Posted 29 August 2012 - 06:34 PM
I use notepad++ for all my coding, and the default editor for computercraft is not great (don't get me wrong the mod is the best thing to happen to computer gaming in years). Regardless of why I use notepad++ (foss, light, fast, functional) each of us has a text editor of choice. So I wrote a short autohotkey script that copies everything from a text file to the console in game. It is very simple. You need to download autohotkey for it to work. The script is as follows:
You will need to change the path on line 4 to point to where you keep your scripts (save them as .txt files). Also on line 3 the number is the delay in milliseconds between clicking ok and it starting to type. The script sends keyboard input to minecraft so you just have to have the CC editor open and ready to accept your text ingame.
edit: forgot to mention you have to escape some characters. the only one I have encountered so far is + which has to be written {+}
filename = default
InputBox, filename, Enter Name of File
sleep 3000
Loop, read, C:Documents and SettingsMeApplication Data.techniclauncherProgramming%filename%.txt
send %A_LoopReadLine% {enter}
You will need to change the path on line 4 to point to where you keep your scripts (save them as .txt files). Also on line 3 the number is the delay in milliseconds between clicking ok and it starting to type. The script sends keyboard input to minecraft so you just have to have the CC editor open and ready to accept your text ingame.
edit: forgot to mention you have to escape some characters. the only one I have encountered so far is + which has to be written {+}