Next is all of the lights on.

Sorry if it's a bit small, but the three lights, from top to bottom, are Connection (i.e if it is connected to a computer or not), Read, and Write. The read and write lights would blink when their respective actions are being done.
The recipe could be:
Where I = Iron ingot, R = Redstone dust, and G = Gold ingot.
To balance it out a little, it would have a delay when writing or reading from the hard disk. It could be compatible with the fs API, or maybe have it's own. harddrive.write(data,address) would accept floating, string, or table, and harddrive.read(address) would return a table containing the data from the address. The address would be for keeping the data in certain locations. Each address could hold maybe 128k of data, and the addresses would be from 1 to 32. This would give the hard drive approximately 4096 KB of storage, or 4 MB.
Some sample code for reading and writing some stuff.
print("Hi! What is your name?")
local input = io.read()
local names = harddrive.read(1)
print("Guess who visited me last? It was "..names[-1])
Please tell me what you think of this idea.