With a lot more functions etc
There's not much else to say really,
Heres the documentation(It is also included in the file at the top):
Advanced Vector API by Tomass1996
Vector 'Object' Functions And Fields:
vector.x -- Vectors X component
vector.y -- Vectors Y component
vector.z -- Vectors Z component
vector:add(otherVector) -- Component-wise addition
vector:scalarAdd(n) -- Scalar addition
vector:subtract(otherVector) -- Component-wise subtraction
vector:scalarSubtract(n) -- Scalar subtraction
vector:multiply(otherVector) -- Component-wise multiplication
vector:scalarMultiply(n) -- Scalar multiplication
vector:divide(otherVector) -- Component-wise division
vector:scalarDivide(n) -- Scalar division
vector:length() -- Get the length of the vector
vector:lengthSq() -- Get the length ^ 2 of the vector
vector:distance(otherVector) -- Get the distance away from a vector
vector:distanceSq(otherVector) -- Get the distance away from a vector, squared
vector:normalize() -- Get the normalized vector
vector:dot(otherVector) -- Get the dot product of vector and otherVector
vector:cross(otherVector) -- Get the cross product of vector and otherVector
vector:containedWithin(minVec, maxVec)-- Check to see if vector is contained within minVec and maxVec
vector:clampX(min, max) -- Clamp the X component
vector:clampY(min, max) -- Clamp the Y component
vector:clampZ(min, max) -- Clamp the Z component
vector:floor() -- Rounds all components down
vector:ceil() -- Rounds all components up
vector:round() -- Rounds all components to the closest integer
vector:absolute() -- Vector with absolute values of components
vector:isCollinearWith(otherVector) -- Checks to see if vector is collinear with otherVector
vector:getIntermediateWithX(other, x) -- New vector with given x value along the line between vector and other, or nil if not possible
vector:getIntermediateWithY(other, y) -- New vector with given y value along the line between vector and other, or nil if not possible
vector:getIntermediateWithZ(other, z) -- New vector with given z value along the line between vector and other, or nil if not possible
vector:rotateAroundX(angle) -- Rotates vector around the x axis by the specified angle(radians)
vector:rotateAroundY(angle) -- Rotates vector around the y axis by the specified angle(radians)
vector:rotateAroundZ(angle) -- Rotates vector around the z axis by the specified angle(radians)
vector:clone() -- Returns a new vector with same component values as vector
vector:equals(otherVector) -- Checks to see if vector and otherVector are equal
vector:tostring() -- Returns the string representation of vector "(x, y, z)"
Vector 'Object' Metatable Overrides: -- [x, y, z] represents a vector object in these examples, not irl
To String -- tostring will get the string representation
ie. tostring([1, 2, 3]) --> "(1, 2, 3)"
Unary Minus -- Using unary minus on a vector will result in the negative of vector
ie. -[1, -2, 3] --> [-1, 2, -3]
Addition -- Can add two vectors or vector and number with +
ie. [1, 2, 3] + [4, 5, 6] --> [5, 7, 9]
[1, 2, 3] + 3 --> [4, 5, 6]
Subtraction -- Can subtract two vectors or vector and number with -
ie. [4, 5, 6] - [1, 2, 3] --> [3, 3, 3]
[4, 5, 6] - 3 --> [1, 2, 3]
Multiplication -- Can multiply two vectors or vector and number with *
ie. [1, 2, 3] * [4, 5, 6] --> [4, 10, 18]
[1, 2, 3] * 3 --> [3, 6, 9]
Division -- Can divide two vectors or vector and number with /
ie. [4, 10, 18] / [1, 2, 3] --> [4, 5, 6]
[3, 6, 9] / 3 --> [1, 2, 3]
Equality -- Can check if two vectors are the same with ==
ie. [4, 5, 6] == [4, 5, 6] --> true
[4, 5, 6] == [4, 99, 6] --> false
Vector API functions:
Vector.getMinimum(v1, v2) -- Gets the minimum components of two vectors
Vector.getMaximum(v1, v2) -- Gets the maximum components of two vectors
Vector.getMidpoint(v1, v2) -- Gets the midpoint of two vectors
Vector.isVector(v) -- Checks whether v is a vector created by this api
Vector.new(x, y, z) -- Creates a new vector object with the component values
Pastebin ID: 4rvCwWAL
Pastebin Link: http://pastebin.com/4rvCwWAL
BitBucket Link: https://bitbucket.or...0e58/Vector.lua
API Code:
Advanced Vector API by Tomass1996
Vector 'Object' Functions And Fields:
vector.x -- Vectors X component
vector.y -- Vectors Y component
vector.z -- Vectors Z component
vector:add(otherVector) -- Component-wise addition
vector:scalarAdd(n) -- Scalar addition
vector:subtract(otherVector) -- Component-wise subtraction
vector:scalarSubtract(n) -- Scalar subtraction
vector:multiply(otherVector) -- Component-wise multiplication
vector:scalarMultiply(n) -- Scalar multiplication
vector:divide(otherVector) -- Component-wise division
vector:scalarDivide(n) -- Scalar division
vector:length() -- Get the length of the vector
vector:lengthSq() -- Get the length ^ 2 of the vector
vector:distance(otherVector) -- Get the distance away from a vector
vector:distanceSq(otherVector) -- Get the distance away from a vector, squared
vector:normalize() -- Get the normalized vector
vector:dot(otherVector) -- Get the dot product of vector and otherVector
vector:cross(otherVector) -- Get the cross product of vector and otherVector
vector:containedWithin(minVec, maxVec)-- Check to see if vector is contained within minVec and maxVec
vector:clampX(min, max) -- Clamp the X component
vector:clampY(min, max) -- Clamp the Y component
vector:clampZ(min, max) -- Clamp the Z component
vector:floor() -- Rounds all components down
vector:ceil() -- Rounds all components up
vector:round() -- Rounds all components to the closest integer
vector:absolute() -- Vector with absolute values of components
vector:isCollinearWith(otherVector) -- Checks to see if vector is collinear with otherVector
vector:getIntermediateWithX(other, x) -- New vector with given x value along the line between vector and other, or nil if not possible
vector:getIntermediateWithY(other, y) -- New vector with given y value along the line between vector and other, or nil if not possible
vector:getIntermediateWithZ(other, z) -- New vector with given z value along the line between vector and other, or nil if not possible
vector:rotateAroundX(angle) -- Rotates vector around the x axis by the specified angle(radians)
vector:rotateAroundY(angle) -- Rotates vector around the y axis by the specified angle(radians)
vector:rotateAroundZ(angle) -- Rotates vector around the z axis by the specified angle(radians)
vector:clone() -- Returns a new vector with same component values as vector
vector:equals(otherVector) -- Checks to see if vector and otherVector are equal
vector:tostring() -- Returns the string representation of vector "(x, y, z)"
Vector 'Object' Metatable Overrides: -- [x, y, z] represents a vector object in these examples, not irl
To String -- tostring will get the string representation
ie. tostring([1, 2, 3]) --> "(1, 2, 3)"
Unary Minus -- Using unary minus on a vector will result in the negative of vector
ie. -[1, -2, 3] --> [-1, 2, -3]
Addition -- Can add two vectors or vector and number with +
ie. [1, 2, 3] + [4, 5, 6] --> [5, 7, 9]
[1, 2, 3] + 3 --> [4, 5, 6]
Subtraction -- Can subtract two vectors or vector and number with -
ie. [4, 5, 6] - [1, 2, 3] --> [3, 3, 3]
[4, 5, 6] - 3 --> [1, 2, 3]
Multiplication -- Can multiply two vectors or vector and number with *
ie. [1, 2, 3] * [4, 5, 6] --> [4, 10, 18]
[1, 2, 3] * 3 --> [3, 6, 9]
Division -- Can divide two vectors or vector and number with /
ie. [4, 10, 18] / [1, 2, 3] --> [4, 5, 6]
[3, 6, 9] / 3 --> [1, 2, 3]
Equality -- Can check if two vectors are the same with ==
ie. [4, 5, 6] == [4, 5, 6] --> true
[4, 5, 6] == [4, 99, 6] --> false
Vector API functions:
Vector.getMinimum(v1, v2) -- Gets the minimum components of two vectors
Vector.getMaximum(v1, v2) -- Gets the maximum components of two vectors
Vector.getMidpoint(v1, v2) -- Gets the midpoint of two vectors
Vector.isVector(v) -- Checks whether v is a vector created by this api
Vector.new(x, y, z) -- Creates a new vector object with the component values
new = function() end -- Forward declaration
isVector = function() end -- Mo' forward declaration
local getType = function() end -- Mo' forward declaration
local vector = {
add = function(self, v)
return new(
self.x + v.x,
self.y + v.y,
self.z + v.z
scalarAdd = function(self, n)
return new(
self.x + n,
self.y + n,
self.z + n
subtract = function(self, v)
return new(
self.x - v.x,
self.y - v.y,
self.z - v.z
scalarSubtract = function(self, n)
return new(
self.x - n,
self.y - n,
self.z - n
multiply = function(self, v)
return new(
self.x * v.x,
self.y * v.y,
self.z * v.z
scalarMultiply = function(self, n)
return new(
self.x * n,
self.y * n,
self.z * n
divide = function(self, o)
return new(
self.x / o.x,
self.y / o.y,
self.z / o.z
scalarDivide = function(self, n)
return new(
self.x / n,
self.y / n,
self.z / n
length = function(self)
return math.sqrt(
self.x * self.x
+ self.y * self.y
+ self.z * self.z
lengthSq = function(self)
return (
self.x * self.x
+ self.y * self.y
+ self.z * self.z
distance = function(self, o)
return math.sqrt(
math.pow(o.x - self.x, 2)
+ math.pow(o.y - self.y, 2)
+ math.pow(o.z - self.z, 2)
distanceSq = function(self, o)
return (
math.pow(o.x - self.x, 2)
+ math.pow(o.y - self.y, 2)
+ math.pow(o.z - self.z, 2)
normalize = function(self)
return self:scalarDivide(self:length())
dot = function(self, o)
return (
self.x * o.x
+ self.y * o.y
+ self.z * o.z
cross = function(self, o)
return new(
self.y * o.z - self.z * o.y,
self.z * o.x - self.x * o.z,
self.x * o.y - self.y * o.x
containedWithin = function(self, min, max)
return (
self.x >= min.x and self.x <= max.x
and self.y >= min.y and self.y <= max.y
and self.z >= min.z and self.z <= max.z
clampX = function(self, min, max)
return new(
math.max(min, math.min(max, self.x)),
clampY = function(self, min, max)
return new(
math.max(min, math.min(max, self.y)),
clampZ = function(self, min, max)
return new(
math.max(min, math.min(max, self.z))
floor = function(self)
return new(
ceil = function(self)
return new(
round = function(self)
return new(
math.floor(self.x + 0.5),
math.floor(self.y + 0.5),
math.floor(self.z + 0.5)
absolute = function(self)
return new(
isCollinearWith = function(self, o)
if self.x == 0 and self.y == 0 and self.z == 0 then
return true
local otherX, otherY, otherZ = o.x, o.y, o.z
if otherX == 0 and otherY == 0 and otherZ == 0 then
return true
if (self.x == 0) ~= (otherX == 0) then return false end
if (self.y == 0) ~= (otherY == 0) then return false end
if (self.z == 0) ~= (otherZ == 0) then return false end
local quotientX = otherX / self.x
if quotientX == quotientX then
return o:equals(self:scalarMultiply(quotientX))
local quotientY = otherY / self.y
if quotientY == quotientY then
return o:equals(self:scalarMultiply(quotientY))
local quotientZ = otherZ / self.z
if quotientZ == quotientZ then
return o:equals(self:scalarMultiply(quotientZ))
getIntermediateWithX = function(self, o, v)
local vX = o.x - self.x
local vY = o.y - self.y
local vZ = o.z - self.z
if vX * vX < 1.0000000116860974e-7 then
return nil
local nMul = (v - self.x) / vX
return (
(nMul >= 0 and nMul <= 1)
and new(
self.x + vX * nMul,
self.y + vY * nMul,
self.z + vZ * nMul
or nil
getIntermediateWithY = function(self, o, v)
local vX = o.x - self.x
local vY = o.y - self.y
local vZ = o.z - self.z
if vY * vY < 1.0000000116860974e-7 then
return nil
local nMul = (v - self.y) / vY
return (
(nMul >= 0 and nMul <= 1)
and new(
self.x + vX * nMul,
self.y + vY * nMul,
self.z + vZ * nMul
or nil
getIntermediateWithZ = function(self, o, v)
local vX = o.x - self.x
local vY = o.y - self.y
local vZ = o.z - self.z
if vZ * vZ < 1.0000000116860974e-7 then
return nil
local nMul = (v - self.z) / vZ
return (
(nMul >= 0 and nMul <= 1)
and new(
self.x + vX * nMul,
self.y + vY * nMul,
self.z + vZ * nMul
or nil
rotateAroundX = function(self, n)
local c, s = math.cos(n), math.sin(n)
return new(
self.y * c + self.z * s,
self.z * c - self.y * s
rotateAroundY = function(self, n)
local c, s = math.cos(n), math.sin(n)
return new(
self.x * c + self.z * s,
self.z * c - self.x * s
rotateAroundZ = function(self, n)
local c, s = math.cos(n), math.sin(n)
return new(
self.x * c + self.y * s,
self.y * c - self.x * s,
clone = function(self)
return new(
equals = function(self, o)
if not isVector(self) or not isVector(o) then return false end
return (
o.x == self.x
and o.y == self.y
and o.z == self.z
tostring = function(self)
return "("..self.x..", "..self.y..", "..self.z..")"
local vmetatable = {
__index = vector,
__tostring = vector.tostring,
__unm = function(v) return v:scalarMultiply(-1) end,
__add = function(a, :)/>/>
if type(B)/>/> == "number" and isVector(a) then
return a:scalarAdd(:)/>/>
elseif type(a) == "number" and isVector(B)/>/> then
return b:scalarAdd(a)
elseif isVector(a) and isVector(B)/>/> then
return a:add(B)/>/>
error("Attempt to perform vector addition on <"..getType(a).."> and <"..getType(B)/>/>..">")
__sub = function(a, B)/>/>
if type(B)/>/> == "number" and isVector(a) then
return a:scalarSubtract(B)/>/>
elseif type(a) == "number" and isVector(B)/>/> then
return b:scalarSubtract(a)
elseif isVector(a) and isVector(B)/>/> then
return a:subtract(B)/>/>
error("Attempt to perform vector subtraction on <"..getType(a).."> and <"..getType(B)/>/>..">")
__mul = function(a, B)/>/>
if type(B)/>/> == "number" and isVector(a) then
return a:scalarMultiply(B)/>/>
elseif type(a) == "number" and isVector(B)/>/> then
return b:scalarMultiply(a)
elseif isVector(a) and isVector(B)/>/> then
return a:multiply(B)/>/>
error("Attempt to perform vector multiplication on <"..getType(a).."> and <"..getType(B)/>/>..">")
__div = function(a, B)/>/>
if type(B)/>/> == "number" and isVector(a) then
return a:scalarDivide(B)/>/>
elseif type(a) == "number" and isVector(B)/>/> then
return b:scalarDivide(a)
elseif isVector(a) and isVector(B)/>/> then
return a:divide(B)/>/>
error("Attempt to perform vector division on <"..getType(a).."> and <"..getType(B)/>/>..">")
__eq = vector.equals
function getMinimum(v1, v2)
return new(
math.min(v1.x, v2.x),
math.min(v1.y, v2.y),
math.min(v1.z, v2.z)
function getMaximum(v1, v2)
return new(
math.max(v1.x, v2.x),
math.max(v1.y, v2.y),
math.max(v1.z, v2.z)
function getMidpoint(v1, v2)
return new(
(v1.x + v2.x) / 2,
(v1.y + v2.y) / 2,
(v1.z + v2.z) / 2
getType = function(v)
if isVector(v) then
return "vector"
return type(v)
isVector = function(v)
return getmetatable(v) == vmetatable
new = function(x, y, z)
local v = {
['x'] = x or 0,
['y'] = y or 0,
['z'] = z or 0
setmetatable(v, vmetatable)
return v