Posted 04 March 2012 - 06:30 PM
Mad-DL is a program kind of like cc-get, now with support of uploading/viewing programs yourself here!
Mad-DL is available to anyone here. I would love some feedback on this!
In the shell, type 'Mad-DL install <programname in lowercase> <path to save in>'
Update a program:
In the shell, type 'Mad-DL update <programname in lowercase>'
Change the path of a program
In the shell, type 'Mad-DL path <current path> <new path>'
Check if an update is available:
In the shell, type 'Mad-DL check <programname in lowercase>'
Get a list of available programs:
In the shell, type 'Mad-DL list'
Uninstall a program:
In the shell, type 'Mad-DL uninstall <programname in lowercase>'
NOTE: Uninstall is unsupported ATM, will be fixed in 1.4
Navigate to your .minecraft folder. Now go to /saves/YOURSAVENAME/computer/COMPUTERID, and make a new file called Mad-DL.
Open the file with any text editor, and paste the text from the link into the file and save it!
All terminals:
Navigate to your .minecraft folder. Now go to /mods/ComputerCraft/lua/rom/programs, and make a new file called Mad-DL.
Open the file with any text editor, and paste the text from the link into the file and save it!
Alternative installation for single terminal:
In the shell, type 'edit getmad-dl'.
Now, write this code in your program and save it:
site = http.get('');
l = site:readLine();
while l ~= nil do
if(string.find(l,'Stop. This is the end. Your stuff is cool') ~= nil) then
l = site:readLine();
Now, in the shell, type 'getmad-dl'.
After this you should have Mad-DL installed on your computer!
Mad-DL is a program kind of like cc-get, now with support of uploading/viewing programs yourself here!
Mad-DL is available to anyone here. I would love some feedback on this!
Download a program:In the shell, type 'Mad-DL install <programname in lowercase> <path to save in>'
Update a program:
In the shell, type 'Mad-DL update <programname in lowercase>'
Change the path of a program
In the shell, type 'Mad-DL path <current path> <new path>'
Check if an update is available:
In the shell, type 'Mad-DL check <programname in lowercase>'
Get a list of available programs:
In the shell, type 'Mad-DL list'
Uninstall a program:
In the shell, type 'Mad-DL uninstall <programname in lowercase>'
NOTE: Uninstall is unsupported ATM, will be fixed in 1.4
Single terminal:Navigate to your .minecraft folder. Now go to /saves/YOURSAVENAME/computer/COMPUTERID, and make a new file called Mad-DL.
Open the file with any text editor, and paste the text from the link into the file and save it!
All terminals:
Navigate to your .minecraft folder. Now go to /mods/ComputerCraft/lua/rom/programs, and make a new file called Mad-DL.
Open the file with any text editor, and paste the text from the link into the file and save it!
Alternative installation for single terminal:
In the shell, type 'edit getmad-dl'.
Now, write this code in your program and save it:
site = http.get('');
l = site:readLine();
while l ~= nil do
if(string.find(l,'Stop. This is the end. Your stuff is cool') ~= nil) then
l = site:readLine();
Now, in the shell, type 'getmad-dl'.
After this you should have Mad-DL installed on your computer!