BlueMail V1.0.1
Made by: awsumben13
BlueMail is an email program that is different to all others…it doesnt need you to setup loads of wireless pc's all over the world to act as 'servers' and you dont need to go through a horrible complex setup that makes you wish you never got it.
All you have to do is type in BlueMail and it runs…
and it updates real-time! (i think)
When you are in the main page, compose mail bit (not while writing), inbox, or rednet settings it will receive an email and save it to a file (called messages) which is then accessed and displayed in the inbox page
If you are sending emails from one BlueMail to another then it includes the id of the sender, the subject and the main text but it will still work from bluemail to any other email or vice versa
Screenshots: Spoiler
coming soon (idk how to add them)
Still to come:Better GUI in Inbox
Ability to delete individual emails
Text will be added instead of replacing in the body part of compose mail
Lots of bugs squashedPlease, if you find any bugs or glitches or anything wrong…just pm me and i will try to sort it out, after all it is a brand new and quite advanced program so there are bound to be lots of bugs :L
Also contact me if you have any questions/suggestions/anything else ;)/>/>
Download: "pastebin get EEzSa99J BlueMail" - in game orDownload coming soon…