Note: All credit for original SkyBlock goes to Noobcrew.
I've always enjoyed a good survival map, and I haven't really found one I like better than SkyBlock. That being said, I was always imagining how much cooler SkyBlock would be with turtles. So I made this map.

It's hard to see, but the turtle retrieval is behind skyblock

As you can (hopefully) see in the images, dropping 32 cobblestone, wooden planks, or wheat will give you one wireless mining turtle, wireless melee turtle, and crafty farming turtle respectively.
- ComputerCraft
- A brain
Unzip contents of to your .minecraft/saves/ folder
Suggested Challenges
- Write a program that will automatically dig cobblestone, farm wood and retrieve the turtles with those materials
- Create a farm completely run by turtles
- Write a program that can you can design and build structures with
- Make an efficient monster trap that is completely run by melee turtles
- Use turtles to build a bridge to another chunk (Don't do this one until you're bored!)
- Use turtles to build a tower at least 32 blocks high.
Thoughts? Hopefully this is appropriate for my first post :D/>/>
Link: Mediafire
Coming soon…
- The addition of golden computers, golden monitors, and printers
- A complete rewrite of the code to make it easier to 'buy' turtles. One can now drop logs (of any sort), glass, smooth stone, wheat, and one other secret item to retrieve new items. Also did away with the 32/64 option - now you can drop stocks of 16 or larger within a time interval of 10 seconds to receive the items.