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Computer Craft and BuildCraft working toghter
Started by AKman1984, 05 August 2012 - 07:49 PMPosted 05 August 2012 - 09:49 PM
Hey every one come check out the awesome build I am doing with Computer Craft and BuildCraft
Posted 06 August 2012 - 12:14 AM
Ok, First off, Check your spelling. There were so many mistakes. With that out of the way, How did you turn on the computers with the other computer? That was actually interesting…
Posted 06 August 2012 - 05:51 AM
Ok, First off, Check your spelling. There were so many mistakes. With that out of the way, How did you turn on the computers with the other computer? That was actually interesting…
Computers turn on when you right click them, so my guess would be using a deployer with an item in it that doesn't alter blocks when you right click (eg a red flower) then set the startup script to whatever and boom, computer runs a program via redstone input.
At least that's the theory, I see no reason why it shouldn't work.
Posted 06 August 2012 - 06:35 AM
It's far more easy than that. Computers are peripherals themselves, exposing methods like start(), shutdown() and reboot().
Posted 06 August 2012 - 06:50 AM
Computers don't have a start method.It's far more easy than that. Computers are peripherals themselves, exposing methods like start(), shutdown() and reboot().
Posted 06 August 2012 - 11:05 AM
No, but you can just make a startup loop..
Posted 06 August 2012 - 07:02 PM
Ok, First off, Check your spelling. There were so many mistakes. With that out of the way, How did you turn on the computers with the other computer? That was actually interesting…
Computers turn on when you right click them, so my guess would be using a deployer with an item in it that doesn't alter blocks when you right click (eg a red flower) then set the startup script to whatever and boom, computer runs a program via redstone input.
At least that's the theory, I see no reason why it shouldn't work.
In His videos there were no deployers. Just redstone bundled cables hooked to the back and sides.
Posted 06 August 2012 - 07:10 PM
No, but they have a turnOn method :P/>/>Computers don't have a start method.It's far more easy than that. Computers are peripherals themselves, exposing methods like start(), shutdown() and reboot().
Posted 06 August 2012 - 09:19 PM
In His videos there were no deployers. Just redstone bundled cables hooked to the back and sides.Computers turn on when you right click them, so my guess would be using a deployer with an item in it that doesn't alter blocks when you right click (eg a red flower) then set the startup script to whatever and boom, computer runs a program via redstone input. At least that's the theory, I see no reason why it shouldn't work.Ok, First off, Check your spelling. There were so many mistakes. With that out of the way, How did you turn on the computers with the other computer? That was actually interesting…
everything was encapsulated, whatever was behind the main pcs, you couldn't see it.
Posted 06 August 2012 - 09:21 PM
No they don't. There is shutdown() and there is reboot(), that's it for altering the on state. Right clicking isn't a method.No, but they have a turnOn method :P/>/>Computers don't have a start method.It's far more easy than that. Computers are peripherals themselves, exposing methods like start(), shutdown() and reboot().
Posted 06 August 2012 - 09:27 PM
Try wraping it as a peripheral from other computer. It exposes methods like turnOn and turnOff, that you can call from the other computer.No they don't. There is shutdown() and there is reboot(), that's it for altering the on state. Right clicking isn't a method.No, but they have a turnOn method :P/>/>Computers don't have a start method.It's far more easy than that. Computers are peripherals themselves, exposing methods like start(), shutdown() and reboot().
local computer = peripheral.wrap("left")
That will turn on the computer on the left of the computer you're using. So, if you put that in the startup of every computer, starting the first one turns all of them on ;)/>/>Posted 06 August 2012 - 11:55 PM
Try wraping it as a peripheral from other computer. It exposes methods like turnOn and turnOff, that you can call from the other computer.No they don't. There is shutdown() and there is reboot(), that's it for altering the on state. Right clicking isn't a method.No, but they have a turnOn method :P/>/>Computers don't have a start method.It's far more easy than that. Computers are peripherals themselves, exposing methods like start(), shutdown() and reboot().
Example:That will turn on the computer on the left of the computer you're using. So, if you put that in the startup of every computer, starting the first one turns all of them on ;)/>/>local computer = peripheral.wrap("left") computer.turnOn()
I knew about the wrapping. I did not know about computer acting as an api since it's not listed in help or the wiki. This needs to be ammended. Does it count as an api or something else? I'll add a wiki page. Or if not me, someone else who knows more about it.
Posted 07 August 2012 - 05:06 PM
That's link, scroll to bottom to see computer peripheral.
That's link, scroll to bottom to see computer peripheral.
Posted 08 August 2012 - 04:00 AM
Explains it since I didn't go past events, since nearly every other API has nothing past events, I had gotten used to that as a rule of thumb.http://computercraft...eripheral_(API)
That's link, scroll to bottom to see computer peripheral.
Posted 10 August 2012 - 01:58 PM
Wow sorry I missed this convo. Well first thing is fist I know there is spelling missakes ;)/>/> they will be fixed. Secound how I turn on the computers is really simple and stupid but workes. :(/>/>
while true do
until rs.testBundledInput("right", == true
and you can changed this to a rednet message or anything.
while true do
until rs.testBundledInput("right", == true
and you can changed this to a rednet message or anything.
Posted 11 August 2012 - 02:30 AM
Wow sorry I missed this convo. Well first thing is fist I know there is spelling missakes ;)/>/> they will be fixed. Secound how I turn on the computers is really simple and stupid but workes. :(/>/>
while true do
until rs.testBundledInput("right", == true
and you can changed this to a rednet message or anything.
Ok, I've got to give you points for that one, I did not see that coming.
Technically the computer is always on, but still, that is incredibly intuitive.
Posted 11 August 2012 - 05:58 PM
Wow sorry I missed this convo. Well first thing is fist I know there is spelling missakes ;)/>/> they will be fixed. Secound how I turn on the computers is really simple and stupid but workes. :(/>/>
while true do
until rs.testBundledInput("right", == true
and you can changed this to a rednet message or anything.
Ok, I've got to give you points for that one, I did not see that coming.
Technically the computer is always on, but still, that is incredibly intuitive.
Thanks and also my way if the computer is on but not displaying anything you can have it run other things. If you noticed in the videos on the top of the computers the the read lamps were on. So each of them where powering the lamps to indicate if it was off or on.
Posted 11 August 2012 - 07:15 PM
How the heck does that work? Could you do a mini tutorial or something? :(/>/>Wow sorry I missed this convo. Well first thing is fist I know there is spelling missakes ;)/>/> they will be fixed. Secound how I turn on the computers is really simple and stupid but workes. :(/>/>
while true do
until rs.testBundledInput("right", == true
and you can changed this to a rednet message or anything.
Posted 11 August 2012 - 09:59 PM
How the heck does that work? Could you do a mini tutorial or something? :D/>/>Wow sorry I missed this convo. Well first thing is fist I know there is spelling missakes :P/>/> they will be fixed. Secound how I turn on the computers is really simple and stupid but workes. :D/>/>
while true do
until rs.testBundledInput("right", == true
and you can changed this to a rednet message or anything.
I covered it in part 6 of my tutorial series but its with a wire and there is no disk drive
Posted 12 August 2012 - 06:24 AM
How the heck does that work? Could you do a mini tutorial or something? :D/>/>Wow sorry I missed this convo. Well first thing is fist I know there is spelling missakes :P/>/> they will be fixed. Secound how I turn on the computers is really simple and stupid but workes. :D/>/>
while true do
until rs.testBundledInput("right", == true
and you can changed this to a rednet message or anything.
I covered it in part 6 of my tutorial series but its with a wire and there is no disk drive
Your spelling may be terrible, but you are one smart cookie! :D/>/>