with held one
- Q: Quit game (watch out, this cancels multiplayer games with no prompt!)
Edited on 29 March 2020 - 11:21 PM