Posted 10 August 2012 - 08:06 PM
I made a program for my faction/friends on this Tekkit server that I play on, and often we mostly get on at different times, so I made a program called "writeanote". It asks you "To" (who to leave it for) "Msg" (What the message you want to leave is) and "From" (Obviously, who ever you are) Then after I type it, I was hoping somehow I could type the message on the computer, then Display the message on the Monitor. What I've tried to do is do "monitor top disk/writeanote" and It RUNS writeanote on the monitor, so I have to type in the computer, exit it, look at the monitor, type in the computer, exit it, look at the monitor, and keep doing that until I type the whole thing. How would I type the message into the comptuer, then when I'm done with it, display it on the top monitor.
Program :
Also, please add tweaks and such to it. I'm still learning, so your feedback + tweaks would really help!
Program :
Also, please add tweaks and such to it. I'm still learning, so your feedback + tweaks would really help!