
for Computercraft 1.4.1 and Minecraft 1.2.5


For server owners, please be aware that this mod has security risks and could be dangerous if used by users that have the intention of causing problems. This could be done by opening ports to lots of servers or sending data back and forth slowing the network down, just be aware that this is intended for private servers and mainly SSP.

Hello, this is the CCSockets mod. I have just got SMP and Bukkit working smoothly and therefore thought a good time to make a first release.

FYI: The textures are updated depending on the status of the socket.
Now, on to the Lua side of things… Here is a list of functions:
  1. setSSL – requires a Boolean
  2. connect – requires a String for the host, an int (number) for the port
  3. kill – closes the socket
  4. isConnected – returns true if the socket is connected, false otherwise
The event system works around os.pullEvent() returning always a string being the event type and another string being the data (if it is not a data event that string will be empty). The three different event types are; "socket-connect", "socket-disconnect" and "socket-data". Check out the Computercraft wiki on how events and peripherals work. Good luck!

[indent=1]Iron inots around the outside of the crafting table with redstone in the center -> Client Socket[/indent]

That is all!
Note: The config file will be generated at “{minecraft}/mods/CCSockets/mod_CCSockets.conf”, please note that I did not use Forge or any other Modding configuration API, I made this myself and therefore it belongs to me, but I don’t mind people using it as long as they tell me and give me credit for it.

Downloads: (Current build: 106)
Bukkit: (A special thanks to Cloudy who helped make this port possible)

[indent=1]Change Log:[/indent]
[indent=1]1. Removed debug messages spamming the console for client/server/bukkit[/indent]
[indent=1]1. Fixed naming issue[/indent]
[indent=1]2. Fixed event system issue[/indent]
[indent=1]*** Start ***[/indent]

Also, please check out http://webchat.esper...runes,ccsockets for instant support (whenever I am online ofc)