You might ask "Why yet another tree farmer?". Well, this one is different from others. The most important difference is that it doenst only cut the trunk of the tree, but also the leaves. This way the turtle has always enough saplings in his inventory, for continuous use.

(Screenshot of my large treefarm on Noodle's server)
- Cut's leaves for saplings
- Checks multiple trees, by following a user defined path
- Places saplings
- Doesnt crash if a mob stands in the way
- Optionally drops off wood in a chest
- A flat area (of any material)
- Dirt blocks
- Birchtree saplings
- A mining turtle (or axe turtle)
- A chest or two
or if http API is enabled, do ingame:
pastebin get TN64uSSX tree
1. First make sure you got the requirements.
Then place the dirt blocks on the flat area, with 4 air blocks inbetween. For example:

2. Next, make a hole in the ground, before a dirtblock. Make sure there is free space on the right . Place a (double) chest so, that there are 2 air blocks, between the chest and the hole.

3. Then we place navigation blocks to tell the turtle where he should go. The navigation blocks work like so
If there are no navigation blocks, go straight on
If there is a navigation block left, go to the right
If there is a navigation block right, go to the left
(a navigation block can be any kind of block)Make a nice path through your dirtblocks using them

4. Check if the path is a nice circle

5. Place the turtle if front of a dirtblock. Add the birchtree saplings in the first slot and run the program!

Now the turle will start farming, full-automatic :P/>/>
1. I am not responsible for damage
2. Don't remove the license when sharing
3. please give me credit if you share it :D/>/>
- initial release v1.0
- Turtle stops when the chunks is unloaded.
Possible fixes:
- maybe the cc-devs will add a feature that keeps chunks with turtles loaded.
- Make the turtle resume after the chunk is loaded again (via persistant variables)
Upcoming features
None yet. Suggestions are welcome.