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Firewolf Website Browser 2.5 - Brand New Internals (again)!

Started by GravityScore, 03 October 2012 - 08:04 AM
GravityScore #1
Posted 03 October 2012 - 10:04 AM
Firewolf Website Browser

Version 2.5

Firewolf is a Rednet browser (like RednetExplorer), made by GravityScore and 1lann
It's based off RednetExplorer 2.4.1, which is made by xXxm0dzxXx/CCFan11

Firewolf 2.5 is out! It's built upon the original systems in the previous version (2.4), but yet again completely changes all the internal workings. Firewolf now has its own custom coroutine system, which should make it easier to develop for 1lann and I, and also shortened it by 300 lines :D/> This update also includes a few bug fixes.

Follow any progress made here on our GitHub repository!
We keep a regularly updated list of bugs in the issues list on the GitHub repository here.

Note: The HTTP API must be enabled for Firewolf to work.

New Additions
- Brand new internals (again)
- Custom coroutine system, leading to
- 300 lines shorter :D/>
- Bug fixes

Additions from Older Versions (Change Log):
SpoilerFirewolf 2.4
Quite a few new/changed things:
- Internal websites are now run exactly like external ones, leading to
- About 1500 lines shorter! :D/> :D/> :D/>
- Antivirus now overrides functions, instead of using string.find (no more false alarms)
- New Thunderbird-like UI design
- A lack of Rednet modem still allows you to use Firewolf, just not visit websites

- Printing functions (centerPrint, leftPrint, etc…) can now print any data type
- New themeColor/Colour function to interact with the Firewolf theme
- New saveFileToUserComputer
- New writeDataFile, allowing you to save temporary data files (not persistent over page loads)
- New readDataFile, to read saved data files
- New term.getBackgroundColor and term.getTextColor for websites

- Removed rdnt://history
- Removed need for /.Firewolf_Data/default_theme and /.Firewolf_Data/available_themes
- Firewolf uses new modRead function
- Prompt functions can no longer be placed on the address bar
- Theme selection moved to rdnt://settings/themes (no more rdnt://downloads)
- More updates for upcoming HTTP
- Improved filesystem verification system
- Some features made advanced computer only (live searching, mini-menu)
- Updating/URL getting timeout of 15 seconds
- Updated documentation (GitHub updates coming soon)
- Antivirus now far less intrusive, and pauses the website when it calls an antivirus function, instead of alerting beforehand
- Firewolf server and client now checks if it is read only before running

Firewolf 2.3.9
- Improved server management system (under the hood stuff) in preparation for HTTP
- Site ID conflict resolver!
- Improved updating system
- Faster loading (less files to download)
- Databases built into Firewolf (not a separate file)
- Themes built into the program (not a separate file)
- Added noInternet variable, which (when true) will force Firewolf to skip anything related to HTTP
- Removed rdnt://getinfo
- Removed rdnt://update
- Removed subdirectories in servers (it wasn't working anyway)

Firewolf 2.3.8
- Completely re-written RDNT protocol
- Everything now loads 100% faster (literally instant), all heavy-duty loading is done in the background
- Reduced to only 1 broadcast message (webpages now load over rednet.send)!
- 200% more secure!
- Unfortunately, this means no more compatibility with Rednet Explorer. Goodbye!

Firewolf 2.3.7
- Brand new wiki with very helpful tutorials here!
- Updated rdnt://help pages!
- A new minimenu (thanks to 1lann), with options to exit Firewolf and block the current website!
- A cool minimenu opening animation (also thanks to 1lann)!
- More bug fixes!

Firewolf 2.3.6
- A revamped and better rdnt://getinfo (its back!)
- Re-introducing and completely fixing the prompt in websites (not sure if people noticed it was gone)
- Completely fixing the term.setBackgroundColor and term.setTextColor functions for websites
- Sleep no longer can stop you from visiting other websites
- Fixed case sensitivity in searches
- Fixed Firewolf from freezing in Rednet spam (the systems put in place were working, it was a stupid if statement - my fault)
- Fixed rednet.receive when running a website (it kept returning nil)
- Fixed client freezing after clicking on Edit when managing a server in rdnt://server
- Removed support for NDF-OS (as it no longer exists)
- Added support for BustedOS
- Added support for tekkit, both in websites and in Firewolf (hopefully - I haven't got tekkit installed to test it. Could someone test it and report any bugs?)
- Fixed read from going crazy when you press control

Firewolf 2.3.5
- Password protection for servers
- Major bug fixes (including many not working/broken features for websites)
- Vastly improved the Firewolf Rendering Engine (now does a lot more than rendering)
- Added GitHub status verification
- Added rdnt://sites (not enough space on the home page)
- Added news section to the homepage
- Added ioReadFileFromServer to get files from your Firewolf server into the webpage
- Added loadImageFromServer to get nPaintPro images from your Firewolf server into the webpage

Firewolf 2.3
- Support for normal computers!
- Christmas Theme
- Christmas Startup Icon
- Debug mode
- Proper support for NDF-OS
- Live Search List Updating

Firewolf 2.2
- Added Live Searching (see search results as you type)!
- Added a new search results sorting algorithm
- You can now manually block IDs from your server
- Prevented reads from destroying background colors
- Press control to exit from a read

Firewolf 2.1
- Updating system moved to GitHub (1lann and I wuv it so much)
- Changed name to Firewolf

Operating Systems Firewolf Is Included In:
Spoiler- SKS-OS v2.0
- CommuteOS
- mk352's Foxos
- Tom's (tom2018) Interwebs OS
- BustedOS
- Seal's Program Compilation
- Panels
- EnderOS
- CraftOS+
- NutOS

- View, create, manage and host websites using the RDNT protocol
- Search amongst all websites
- View search results as you type
- Browsing History
- Useful Developer API
- Custom downloadable themes
- Concise Help Pages
- System blacklist and whitelists
- Built in antivirus
- Automatic Updating from GitHub
- Easter Eggs
- Crash protection
- Automatic Modem, HTTP API, Advanced Computer, and Turtle Detection
- Advanced Security Protocols
- Mouse and colour support
- Independent application and data
- Only 1 broadcast message
- Websites load over rednet.send
- ID Conflit Resolver

Server Software
- Edit, manage, host and maintain multiple pages
- Password protect your site
- Useful Server API, allowing you to respond to Rednet events
- Manually Block IDs
- Automatically Blocks Spammers
- Pre-loads pages for faster response times and defence against filesystem spammers
- View statistics
- Same security and warning systems and functions as the browser

Built-In Websites
- rdnt://firewolf (default homepage)
- rdnt://sites
- rdnt://server
- rdnt://help
- rdnt://settings
- rdnt://getinfo
- rdnt://credits

- Making a Website
- API Documentation

Screenshots - Need to be updated
Homepage (default theme):

Homepage (Ice theme):

Live Search:



Server Management:

Server Software:

A (simple) Website:

Website Crash:

Antivirus (I tried to use rawset :P/>):

Leave a comment suggesting any more features you would like us to add!

Firewolf can be downloaded from Pastebin or Hastebin, using the Pastebin ID: A7wGH3ty or the Hastebin ID: bijarokaho.lua
Or type into your computer:

pastebin get A7wGH3ty firewolf

Firewolf automatically updates from GitHub, so any new versions will be downloaded automatically!

- GravityScore
- 1lann
Special Thanks to:
- ComputerCraftFan11 for his RednetExplorer 2.4.1, which this is based off
- mk352 for being a really helpful bug tester when Firewolf was young.

Major Legacy Versions
For anyone interested, here is a list of older versions of Firewolf (then named Firefox) available for download (auto-updating has been disabled in the ones that have it). WARNING: these are very buggy and have not been tested in ages!

Firefox 1.3.5: 3NQ95rBy
Firefox 1.3.6: F3Cs0WJh
Firefox 1.4.0: 596hpdcw
Firewolf 1.4.5: Urss9ARU
Firewolf 2.3.9: HgWnREcr
Firewolf 2.4: bY8YDUJ1

Firewolf ROM Installer
For any server owners (or players) interested, here is an installer for Firewolf that you can place in the ROM folder.
You can get it from Pastebin, using the ID: KhwBkrUP
Edited on 15 November 2013 - 10:03 AM
Doyle3694 #2
Posted 03 October 2012 - 10:14 AM
+1! :(/>/>:D/>
1lann #3
Posted 03 October 2012 - 02:57 PM
Quick Notice, Firewolf has been mostly discontinued, the most recent version can be found here:
Edited on 23 July 2014 - 11:39 AM
Cranium #4
Posted 03 October 2012 - 04:18 PM
I think your antivirus trigger is too sensitive. It always flags my games site. What are the criteria for flagging a site?
Tiin57 #5
Posted 03 October 2012 - 08:18 PM
This is excellent when on a LAN server. Regular ones are terrible, but that might just be the latency. More than likely is.
Edit: Also, 200th post! Coder! Yay! More exclamation marks! Yay!!!!111!!11!
1lann #6
Posted 04 October 2012 - 03:15 PM
This is excellent when on a LAN server. Regular ones are terrible, but that might just be the latency. More than likely is.
Edit: Also, 200th post! Coder! Yay! More exclamation marks! Yay!!!!111!!11!
How is it terrible on a normal server? O_o
Also craniumkid, It's normally caused by using the fs, io and shell API. Idk why it flags your games site but ima do a debug once I'm on a computer.
Cranium #7
Posted 04 October 2012 - 04:50 PM
Yeah, I have none of those in my Games site….
B00mX0r #8
Posted 31 October 2012 - 12:57 AM
It says sites like search don't exist for me?
tom2018 #9
Posted 02 November 2012 - 07:47 AM
search can be used with just a blank url
And i absolutely love this program we run it on my friends server with a whole internet
Posted 03 November 2012 - 12:59 PM
cool +1 but i suggest you change name of your browser before you get sued
Tiin57 #11
Posted 03 November 2012 - 01:03 PM
Excellent work here.
Edit: ARGH. Double post.
Jan #12
Posted 05 November 2012 - 01:36 AM
Hi, some month's ago I played on Noodle's server where this program was too.
There I found a lot of exploits in the anti-virus database
So I've got a suggestion to improve sandboxing:
Use environments:

local fn,e = loadfile(cacheLoc)
local env = {}
env.term = copyTable(term)
env.sleep = sleep = read
-- And other allowed functions...


Haven't tested it yet, but it should prevent all exploits. (except infinite loops causing 'took too long to yield')
tom2018 #13
Posted 05 November 2012 - 03:24 AM
The latest update seems to cause cleint to freeze and when you press ctrl it crashes I am using it on tekkit 1.33
Jan #14
Posted 05 November 2012 - 05:07 AM
Hmmm, bit off-topic? You can better put such things in your signature instead of spamming a useless message. :D/>/>
(also I doubt if those codes really work)
pbcub1 #15
Posted 05 November 2012 - 05:53 AM
Hmmm, bit off-topic? You can better put such things in your signature instead of spamming a useless message. :D/>/>
(also I doubt if those codes really work)
thanks man
haydenf96 #16
Posted 15 November 2012 - 01:56 PM
How do you use prompt? I type in the command and it works, but how do i direct it to a page
will this work?

if prompt == "Downloads" then
  print("It is working!")
manomow #17
Posted 17 November 2012 - 06:08 AM
I got an error of "firefox:489: Access denied"
1lann #18
Posted 17 November 2012 - 09:05 PM
Oh wow, erm I didn't notice people were actually using it. Right now due to the new updates of CC 1.47, we had to change alot of things since you cannot override coroutine.yield anymore (Reason why ctrl doesn't work properly). We're changing on alot of stuff and we may do another re-write.
GravityScore #19
Posted 17 November 2012 - 09:15 PM
A new version of Firefox will be out soon - a temporary version that supports only Advanced Computers and supports the mouse in CC 1.74. The old version will still be downloadable for use on Normal Computers. 1lann and I are just finalising and squashing the last few bugs in it!
As 1lann said, the sudden surge in the number of views has caught us off guard, and we are doing our best to update and improve it!

Stay tuned for updates!
GravityScore #20
Posted 17 November 2012 - 11:25 PM
How do you use prompt? I type in the command and it works, but how do i direct it to a page
will this work?

if prompt == "Downloads" then
  print("It is working!")

In Firefox 1.4.5, I added a help page section, which sort of explains the prompt software under the API Documentation section.

But, the overall gist of it is:

selectedOption = prompt({{"Option 1's Name", 4, 2}, {"Option 2's Name", 4, 4}})
if selectedOption == "Option 1's Name" then
   -- Do something...
elseif selectedOption == "Option 2's Name" then
   -- Do something else...

-- Basic Template:
-- opt = prompt({{[name], [x], [y]}, {[name], [x], [y]}, ...}})
-- if opt == [name] then
--	...

Basically, prompt is a function you can call which displays options to the user at specified x and y locations. The user selects and option, and that option's name is returned. Just use an if statement after that to determine which option was chosen.
GravityScore #21
Posted 17 November 2012 - 11:28 PM
I got an error of "firefox:489: Access denied"

I haven't been paying much attention to the version that this Firefox updates from, so this is probably something that has gone wrong.

I just looked over this post and reviewed the Pastebin code and the Dropbox version, so if you re-download it, it should all work!
GravityScore #22
Posted 18 November 2012 - 03:02 PM
Firefox 1.4.6 is out!

Updated the post with changed and added features. I also included some legacy versions of Firefox, for anyone interested. I'll update the screenshots soon. Color support is coming really soon!
I will also release an installer for Firefox that can be put into the ROM for any server owners who wish to do that!
TheVarmari #23
Posted 20 November 2012 - 06:50 AM
This is awesome.
manomow #24
Posted 20 November 2012 - 07:01 AM
Nope, now I got "Firefox:492: Access Denined"
trogdor17 #25
Posted 20 November 2012 - 02:52 PM
the only thing i can't figure out how to use in it is how to make a link to another site/page
lieudusty #26
Posted 20 November 2012 - 05:26 PM
the only thing i can't figure out how to use in it is how to make a link to another site/page
redirect(<page here>)
GravityScore #27
Posted 20 November 2012 - 09:27 PM
the only thing i can't figure out how to use in it is how to make a link to another site/page
redirect(<page here>)

Wow! I just noticed I didn't include redirect in the API Documentation! Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
GravityScore #28
Posted 03 December 2012 - 06:34 PM
Firefox 2.0 is out now!

Comes with a complete new interface, which is centered around mouse support, and many other brand new features, including downloadable themes from the downloads center!

Check it out!
Mendax #29
Posted 03 December 2012 - 06:39 PM
Any chance of including this in SKS-OS v2.0? It's been updated with a GUI and mouse support - not that it is released xD - If not, I'll run it on the same protocol.
Cross compatibility for the win!
GravityScore #30
Posted 03 December 2012 - 06:41 PM
Any chance of including this in SKS-OS v2.0? It's been updated with a GUI and mouse support - not that it is released xD - If not, I'll run it on the same protocol.
Cross compatibility for the win!

Sure, go ahead! Just give credit please :P/>
Mendax #31
Posted 04 December 2012 - 12:55 AM
Any chance of including this in SKS-OS v2.0? It's been updated with a GUI and mouse support - not that it is released xD - If not, I'll run it on the same protocol.
Cross compatibility for the win!

Sure, go ahead! Just give credit please :P/>
No problem :)/>
GravityScore #32
Posted 05 December 2012 - 09:08 PM
Just released version 2.1! Now renamed as Firewolf, and migrated all the updating systems and stuffs to GitHub (soooooo much better than Dropbox)!

Have fun with it!
Mendax #33
Posted 05 December 2012 - 10:13 PM
Looks cool, solves possible copywrite issues although on my end… Microsoft is probably gonna sue me because SKS-OS Looks too much like Win 8 - Linux looks like Windows does it not? They tried suing them.
GravityScore #34
Posted 05 December 2012 - 10:29 PM
Looks cool, solves possible copywrite issues although on my end… Microsoft is probably gonna sue me because SKS-OS Looks too much like Win 8 - Linux looks like Windows does it not? They tried suing them.

I seriously doubt that any major tech company like Microsoft or Mozilla or Apple even would bother suing anybody in the CC community.
For 2 reasons:
1) We have no real impact on the real life tech community that surrounds these companies
2) We don't make any money out of these products

That's why 1lann and I weren't concerned about naming it Firefox, and is why we weren't bothered to change the name sooner. We just thought we would change it to stop any confusion.
Mendax #35
Posted 05 December 2012 - 11:36 PM
On a lighter and less joking around note - I got it running - the button works :D/>
Sammich Lord #36
Posted 06 December 2012 - 02:59 AM
This. Is. So. Sexy!
I love it! I still want a DNS system though :P/>
bjornir90 #37
Posted 06 December 2012 - 07:07 AM
Really cool ! I think you must add someting to go back to home without type something in the adress bar. Also you must add something like a database server !
tom2018 #38
Posted 06 December 2012 - 08:56 AM
when you have a beta version of plugins please tell me iI would like to develop some.
Also what could these plugins do?
GravityScore #39
Posted 06 December 2012 - 09:26 AM
In the next release, we plan to do something like a loading bar, reload and cancel and back and forward buttons.

The plugins might take some time to get working, but they should be able to do things like implement your own antivirus (so validating website loads), posting notifications, creating new dropdown menus from the address bar (so you could add your own menu the user could select options under, which could disable certain APIs), and other things. Please feel free to suggest anything you might want. I seriously have no idea how we might implement plugins :P/>
bjornir90 #40
Posted 06 December 2012 - 09:31 AM
In the next release, we plan to do something like a loading bar, reload and cancel and back and forward buttons.

The plugins might take some time to get working, but they should be able to do things like implement your own antivirus (so validating website loads), posting notifications, creating new dropdown menus from the address bar (so you could add your own menu the user could select options under, which could disable certain APIs), and other things. Please feel free to suggest anything you might want. I seriously have no idea how we might implement plugins :P/>/>
Love the ideas :P/> I am implementing plugins in one of my program and what I have done is the plugin is an independant file or API, dependent on what it do, and it is running/loaded when needed in the program. I know it is not the better way to do that but it work and it less complicated than a plugin that modify the main code ….
Cranium #41
Posted 06 December 2012 - 09:35 AM
In the next release, we plan to do something like a loading bar, reload and cancel and back and forward buttons.

The plugins might take some time to get working, but they should be able to do things like implement your own antivirus (so validating website loads), posting notifications, creating new dropdown menus from the address bar (so you could add your own menu the user could select options under, which could disable certain APIs), and other things. Please feel free to suggest anything you might want. I seriously have no idea how we might implement plugins :P/>
One thing you could do is make a format that is standardized for all plugins. Have a part of each plugin (kind of like configs) be written in a specific way, which can allow you to enable/disable, and check on the versions, for updating. You can ensure that the plugins are put into their own plugins folder, and just get the info from that folder when loading the plugins. Beyond that, I have no idea.
tom2018 #42
Posted 06 December 2012 - 10:10 AM
hmm I have no idea how you would do plugins but here are some plugin ideas that should be possible

Source viewer(shows website source)
Source Downloader(takes website page and downloads)
Default Site Extender(more default sites)
Email Alerts(works with an email program to alert when email received)
pop out console(a console that pops out when button pushed)
favorites bar
multi tab(more than one tab)
GravityScore #43
Posted 06 December 2012 - 11:36 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions guys! I think a good way to do it would be to make each plugin have its own separate file in a plugins folder in the root Firewolf data folder. The plugin files load on startup of Firewolf, and have an API available to them (including all the features tom2018 and others mentioned). Each file would override a bunch of global functions that Firewolf could call upon certain events (like webpage load, validate webpage load (returning whether or not to load the page), when antivirus is triggered, when the user opens the address bar, ect…). This seems more and more like the Firewolf server API just for the main Firewolf :P/>
Sammich Lord #44
Posted 06 December 2012 - 11:41 PM
Will we be able to have server-side scripting? Like if somebody connects to: rdnt://asite.rdnt/home?hello=10 it will act like PHP and return hello as a value, then the home page have some scripts to return shit to the client depending on that value? Also, will we be able to make server-side plugins?
GravityScore #45
Posted 07 December 2012 - 12:11 AM
Well, server side plugins sorta already exist with the server API (it has functions inside of it which are called when events happen like uponSuccessfulLoad, uponFailedLoad, uponAnyOtherMessage, uponAnyMessage, serverParallel, and uponLoad). I never thought about server side scripting… That would be a cool thing to do. This could be implemented by the redirect function returning a value when a server script is redirected too, and the server side script could have the arguments supplied probably by the '…'. If the user visits the server scripting page, it could just say that it doesn't exist, or the server page could have an onVisit function which could redirect to the homepage or some other page of the website (specified by the programmer).

Ok, list of things to implement (probably forgetting something :P/>):
- Plugins
- Plugins API
- Server side scripting

1lann and I started to set up a public wiki on Firewolf on GitHub recently, so once it's mostly finished, we might add a link to the OP for people to get help from (the rdnt://help page is slightly useless because its not very in depth :P/>)
Sammich Lord #46
Posted 07 December 2012 - 12:29 AM
I told you guys to use Github a long time ago but you finally are :P/>
1lann #47
Posted 07 December 2012 - 01:03 AM
Btw, if you want to report issues or suggest something, head over to and use the Issues section. I already added a few
Kingdaro #48
Posted 07 December 2012 - 03:50 AM
This actually looks really nice. It's been a while since I've seen someone use background colors in a way that fits CC well.
CastleMan2000 #49
Posted 08 December 2012 - 07:40 AM
It crashed on trying to switch themes! "291: attempt to perform arithmetic __sub on nil and number"

UPDATE: Now, whenever I try to switch themes, it just crashes and every time I reboot it crashes right back down.
Sammich Lord #50
Posted 08 December 2012 - 11:46 AM
Fight-o! Firefox you can beat Rednet Explorer!
:D/> Once Plugins/Addons/Extensions are available to be programmed, I'll make some!
By "plugins" you mean virus, adware and other misc malware, right? :P/>
Cranium #51
Posted 08 December 2012 - 12:17 PM
By "plugins" you mean virus, adware and other misc malware, right? :P/>
That seems to be a rude assumption…
Creepers_killer #52
Posted 09 December 2012 - 04:56 AM
the only reason i registed was to say: THIS IS AMAZING :D/> !!!

but i have one question but it's proberly stupid… do i have to be on a server (with CC and some one useing this) before i can see other peoples sites ?
Sammich Lord #53
Posted 09 December 2012 - 05:23 AM
By "plugins" you mean virus, adware and other misc malware, right? :P/>
That seems to be a rude assumption…
We all know what Sir Mk does :P/>
GravityScore #54
Posted 09 December 2012 - 05:49 AM
the only reason i registed was to say: THIS IS AMAZING :D/> !!!

but i have one question but it's proberly stupid… do i have to be on a server (with CC and some one useing this) before i can see other peoples sites ?

To see other people's sites yes :P/> You can create sites and access them from other computers in single player by yourself too though :P/>
GravityScore #55
Posted 09 December 2012 - 05:51 AM
It crashed on trying to switch themes! "291: attempt to perform arithmetic __sub on nil and number"

You must have been trying to switch to a corrupt theme file? Anyways… I added another condition to the if statement that should prevent it from happening again :P/>
GravityScore #56
Posted 09 December 2012 - 05:55 AM
By "plugins" you mean virus, adware and other misc malware, right? :P/>
That seems to be a rude assumption…
We all know what Sir Mk does :P/>

I should let you know that there will be a verification and safety check performed by me before plugins are put up as available for download :P/>
I might let some well programmed malware onto the download center though, just for a bit of fun :D/>
Creepers_killer #57
Posted 09 December 2012 - 08:51 PM
the only reason i registed was to say: THIS IS AMAZING :D/> !!!

but i have one question but it's proberly stupid… do i have to be on a server (with CC and some one useing this) before i can see other peoples sites ?

To see other people's sites yes :P/> You can create sites and access them from other computers in single player by yourself too though :P/>

that sound cool :)/>
TheVarmari #58
Posted 09 December 2012 - 11:18 PM
the only reason i registed was to say: THIS IS AMAZING :D/> !!!

but i have one question but it's proberly stupid… do i have to be on a server (with CC and some one useing this) before i can see other peoples sites ?

To see other people's sites yes :P/> You can create sites and access them from other computers in single player by yourself too though :P/>

Any chance we might get an online database?
Like, use a .php file to upload the site to the net, and it has to use a .rcm or something like that, and you could connect to online sites using *.rcm and the server sites would use .lcm or something like that, just to make this a little bit more useful.

TIP: Block index.* files :-)
GravityScore #59
Posted 10 December 2012 - 01:22 AM
the only reason i registed was to say: THIS IS AMAZING :D/> !!!

but i have one question but it's proberly stupid… do i have to be on a server (with CC and some one useing this) before i can see other peoples sites ?

To see other people's sites yes :P/> You can create sites and access them from other computers in single player by yourself too though :P/>

Any chance we might get an online database?
Like, use a .php file to upload the site to the net, and it has to use a .rcm or something like that, and you could connect to online sites using *.rcm and the server sites would use .lcm or something like that, just to make this a little bit more useful.

TIP: Block index.* files :-)

1lann and I had planned to include some form of HTTP websites (planned to be hosted on Dropbox, uploaded using PHP). Instead of different extensions, we were thinking you would be able to switch between RDNT and HTTP.
TheVarmari #60
Posted 10 December 2012 - 08:03 AM
the only reason i registed was to say: THIS IS AMAZING :D/> !!!

but i have one question but it's proberly stupid… do i have to be on a server (with CC and some one useing this) before i can see other peoples sites ?

To see other people's sites yes :P/> You can create sites and access them from other computers in single player by yourself too though :P/>

Any chance we might get an online database?
Like, use a .php file to upload the site to the net, and it has to use a .rcm or something like that, and you could connect to online sites using *.rcm and the server sites would use .lcm or something like that, just to make this a little bit more useful.

TIP: Block index.* files :-)

1lann and I had planned to include some form of HTTP websites (planned to be hosted on Dropbox, uploaded using PHP). Instead of different extensions, we were thinking you would be able to switch between RDNT and HTTP.

Dropbox? No. Nonononono. Get a website, even a FREE one ( for example)
GravityScore #61
Posted 10 December 2012 - 09:15 PM
Yay! New Version! :D/>

Just released Firewolf 2.2, now with live searching (see search results as you type), a new search results sorting algorithm, ability to manually block IDs from your server, press control to cancel a read, and many more small improvements!

Have fun with it!
Creepers_killer #62
Posted 11 December 2012 - 05:34 AM
Yay! New Version! :D/>

Just released Firewolf 2.2, now with live searching (see search results as you type), a new search results sorting algorithm, ability to manually block IDs from your server, press control to cancel a read, and many more small improvements!

Have fun with it!

i'll check it out now :)/>
GravityScore #63
Posted 11 December 2012 - 05:37 AM
Ok, added the screenies! Minecraft/my interwebs connection has stopped derping up now :P/>

On another note, I've had 7 people so far approach me and ask for this to be included in their OS! :D/>
Feel free to include this in your OS too, just message me to let me know!

OSes Firewolf is included in:
- SKS v2.0
- CommuteOS
- mk352's Networking OS
- Tom's (tom2018) Interwebs OS
- MechaTallon's NODOS
- KREOS (by kornichen)
Creepers_killer #64
Posted 11 December 2012 - 08:10 AM
i think some of the download able stuff should be cunters, tutorials (etc. on how to program, make server (firewolf servers)), how to make an easy and efficient farm (+ setup) and that kind of things, people can just find it on the internet but i think it would be cool :)/>
1lann #65
Posted 11 December 2012 - 09:36 PM
i think some of the download able stuff should be cunters, tutorials (etc. on how to program, make server (firewolf servers)), how to make an easy and efficient farm (+ setup) and that kind of things, people can just find it on the internet but i think it would be cool :)/>/>
Uhhhhh, how to set up a farm on a web browser's plugin downloads center? I don't see that in other real life browsers… Also why would one need help on making a server? All you need to do is to head over to rdnt://servers then click New Server. Pick a name and all that, then hit edit pages, change the code in the home file, exit then hit start server.

But either way if you're suggesting to add websites like that to firewolf when HTTP support comes out, then you could even do that yourself XD
GravityScore #66
Posted 12 December 2012 - 02:52 AM
i think some of the download able stuff should be cunters, tutorials (etc. on how to program, make server (firewolf servers)), how to make an easy and efficient farm (+ setup) and that kind of things, people can just find it on the internet but i think it would be cool :)/>/>
Uhhhhh, how to set up a farm on a web browser's plugin downloads center? I don't see that in other real life browsers… Also why would one need help on making a server? All you need to do is to head over to rdnt://servers then click New Server. Pick a name and all that, then hit edit pages, change the code in the home file, exit then hit start server.

But either way if you're suggesting to add websites like that to firewolf when HTTP support comes out, then you could even do that yourself XD

Adding to what 1lann said:

There is a tutorial on how to set up a server on rdnt://help, and click "Making a Server". The reason why we don't add tutorials/built in webpages that we don't need to and and are not essential (apart from features to the web browser) is because that is what users are for. Google don't have built in webpages on how to cook lamb roast, or harvest wool from sheep in their Chrome browser.
Creepers_killer #67
Posted 12 December 2012 - 03:50 AM
i think some of the download able stuff should be cunters, tutorials (etc. on how to program, make server (firewolf servers)), how to make an easy and efficient farm (+ setup) and that kind of things, people can just find it on the internet but i think it would be cool :)/>/>
Uhhhhh, how to set up a farm on a web browser's plugin downloads center? I don't see that in other real life browsers… Also why would one need help on making a server? All you need to do is to head over to rdnt://servers then click New Server. Pick a name and all that, then hit edit pages, change the code in the home file, exit then hit start server.

But either way if you're suggesting to add websites like that to firewolf when HTTP support comes out, then you could even do that yourself XD
i think some of the download able stuff should be cunters, tutorials (etc. on how to program, make server (firewolf servers)), how to make an easy and efficient farm (+ setup) and that kind of things, people can just find it on the internet but i think it would be cool :)/>/>
Uhhhhh, how to set up a farm on a web browser's plugin downloads center? I don't see that in other real life browsers… Also why would one need help on making a server? All you need to do is to head over to rdnt://servers then click New Server. Pick a name and all that, then hit edit pages, change the code in the home file, exit then hit start server.

But either way if you're suggesting to add websites like that to firewolf when HTTP support comes out, then you could even do that yourself XD

Adding to what 1lann said:

There is a tutorial on how to set up a server on rdnt://help, and click "Making a Server". The reason why we don't add tutorials/built in webpages that we don't need to and and are not essential (apart from features to the web browser) is because that is what users are for. Google don't have built in webpages on how to cook lamb roast, or harvest wool from sheep in their Chrome browser.

i didn't say that was what you/they should add i just came with sugestions i did never say that you had to add them or i wouldn't play or anything ! -_-/> BTW this isn't real life you can actually add things that google or microsoft don't have
tom2018 #68
Posted 16 December 2012 - 11:13 AM
i was trying to use the older versions so i could suport tekkit but i got
error bios 202 not valid http url
tried all of them got error
GravityScore #69
Posted 20 December 2012 - 06:27 AM
Ok, new version out! Support for normal computers straight out of the box, and a whole bunch of minor updates in preparation for HTTP support in 2.4.

Also added some nice new christmas additions.

Merry christmas to all! :P/>
GravityScore #70
Posted 20 December 2012 - 07:27 AM
Dropbox? No. Nonononono. Get a website, even a FREE one ( for example)

I was just looking at options for storing and implementing HTTP using PHP, and THANKYOU SO MUCH :P/>
Dropbox is a piece of crap when it comes to this :P/> is perfect!
TheVarmari #71
Posted 20 December 2012 - 08:41 AM

Press EDIT

firewolf:1341:attempt to concatenate string and nil

It looks like server doesn't exist. Failed to initialize variable maybe?

dir = serverFolder .. "/" .. server <- Fails
GravityScore #72
Posted 20 December 2012 - 08:46 AM
Thanks so much for that! Simple typo :P/>

Fixed now!
TheVarmari #73
Posted 20 December 2012 - 08:54 AM
How do I copy files from computer to server?
GravityScore #74
Posted 20 December 2012 - 09:30 AM
The server edit is just like shell. So the copy command will work.

Say you have the file serverhomepage in the root of the computer, and you want to copy it into your server, you would do:

copy /serverhomepage home

Notice the / sign, signifying the root on the first file argument, but not on the second, so it is to be copied into the current directory, which is the server folder.

I think a lot of people get this confused… any idea on how to make it more clear? :P/>
TheVarmari #75
Posted 21 December 2012 - 07:37 AM
The server edit is just like shell. So the copy command will work.

Say you have the file serverhomepage in the root of the computer, and you want to copy it into your server, you would do:

copy /serverhomepage home

Notice the / sign, signifying the root on the first file argument, but not on the second, so it is to be copied into the current directory, which is the server folder.

I think a lot of people get this confused… any idea on how to make it more clear? :P/>
I was trying &#46;&#46;/
But yeah, make it clearer by documenting it in the documentations
TheVarmari #76
Posted 21 December 2012 - 07:52 AM
I can't click "Allow" in the antivirus thingy

EDIT: I can't click any buttons? This is an advanced computer
EDIT2: This is annoying. I can't edit anything in firewolf without it overwriting it?
EDIT3: I changed the settings manually but it still overwrites… God darnit, fix your code!
GravityScore #77
Posted 21 December 2012 - 09:47 PM
Ahhhh crap…..
Sammich Lord #78
Posted 21 December 2012 - 10:45 PM
How dare you support normal computers? Supporting normal computers is going to cause to world to implode!
GravityScore #79
Posted 21 December 2012 - 11:53 PM

local firewolf =
local found = false
for k, v in pairs(firewolf.supportedFeatures) do
  if v == "Normal Computers" then
    found = true
if found then
  local world =
GravityScore #80
Posted 22 December 2012 - 01:33 AM
Ok, after extensive bug testing on both Advanced computers and Normal ones, I hope to have fixed most bugs in this version.

Oh please let that be it….
TheVarmari #81
Posted 22 December 2012 - 01:34 AM
Problem, officer?

EDIT: I can help a bit in some places if you want, but I'm no way Lua Pro
GeniusName3 #82
Posted 23 December 2012 - 04:48 AM
You should add a favorite/bookmarking system :D/>
NDFJay #83
Posted 23 December 2012 - 12:50 PM
You should add a favorite/bookmarking system :D/>

this is not a bad idea…

Mr GravityScore you need to do this ^_^/> as well as a back button and history ^_^/> oh and cookies ^_^/> I can set up the cookies for you, they are what I use to login to the NDF-OS Cloud ID's
Mendax #84
Posted 23 December 2012 - 07:42 PM
Can we get support for RP2 bundled cables?
GravityScore #85
Posted 24 December 2012 - 05:29 AM
It already has history! ^_^/> (rdnt://history, and press up/down in the menu bar)

1lann said he didn't want bookmarks, but I disagree. I'll put it on my to do list :P/>

1lann also said (I think, don't quote me on this :P/>) he didn't want back/forward/home buttons, and again I disagree. Again, on my to do list :P/>

Can we get support for RP2 bundled cables?

Not entirely sure what you mean by that. Do you mean to send data instead of using Rednet? Not sure if thats possible… (?)

And cookies you say? mmmmmmmmmm…….. cooookkkiiiiieeeessssss… *drool*
Hehe. Anyway - by cookies you mean a method of letting the website store computer-specific data that is passed to it every visit? I guess I could add that :P/>
Leo Verto #86
Posted 24 December 2012 - 08:47 AM
Crash when starting firewolf:
2503: 'end' expected (to close 'function' at line 2500)
GravityScore #87
Posted 24 December 2012 - 08:56 AM
Yah thanks :P/>
Crash when starting firewolf:
2503: 'end' expected (to close 'function' at line 2500)

Thanks :P/> I just fixed it. According to the GitHub history, it was 1lann's fault….. (not trying to annoy him or anything :P/>)
20Brogan #88
Posted 24 December 2012 - 02:54 PM
On tekkit when I run this I get firewolf:3001: attempt to call nil. I take it this doesn't have support for tekkit?
Zoroark173 #89
Posted 24 December 2012 - 09:20 PM
Hello, quick noob question- How exactly do I make a web page >.> I made a website by going to rdnt://server, clicked new server, made one, but then when I clicked Edit, I had no idea on what to do from there. Almost everything I try to do in there says "Program not Allowed!"
TheVarmari #90
Posted 24 December 2012 - 11:25 PM
On tekkit when I run this I get firewolf:3001: attempt to call nil. I take it this doesn't have support for tekkit?
No support for tekkit as term.isColor() is not defined in ComputerCraft versions that don't have advanced computers.

Hello, quick noob question- How exactly do I make a web page >.> I made a website by going to rdnt://server, clicked new server, made one, but then when I clicked Edit, I had no idea on what to do from there. Almost everything I try to do in there says "Program not Allowed!"
You should be able to Edit the server, then do "edit home". You edit it like a normal lua file, so print("Herpiederpie's Homepages") would show "Herpiederpie's Homepages" when you go to the site. Try and look at the documentation because there are useful functions such as centerPrint included in this.
Cloudy #91
Posted 24 December 2012 - 11:48 PM
No support for tekkit as term.isColor() is not defined in ComputerCraft versions that don't have advanced computers.

function isAdvanced()
  return term.isColor and term.isColor()
GravityScore #92
Posted 25 December 2012 - 04:15 AM
Thanks for the tip Cloudy! I'll put it in the next release.
I've never bothered to test this on Tekkit.

Once you click Edit (like TheVarmari said), it's like the normal shell prompt, so commands like list (ls, dir), edit, mkdir, rm, etc… all work.
1lann #93
Posted 28 December 2012 - 09:49 PM
It already has history! ^_^/> (rdnt://history, and press up/down in the menu bar)

1lann said he didn't want bookmarks, but I disagree. I'll put it on my to do list :P/>

1lann also said (I think, don't quote me on this :P/>) he didn't want back/forward/home buttons, and again I disagree. Again, on my to do list :P/>
LIES! I only said I didn't want bookmarks :P/>

Anywho new in Firewolf:
Servers now have a lock feature! (since I heard people say that their servers get jacked up by people who come and modify them)
It is recommended to somehow prevent people from placing a disk drive and inserting a disk next to the computer to circumvent the lock.

Also there are 2 new functions for websites to use!
ioReadFileFromServer and loadImageFromServer
They haven't be documented yet but basically how they work is

ioReadFileFromServer gets a file from the server and opens it in read using the IO api and returns the table. The 1 argument used in the function is the file's name. The file must be in the server folder. This is subject to change

loadImageFromServer gets a file from the server that's in the server folder and returns the table returned by textutils.loadImage. This is also subject to change

Also plugin API stuffz is now in development. Prepare to see a plugins api for Firewolf in the near future!

Enjoy! -1lann
HotGirlEAN #94
Posted 28 December 2012 - 09:57 PM
:D/> I have a request for a new feature:
- Iframes!
Mandrake Fernflower #95
Posted 29 December 2012 - 04:29 PM
Nice but one major problem in the server software.

-- Turtle
if turtle then
  term.setCursorPos(1, 2)
  centerPrint("Advanced Comptuer Required!")
  centerPrint("This version of Firewolf requires")
  centerPrint("an Advanced Comptuer to run!")
  centerPrint("Turtles may not be used to run")
  centerPrint("Firewolf! :(/>")
  centerPrint("Press any key to exit...")
  return false

Why on earth would you do somthing like that? Turtles are great servers
HotGirlEAN #96
Posted 29 December 2012 - 08:00 PM
There is support for Tekkit computers you can do.
Here's an example.

enableColor = false -- By default, have it false
if term.isColor ~= nil then -- If CC version has colors
  if term.isColor() then enableColor = true end -- Ok, if it is an advanced computer, enable colors
GravityScore #97
Posted 30 December 2012 - 03:20 AM
The turtle error is because the screen sizes are fixed, so it doesn't adapt well to smaller screen sizes, only to larger ones (and even then sites are broken - mostly the server management). This is kinda hard to fix without redesigning Firewolf mostly (the text and everything would have to change and mehhhhhhhhhhhhh :P/>).

Tekkit computer support is in the experimental version :P/> I'll put it in the others now.
gngz #98
Posted 30 December 2012 - 03:23 AM
Where is the function reference for writing a website?

GravityScore #99
Posted 30 December 2012 - 04:06 AM
There is a help page under rdnt://help, and in there is API Documentation, which contains a brief explanation of the functions in the API available to website developers (its not very detailed - I should really write a proper one to put on the GitHub Wiki…). This also has a section on how to create a website.

Hope this helps!
GravityScore #100
Posted 30 December 2012 - 07:27 AM
Just released version 2.3.5!

Includes a whole bunch of minor and major bug fixes, and a few new features (ty 1lann :P/>) - most notably the new password protection to servers and the major bug fixes in the Firewolf rendering engine (now does a lot more than rendering).

HotGirlEAN #101
Posted 30 December 2012 - 09:13 AM
:)/> Thanks for keeping us updated Gravity! This makes me wonder how many features will be in 3.0.0…
GravityScore #102
Posted 30 December 2012 - 09:15 AM
Oh god 3.0.0….. I'm dreading that day xD
HotGirlEAN #103
Posted 30 December 2012 - 09:17 AM
I believe the more features you add in, the harder it will be to perform bug fixes on the program. Too much code to scroll through on NP++ xD
Good luck getting to 5.0.0 :D/>
1lann #104
Posted 30 December 2012 - 02:15 PM
GRRrrrr, you are SUCH a liar D: The major bug I was trying to fix yesterday is still not fixed D:
NDFJay #105
Posted 30 December 2012 - 02:20 PM
GRRrrrr, you are SUCH a liar D: The major bug I was trying to fix yesterday is still not fixed D:

hahaha has Mr [member='GravityScore'] been lying?!? D:
1lann #106
Posted 30 December 2012 - 04:59 PM
No worrehs, I fixed the bug :D/>
GravityScore #107
Posted 30 December 2012 - 08:06 PM
Well it fixes other major bugs that we fixed ages ago. I was just putting it in the changelog as it is an accumulation of all the changes/fixes we made over time :P/>
MudkipTheEpic #108
Posted 31 December 2012 - 04:15 PM
What the heck happened to the OP formatting????? :blink:/>
Leo Verto #109
Posted 01 January 2013 - 04:41 AM
What the heck happened to the OP formatting????? :blink:/>
The forum software derped and transformed it into HTML, it has happened to me before too.
GravityScore #110
Posted 01 January 2013 - 04:49 AM
Ok, I hopefully fixed the OP (it had reverted to HTML code - didn't see anyway to fix it other than redo everything).

I also added my own comment to the whole NDFOS thing…
NDFJay #111
Posted 01 January 2013 - 04:54 AM
Ok, I hopefully fixed the OP (it had reverted to HTML code - didn't see anyway to fix it other than redo everything).

I also added my own comment to the whole NDFOS thing…

Thanks for the support man but havent you heard?

NDF-OS is dead yes thats true but its just making way for a new breed of program! I call it…


Doing a full recode, not letting this stop me from doing what I enjoy
darkroom #112
Posted 01 January 2013 - 08:17 AM
Ok, I hopefully fixed the OP (it had reverted to HTML code - didn't see anyway to fix it other than redo everything).

I also added my own comment to the whole NDFOS thing…

Thanks for the support man but havent you heard?

NDF-OS is dead yes thats true but its just making way for a new breed of program! I call it…


Doing a full recode, not letting this stop me from doing what I enjoy
Is the tutorial episode coming out today? I like to further develop my coding knowledge and i was looking forward to that series with you recoding will you release the episode? I hope this fiasco works out :)/>
NDFJay #113
Posted 01 January 2013 - 08:25 AM
Is the tutorial episode coming out today? I like to further develop my coding knowledge and i was looking forward to that series with you recoding will you release the episode? I hope this fiasco works out :)/>

About that… Im about to anounce on youtube that I'm going to be live streaming the build of NDF-UI in half an hour, which is basically the tutorial series, im also going to be recording while I stream so I can cut it up and post it as the series, links will be in the youtube video
darkroom #114
Posted 01 January 2013 - 08:36 AM
Sounds great looking forward to it also we hijacked a post sorry gravity :(/> Jay you should make a NDF-UI post so we don't have to ruin others posts :)/>
NDFJay #115
Posted 01 January 2013 - 10:40 AM
Sounds great looking forward to it also we hijacked a post sorry gravity :(/> Jay you should make a NDF-UI post so we don't have to ruin others posts :)/>

I have, its in General, titled NDF-OS || Terminated || NDF-UI Coming soon
GravityScore #116
Posted 01 January 2013 - 11:12 AM
Sounds great looking forward to it also we hijacked a post sorry gravity :(/> Jay you should make a NDF-UI post so we don't have to ruin others posts :)/>

Nah its no problem :P/> Hope the NDF-UI goes well! Can't wait to see it!

EDIT: Also: 100th post!!!!! :D/> :D/> :D/> :D/> :D/> :D/> :D/>
gngz #117
Posted 02 January 2013 - 08:31 AM
If you can make compatiblity to RP2 Bundled Cables.
GravityScore #118
Posted 02 January 2013 - 08:35 AM
If you can make compatiblity to RP2 Bundled Cables.

What do you mean by that? As in, send Rednet data over Bundled Cables? I don't think thats possible really, unless we use a seriously clever way of turning each letter into a sequence of on/offs on the cable - which would be close to impossible :P/>
Leo Verto #119
Posted 02 January 2013 - 08:37 AM
If you can make compatiblity to RP2 Bundled Cables.
What do you mean by that? As in, send Rednet data over Bundled Cables? I don't think thats possible really, unless we use a seriously clever way of turning each letter into a sequence of on/offs on the cable - which would be close to impossible :P/>
That's how rednet worked before modems were introduced, it's still natively possible :P/>
darkroom #120
Posted 02 January 2013 - 08:37 AM
That would be A fun project it really wouldn't be that hard just use ASCII encoding problem is it would be slow as hell
GravityScore #121
Posted 02 January 2013 - 08:40 AM
Well, if anyone is willing to write an API for it (quite busy with other things at the moment), I think it would be a fun feature to include, and I'll happily implement it :D/>
gngz #122
Posted 02 January 2013 - 08:46 AM
Well, if anyone is willing to write an API for it (quite busy with other things at the moment), I think it would be a fun feature to include, and I'll happily implement it :D/>

The api is the rednet. Put the side of bundled cable.
GravityScore #123
Posted 02 January 2013 - 08:50 AM
Well, if anyone is willing to write an API for it (quite busy with other things at the moment), I think it would be a fun feature to include, and I'll happily implement it :D/>

The api is the rednet. Put the side of bundled cable.

Holy crap! I just tested this out and it seems like it will work well. Wow, never knew that was there :P/>

I'll implement it in the next version!
Leo Verto #124
Posted 02 January 2013 - 09:02 AM
Well, if anyone is willing to write an API for it (quite busy with other things at the moment), I think it would be a fun feature to include, and I'll happily implement it :D/>
The api is the rednet. Put the side of bundled cable.
Holy crap! I just tested this out and it seems like it will work well. Wow, never knew that was there :P/>
I'll implement it in the next version!
It's a shame the younger generations of CC users don't know about this glorious feature anymore, Cookiebal created a simple email system using bundled cables a long time ago.
GravityScore #125
Posted 02 January 2013 - 09:05 AM
On another note, 1lann (with a bit of help from me xD) went bug hunting tonight, and fixed all the known bugs in Firewolf :D/>

They include:
- A revamped and better rdnt://getinfo (its back!)
- Re-introducing and completely fixing the prompt in websites (not sure if people noticed it was gone)
- Completely fixing the term.setBackgroundColor and term.setTextColor functions for websites
- Sleep no longer can stop you from visiting other websites
- Fixed case sensitivity in searches
- Fixed Firewolf from freezing in Rednet spam (the systems put in place were working, it was a stupid if statement - my fault :P/>)
- Fixed rednet.receive when running a website (it kept returning nil)
- Fixed client freezing after clicking on Edit when managing a server in rdnt://server
- Removed support for NDF-OS (as it no longer exists)
- Added support for BustedOS
- Added support for tekkit, both in websites and in Firewolf (hopefully - I haven't got tekkit installed to test it. Could someone test it and report any bugs? :P/>)
- Fixed read from going crazy when you press control

Meh. I'll change the version number :P/>
BlackMarine220 #126
Posted 02 January 2013 - 04:23 PM
Like.. i dont even know why this is happening but tutorial is completly bullshit and nothing is clear. Home file looks ok and server is running but this.. first time I use firewolf and nothing is working.. irritating

darkroom #127
Posted 02 January 2013 - 04:39 PM
*Eye twitch* at bundled calbes already working I spent the last hour coding a super epic ASCII encoding system GAH whatever anyway gravity it's looking good :P/>
GravityScore #128
Posted 02 January 2013 - 09:51 PM
Like.. i dont even know why this is happening but tutorial is completly bullshit and nothing is clear. Home file looks ok and server is running but this.. first time I use firewolf and nothing is working.. irritating

Yeah I've been meaning to write a proper tutorial (including screenshots) and put it on GitHub, the one in-game is completely crap. I'll do that tonight.
That error is strange…. According to the code I have it says there is an end on that line… Are you sure you're using the latest version? I'll fix the Pastebin code with the lastest version (I expected the updater to update it to the lastest one). Try re-downloading it.

When you say nothing is working, what else is broken?
1lann #129
Posted 03 January 2013 - 02:44 AM
The api is the rednet. Put the side of bundled cable.

Holy crap! I just tested this out and it seems like it will work well. Wow, never knew that was there :P/>

I'll implement it in the next version!

I made a bundled cables version but after some testing I decided it to stop it. The reasons are:

Bundled cable messages are EASILY corrupted by mixed signals
Sending a program (website) over bundled cables, especially a large one is really slow and is prone to mixed signals (Slow meaning like 5 seconds)
You could already imagine what would happen if you tried to do a search (Maybe only some people know how searching works)
If someone left a bundled cable signal on and didn't turn it off, it breaks the entire network

I'm sorry that there is no bundled cable version, and even if there were it wouldn't work well at all. It would be nice if it would work :(/>
hugsim #130
Posted 03 January 2013 - 10:58 AM
Getting the error when trying to connect to a website on SMP, just hosted the website and got this:

parallel:22: firewolf:2850: index expected, got nil
I've tried redownloading Firewolf several times on both the server computer and the connecting computer
brett122798 #131
Posted 03 January 2013 - 11:04 AM
Okay.. I can't find ANYTHING in your post that has instructions on creating a website(editing).
1lann #132
Posted 03 January 2013 - 01:41 PM
Just to make it clear, a website is LITERALLY a lua script. Any lua script. I could stick virtually any program in the programs forum into a Firewolf server. To create a website you head over to rdnt://server
1lann #133
Posted 03 January 2013 - 02:22 PM
Getting the error when trying to connect to a website on SMP, just hosted the website and got this:

parallel:22: firewolf:2850: index expected, got nil
I've tried redownloading Firewolf several times on both the server computer and the connecting computer
Like.. i dont even know why this is happening but tutorial is completly bullshit and nothing is clear. Home file looks ok and server is running but this.. first time I use firewolf and nothing is working.. irritating

Thank you guys for reporting this bug, this massive bug which for some reason we didn't find

The Lua error was strange so we were confused on how to fix the bug but eventually we fixed it, it was due to our new antivirus system. I'm sorry BlackMarine220 that you're experience with Firewolf was horrible :(/> But yeahs I fixed it :D/>

Erm fixing another bug right now so other sutffs might not work for like 1 hour from this post

Update: Everything is fixed and working now! :D/>
brett122798 #134
Posted 03 January 2013 - 07:38 PM
Just to make it clear, a website is LITERALLY a lua script. Any lua script. I could stick virtually any program in the programs forum into a Firewolf server. To create a website you head over to rdnt://server
I was thinking that, but how do you do that? I typed in the program I wanted the server to use but it said it was invalid or something.

EDIT: Man, finally figured it out myself. I didn't know you created a program within the program and it took me awhile to realize that you had to edit "home".

Other than the lack of instructions, this is absolutely amazing. I don't think I have the skills to program something as insane like that, however, it is probably easier with two developers.
GravityScore #135
Posted 03 January 2013 - 08:52 PM
OUR new antivirus 1lann? You mean your antivirus :P/>

Anyway, thank god you fixed it. I had no clue why that was happening. :D/>
tesla1889 #136
Posted 03 January 2013 - 09:51 PM
question: why are you bragging that Firewolf is over 3,500 lines long?

bloated programs are not a good thing. shouldn't you be trying to refine your source to make it the most efficient code possible?
1lann #137
Posted 04 January 2013 - 03:39 AM
question: why are you bragging that Firewolf is over 3,500 lines long?

bloated programs are not a good thing. shouldn't you be trying to refine your source to make it the most efficient code possible?
Who ever said it was bloated? You might as well say Google Chrome is bloated, I'm sure its over 1 million lines. Everything is efficient in my opinion. It's just pretty complex. We of course, try to refine our source as much as possible and to be as efficient and fast as possible.
Leo Verto #138
Posted 04 January 2013 - 09:30 AM
I get the error "firewolf:120: Expected number" when attempting to connect to my website.

Website source:

local xMax, yMax = term.getSize()
for i=0, xMax do
print(i, 0, " ")
print(i, yMax, " ")
for i=0, yMax do
print(0, i, " ")
print(xMax, i, " ")
term.setCursorPos(1, 5)
cPrint("Welcome to pastebin!")
cPrint("Please enter the ID of the paste you'd like")
cPrint("to download below.")
cWrite("ID: ")
id = read()
tesla1889 #139
Posted 04 January 2013 - 10:57 AM
question: why are you bragging that Firewolf is over 3,500 lines long?

bloated programs are not a good thing. shouldn't you be trying to refine your source to make it the most efficient code possible?
Who ever said it was bloated? You might as well say Google Chrome is bloated, I'm sure its over 1 million lines. Everything is efficient in my opinion. It's just pretty complex. We of course, try to refine our source as much as possible and to be as efficient and fast as possible.

it still isn't something to brag about anyway. im impressed with what you've done, dont get me wrong, but that gives your users the wrong impression

hell, i may even include it (with credit to the Firewolf team, of course) in my next project.
1lann #140
Posted 04 January 2013 - 12:59 PM
I get the error "firewolf:120: Expected number" when attempting to connect to my website.

Website source:

local xMax, yMax = term.getSize()
for i=0, xMax do
print(i, 0, " ")
print(i, yMax, " ")
for i=0, yMax do
print(0, i, " ")
print(xMax, i, " ")
term.setCursorPos(1, 5)
cPrint("Welcome to pastebin!")
cPrint("Please enter the ID of the paste you'd like")
cPrint("to download below.")
cWrite("ID: ")
id = read()
Huh, I just tried doing that myself and it worked perfectly fine. The website loaded and I could download pastebin files
Cranium #141
Posted 04 January 2013 - 01:28 PM
One quick question, I do plan on making a Pastebin website that allows logging in and almost everything else in the Pastebin API. Do you have a list of functions that are open to website developers? Some sort of Wiki or tutorial?
1lann #142
Posted 04 January 2013 - 01:57 PM
One quick question, I do plan on making a Pastebin website that allows logging in and almost everything else in the Pastebin API. Do you have a list of functions that are open to website developers? Some sort of Wiki or tutorial?
All of CCs APIs are available to the website

Additional APIs can be found at rdnt://help
but the documentation is pretty bad. If you got any questions feel free to ask me

I do actually believe that you can just stick your smartpaste program into a website and it will work just fine
Cranium #143
Posted 04 January 2013 - 01:59 PM
Oh, that sounds good then. I think I might redesign SmartPaste to do what I want. Not looking forward to slogging through my messy code, but I need a project that will keep me busy, and keep me off the streets, and out of gangs…
Leo Verto #144
Posted 04 January 2013 - 02:04 PM
I get the error "firewolf:120: Expected number" when attempting to connect to my website.

Website source:

local xMax, yMax = term.getSize()
for i=0, xMax do
print(i, 0, " ")
print(i, yMax, " ")
for i=0, yMax do
print(0, i, " ")
print(xMax, i, " ")
term.setCursorPos(1, 5)
cPrint("Welcome to pastebin!")
cPrint("Please enter the ID of the paste you'd like")
cPrint("to download below.")
cWrite("ID: ")
id = read()
Huh, I just tried doing that myself and it worked perfectly fine. The website loaded and I could download pastebin files
Oh, I think it's because I'm just running a modified version of the server, I was tired of it being overwritten when starting firewolf and I wanted to change some things.
GravityScore #145
Posted 04 January 2013 - 10:06 PM
Firewolf's Brand New Website is Here! Check it out at!

Finished the website! :D/> :D/> :D/> :D/> :D/> :D/> :D/>

Let me know of anything you think I should add.
PixelToast #146
Posted 05 January 2013 - 11:41 AM
i see how you patched the NDFOS bug i posted

you removed support for it >_>
Sirharry0077 #147
Posted 05 January 2013 - 12:01 PM
I am the creator of CraftOS+. I was wondering how you prevent programs from using fs.delete() with the antivirus. I wanted to make it with my program that it has to boot up from the startup program so that you can't boot it from a disk and bypass security.
TheVarmari #148
Posted 05 January 2013 - 12:16 PM
I am the creator of CraftOS+. I was wondering how you prevent programs from using fs.delete() with the antivirus. I wanted to make it with my program that it has to boot up from the startup program so that you can't boot it from a disk and bypass security.

Well, it seems like when it downloads the webpage it checks the source and there's the blacklist file, which then reads from there. If the function is used, it will prevent it from running and instead ask you if you want to do it. Devs feel free to correct me.
GravityScore #149
Posted 05 January 2013 - 12:26 PM
No you're pretty much correct. We scan through the source. If we find something that looks suspicious, we ask the user and do whatever they select. Note that the new antivirus actually completely blocks really harmful functions such as rawset, setfenv, etc…
Cranium #150
Posted 05 January 2013 - 12:36 PM
Since SmartPaste will have fs or io functions, will it get tripped by the antivirus? I don't want some new kid reporting me for viral software cause he read some silly post.
I just need to know how to NOT trip the alerts.
GravityScore #151
Posted 05 January 2013 - 12:38 PM
It will trip the antivirus, but there is the downloads API, or if you can't be bothered, I'll just add it to the whitelist :P/>
Sirharry0077 #152
Posted 06 January 2013 - 06:57 AM
No you're pretty much correct. We scan through the source. If we find something that looks suspicious, we ask the user and do whatever they select. Note that the new antivirus actually completely blocks really harmful functions such as rawset, setfenv, etc…

Is there a way I can use that same idea to prevent a computer being booted from a disk?
GravityScore #153
Posted 06 January 2013 - 07:57 AM
No you're pretty much correct. We scan through the source. If we find something that looks suspicious, we ask the user and do whatever they select. Note that the new antivirus actually completely blocks really harmful functions such as rawset, setfenv, etc…

Is there a way I can use that same idea to prevent a computer being booted from a disk?

No. The only way you could apply this to preventing a computer from being booted from a disk would to have it in startup - but that's no use since a disk's startup would override it. To prevent it, you'll have to modify base CC files.
1lann #154
Posted 07 January 2013 - 01:35 AM
New in Firewolf (after GitHub actually syncs my commits)

Version 2.3.7 Update!
What's new:
Bug fixes
An options mini menu! The little arrow on every webpage!
Click on it to access a menu where you can exit firewolf by clicking, also you can block intercepted fake websites!
BlackMarine220 #155
Posted 07 January 2013 - 02:29 AM
My problem is fixed, work fine now
GravityScore #156
Posted 07 January 2013 - 08:27 AM
Ok, just updated the OP with 1lann's updates.

I also introduced the brand new Wiki Site with a couple of helpful pages (more to be added soon). I also updated the rdnt://help pages with this new information!
CastleMan2000 #157
Posted 09 January 2013 - 05:20 AM
Superly duperly awesome! One request: back/forward button? Using history, perhaps? It gets a little bothersome after typing in "history" so many times.
PixelToast #158
Posted 09 January 2013 - 05:24 AM
Superly duperly awesome! One request: back/forward button? Using history, perhaps? It gets a little bothersome after typing in "history" so many times.
up and down works fine for me .-.
GravityScore #159
Posted 09 January 2013 - 06:56 AM
Superly duperly awesome! One request: back/forward button? Using history, perhaps? It gets a little bothersome after typing in "history" so many times.

Thanks :D/>

Like PixelToast said, you can use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through your history, but back/forward buttons are a planned feature - no eta yet though…
Cranium #160
Posted 09 January 2013 - 08:09 AM
I'm having trouble loading a paint image and displaying it. Here is my paint code:

and here is my function call:

local logo = loadImageFromServer("pastebinImage")
paintutils.drawImage(logo, 5, 3)
It works just fine in the lua prompt, but I get paintutils: 92: attempt to get length of nil when running it through Firewolf.
GravityScore #161
Posted 09 January 2013 - 08:25 AM
I'm having trouble loading a paint image and displaying it. Here is my paint code:

and here is my function call:

local logo = loadImageFromServer("pastebinImage")
paintutils.drawImage(logo, 5, 3)
It works just fine in the lua prompt, but I get paintutils: 92: attempt to get length of nil when running it through Firewolf.

That error would be caused by logo being nil, and nil is returned from loadImageFromServer when the loading failed - meaning that it couldn't find the image on the server.

I just tested it and it worked perfectly for me. Did you move the file into your server folder, and name it pastebinImage? loadImageFromServer takes the imagePath from the root of the server folder, so translated into a full file path taken from the root of the computer it would be /.Firewolf_Data/servers/[server name]/pastebinImage.
Cranium #162
Posted 09 January 2013 - 08:34 AM
oooooohhhh… it has to be in the SERVER folder….
You might want to work on that wiki, friend.
GravityScore #163
Posted 09 January 2013 - 08:49 AM
oooooohhhh… it has to be in the SERVER folder….
You might want to work on that wiki, friend.

I completely suck at wiki/tutorial writing :P/>

I updated the function's description to:

Downloads an image from your server. The image must be inside the server folder. The `imagePath` is the path to the image, starting in the server folder.
Returns the loaded image that is returned by `paintutils.loadImage(image)`. Returns nil if the download failed or if the image could not be found.

I hope that's a little bit clearer :P/>
Cranium #164
Posted 09 January 2013 - 08:50 AM
New problem….
I moved the file to my server folder, and it gave me an error, "server_software:518:no such file"
It then deleted the file.
What did I do wrong?
GravityScore #165
Posted 09 January 2013 - 08:55 AM
New problem….
I moved the file to my server folder, and it gave me an error, "server_software:518:no such file"
It then deleted the file.
What did I do wrong?

Ah!!!!! That's a bug in the server software! It occured when the server tried to rename the file to all lowercase - but I removed case insensitivity in Firewolf! I'll remove the piece of code in the server software that causes that error. You did nothing wrong :P/> It's just the upper case letter in the file scared the software D:

In the meantime, move it to the server folder with a lowercase name :P/>
Henness #166
Posted 09 January 2013 - 09:17 AM
Can you make this work with Immibis's Peripherals LAN cables.
LAN cables are so much better because they can send information over any distance even through unloaded chunks.
PixelToast #167
Posted 09 January 2013 - 03:13 PM
Can you make this work with Immibis's Peripherals LAN cables.
LAN cables are so much better because they can send information over any distance even through unloaded chunks.
use my LAN wrapper:
just run "lan"
requires "apis/lan" to be loaded (too lazy to combine them)
GravityScore #168
Posted 09 January 2013 - 08:51 PM
Can you make this work with Immibis's Peripherals LAN cables.
LAN cables are so much better because they can send information over any distance even through unloaded chunks.
use my LAN wrapper:
just run "lan"
requires "apis/lan" to be loaded (too lazy to combine them)

Oooooooohhhh that looks cool! I'll put it on the todo list to combine and include the lan cable support and this wrapper :P/>
1lann #169
Posted 13 January 2013 - 12:51 AM
Allrrrihgt, so it has come to my attention that there is a seriously major flaw with ComputerCraft or Firewolf that causes minecraft servers to crash.

[boring part]
Some people probably already have noticed this, but randomly, when connecting to a website, ComputerCraft will freeze, server commands stop working, redstone/mechanisms stop working, breaking blocks doesn't drop anything and you cannot pickup or drop items. Basically the server breaks and the server must restart.
[/boring part]

So I have added some messages on what Firewolf is doing when loading a webpage. It would be EXTREMELY helpful if someone does encounter this problem and tell me/gravityscore the status message shown on the screen. It would help A LOT. Thanks in advanced
Cranium #170
Posted 13 January 2013 - 06:27 AM
Allrrrihgt, so it has come to my attention that there is a seriously major flaw with ComputerCraft or Firewolf that causes minecraft servers to crash.

[boring part]
Some people probably already have noticed this, but randomly, when connecting to a website, ComputerCraft will freeze, server commands stop working, redstone/mechanisms stop working, breaking blocks doesn't drop anything and you cannot pickup or drop items. Basically the server breaks and the server must restart.
[/boring part]

So I have added some messages on what Firewolf is doing when loading a webpage. It would be EXTREMELY helpful if someone does encounter this problem and tell me/gravityscore the status message shown on the screen. It would help A LOT. Thanks in advanced
Uhh….wow. That is a serious issue. I'll let you know if I come across anything.
BustedEarLobes #171
Posted 13 January 2013 - 09:48 AM
Interesting, I played around with it in my OS, and it was working perfectly fine. But then, I ran it and it immediately said "Thanks for using Firewolf made my 1lann and gravity" or whatever. That wasn't a big deal and everything, but now, every time it runs, it gives an error at line 1122 saying a "}" was expected. However, I looked at the code and it looked like it was closed properly. Can you guys look into it? It completely stopped running now…

Edit: It's in fact a major bug! Every Firewolf program I run will get updated and do exactly what I said before.
GravityScore #172
Posted 13 January 2013 - 10:08 AM
Interesting, I played around with it in my OS, and it was working perfectly fine. But then, I ran it and it immediately said "Thanks for using Firewolf made my 1lann and gravity" or whatever. That wasn't a big deal and everything, but now, every time it runs, it gives an error at line 1122 saying a "}" was expected. However, I looked at the code and it looked like it was closed properly. Can you guys look into it? It completely stopped running now…

Edit: It's in fact a major bug! Every Firewolf program I run will get updated and do exactly what I said before.

Oh ummm……….. whoops :P/>

I forgot a comma…….. 1lann will kill me now. Goodbye everyone!

Nah. I fixed it. You're going to have to re-download the clients you updated though :(/>
brett122798 #173
Posted 13 January 2013 - 10:23 AM
Hey, I am currently in the progress of making an OS, and I was wondering if I could get permission to include Firewolf into my OS, like the other million OS's.
GravityScore #174
Posted 13 January 2013 - 10:29 AM
Hey, I am currently in the progress of making an OS, and I was wondering if I could get permission to include Firewolf into my OS, like the other million OS's.

Yep sure!
What's it called, so I can add it to the list of OS's Firewolf is in? :P/>
brett122798 #175
Posted 13 January 2013 - 10:49 AM
Hey, I am currently in the progress of making an OS, and I was wondering if I could get permission to include Firewolf into my OS, like the other million OS's.

Yep sure!
What's it called, so I can add it to the list of OS's Firewolf is in? :P/>
It's not going to out for a while, but I believe I'm going to call it Panels.
PixelToast #176
Posted 13 January 2013 - 12:03 PM
Allrrrihgt, so it has come to my attention that there is a seriously major flaw with ComputerCraft or Firewolf that causes minecraft servers to crash.
-mega snippy-
i have never seen anything like this when using http
try sending me the server files and let me test it?
BustedEarLobes #177
Posted 13 January 2013 - 12:21 PM
Um haha, sorry to say but now your exit site is bugged as well…
1lann #178
Posted 13 January 2013 - 03:12 PM
Allrrrihgt, so it has come to my attention that there is a seriously major flaw with ComputerCraft or Firewolf that causes minecraft servers to crash.
-mega snippy-
i have never seen anything like this when using http
try sending me the server files and let me test it?
HTTP? Firewolf uses rednet. But this event has occurred on blackwolf and CCU
PixelToast #179
Posted 13 January 2013 - 03:55 PM
i dont get how rednet can cause servers to crash, unless you have specific steps / code then you probably wont get it fixed
anonimo182 #180
Posted 15 January 2013 - 06:26 AM
Also, in 2.3.8 the red bar at the top doesn't show the scrolling animation
GravityScore #181
Posted 15 January 2013 - 06:39 AM
Also, in 2.3.8 the red bar at the top doesn't show the scrolling animation


I removed it as it would cause immense lag occasionally (especially when testing in Lightshot). Lann originally sped it up to it was invisible, but then I removed it in 2.3.8. Removing it also fixed the bug where it wouldn't redraw the site's title after closing (the title text on the right side).
Cranium #182
Posted 15 January 2013 - 06:48 AM
By the way, trying to detect installation of Firewolf automatically flags the site, and does not let it run. Instead of using an automated function to check if my program was installed on Firewolf, I had to use a config option that would need to get changed before successful installation.
I want to be able to use

if fs.exists(".Firewolf_Data/servers/" then
  --firewolf installed
Maybe you could allow that type of access to Firewolf.
GravityScore #183
Posted 15 January 2013 - 06:53 AM
By the way, trying to detect installation of Firewolf automatically flags the site, and does not let it run. Instead of using an automated function to check if my program was installed on Firewolf, I had to use a config option that would need to get changed before successful installation.
I want to be able to use

if fs.exists(".Firewolf_Data/servers/" then
  --firewolf installed
Maybe you could allow that type of access to Firewolf.

Oh trust me this won't be a problem soon. I plan for a full re-write of the antivirus so that string.find is completely eliminated and only really malicious functions are caught.

I just have to get Thunderbird back up and running before I can start on this…
Dammit having to maintain 3 programs is a lot of work arrrgggg… :P/>
Cranium #184
Posted 15 January 2013 - 06:56 AM
Lol, that's why I only work on one at a time. I don't like things to be complicated.
1lann #185
Posted 15 January 2013 - 12:24 PM
By the way, trying to detect installation of Firewolf automatically flags the site, and does not let it run. Instead of using an automated function to check if my program was installed on Firewolf, I had to use a config option that would need to get changed before successful installation.
I want to be able to use

if fs.exists(".Firewolf_Data/servers/" then
  --firewolf installed
Maybe you could allow that type of access to Firewolf.
Btw, to detect whether the browser is Firewolf, there is a user agent string with the variable name browserAgent. so you could do

if browserAgent:find("Firewolf") then
–is Firewolf


And either way, Firewolf now uses it's own system separate from any browser.
Cranium #186
Posted 15 January 2013 - 01:04 PM
Btw, to detect whether the browser is Firewolf, there is a user agent string with the variable name browserAgent. so you could do

if browserAgent:find("Firewolf") then
–is Firewolf


And either way, Firewolf now uses it's own system separate from any browser.
Oh, that might be something you want to add to the Wiki. I will have to implement that in SmartPaste 2.0
Cranium #187
Posted 17 January 2013 - 11:51 AM
Btw, to detect whether the browser is Firewolf, there is a user agent string with the variable name browserAgent. so you could do

if browserAgent:find("Firewolf") then
–is Firewolf


And either way, Firewolf now uses it's own system separate from any browser.
I just tried this, while not in Firewolf, and got an attempt to index ? a nil error. I got around it by doing this:

if browserAgent then
if browserAgent:find("Firewolf") then
  fWolf = true
fWolf = false
Just letting you know if anyone else wants to run this.
TheOddByte #188
Posted 18 January 2013 - 10:32 AM
Good Work! ^_^/>
Really love this browser and I'm going to use this on my server if you let me!
1lann #189
Posted 18 January 2013 - 11:39 AM
Good Work! ^_^/>
Really love this browser and I'm going to use this on my server if you let me!
Yeah sure! Just be sure to use the rom installer :P/>
1lann #190
Posted 19 January 2013 - 06:02 PM
Small quick update about the server crashing problem. I figured out the cause of the server crashing. It's the same reason as this
I managed to reproduce it by spamming rednet on a server :P/>
The new protocol system sends WAY less rednet messages, therefore it's not a problem in Firewolf anymore.
Oh and the Firewolf website is now at

Subject to change
1v2 #191
Posted 20 January 2013 - 02:52 AM has been flagged by ESET NOD32. Seems like there is some malware on there.
1lann #192
Posted 20 January 2013 - 03:04 AM has been flagged by ESET NOD32. Seems like there is some malware on there.
Huh, that's strange. Maybe it's because we're using a free host and that people distribute malware on that host? You could always use :P/>
It's the same thing but heroku is slower
TheVarmari #193
Posted 20 January 2013 - 05:31 AM has been flagged by Web Of Trust. Seems like there is some malware on there.
MudkipTheEpic #194
Posted 20 January 2013 - 05:35 AM has been flagged by Web Of Trust. Seems like there is some malware on there.

Do you really think Gravity and 1lann would give you a virus? Must be some php script or something…
Cranium #195
Posted 20 January 2013 - 08:09 AM
I can safely say that there is no malware on either Firewolf sites. I have ran scans through Avast!, and nothing comes back to be flagged. You might just be crying wolf, buddy…
1lann #196
Posted 20 January 2013 - 04:00 PM
Also I doubt they could scan our website so quickly, since I only made it less than 24 hours ago and search engines haven't even crawled on it. If you still can't trust the site here is all the source code for it:
brett122798 #197
Posted 20 January 2013 - 04:03 PM
I am claiming #201 post(200th reply!).
Skullblade #198
Posted 20 January 2013 - 04:35 PM

I am claiming #201 post(200th reply!).

well that was constructive and helpful
1vannn #199
Posted 21 January 2013 - 04:40 PM
Darn, No credit for me for helping you guys. D:
xxxredportalxxx #200
Posted 22 January 2013 - 01:21 AM
Really Really cool program! (Hope you continue to update this ;)/> )
SuicidalSTDz #201
Posted 22 January 2013 - 11:35 AM
It would be an honor if I could use Firewolf in my OS.
GravityScore #202
Posted 22 January 2013 - 11:37 AM
It would be an honor if I could use Firewolf in my OS.

:P/> Not sure about it being an honour. It breaks more often than you think xD

Yeah sure!
SuicidalSTDz #203
Posted 23 January 2013 - 10:42 AM
It would be an honor if I could use Firewolf in my OS.

:P/> Not sure about it being an honour. It breaks more often than you think xD

Yeah sure!
Thanks!, and lol. :)/>
Okyloky9 #204
Posted 27 January 2013 - 05:25 PM
Hey guys, I found a really a really easy way to get past your antivirus and I thought I would let you know.

local hi = shell"delete","programname")
print("I got past your antivirus!")

I just tried this on a friends firewolf server and I also made a test one and it still works on it. I don't know how your antivirus works but I think if you CAN add protection against that, you should.

EDIT: I just looked at your "Known Bugs" page on your website and found this, so you already know about it then. Sorry.
1lann #205
Posted 27 January 2013 - 06:41 PM
Hey guys, I found a really a really easy way to get past your antivirus and I thought I would let you know.

local hi = shell"delete","programname")
print("I got past your antivirus!")

I just tried this on a friends firewolf server and I also made a test one and it still works on it. I don't know how your antivirus works but I think if you CAN add protection against that, you should.

EDIT: I just looked at your "Known Bugs" page on your website and found this, so you already know about it then. Sorry.
Actually that one was from a while back, and I thought I already fixed it D: It looks like the bug is back. Thanks for the report

Update: Silly meh! Fixed
karelmikie3 #206
Posted 28 January 2013 - 03:47 AM
i got a question how to load an custom API in firewolf?
GravityScore #207
Posted 28 January 2013 - 04:46 AM
i got a question how to load an custom API in firewolf?

Oooooo that's a tricky one to do, and it shouldn't be. Since Firewolf only downloads the page it's loading to the computer the request was performed on, the API you'll want to load isn't downloaded, and therefore os.loadAPI will fail. So you'd have to download the API from the server onto the computer before you load it, which is easy to do, but your page will then trigger the antivirus.

1lann, maybe we could override os.loadAPI and get it to include all the files on the server's computer in the function's search path, and load the API from the server computer if the API's found. We would also have to keep track of all the loaded APIs so we could unload them when the website has finished, so they don't interfere with anything in Firewolf, and aren't able to perform any malicious functions.

Basically, right now you'd have to download the API file from the server, save it, then os.loadAPI it. This will trigger the Firewolf antivirus though, unless you use the built in download API.
karelmikie3 #208
Posted 28 January 2013 - 04:51 AM
i got a question how to load an custom API in firewolf?

Oooooo that's a tricky one to do, and it shouldn't be. Since Firewolf only downloads the page it's loading to the computer the request was performed on, the API you'll want to load isn't downloaded, and therefore os.loadAPI will fail. So you'd have to download the API from the server onto the computer before you load it, which is easy to do, but your page will then trigger the antivirus.

1lann, maybe we could override os.loadAPI and get it to include all the files on the server's computer in the function's search path, and load the API from the server computer if the API's found. We would also have to keep track of all the loaded APIs so we could unload them when the website has finished, so they don't interfere with anything in Firewolf, and aren't able to perform any malicious functions.

Basically, right now you'd have to download the API file from the server, save it, then os.loadAPI it. This will trigger the Firewolf antivirus though, unless you use the built in download API.

thank you for saying
mtwiscool #209
Posted 30 January 2013 - 09:58 AM
anyway for this to work on Immibis modem?
1lann #210
Posted 30 January 2013 - 03:11 PM
anyway for this to work on Immibis modem?

Use this:
Can you make this work with Immibis's Peripherals LAN cables.
LAN cables are so much better because they can send information over any distance even through unloaded chunks.
use my LAN wrapper:
just run "lan"
requires "apis/lan" to be loaded (too lazy to combine them)
GravityScore #211
Posted 31 January 2013 - 02:30 PM
Funlann can u maek firewolf able tu coneckt tu sum rdnt explorer http db servs?

Wat….. It took me a good five minutes to work out what you were trying to say. Please learn to type properly.
I think I can translate though: 1lann, can you make Firewolf able to connect to the Rednet Explorer HTTP database servers? Please?

And the answer is we can't without a large amount of co-operation from ComputerCraftFan11 (who made Rednet Explorer). I'm working on HTTP support for Firewolf, and it should be done soon… (maybe)
TheVarmari #212
Posted 01 February 2013 - 03:09 AM
Funlann can u maek firewolf able tu coneckt tu sum rdnt explorer http db servs?

Wat….. It took me a good five minutes to work out what you were trying to say. Please learn to type properly.
I think I can translate though: 1lann, can you make Firewolf able to connect to the Rednet Explorer HTTP database servers? Please?

And the answer is we can't without a large amount of co-operation from ComputerCraftFan11 (who made Rednet Explorer). I'm working on HTTP support for Firewolf, and it should be done soon… (maybe)

Hey, give me a word and I'll see if I can drop by and help. You can also usually find me on IRC, and if you message me while I'm offline my bouncer will still record it…
If you're having trouble with the server-side coding I think I can help. At least, I'll try.
mtwiscool #213
Posted 01 February 2013 - 09:09 AM
anyway for this to work on Immibis modem?

Use this:
Can you make this work with Immibis's Peripherals LAN cables.
LAN cables are so much better because they can send information over any distance even through unloaded chunks.
use my LAN wrapper:
just run "lan"
requires "apis/lan" to be loaded (too lazy to combine them)

i tried that and get this error:

photo storage
Beastly #214
Posted 01 February 2013 - 01:48 PM
Whens 3.0 going to come out?
GravityScore #215
Posted 01 February 2013 - 02:02 PM
Whens 3.0 going to come out?

I don't want to say a release date, because that just puts pressure on me to finish it quickly :P/>

School is starting in 3 days, so it could take longer than expected. The answer then: I really don't know :P/>
Mrrraou #216
Posted 02 February 2013 - 10:27 PM
Can you add tabs in FireWolf please? It's gonna be awesome :)/>
Thanks :)/>
1lann #217
Posted 02 February 2013 - 10:46 PM
Can you add tabs in FireWolf please? It's gonna be awesome :)/>/>/>
Thanks :)/>/>/>
As simple as it may sound, that is actually quite complex and hard to do D: I'll need to think of an efficient and bug free way to do it.

Oh and comming soon: Speed improvements to startup and better security to prevent interceptors
Skullblade #218
Posted 03 February 2013 - 04:57 AM
amazing looking website; i love this program

also you spelled virtual wrong on the website
Acejhm #219
Posted 03 February 2013 - 12:29 PM
Ok wow..this is truly awesome!
GravityScore #220
Posted 03 February 2013 - 06:47 PM
Firewolf 2.3.9 is out!

Includes quite a few changes, but none really big for the user - mainly under the hood. The biggest thing would be the built-in databases and themes, and the ID conflict resolver (ty 1lann :D/>).

P.S thanks for all the encouragement and kind words - it means a lot to 1lann and I :D/>

EDIT: I fixed that spelling error too, Skullblade! Thanks for pointing it out!
InputUsername #221
Posted 04 February 2013 - 05:59 AM
Errr… Since the last update, the theme creation function is broken. Not sure if it is meant to be but when trying to create a theme, an empty file is created. Still love Firewolf though :D/>

Also, being a gigantic grammar nazi:

P.S thanks for all the encouragement and kind words - it means a lot to 1lann and I :D/>

Shouldn't that be '1lann and me'?
tesla1889 #222
Posted 04 February 2013 - 06:11 AM
have you guys thought about maybe embedding Thunderbird into Firewolf?

kinda like how google chrome has custom pages that aren't actually on the web (e.g. preferences, downloads, bookmarks)

it could be one of the options in the menu
Skullblade #223
Posted 04 February 2013 - 06:54 AM
Errr… Since the last update, the theme creation function is broken. Not sure if it is meant to be but when trying to create a theme, an empty file is created. Still love Firewolf though :D/>

Also, being a gigantic grammar nazi:

P.S thanks for all the encouragement and kind words - it means a lot to 1lann and I :D/>

Shouldn't that be '1lann and me'?
Actually i think that 1lann and I is more grammatically correct…

EDIT: also if you care i added more spelling errors in the spoiler
- Pre-loads pages for faster response times and defence against file spammers

should be defense…on the features page
The lastest version is 2.3.7
should be latest and is on welcome page

also i don't really care that much I'm just trying to help
Zambonie #224
Posted 04 February 2013 - 12:12 PM
Well,you could add me to your "os" list because im asking you if I could include it in my os to!(Comming out soon :)/> . )
GravityScore #225
Posted 05 February 2013 - 01:14 AM
Not sure who mentioned make your own theme not working… can't find the post! Anyway, fixed it.

Well,you could add me to your "os" list because im asking you if I could include it in my os to!(Comming out soon :)/> . )
What's it called?
CastleMan2000 #226
Posted 05 February 2013 - 04:59 AM
Can't wait for 3.0! Two things: 1. You reeeeeeally gotta update your screenshots, and 2. No to Thunderbird (Thunderhawk would be cool) being imbedded in Firewolf. Actually, that reminds me, on the CCU one person hosted a server with TB's code, and it overwrote Firewolf after visiting it! Can you put a boolean in the TB code for auto updating? Just add an options menu to switch it.

EDIT: Oh, ok. Thanks, and you're welcome!
ANOTHER EDIT: I just noticed: "You may freely distrubute". You mean distribute? :P/>
GravityScore #227
Posted 06 February 2013 - 12:12 AM
Wow. I hadn't thought about hosting this on Firewolf! There already is a variable in the code you can change - it's called autoupdate and definite near the top of the code. (On phone right now, can't give a line number sorry :P/>)

Thanks for the support!
MulticolouredMarshmellow #228
Posted 08 February 2013 - 04:41 AM
This is awesome! +1!
GravityScore #229
Posted 09 February 2013 - 11:50 PM
Just for reference when 1.5 is fully released, 1lann and will use modem channel 347339653 (Firewolf when typed on a phone's keyboard) :P/>
1lann #230
Posted 10 February 2013 - 01:36 AM
Just for reference when 1.5 is fully released, 1lann and will use modem channel 347339653 (Firewolf when typed on a phone's keyboard) :P/>
Nonononon. It's 34739653
remiX #231
Posted 10 February 2013 - 03:26 AM
nono, its 4541321654512324583123541324687897894321
theoriginalbit #232
Posted 10 February 2013 - 03:32 AM
Just for reference when 1.5 is fully released, 1lann and will use modem channel 347339653 (Firewolf when typed on a phone's keyboard) :P/>
Firewolf is 'Firewolf' when typed on my phones keyboard :P/>
Cloudy #233
Posted 10 February 2013 - 03:54 AM
Maximum channel is 65535.
GravityScore #234
Posted 10 February 2013 - 03:59 AM
Maximum channel is 65535.

Damn. :P/>

Ok we'll use 13126 (fire in numbers + wolf in numbers).
CastleMan2000 #235
Posted 10 February 2013 - 04:10 AM
Wait, what? Modem channels??
GravityScore #236
Posted 10 February 2013 - 04:12 AM
Wait, what? Modem channels??

It's part of the new 1.5 ComptuerCraft. There's a pr2 out now here. The main feature so far is the introduction of the new Rednet sending channels. There's a tutorial on them here.
Cranium #237
Posted 13 February 2013 - 05:56 AM
I want to be able to have SmartPaste download necessary files such as logos and images from a website, but I'm not sure how your Firewolf would let me do that…
What's the function I would need to download needed files to the server folder?
1lann #238
Posted 13 February 2013 - 02:49 PM
I want to be able to have SmartPaste download necessary files such as logos and images from a website, but I'm not sure how your Firewolf would let me do that…
What's the function I would need to download needed files to the server folder?
Use ioReadFileFromServer which basically io.opens in read mode from a file in the server folder and returns the table handle.
Cranium #239
Posted 13 February 2013 - 03:30 PM
Ok, so for example:

if not fs.exists(neededFile) then
    local file = ioReadFileFromServer(string)
    local site = --site handling :P/>
AfterLifeLochie #240
Posted 13 February 2013 - 03:47 PM
Allrrrihgt, so it has come to my attention that there is a seriously major flaw with ComputerCraft or Firewolf that causes minecraft servers to crash.
-mega snippy-
i have never seen anything like this when using http
try sending me the server files and let me test it?
HTTP? Firewolf uses rednet. But this event has occurred on blackwolf and CCU
With regards to this, assuming you still override coroutines - which both myself and Cloudy advised you not to do - this will be the cause. Altering the global coroutine table, such as the important coroutine.yield can, on special occasions and architectures, cause a global system crash. This is simply to do with LuaJ and it's "intelligent" design.

If this isn't the cause, then I have no suggestions - aside saying something you are doing is causing either a deadlock, event spam, or another issue related directly to CC's internals. CC doesn't, and can't, explode unless you do something to make it explode.
1lann #241
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
- snip -
Actually I do not modify coroutines, nor is there any mention of using the coroutine/modifying the coroutine API in firewolf since CC 1.4. Also I posted that I figured out the problem and that I fixed it:
Small quick update about the server crashing problem. I figured out the cause of the server crashing. It's the same reason as this
I managed to reproduce it by spamming rednet on a server :P/>
The new protocol system sends WAY less rednet messages, therefore it's not a problem in Firewolf anymore.
Oh and the Firewolf website is now at

Subject to change
GravityScore #242
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Good new (depending on your priorities). I'm planning a 2.4 release before a 3.0 release (3.0 will have HTTP). I've been thinking of redesigns for a few things in Firewolf tonight, and finished a full working concept of the major one - another redesign of the internal systems, which should cut out around 1500 - 2000 lines of code! :D/> The second thing that I plan to redo is the antivirus, that will be completely rid of string.find, meaning no more false alerts. :D/> And the final major thing that will be redone is the built-in pages system. Built-in pages will now behave almost exactly like loaded pages from external servers, and make 1lann's and my life a lot easier :P/>

I may also redesign the GUI. I'm getting a bit tired of all these centered things. Anyone want a Thunderbird-like design? Concept images:


Sites page

Not a large change in GUI style, and easy to implement. I also have a whole list of smaller changes I'd like to make, but should probably run past 1lann first.

EDIT: Also, does anyone actually use rdnt://history? I use the search bar up/down arrows, but never the actual webpage…
JohnSmith41Junk #243
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
One question, what exactly does this have to do with HTTP? Besides the fact that it automatically updates… it just doesn't look nessecary otherwise, because I am hosting over Rednet. Thanks!

P.S. If it does have access to the internet, can it access LUA sites over services like Dropbox because it downloads the pages? I have two locations with Minecraft set up, so this would be epic.
1lann #244
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
P.S. If it does have access to the internet, can it access LUA sites over services like Dropbox because it downloads the pages? I have two locations with Minecraft set up, so this would be epic.
Yes that's what we are going to virtually do in the future (planned to be this month)

Ok, so for example:

if not fs.exists(neededFile) then
	local file = ioReadFileFromServer(string)
	local site = --site handling :P/>/>
Well it only opens it in a "read only" mode, so to make it write data to the server you need to use the serverAPI. If there was write access, users could hijack the system and stuff up your server, so make limitations and becareful with it.

Also not sure if you "have" to download the files, isn't reading them goof enough? It's your choice afterall.
gle8098 #245
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
And there is NO term.clearLine() function!
remiX #246
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
There is a term.clearLine() function …
1lann #247
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
And there is NO term.clearLine() function!
Oh whoops, sorry. Will add that ASAP.
@remix he was talking about websites not having access to term.clearLine since I like override the term api
remiX #248
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
And there is NO term.clearLine() function!
Oh whoops, sorry. Will add that ASAP.
@remix he was talking about websites not having access to term.clearLine since I like override the term api

Oh ,_, ^_^/>
smithy212000 #249
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
This program is amazing, GravityScore! I'm about to do some testing along with the antivirus that's built-in, and does it also block term.() and print.() because I wouldn't want to go to a website and have it spit out pages XD, let alone print random characters in the terminal. Also, if it doesn't have antivirus blocking for those two, as a suggestion you could add them?
theoriginalbit #250
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
This program is amazing, GravityScore! I'm about to do some testing along with the antivirus that's built-in, and does it also block term.() and print.() because I wouldn't want to go to a website and have it spit out pages XD, let alone print random characters in the terminal. Also, if it doesn't have antivirus blocking for those two, as a suggestion you could add them?
If term functions are blocked then nothing will ever display on the computer.
GravityScore #251
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
This program is amazing, GravityScore! I'm about to do some testing along with the antivirus that's built-in, and does it also block term.() and print.() because I wouldn't want to go to a website and have it spit out pages XD, let alone print random characters in the terminal. Also, if it doesn't have antivirus blocking for those two, as a suggestion you could add them?

Thanks, glad you like it :D/>

Like Bit said, if I blocked term and print functions, then nothing would display, but the antivirus does block things which could be used for malicious purposes, such as io and fs functions, and some of os and shell. I plan to re-write the antivirus to eliminate false alarms soon though. Also, the control key (to open the menu bar) can be pressed at any time during the program to exit the current website in case you encounter a malicious website.
Nightwolf51 #252
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
This is really cool…. nice job!
nutcase84 #253
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Can I use firewolf in Nut OS? I might edit it a little to use my APIs.
1lann #254
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Can I use firewolf in Nut OS? I might edit it a little to use my APIs.
Sure, of course!
nutcase84 #255
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
thanks 1lann.
GravityScore #256
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
WOOT! 2.4 is out!

Check the OP for a loonggg list of changes :D/>

Note: if your Firewolf fails to look any different, and still says 2.3.9, then delete it and re-download it :P/>
PixelToast #257
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
finally you fixed the antivirus :D/>
Cranium #258
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Indeed. Now my stuff won't get flagged so easily(not malicious, just some awesome stuff)

EDIT: When are you going to update your wiki to explain some of the new functions? I want to know if there is a better way to download files to the server upon installation. I just don't want to have to manually download the logo for SmartPaste. :P/>
/me is lazy
Edited by
remiX #259
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Wow, nice work guys :P/>
Will the full http version allow users to access sites from whoever is hosting one? :D/>

PS: Nice brain Cranium.
tesla1889 #260
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
hooray for cutting down on lines!
GravityScore #261
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
@Cranium I probably won't get around to editing the wiki until I get home this afternoon sorry :(/> (its about 7:30am here)

@remiX it will. Plus I plan to design it like write the website, click to start, and exit minecraft. Then in whatever Firewolf you next visit, just log in and click to stop :)/>
mtwiscool #262
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
it won't find webpages on wired modems
thats the error im getting
GravityScore #263
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
it won't find webpages on wired modems
thats the error im getting

Huh, I see your problem… Not sure what could be causing it. Rednet should be backwards compatible between the versions. And rednet.send/receive/broadcast all work in the Lua prompt, just the RDNT protocol won't transmit.

I'll look into it tomorrow, have to go to bed now :P/>
mtwiscool #264
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
it won't find webpages on wired modems
thats the error im getting

Huh, I see your problem… Not sure what could be causing it. Rednet should be backwards compatible between the versions. And rednet.send/receive/broadcast all work in the Lua prompt, just the RDNT protocol won't transmit.

I'll look into it tomorrow, have to go to bed now :P/>
any news on progress?
Bobder22 #265
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
This is the error I'm getting when I try and start the program:

firewolf:1087: attempt to perform arithmetic __sub on nil and number

I downloaded straight from the pastebin using: pastebin get A7wGH3ty firewolf
mtwiscool #266
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
it seams theys alot changing in the code
1lann #267
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
This is the error I'm getting when I try and start the program:

firewolf:1087: attempt to perform arithmetic __sub on nil and number

I downloaded straight from the pastebin using: pastebin get A7wGH3ty firewolf
Thanks for reporting that, fixed.
InputUsername #268
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Hey Gravity, just a small note: your signature still says Firewolf 2.3.9 :P/>
mtwiscool #269
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM

this is the error i'm facing
1lann #270
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
this is the error i'm facing
Since you're using a PR version of firewolf, we are unsure whether it's a bug in CC or in Firewolf. I'll try and check It out later when I have free time, which is like in 12 hours D:
mtwiscool #271
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
any news?
1lann #272
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
any news?
Sorry! I'm quite busy in life right now. I might need to redo the entire rednet system in firewolf
Cranium #273
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I still don't know how I am going to be able to download necessary files to the server automatically. I want to be able to push an update to github or pastebin, and have the server update. I also would like to be able to download logos and images, as well as custom apis to the server if necessary. It would be nice if you could add that function. There's nothing on your wiki(still) about this feature. This is really the last thing I need before I can release SmartPaste 2.0
GravityScore #274
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I still don't know how I am going to be able to download necessary files to the server automatically. I want to be able to push an update to github or pastebin, and have the server update. I also would like to be able to download logos and images, as well as custom apis to the server if necessary. It would be nice if you could add that function. There's nothing on your wiki(still) about this feature. This is really the last thing I need before I can release SmartPaste 2.0

I'll promise I'll update the wiki this afternoon when I get home. As for downloading from the client to the server, this would be a rather big security risk, and I don't think would be possible to ensure server safety.

… Then again… I could add built in inline scripting to the server (like PHP) which could be used to download files to a server before the script is run on the client…
You could add code between <?script and ?> tags at the top of the file, which would be run on the server computer, but then removed from the source code before it is sent to the client. This shouldn't be to hard.

As for loading images, files and APIs from the server computer, there are functions that allow you to do that easily. I'll properly document them on the wiki when I get home.
Cranium #275
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Glad to hear that this might already exist. I can't wait to finish this project. It has been haunting me for months now.
1lann #276
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
any news?
Right, I managed to fix it, but my quick hotpatch makes firewolf load websites slower by 0.1 seconds. GravityScore being picky, wouldn't like it so a better fix will be released soon.

But anyways, right now and from now to the future it should work on modems now.
GravityScore #277
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
any news?
Right, I managed to fix it, but my quick hotpatch makes firewolf load websites slower by 0.1 seconds. GravityScore being picky, wouldn't like it so a better fix will be released soon.

But anyways, right now and from now to the future it should work on modems now.

I don't care 1lann :P/> hot fix it now, and then completely fix it later.
tesla1889 #278
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
… Then again… I could add built in inline scripting to the server (like PHP) which could be used to download files to a server before the script is run on the client…
You could add code between <?script and ?> tags at the top of the file, which would be run on the server computer, but then removed from the source code before it is sent to the client. This shouldn't be to hard.

As for loading images, files and APIs from the server computer, there are functions that allow you to do that easily. I'll properly document them on the wiki when I get home.

ooooo please do. a php equivalent would be great for firewolf websites.
actually, an easy way to do this would be to use something like –[[{ and }]] to delimit it
GravityScore #279
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
ooooo please do. a php equivalent would be great for firewolf websites.
actually, an easy way to do this would be to use something like –[[{ and }]] to delimit it

Putting the PHP-like script in comments and then not removing it sorta ruins the point of secrecy. :P/>

The script should be run on the server side, and it may contain secret password info for things (databases, websites, etc…), which would then be un-viewable to people downloading the website.
1lann #280
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I'll try doing an implemntation of this myself. Here's my idea for it so far:

Inside the hidden code that would be functions. APIS added for websites would be like fwScript(string functioname, optional: string data, moarstrings, ect.) which on the server would call the function on the server and whatever that function returns would be sent back to the client and fwScript would return that.

Does that sound good?
GravityScore #281
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
For anyone interested, I updated the API Documentation on GitHub with the new functions in 2.4, and I'll get around to implementing server scripting very soon.

The only thing I was unsure how to do is when to run the server script. If I run the script before the page is sent to the client and run, the client will time out if the script takes longer than 0.08 (or whatever the timeout is) seconds. I could also send the page to the client, then run the server script, so there would be no waiting client side for the page. I was thinking to have a method like serverScriptHasCompleted, which would poll the server and return false until the server script had finished executing. That way people would be able to display some sort of loading screen.

There would (of course) be no antivirus limiting the server scripting. And all io/fs calls would be made on the server computer, not the client's.
theoriginalbit #282
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Bug report. Using the version downloaded from pastebin in OP.

Also … 'Click to exit' … i press any key and it exits too …
Cranium #283
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Well, as to security, you could add a function that would download a file to the user computer accessing the website, and on either termination or exit, it would delete that file. Kind of like a temporary file to be used only for that instance. You could easily scan the file being downloaded before it is run, and make sure that it contains no malware.

Bug report. Using the version downloaded from pastebin in OP.
I get that sometimes too. Deleting my .Firewolf_Data works.
theoriginalbit #284
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Well, as to security, you could add a function that would download a file to the user computer accessing the website, and on either termination or exit, it would delete that file. Kind of like a temporary file to be used only for that instance. You could easily scan the file being downloaded before it is run, and make sure that it contains no malware.
Also delete the files on startup, incase of computer reboot.

I get that sometimes too. Deleting my .Firewolf_Data works.
No folder with that name.
Cranium #285
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Then that has to be the problem. Firewolf should definitely create that folder for you.
GravityScore #286
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
That error is triggered because the Firewolf_Data doesn't exist (like you said Cranium :P/>), and was a bit of an oversight for me when I changed the updating system. Fixed that bit :P/>

The strange thing is that the error is triggered in the displaying of the could not connect to GitHub error…
Why is it showing that error… We all have interwebs and I can connect to GitHub…

EDIT: huh… Fixing the original error of the folder not existing has seemed to fix the updating error…. Re-downloading should fix it BIT :P/>
theoriginalbit #287
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
thanks :)/>

Side note. Ability to click out of the url bar would be nice.
mtwiscool #288
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
is this the hotfixed one:
1lann #289
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I fix those bugs earlier today. Though I couldn't update it on the post on the OP cause grabs hasn't given me his username and password for pastebin. You could always try the pastebin id ppnssi26 since I have that always working and up to date.

Yes that is I suppose you could say. It's the normal version, so it should automatically update when you start firewolf. If it fails to do so, use the pastebin ID ppnssi26 since the updating system was broken before since I changed the system to use less bandwidth and to be faster.
mtwiscool #290
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
i havent tested it but i have a modified mine that points to the hotfix:

pastebin get 0fiHrMUR firewolf

don't know if works but hope so
GravityScore #291
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I fix those bugs earlier today. Though I couldn't update it on the post on the OP cause grabs hasn't given me his username and password for pastebin. You could always try the pastebin id ppnssi26 since I have that always working and up to date.

Yes I did :P/> You've just forgotten it.

And did you submit it to GitHub? I didn't see any commits…
1lann #292
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
thanks :)/>/>

Side note. Ability to click out of the url bar would be nice.
Hmm, I was planning for a way to like pause the website and save its state when using the address bar. I never really had the time to experiment with coroutines and term manipulation. I will try one day hopefully. And if I do manage to do that, then expect tabs to come soon too :P/>
mtwiscool #293
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
i see if it works as soon as i get home from school.
Cranium #294
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
So I tried to test with SmartPaste, and when loading an image from the server(YES it was in there), it crashed, on line 408, expected string. The file is there…I just don't know what the heck is happening.

EDIT: Screw it…I'm sick of monkeying around with your file system. I'm just making one large file for this, so I am keeping the image tables in the program itself.
Edited by
mtwiscool #295
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
it could be how smartpaste works
theoriginalbit #296
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
it could be how smartpaste works
doubtful. have you seen the pastebin api. there is little to no way to stuff it up.
mtwiscool #297
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
it seams to be a coding error looking at the error code it looks like the smartpaste code needs fixing
Cranium #298
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
it seams to be a coding error looking at the error code it looks like the smartpaste code needs fixing
It is not an error with my code. SmartPaste checks if it is installed in Firewolf, and if so, it uses their APIs to load images and APIs to the website. If it is not installed in Firewolf, it runs perfectly by downloading the files to the local computer. So no. Not my code.
mtwiscool #299
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
wired rednet now appers to work
1lann #300
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
So I tried to test with SmartPaste, and when loading an image from the server(YES it was in there), it crashed, on line 408, expected string. The file is there…I just don't know what the heck is happening.

EDIT: Screw it…I'm sick of monkeying around with your file system. I'm just making one large file for this, so I am keeping the image tables in the program itself.
It's not smartpaste, it's firewolf -_-/> Gravs you realllyyy do suck at copying functions
env.fs.delete(f:close()) really?
Anywho I fixed it now. Feel free to use your own system though.
Cranium #301
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Okay, so I got it working with SmartPaste. One question. Is there a way to remove the top address bar? I have a redirect function within SmartPaste that will return back to firewolf home site, and I want to utilize the entire screen for my program. I know it's just one line, but doing that shifts my entire GUI and messes with my buttons.
momona5 #302
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
This is amazing. It only proves how much can be done in cc. Keep up the good work!
1lann #303
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Okay, so I got it working with SmartPaste. One question. Is there a way to remove the top address bar? I have a redirect function within SmartPaste that will return back to firewolf home site, and I want to utilize the entire screen for my program. I know it's just one line, but doing that shifts my entire GUI and messes with my buttons.
Hmm, as of right now no. But I will definitely fix this today or tomorrow. I've already started working on this.
momona5 #304
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
While writing my own website I tried making a simple button using this code:

while true do
local event, button, X, Y, = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")

if XY == 3,17 then"lol")

and I got this error:

I've tried it alone in it's own program and it works fine, and I've even tried re writing it and clearing the cache on firewolf. Nothing seems to work.
GravityScore #305
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
While writing my own website I tried making a simple button using this code:

while true do
local event, button, X, Y, = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")

if XY == 3,17 then"lol")

I've tried it alone in it's own program and it works fine, and I've even tried re writing it and clearing the cache on firewolf. Nothing seems to work.

That's not actually Firewolf's fault :P/>

When using if statements, you can't compare 2 variables at once like you are. This:

if XY == 3,17 then
Has to be this:

if X == 3 and Y == 17 then
1lann #306
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Okay, so I got it working with SmartPaste. One question. Is there a way to remove the top address bar? I have a redirect function within SmartPaste that will return back to firewolf home site, and I want to utilize the entire screen for my program. I know it's just one line, but doing that shifts my entire GUI and messes with my buttons.
Alright, after working with GravityScore's extremly failed system of the rednering engine, I finallt fixed everything and mouse events now work properly with the address bar in the way, so is everything else that was broken. However I still will try to add a hideBar option, somehow…

I still notice that SmartPaste still isn't working with firewolf for some reason. O_o
Cranium #307
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Yeah….there must be something SERIOUSLY wrong with your term api. term.setCursorPos() must have been seriously changed for my GUI to be fucked up so badly.
momona5 #308
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
While writing my own website I tried making a simple button using this code:

while true do
local event, button, X, Y, = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")

if XY == 3,17 then"lol")

I've tried it alone in it's own program and it works fine, and I've even tried re writing it and clearing the cache on firewolf. Nothing seems to work.

That's not actually Firewolf's fault :P/>

When using if statements, you can't compare 2 variables at once like you are. This:

if XY == 3,17 then
Has to be this:

if X == 3 and Y == 17 then

But you can do that because it works outside of the program. But if you insist, I tried it with the two variables separate and i got the same error in the browser.

Tried this:


while true do
  local event, button, mouseX, mouseY = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  if mouseX == "1" and mouseY == "2" and button == "1" then
with just this one the page it runs, but clicking the button does nothing.

EDIT: I just realized i missed a line on my first post when copying the code here, it's actually supposed to say this:

while true do
local event, button, X, Y, = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
XY = X..","..Y

if XY == 3,17 then"lol")
Mandrake Fernflower #309
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Now to find a cloudflare like server program for this toolkit :D/> I can make a whole server rage with one :D/>
1lann #310
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Now to find a cloudflare like server program for this toolkit :D/> I can make a whole server rage with one :D/>
Firewolf servers and clients come built in with anti spam/ddos.
Cranium #311
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
But you can do that because it works outside of the program. But if you insist, I tried it with the two variables separate and i got the same error in the browser.


while true do
  local event, button, mouseX, mouseY = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  if mouseX == 1 and mouseY == 2 and button == 1 then
Fixed your code for you. Mouse events return numbers, not strings. The quotes were not necessary.
1lann #312
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Alright cranium, I added a hideBar function which returns the vanilla term API as if it were ran without the term modifications. There is also a showBar function which returns with the Firewolf's modified term.
To use:
term = showBar() to show the bar
term = hideBar() to hide the bar

I suggest you to also do a term.clear() right after doing each toggle of the bar
theoriginalbit #313
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
To use:
term = showBar() to show the bar
term = hideBar() to hide the bar

I suggest you to also do a term.clear() right after doing each toggle of the bar
Why don't you just have the API do all this? so usage is just a simple:
GravityScore #314
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
To use:
term = showBar() to show the bar
term = hideBar() to hide the bar

I suggest you to also do a term.clear() right after doing each toggle of the bar
Why don't you just have the API do all this? so usage is just a simple:

1lann doesn't understand the way Firewolf works properly in regards to environments :P/>

Imma update/fix it now.

EDIT: Ok fixed it to work nicely :P/>

Use it like:

Note, the functions will clear the screen and reset the cursor position after calling.
Cranium #315
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Glad to hear it. I'm gonna do some tweaks and tests, and hope to see the full release sometime in 24 hours. I have work, so i can't update as quickly as I want.
ardera #316
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Im getting an error If I want to display the server/rdnt site: firewolf:1604: attempt to call nil
(but its displaying the crash site, so its not an total program crash)
Cranium #317
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Good news….the new update broke something. The mouse events for anything outside of the address bar are clicking one character too low on the rdnt://server site
1lann #318
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Nvm - Ignore this! (GravityScore if you see this, I just wanted to say that I reverted your "fixes" which broke website quitting and failed prompts since my old way actually works perfectly fine, so I'm sticking with it)
Cranium #319
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Wait, previous statement was a derp. Apparently, Firewolf did not update properly. I deleted, reinstalled and ran again. The server works now, but the hideBar function still does not work.
1lann #320
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Wait, previous statement was a derp. Apparently, Firewolf did not update properly. I deleted, reinstalled and ran again. The server works now, but the hideBar function still does not work.
Working on it right now, I'll update this post when I get it 100% fixed
Cranium #321
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Oh, ok then. Keep up the hard work!
1lann #322
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Alright, fix hopefully 100% completed. I couldn't figure it out on hwo to do it purely from calling a function, so you have to do it exactly like this:

os.pullEvent, term = hideBar() -- To hide the bar

os.pullEvent, term = showBar() -- To (re)show the bar
Hopefully I can make this better in the future, this is what's working as of right now
Cranium #323
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Alright, fix hopefully 100% completed. I couldn't figure it out on hwo to do it purely from calling a function, so you have to do it exactly like this:

os.pullEvent, term = hideBar() -- To hide the bar

os.pullEvent, term = showBar() -- To (re)show the bar
Hopefully I can make this better in the future, this is what's working as of right now
It…didn't work….I got an attempt to index nil when trying to call hideBar()

EDIT: After testing, it seems that the term api is not returned. It's becoming nil after the function call.
Edited by
GravityScore #324
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
1lann seriously….

What the hell was wrong with my way?
1lann #325
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Alright, fix hopefully 100% completed. I couldn't figure it out on hwo to do it purely from calling a function, so you have to do it exactly like this:

os.pullEvent, term = hideBar() -- To hide the bar

os.pullEvent, term = showBar() -- To (re)show the bar
Hopefully I can make this better in the future, this is what's working as of right now
It…didn't work….I got an attempt to index nil when trying to call hideBar()

EDIT: After testing, it seems that the term api is not returned. It's becoming nil after the function call.
OH MY GAWDD!!! It was a typo -_-/> Fixed.
Cranium #326
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
OH MY GAWDD!!! It was a typo -_-/> Fixed.
NO WAI!!! IT TOTALLY WORKS NOW!!!! I'm gonna push an update to SmartPaste now!
mtwiscool #327
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
whats the code to make a rednet wired repeter (firewolf)
hego555 #328
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
This is amazing, thank you.
InputUsername #329
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Firewolf really is amazing. It all works so perfect. Looking forward to HTTP support because I have no idea what it will add :P/>

Though I have one question: will there be or are there possibilities to host multiple pages on one computer? For example rdnt:// and rdnt:// ?
tesla1889 #330
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
ooooo please do. a php equivalent would be great for firewolf websites.
actually, an easy way to do this would be to use something like –[[{ and }]] to delimit it

Putting the PHP-like script in comments and then not removing it sorta ruins the point of secrecy. :P/>

The script should be run on the server side, and it may contain secret password info for things (databases, websites, etc…), which would then be un-viewable to people downloading the website.

you could always replace that code segment with what the PHP-like lua returned
1lann #331
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Firewolf really is amazing. It all works so perfect. Looking forward to HTTP support because I have no idea what it will add :P/>

Though I have one question: will there be or are there possibilities to host multiple pages on one computer? For example rdnt:// and rdnt:// ?
Yes, just create additional files. Ex: make the file test and put code in it, and people can access it by
Azhf #332
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
How do I submit theme? Thanks
Sphexish #333
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Mind if I put this in my OS?
I like it and I will give credits :D/>
1lann #334
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Mind if I put this in my OS?
I like it and I will give credits :D/>
Sure, of course!
Azhf #335
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Mind if I put this in my OS?
I like it and I will give credits :D/>
Sure, of course!
One more thing: Pretty much same as Sphexish.
GravityScore #336
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Mind if I put this in my OS?
I like it and I will give credits :D/>
Sure, of course!
One more thing: Pretty much same as Sphexish.

Sure, of course! :P/>
InputUsername #337
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Yes, just create additional files. Ex: make the file test and put code in it, and people can access it by


But once again, I have a question: why is directory creation on the server prohibited? It would be cool to be able to have, let's say, a page called rdnt:// :)/>
GravityScore #338
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM

But once again, I have a question: why is directory creation on the server prohibited? It would be cool to be able to have, let's say, a page called rdnt:// :)/>

It would be helpful, but the way we implemented it a few versions ago was quite terrible (didn't work whatsoever), and when editing websites, it becomes a lot harder to sandbox what you're doing into a single folder without overriding the entire fs, io and some of shell libraries.

Plus, considering the way we're implementing HTTP, it becomes almost impossible to keep consistency between the way you can create websites for RDNT and HTTP. This wouldn't allow you to easily move an RDNT server over to HTTP.
Azhf #339
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM

But once again, I have a question: why is directory creation on the server prohibited? It would be cool to be able to have, let's say, a page called rdnt:// :)/>

It would be helpful, but the way we implemented it a few versions ago was quite terrible (didn't work whatsoever), and when editing websites, it becomes a lot harder to sandbox what you're doing into a single folder without overriding the entire fs, io and some of shell libraries.

Plus, considering the way we're implementing HTTP, it becomes almost impossible to keep consistency between the way you can create websites for RDNT and HTTP. This wouldn't allow you to easily move an RDNT server over to HTTP.
God, http would be great, I have much experience with that.

Edit: Got confused with html. Lol, Idk about http.
joostlek #340
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM

i used firewolf very well but today i cant setup a server

i cant click on start

Mackan90096 #341
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Mind if i use this in my os?
GravityScore #342
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Mind if i use this in my os?

Sure, go ahead!
Mackan90096 #343
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Mind if i use this in my os?

Sure, go ahead!
remiX #344
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Hows new version with http going? :P/>
MudkipTheEpic #345
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Suggestion: saveFileToServer function.
1lann #346
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Suggestion: saveFileToServer function.
The problem with that is it can cause lots of security flaws…
GravityScore #347
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Suggestion: saveFileToServer function.
The problem with that is it can cause lots of security flaws…

And it's not very possible with HTTP without sending your username and password, which would be visible in the code… that Firewolf receives and saves to a file… in a logical and easily findable spot…
Divide_By_0 #348
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
This is cool
/me hands GravityScore a Cookie
1lann #349
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Hows new version with http going? :P/>
Comming soon! Like really hopefully. I believe 80% of it is working, just some client side bugs D:, also development has slowed down a bit as we work on a new project *hint* *hint*

Though gravityscore still hasn't let me work on it yet D:
I think he's paranoid I will break it :P/>
remiX #350
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Hows new version with http going? :P/>
Comming soon! Like really hopefully. I believe 80% of it is working, just some client side bugs D:, also development has slowed down a bit as we work on a new project *hint* *hint*

Though gravityscore still hasn't let me work on it yet D:
I think he's paranoid I will break it :P/>

80%! So we should be expecting it soon :D/> Nice!

New project? :o/> Another one, seriously? Gravity has too many ideas B)/>
worldmc #351
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
heya. a idea : hyperlinks
GravityScore #352
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
heya. a idea : hyperlinks

Hyperlinks are already possible. There's a function called redirect that you can call, that will exit your website and redirect to another. I'd you need a more detailed explanation, look at the Github wiki (link in the main post).
spyman68 #353
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Can I use this in my little Web Hub? It's called Interwebs Web Hub
elfin8er #354
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I'm wanting to make a server hosting provider on my server. I have three questions. First, is there any easy way to allow users to remotely edit their website? Second, is there an easy way to make expanding the distance of the server farther? Last, is it possible to run multiple servers on one computer?
1lann #355
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Can I use this in my little Web Hub? It's called Interwebs Web Hub
Yeah, sure

I'm wanting to make a server hosting provider on my server. I have three questions. First, is there any easy way to allow users to remotely edit their website? Second, is there an easy way to make expanding the distance of the server farther? Last, is it possible to run multiple servers on one computer?
1. Sorry! There currently is no way to remotely edit computers
2. You can expand the distance of a server by putting the server higher up, that's all you can do I suppose right now. You could probably get some kind of networking system that wraps over the rednet api
3. And sorry again! There is currently no way to run multiple servers on one computer, however you can have multiple pages on one computer. I might add this in the future.
elfin8er #356
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Can I use this in my little Web Hub? It's called Interwebs Web Hub
Yeah, sure

I'm wanting to make a server hosting provider on my server. I have three questions. First, is there any easy way to allow users to remotely edit their website? Second, is there an easy way to make expanding the distance of the server farther? Last, is it possible to run multiple servers on one computer?
1. Sorry! There currently is no way to remotely edit computers
2. You can expand the distance of a server by putting the server higher up, that's all you can do I suppose right now. You could probably get some kind of networking system that wraps over the rednet api
3. And sorry again! There is currently no way to run multiple servers on one computer, however you can have multiple pages on one computer. I might add this in the future.
Alright, thanks for your help!
DatMonkeyDew #357
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Hello, i've been trying to use your command to loadImageFromServer() but im not sure how to use it.

Could you give me a description and/or an example of how to use this?

DatMonkeyDew #358
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Also a suggestion

Add a tickbox to make the server hidden, accessable but hidden
blocked IDS can use cache files to connect to the server, please fix this

A way to add both of these is by adding these options to server set ups and able to change in the manage option in server:

Hide adress?:
[ Yes ] [ No ]

Enable cache ability?:
[ Yes ] [ No ]

EDIT : Forget about the Cache thing, if you want to ban an ip from viewing your page simply edit your page and put this at the start

if os.getComputerID() == -- Numbers or a variable[Possible table]


--What you wish to do if they enter when banned


--Enter page content here

1lann #359
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Also a suggestion

Add a tickbox to make the server hidden, accessable but hidden
blocked IDS can use cache files to connect to the server, please fix this

A way to add both of these is by adding these options to server set ups and able to change in the manage option in server:

Hide adress?:
[ Yes ] [ No ]

Enable cache ability?:
[ Yes ] [ No ]

EDIT : Forget about the Cache thing, if you want to ban an ip from viewing your page simply edit your page and put this at the start

if os.getComputerID() == -- Numbers or a variable[Possible table]


--What you wish to do if they enter when banned


--Enter page content here

Hiding address would just be a visual thing on the client, since the way how Firewolf works by making something similar to a DNS lookup. So people can still find your website. Why not just put a password page, then redirect it to a subpage? Or use the serverAPI

I don't understand your cache problem. You know what cache is right? A local stored copy of something for future use. That means that computer must have accessed your website in order to create a cached version of the website. Also putting the if os.getComputerID() wouldn't really be that effective if the computer has the cached copy, since they can just copy it and modify it.
1lann #360
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Hello, i've been trying to use your command to loadImageFromServer() but im not sure how to use it.

Could you give me a description and/or an example of how to use this?

It loads an image from the server (Must be in the server directory) just like paintutils.loadImage, so it's used like

image = loadImageFromServer("image1")
paintutils.drawImage(image, 1, 1)
DatMonkeyDew #361
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Hello, i've been trying to use your command to loadImageFromServer() but im not sure how to use it.

Could you give me a description and/or an example of how to use this?

It loads an image from the server (Must be in the server directory) just like paintutils.loadImage, so it's used like

image = loadImageFromServer("image1")
paintutils.drawImage(image, 1, 1)

I copied that text and used paint to make a image called image1. I use that code and i get this error:

paintutils:92: attempt to get length of nil

Also, the os.getComputerID() thing does work as long as you remove them from the built in blacklist and have your server online when they log on.
overfritz #362
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Theoretically, couldn't it be possible to create a operating system using Firewolf as it's base? For example, you go to the main page (rdnt://firewolf), then using the address bar you go to various sub-sections (rdnt://games, rdnt://utilities, etc.). And then, of course, you can browse to the various websites (rdnt://examplesite) all in one "web-based" OS. Other programs could be hosted by other players in the world (in SMP) or by yourself (in SSP) using the web to do various functions (turning on lights, opening a door, playing a song in a disk drive, an IRC client/IM Client, etc.) - to me the possibilities are almost endless, especially on a SMP server.

If this is possible, please let me know. If you guys behind Firewolf are OK with me using Firewolf as the base to run everything, do let me know. If not, I can always find another browser to base this off of (but Firewolf looks like the coolest one)
1lann #363
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Theoretically, couldn't it be possible to create a operating system using Firewolf as it's base? For example, you go to the main page (rdnt://firewolf), then using the address bar you go to various sub-sections (rdnt://games, rdnt://utilities, etc.). And then, of course, you can browse to the various websites (rdnt://examplesite) all in one "web-based" OS. Other programs could be hosted by other players in the world (in SMP) or by yourself (in SSP) using the web to do various functions (turning on lights, opening a door, playing a song in a disk drive, an IRC client/IM Client, etc.) - to me the possibilities are almost endless, especially on a SMP server.

If this is possible, please let me know. If you guys behind Firewolf are OK with me using Firewolf as the base to run everything, do let me know. If not, I can always find another browser to base this off of (but Firewolf looks like the coolest one)

Sure! Go ahead. Firewolf is designed to be somewhat easily modded and is expandable. it's quite easy to add more local pages. Try to find the part in the code where the pages are declared and stick something in there. Like

pages.edit = function()"/rom/programs/edit") end

Or something
overfritz #364
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Thanks 1lann! I'll be working on the OS (codenamed FireWolfOS, which will likely be it's final name) that is very, very web based. The only other program I can think of that I would add in as a local page would be Thunderbird, which would allow for something special - communication with other people registered for Thunderbird via "email". Basically, FireWolfOS (aka my first OS, which I will spend a ton of time on) will emphasize web programs over native ones, permit inter-server communications, allow people in Singleplayer to contact Multiplayer friends, and make using programs so easy that you practically don't need to download anything. Oh wait, you don't.

Virtually any program will either be done on a local page, or via a server website that runs the code. So thanks again 1lann!
GravityScore #365
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Thanks 1lann! I'll be working on the OS (codenamed FireWolfOS, which will likely be it's final name) that is very, very web based. The only other program I can think of that I would add in as a local page would be Thunderbird, which would allow for something special - communication with other people registered for Thunderbird via "email". Basically, FireWolfOS (aka my first OS, which I will spend a ton of time on) will emphasize web programs over native ones, permit inter-server communications, allow people in Singleplayer to contact Multiplayer friends, and make using programs so easy that you practically don't need to download anything. Oh wait, you don't.

Virtually any program will either be done on a local page, or via a server website that runs the code. So thanks again 1lann!

Sounds ambitious! Hope it goes well. :D/>

Feel free to use Thunderbird in it. You may also want to look at 1lann's wireless printing program to maybe have a wireless printing feature.
1lann #366
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I copied that text and used paint to make a image called image1. I use that code and i get this error:

paintutils:92: attempt to get length of nil
Are you sure it's in the server directory and that there is no "file extension" or anything?
overfritz #367
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
ooh wireless printing isn't a bad idea…maybe i'll add that in a future version

EDIT: Jeez FireWolf's code is long. Gotta surf through it all to find the local pages area…
DatMonkeyDew #368
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I copied that text and used paint to make a image called image1. I use that code and i get this error:

paintutils:92: attempt to get length of nil
Are you sure it's in the server directory and that there is no "file extension" or anything?

Its saved in my servers directory. (/.Firewolf_Data/servers/<MY WEBSITE>/image1)

and used the commands:

image = loadImageFromServer("image1")
paintutils.drawImage(image, 1, 1)

in the program

imagetest ( a page of my website)

i created the image by paint image1 then transfering it into my servers ftp
GeniusName3 #369
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Make tabs,it would be really cool,make it limited though make limit it to 10 tabs?
figgycity50 #370
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Can i use this for my os here -
GravityScore #371
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Can i use this for my os here - http://www.computerc...__fromsearch__1

Sure go ahead!
figgycity50 #372
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
ok i forgot to put it in the update will do next update tho :D/>
nutcase84 #373
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
So… I am trying to make this part of my OS. I made a icon system, a nice little icon, and made it run this when clicked:".sys/firewolf")
It works, but when I go to exit firewolf, it crashes. It doesn't have a error. I have to do Control-R to UN-freeze it. I think it has something to do with the Control-T protection.

Please fix this, it's delaying the next release of Nut OS.
GravityScore #374
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
So… I am trying to make this part of my OS. I made a icon system, a nice little icon, and made it run this when clicked:".sys/firewolf")
It works, but when I go to exit firewolf, it crashes. It doesn't have a error. I have to do Control-R to UN-freeze it. I think it has something to do with the Control-T protection.

Please fix this, it's delaying the next release of Nut OS.

Sorry, this can't be anything on Firewolf's end. I can't replicate the problem. shell.running Firewolf from within the middle of anything doesn't cause me any issues. Could you tell me how you're running it? If anything is being overridden (os.pullEvent)? Or if you're using a custom coroutine system?
nutcase84 #375
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
So… I am trying to make this part of my OS. I made a icon system, a nice little icon, and made it run this when clicked:".sys/firewolf")
It works, but when I go to exit firewolf, it crashes. It doesn't have a error. I have to do Control-R to UN-freeze it. I think it has something to do with the Control-T protection.

Please fix this, it's delaying the next release of Nut OS.

Sorry, this can't be anything on Firewolf's end. I can't replicate the problem. shell.running Firewolf from within the middle of anything doesn't cause me any issues. Could you tell me how you're running it? If anything is being overridden (os.pullEvent)? Or if you're using a custom coroutine system?

I have this at the beginning of the code:

os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw

I hope we can get this working. :(/>

EDIT: Almost got it working… I did this before opening the program:

os.pullEvent = oldPullEvent
(I made the old pull event var like this:
oldPullEvent = os.pullEvent
With that it exited, and showed the Thank you thing, but crashed again after that.
GravityScore #376
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I have this at the beginning of the code:

os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw

I hope we can get this working. :(/>

Yes that does seem to be the source of the problem. Is it possible to save a copy of the orignal os.pullEvent, and reset it before launching Firewolf? Considering all control-t's are caught by Firewolf, and simply make the program exit, reseting os.pullEvent shouldn't compromise security at all.

Something like:

local oldPullEvent = os.pullEvent
os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw

-- ...
os.pullEvent = oldPullEvent"firewolf")
os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw
nutcase84 #377
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I have this at the beginning of the code:

os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw

I hope we can get this working. :(/>

Yes that does seem to be the source of the problem. Is it possible to save a copy of the orignal os.pullEvent, and reset it before launching Firewolf? Considering all control-t's are caught by Firewolf, and simply make the program exit, reseting os.pullEvent shouldn't compromise security at all.

Something like:

local oldPullEvent = os.pullEvent
os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw

-- ...
os.pullEvent = oldPullEvent"firewolf")
os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw
That's what I did, and it crashed at the "Thank you" screen.
theoriginalbit #378
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Yes that does seem to be the source of the problem. Is it possible to save a copy of the orignal os.pullEvent, and reset it before launching Firewolf?
Not just firewolf, I think it should be done before most programs… maybe like this:

local oldPull = os.pullEvent
os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw

local ok, err = pcall(, 'firewolf')
if not ok then
  os.pullEvent = oldPull
  local ok, err = pcall(, 'firewolf')
  if not ok then
    -- ok so its not a problem from overriding the pullEvent, handle this error however you wish.
  os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw
that way it is tried first with the override, then if that fails, restore it to original, try again, then override it again once that is finished.
nutcase84 #379
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Yes that does seem to be the source of the problem. Is it possible to save a copy of the orignal os.pullEvent, and reset it before launching Firewolf?
Not just firewolf, I think it should be done before most programs… maybe like this:

local oldPull = os.pullEvent
os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw

local ok, err = pcall(, 'firewolf')
if not ok then
  os.pullEvent = oldPull
  local ok, err = pcall(, 'firewolf')
  if not ok then
	-- ok so its not a problem from overriding the pullEvent, handle this error however you wish.
  os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw
that way it is tried first with the override, then if that fails, restore it to original, try again, then override it again once that is finished.

It fails.
nutcase84 #380
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
So there's no solution?
theoriginalbit #381
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
So there's no solution?
Its a simple one… don't override os.pullEvent… just make your OS un-terminatable the better way…
nutcase84 #382
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
just make your OS un-terminatable the better way…

What better way?
GravityScore #383
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Firewolf 2.5 is out! Brand new internals (yet again), and a few bug fixes.

It now includes a custom coroutine system, leading to Firewolf being 300 lines shorter :D/>
Note to OS makers: Firewolf should no longer have a problem with exiting if you've overridden os.pullEvent (such as when preventing control+t termination).

TheVarmari #384
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Nice. A new update is exactly what is needed! Keep it up… And add that HTTP technology! ;)/>
nutcase84 #385
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Fixes the bug with my OS. Thanks.
Patey #386
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
When I create a website and start it it isn't showing up on my other computer, I'm pretty new to computercraft so I'm not really sure what I did wrong.
the computers are a few blocks apart. the server computer is just an advanced computer with a modem on the back and the other is an advanced computer with a disk drive on the left, printer on the right, wired modem to monitor on the top and a moedm on the back. wrapped the modems in lua with <code>modem=peripheral.wrap("back")</code>
and <code></code> on both computers.

I created the website ,started it and went to the other computer and left the field as rdnt:// and it didn't show up.
anyone know what I did wrong?
1lann #387
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
When I create a website and start it it isn't showing up on my other computer, I'm pretty new to computercraft so I'm not really sure what I did wrong.
the computers are a few blocks apart. the server computer is just an advanced computer with a modem on the back and the other is an advanced computer with a disk drive on the left, printer on the right, wired modem to monitor on the top and a moedm on the back. wrapped the modems in lua with <code>modem=peripheral.wrap("back")</code>
and <code></code> on both computers.

I created the website ,started it and went to the other computer and left the field as rdnt:// and it didn't show up.
anyone know what I did wrong?
I'll look into it, ill update this post once I figure it out
Spongy141 #388
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Wow, nice +1 (I think I'm a little late though :P/>)
alakazard12 #389
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Wow, nice +1 (I think I'm a little late though :P/>)

Your a few months late…
GravityScore #390
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Wow, nice +1 (I think I'm a little late though :P/>)

Your a few months late…

Doesn't matter :P/> 1lann and I appreciate it any time.
LDShadowLord #391
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Do you guys ever stop working?!
GravityScore #392
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Do you guys ever stop working?!

Could you imagine how bored I would get if I ever stopped working on things? :P/>

Plus, I had this version sitting on my computer nearly finished for a while, I just forgot about it :P/>
Geforce Fan #393
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
How do you host from normal computers? I don't want to waste an advanced computer hosting, can I port my website from advanced to basic and have a basic one host it?

Nevermind, I got the URL for creating sites from an advanced computer, punched it in and it was all good.
But now I can't connect to my site from other computers?
kappie7 #394
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I cant connect to my server on another computer it says then : No websites are currently online D:
please help,
I am using FTB Tech World
PixelToast #395
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
make sure the server says "Loaded Server API" somewhere on the screen
and that the client and server are less than 64 blocks away
kappie7 #396
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
The server is saying : Loaded Server API and the client is 5 blocks away
both have a wireless modem and the HTTP API is enabled
kappie7 #397
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
It only works in SP in multiplayer the server does not show in the live search nor when you type in the adress by yourself,
Do I need to change something in server config?
GravityScore #398
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
It only works in SP in multiplayer the server does not show in the live search nor when you type in the adress by yourself,
Do I need to change something in server config?

I've just been doing some testing, because I hate this problem.

Are you perhaps using Tekkit or a custom Technic mod pack? Because during my testing Firewolf doesn't work when I tried it on Technic (using the latest version of ComputerCraft - custom mod pack) on both muti and single player, but it works perfectly fine in normal Minecraft (in single player, couldn't test on multiplayer - no servers up).
kappie7 #399
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I am using FTB tech world, but it works in SP but not in MP,
and other multiplayer games in CC work perfect,:(/> I rly would like to use FireWolf on my server
GravityScore #400
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I am using FTB tech world, but it works in SP but not in MP,
and other multiplayer games in CC work perfect, :(/> I rly would like to use FireWolf on my server

Really strange… I can't even get it to work in FTB single player… The Firewolf client doesn't even seem to be emitting Rednet messages, as nothing is showing up on my Rednet logger computer… I'll have to look into this more tomorrow, have to go to sleep now.

1lann……… help?
diegodan1893 #401
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Maybe FTB sets the rednet range to 0 or something like that. Check the config file.
1lann #402
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Will put in high priority
PixelToast #403
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
not FTB setting rednet range to 0
the dns request broadcast is sending perfectly, its just servers wont respond to it
i will probably fix it before you do

probably because the client uses broadcast:

wich is channel 65535
and in server_software you have:

local firewolfPort = 13126

elseif mes == "firewolf.broadcast.dns.list" and port == firewolfPort then

looks like you forgot to implement that on the client :P/>
1lann #404
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
not FTB setting rednet range to 0
the dns request broadcast is sending perfectly, its just servers wont respond to it
i will probably fix it before you do

probably because the client uses broadcast:

wich is channel 65535
and in server_software you have:

local firewolfPort = 13126

elseif mes == "firewolf.broadcast.dns.list" and port == firewolfPort then

looks like you forgot to implement that on the client :P/>
Oh crud yes that would be the problem, I was planning to replace the entirety of the modem handling 3 months ago and I must have forgotten to comment that out. SOrreeh!
Actually nevermind, that's only in the experimental version. Not the public release. The problem still exists
Ok I found out the problem, it was because for some reason the client downloads the experimental server version for some reason. I forced it to download the normal version now. To force server update do a rm /.Firewolf_Data/server_software
kappie7 #405
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
So how can we force update the server?
PixelToast #406
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
would like to post a critical security flaw, found it awhile ago and im done exploiting it (sorry mandrake xD)

file.write("this works!")
So how can we force update the server?
he just said, run this in shell:

rm /.Firewolf_Data/server_software
kappie7 #407
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Thank you guys!, it works!!
nutcase84 #408
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
would like to post a critical security flaw, found it awhile ago and im done exploiting it (sorry mandrake xD)

file.write("this works!")
So how can we force update the server?
he just said, run this in shell:

rm /.Firewolf_Data/server_software

Doesn't work for me. :D/>
MCGamer20000 #409
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
firewolf:1157: Access denied.
1lann #410
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
firewolf:1157: Access denied.

local f = .. "/temp_file", "w")
local a = paintutils.loadImage(rootFolder .. "/temp_file")
paintutils.drawImage(a, 5, 5)
fs.delete(rootFolder .. "/temp_file")

I do not know the cause of this, though it's most likely a file lock. Ironically it's the part for the error message when github could not be reached. I attempted a fix, not sure if it works, cause I don't have that problem
MCGamer20000 #411
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
firewolf:1157: Access denied.

local f = .. "/temp_file", "w")
local a = paintutils.loadImage(rootFolder .. "/temp_file")
paintutils.drawImage(a, 5, 5)
fs.delete(rootFolder .. "/temp_file")

I do not know the cause of this, though it's most likely a file lock. Ironically it's the part for the error message when github could not be reached. I attempted a fix, not sure if it works, cause I don't have that problem

All that is on that line is for deleting a file in the .Firewolf_Data folder. When I try to change the theme it says downloading then Theme Corrupt, then it gives the same error as above (in the quote) except on line 2126. I then get the above error (in the quote) every time I start Firewolf. I also get that error if I run "rm /.Firewolf_Data" in the shell.
1lann #412
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
firewolf:1157: Access denied.

local f = .. "/temp_file", "w")
local a = paintutils.loadImage(rootFolder .. "/temp_file")
paintutils.drawImage(a, 5, 5)
fs.delete(rootFolder .. "/temp_file")

I do not know the cause of this, though it's most likely a file lock. Ironically it's the part for the error message when github could not be reached. I attempted a fix, not sure if it works, cause I don't have that problem

All that is on that line is for deleting a file in the .Firewolf_Data folder. When I try to change the theme it says downloading then Theme Corrupt, then it gives the same error as above (in the quote) except on line 2126. I then get the above error (in the quote) every time I start Firewolf. I also get that error if I run "rm /.Firewolf_Data" in the shell.
Okai, so it is a file lock. I'll look through the code and see what could be causing it.
anthonysteck #413
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I never thought this was possible! Just amazing!
karelmikie3 #414
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
i got a problem i wanted to use it on my server but if i launch firewolf it starts up and instantly shuts down firewolf
RoD #415
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Awesome :D/> this is pure awesomeness! Excelent work :D/>
johnnic #416
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Holy crap! My internet program is only 95 lines long, but it does SO much less! Great job!
Tigerlife #417
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
When I do "pastebin get A7wGH3ty firewolf" it says "No such program". figured it out, needed to move from rom/programs/http to rom/programs
Tigerlife #418
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Bug copied it twice
GravityScore #419
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
When I do "pastebin get A7wGH3ty firewolf" it says "No such program"

You need to have HTTP enabled to use and download Firewolf. To enable it, go to your .minecraft folder (%APPDATA%\.minecraft, mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft), into the folder called config, open the ComputerCraft.cfg and change the line enable_HTTP=0 to enable_HTTP=1.
mypal125 #420
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Is it possible to include a way to upload to the server?
Nick0157 #421
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I found this when trying CraftOS+!!! Its great!
GravityScore #422
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Just revisited this, fixed a bug where servers wouldn't show up in the search results (can't believe it, a freaking typo!), and where Firewolf sometimes wouldn't update properly. So hopefully no more missing servers!

I can't seem to fix the bug where all themes are said to be corrupt when you try and load them, meaning you can't change themes.
Mackan90096 #423
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
When I go onto my servers I hosted using firewolf, it says it crashes!
GravityScore #424
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
When I go onto my servers I hosted using firewolf, it says it crashes!

I can't seem to replicate this, creating a server on one computer (with the only default "Welcome to website") then visiting it on another computer doesn't cause it to crash. What do you have on the websites?
Mackan90096 #425
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
When I go onto my servers I hosted using firewolf, it says it crashes!

I can't seem to replicate this, creating a server on one computer (with the only default "Welcome to website") then visiting it on another computer doesn't cause it to crash. What do you have on the websites?

The error:

The 'home' page of the server:

DarkEspeon #426
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Hello there GravityScore, and other developers of firewolf, I was wondering if I could use Firewolf in the os I am going to be working on soon, I will pm you with the name as soon as I begin. I just thought I would ask permission first. Thanks for any response I get.
GravityScore #427
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Hello there GravityScore, and other developers of firewolf, I was wondering if I could use Firewolf in the os I am going to be working on soon, I will pm you with the name as soon as I begin. I just thought I would ask permission first. Thanks for any response I get.

Sure, no problem.
willwac #428
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
When I do this:

cPrint("Creator: " , creator )
The variable,'creator' doesn't appear.
Yes, i did define it earlier in the program.
PixelToast #429
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
When I do this:

cPrint("Creator: " , creator )
The variable,'creator' doesn't appear.
Yes, i did define it earlier in the program.
its "Creator: "..creator
the comma is only supported in the print function
GravityScore #430
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Added a Hastebin download ID since Pastebin was just blocked for CC :(/>

I'll do this for everything.
TheOddByte #431
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Have you still not fixed the bug where it shows that the themes are corrupt?
Pastebin is working again isn't it?
MarkPwns1 #432
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Is it okay if I use this in my operating system? I will credit you fully and accordingly, and will not edit this at all.

Thanks! :D/>
GravityScore #433
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Is it okay if I use this in my operating system? I will credit you fully and accordingly, and will not edit this at all.

Thanks! :D/>

Sure no problem :)/>
AlktatStudios #434
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Hey GravityScore, I met up with 1lann on a server. I asked what will you guys do next. He told me your doing a full rewrite. Is that true?
PixelToast #435
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Hey GravityScore, I met up with 1lann on a server. I asked what will you guys do next. He told me your doing a full rewrite. Is that true?
yeah, almost every component needs tweeking, a full rewrite of the base code (not sure about the UI) is coming
masterdisasterHD #436
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
You will have to add
to the list but make it a spoiler :P/>
mrdawgza #437
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
May I use this in my operating system? (Sorry if someone else has asked this but there is 22 pages and it's late and I'm tired sorry :P/>)
Credit will be given.
Allen2277_ #438
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Is it OK to add this into mine &amp; my friends OS called CelíOS for a mindcrack server?
If Yes Thanks!
xXMrSonXx #439
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I don't know if anyone has realized this yet, but I play on a server called VindiCraft, and it's basically all about ComputerCraft.
Since it was computercraft, lots of people found Firewolf and started to use it. But one player on the server found a "DDOS/DOS" hack in the program. This "DDOS/DOS" hack will shut down EVERY server, not just 1. But the person who found it also made a patch for it.

I don't know any of the codes, so don't expect me to tell you.

TheOddByte #440
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Hey GS, Will you ever add HTTP support to this or have you simply stopped working on this? I remember somewhere( I think it was the CCleverbot topic ) you said that you were disinterested in CC.. So will that ever come? Since it's kinda funny if it doesn't when it says: 'HTTP support coming soon' or whatever :P/>
Edited by
GravityScore #441
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I don't know if anyone has realized this yet, but I play on a server called VindiCraft, and it's basically all about ComputerCraft.
Since it was computercraft, lots of people found Firewolf and started to use it. But one player on the server found a "DDOS/DOS" hack in the program. This "DDOS/DOS" hack will shut down EVERY server, not just 1. But the person who found it also made a patch for it.

I don't know any of the codes, so don't expect me to tell you.


Not possible with Firewolf. Probably a bug in CC somewhere, not sure. There were a few vulnerabilities like this in older versions that were fixed in later versions. What version of CC are you using?

Hey GS, Will you ever add HTTP support to this or have you simply stopeed working on this? I remember somewhere( I think it was the CCleverbot topic ) you said that you were disinterested in CC.. So will that ever come? Since it's kinda funny if it doesn't when it says: 'HTTP support coming soon' or whatever :P/>

Yes I am disinterested. Don't expect any program updates at all, unless I get REALLY bored over the 2 month long summer holidays. I'll remove the coming soon section :P/>
casr144 #442
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
(I hope I'm posting in the right place :3 )
I need some help and I don't think anyone has asked about this already:
Could someone post an example of code that allows a user to download a program from a website (in-game rdnt not http) and also noting where the program is stored. I'm currently trying to use ioReadFileFromServer(<program name="">) and loadFileFromServer(<program name="">) with my program in the same directory as the web pages i.e. the same directory as the 'home' file. I've been searching all night to try and find out how to do it properly and the firewolf github help page doesn't give a downloading example. Any help is appreciated! :)/>/&amp;gt;</program></program>
Edited by
Anavrins #443
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Not possible with Firewolf. Probably a bug in CC somewhere, not sure. There were a few vulnerabilities like this in older versions that were fixed in later versions. What version of CC are you using?

I'm the guy he's talking about.
The crash is in "server_software", at line 667, which is "elseif mes:find("/") then"
The crash occur when receiving a nil message, such as "rednet.broadcast(nil)"
It crashes because the "mes" variable becomes nil, and you can't do ":find()" on a nil variable, only on a string variable.
You can fix it by either doing "msg = tostring(msg)" before the if statement, or just handling nil messages before that "elseif mes:find("/") then".

We're using CC 1.57
Edited by
GravityScore #444
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I'm the guy he's talking about.
The crash is in "server_software", at line 667, which is "elseif mes:find("/") then"
The crash occur when receiving a nil message, such as "rednet.broadcast(nil)"
It crashes because the "mes" variable becomes nil, and you can't do ":find()" on a nil variable, only on a string variable.
You can fix it by either doing "msg = tostring(msg)" before the if statement, or just handling nil messages before that "elseif mes:find("/") then".

We're using CC 1.57

Ohhh, sorry, I misinterpreted what he said, and thought he meant it shut the Minecraft server itself down, not the Firewolf server :P/> Sorry about that - the Firewolf server itself crashing is very possible :P/> That's an easy fix, thanks for pointing it out! Strange that it shuts down every Firewolf server…

Sorry for being a bit blunt in my previous post. I'm sick of people falsely telling me Firewolf can crash servers…
Edited by
AlktatStudios #445
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Gravity, Can I use this in a program pack for a server?


I don't know if anyone has realized this yet, but I play on a server called VindiCraft, and it's basically all about ComputerCraft.
Since it was computercraft, lots of people found Firewolf and started to use it. But one player on the server found a "DDOS/DOS" hack in the program. This "DDOS/DOS" hack will shut down EVERY server, not just 1. But the person who found it also made a patch for it.

I don't know any of the codes, so don't expect me to tell you.

Do you mean ValiCraft?
JoeNoIce #446
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Can you make this work with Turtles?
overfritz #447
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I recall that a while back I asked if I could create some kind of Firewolf-powered OS, may I still attempt to try this? If its still a go, then I would like some aid as to where to place files for websites and how to name them proper.

I <3 Firewolf!
RamiLego4Game #448
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Amazing :blink:/>
TheKickstart #449
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Please Can I Make An OS Version Of This
rafi1357 #450
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Could some sort of rednet relay be used to extend the signal of the website? It would be awesome if you could implement a relay code to run.
1lann #451
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
We have dropped support and development for Firewolf. Although a new version was "meant" to be coming, we're too busy working on other projects. You'll have to do it somehow yourself… so yeah, sorry :(/>. Maybe eventually we will finish the new version during our term break.
The new version will be however completely different, it will use something similar to markdown, and it would even use encryption for connections. (Though relayed connections will be unencrypted, since there is no way to verify identity of a relayed connection)
TheOddByte #452
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
We have dropped support and development for Firewolf. Although a new version was "meant" to be coming, we're too busy working on other projects. You'll have to do it somehow yourself… so yeah, sorry :(/>. Maybe eventually we will finish the new version during our term break.
The new version will be however completely different, it will use something similar to markdown, and it would even use encryption for connections. (Though relayed connections will be unencrypted, since there is no way to verify identity of a relayed connection)
Will the long awaited HTTP support come at that time then? :)/>
TheMrIron2 #453
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Such a shame support and development has been dropped, because people were still waiting, and it's a hot topic a lot of the time. :(/>
1lann #454
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Weeeelllll looks like we're back and Firewolf is back in development (Because GravityScore decided to start working on it again, and realized how awesome it would really be). I don't think HTTP support will be really planned at this point, but here's a rundown of the features that Firewolf 3.0 will have:
  • Uses a new language and rendering system that I wrote! It's a command based/markup mash language, that should hopefully make website writing easier, faster, and browsing safer. (In fact, it's already completed!) However, there currently is no way to run Lua code with it, which is something that is planned. I'll probably add textfields as part of the rendering system, and allow Lua scripts to be run in a sandbox with no FS or term, but only interactivity with the render object and messaging to the server.
  • Tabs!!1
  • Direct rednet connections will be encrypted and secured, peer-to-peer networking will also be supported by using CC 1.6's new features, but however will only have security through obfuscation. There will be an indicator in the browser telling you this. Clients and servers will support both methods, but will prefer encryption.
  • Faster, fresher, cleaner.
Here's a sample of the new rendering system in its state right now:

This is a left justified paragraph
This is a right justified paragraph
This is a center justified paragraph
[c red]
This text will be in red[br]
[bg white]The background c of this will be white[br]\[escaping brackets\][br]
text text text
stil on the same line!
[bg black][c yellow]
[br][br][right]This is a test[br]
sentence that is [c blue]used for[c yellow] testing,[br]
and is quite long[br]
[c red]r[c orange]a[c yellow]i[c lime]n[c green]
b[c lightBlue]o[c blue]w[c purple]s
[newlink rdnt://]
[c lime]This is a link!
[endlink][br][marker back][br]
[c white]
[offset 0]
This is a test
[offset 26]
This is a test
[offset 0]
Back to normal!
[box lightBlue right 4 22 0]
[offset -2]
I'm writing in the[br]
box, pretty well.
(I scrolled down by 3 in this image)
Edited by
GravityScore #455
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
  • Faster, fresher, cleaner.

Ohhh so much cleaner :)/>

Also found a copy of Firewolf 1.3 sitting on my HD deep in the filesystem, and 1lann was able to get it talking to current Firewolf's server software, which was pretty cool seeing something like that happen :P/> Albeit the client did need modification, but very little.
TheOddByte #456
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Awesome! :D/>
@GravityScore What made you change your mind and continue with Firewolf all of the sudden?
TheMrIron2 #457
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Weeeelllll looks like we're back and Firewolf is back in development (Because GravityScore decided to start working on it again, and realized how awesome it would really be). I don't think HTTP support will be really planned at this point, but here's a rundown of the features that Firewolf 3.0 will have:
  • Uses a new language and rendering system that I wrote! It's a command based/markup mash language, that should hopefully make website writing easier, faster, and browsing safer. (In fact, it's already completed!) However, there currently is no way to run Lua code with it, which is something that is planned. I'll probably add textfields as part of the rendering system, and allow Lua scripts to be run in a sandbox with no FS or term, but only interactivity with the render object and messaging to the server.
  • Tabs!!1
  • Direct rednet connections will be encrypted and secured, peer-to-peer networking will also be supported by using CC 1.6's new features, but however won't have any security. There will be an indicator in the browser telling you this. Clients and servers will support both methods, but will prefer encryption.
  • Faster, fresher, cleaner.
Here's a sample of the new rendering system in its state right now:

This is a left justified paragraph
This is a right justified paragraph
This is a center justified paragraph
[c red]
This text will be in red[br]
[bg white]The background c of this will be white[br]\[escaping brackets\][br]
text text text
stil on the same line!
[bg black][c yellow]
[br][br][right]This is a test[br]
sentence that is [c blue]used for[c yellow] testing,[br]
and is quite long[br]
[c red]r[c orange]a[c yellow]i[c lime]n[c green]
b[c lightBlue]o[c blue]w[c purple]s
[newlink rdnt://]
[c lime]This is a link!
[endlink][br][marker back][br]
[c white]
[offset 0]
This is a test
[offset 26]
This is a test
[offset 0]
Back to normal!
[box lightBlue right 4 22 0]
[offset -2]
I'm writing in the[br]
box, pretty well.
(I scrolled down by 3 in this image)

Wow! You started working on development again! This looks amazing. I'm really excited, and hope this goes well.
GravityScore #458
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Awesome! :D/>/>
@GravityScore What made you change your mind and continue with Firewolf all of the sudden?

Boredom and procrastination from schoolwork :P/>
TheOddByte #459
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Boredom and procrastination from schoolwork :P/>
Oh, Then praise the boredom and schoolwork then! :P/>
Just glad that you have decided to continue with Firewolf, Since it's such a nice program.
awsmazinggenius #460
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
One of the programs in my new suite is Creative Craft Developer (this is like Adobe Muse, which allowed you to code without really coding) that is meant to be a GUI for making simple-to-moderately complex programs by drag-n-dropping for all the people that say "Can you make program x for me? I'm to lazy to learn Lua/I can't do it/I'm too busy." It will allow you to make a standard program, but can I make it have the capability to make Firewolf sites with the new markup system, too?
1lann #461
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
One of the programs in my new suite is Creative Craft Developer (this is like Adobe Muse, which allowed you to code without really coding) that is meant to be a GUI for making simple-to-moderately complex programs by drag-n-dropping for all the people that say "Can you make program x for me? I'm to lazy to learn Lua/I can't do it/I'm too busy." It will allow you to make a standard program, but can I make it have the capability to make Firewolf sites with the new markup system, too?
Sure, go ahead! Shouldn't be too hard to implement, you can see the rendering engine's source code on;&#46;/src/render.lua Although I don't have any documentation on how the rendering engine acts on certain things, but I'll post that once it's completed. Generally, everything is one way (going down), unless you decided to go for a more complex method of using "marker" and "goto" tags, "box"es are created without affecting the current position of the rendering cursor. Also as of right now, the rendering engine has no text wrapping, but probably will in a future update. I'll also add more features like text fields and Lua interaction with the document model (I'll probably add more tags for identification and "markers" to allow easier manipulation of the document).

Well, it looks like I'll need to write an AJAX like system for the server and the client too, once Lua scripting is allowed in webpages. Jeez that'll be fun. I'll probably also throw in a "canvas" within the document, that uses the multitasking-window thing, that allows Lua scripts to draw onto it, so you can insert normal programs into sites too! (Though they'll only have access to core functions, and term. No fs, or os)
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awsmazinggenius #462
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Is there any way we could have the fs API? What if we want the user to download a file, or if we have a games site and want to save progress, or save other miscellaneous cookies?
GravityScore #463
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Is there any way we could have the fs API? What if we want the user to download a file, or if we have a games site and want to save progress, or save other miscellaneous cookies?

I was going to take the approach most browsers do, which is no FS but a function to request a download, which would prompt the user and would disallow setting as startup. Haven't written the API yet though. Also haven't written normal computer support yet.
LoneWolf #464
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
How do I download firewolf. I run the pastebin code then when I use firewolf I get Sorry, Firewolf could not connect to GitHub to download necessary files. Please check :

Click to exit…

so what do I do?
1lann #465
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Is there any way we could have the fs API? What if we want the user to download a file, or if we have a games site and want to save progress, or save other miscellaneous cookies?
As for cookies, computers have a unique connection code that the server and client both knows, and is used for encryption, and should persist on the same server and client. I will probably write a server API to allow access to these features and more. We will probably when Lua scripting comes out, allow you to store persistent data for that site. Similar to LocalStorage in HTML5.
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TheMrIron2 #466
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
How do I download firewolf. I run the pastebin code then when I use firewolf I get Sorry, Firewolf could not connect to GitHub to download necessary files. Please check :

Click to exit…

so what do I do?

Dunno. I tried downloading Firewolf onto another computer, it shows that message, but when I click the screen it goes into normal Firewolf. :blink:/>
1lann #467
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
We had changed the file structure in the github repository, which breaks the current version of Firewolf, however the next, new version will come out this week.
TheMrIron2 #468
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
We had changed the file structure in the github repository, which breaks the current version of Firewolf, however the next, new version will come out this week.

Now that's music to my ears, hearing that Firewolf 3.0 will be out :D/>
Thegameboy #469
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Is Firewolf dead or just inactive? I'd love to see it get updated again, maybe using wireless pocket computers to make an even neater network.
awsmazinggenius #470
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Umm, if you read the thread, you can see 1lann and Gravity talking about Firewolf 3.0.
Thegameboy #471
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Umm, if you read the thread, you can see 1lann and Gravity talking about Firewolf 3.0.

Yes, but that was like a month ago and they said it'd be out that week. Plus they haven't had any GitHub activity for a while. I was just worrying is all, I would really like to see the next version come out.
1lann #472
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
It technically is done, it's just that Gravs hasn't properly finished the server software. The ones currently on github are stable and working with pretty much all of the features, just grab it from there, pastebin it. The main problem with the server software is that gravs hasn't made it so you can run servers on startup… You can always just make a modified version of the server software, shouldn't be too hard.

You could consider this a pre-release :P/>

Also we're possibly going to switch the connection system, which we'll just push in an update, the connection system is modular afterall, so really easy to change :)/>.

Here are the links to the files to make your life easier:;&#46;/src/server.lua;&#46;/src/client.lua

I might just write an alternative server software today or tomorrow if grav still doesn't finish.
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MKlegoman357 #473
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
:D/> Wow, really nice! And connection encrypting based on sending distance looks pretty safe. The new tab system looks really nice. Hmm, maybe an ability to open links in new tab…

Firewolf Markup Language - pretty nice. But there are still some things that could be improved. If you don't add a space after a tag which has arguments it errors with 'no such tag' message which may confuse people. Also, you have to write only one space between tag attributes which is kind of annoying. Comments would be nice too (but not needed). And also, ability to implement images (using CC standard .nfp, or even .nft) to your site would be awesome ([img src] tag?). Lastly, offset attribute for [box] tag could be optional.

Because you implemented your FWML it would be nice if there would be an ability for dynamic page creation - a server-side user-created script to deal with page requests. I would imagine it like this: when someone requests a page a custom script/program is ran, passing request headers (I saw you implemented those :P/>). This script would return the generated webpage, it's type (Lua or FWML) and everything else that may be needed. Request headers would include:
  • if the user is running an advanced system or not
  • user's computer type: computer, turtle or PDA
  • the page the user is requesting (
  • user's screen size (so we could wrap text, because it's not implemented, yet?)
  • everything else that you think should be sent

And for everyone who would like to make their browsers compatible with rdnt:// protocol a documentation for client/server would be nice to have.

SpoilerPure FWML here :D/> (with automatic scrolling). Source here

Konlab #474
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Firewolf works on Pocket Computers?
If yes then:
SpoilerCan I use firewolf in my 'os'?
See signature.
Konlab #475
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Please help me!
How to create in webpages Links/links to other pages/forum
Konlab #476
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I have error:
I downloaded firewolf then I tried to run it but:
"firewolf has crashed"
domain not permitted at line 1021
please fix!

I have minecraft 1.6.4
CC 1.63
Edited by
MKlegoman357 #477
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I have error:
I downloaded firewolf then I tried to run it but:
"firewolf has crashed"
domain not permitted at line 1021
please fix!

I have minecraft 1.6.4
CC 1.63

As of ComputerCraft 1.63 (correct me if I'm wrong) you have to permit (allow) domains in the configuration file (ComputerCraft.cfg).

# Change this line:


# to this line:

Konlab #478
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
thanks very much
yes, I have 1.63 cc
Konlab #479
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
And how to create links???
MKlegoman357 #480
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
And how to create links???

What version of Firewolf are you using? There are links to docs on the OP.
Konlab #481
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
The latest
MKlegoman357 #482
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
The latest

firewolf.redirect(url) if you're making a Lua website and [newlink url]text[endlink] if you're making a FWML website.
Edited by
Konlab #483
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
And to other pages of server?
(I tried, not working :-) )
GravityScore #484
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
And to other pages of server?
(I tried, not working :-) )

Say you create the site If you're using Lua, you can call:

firewolf.redirect("") -- to redirect to another site
firewolf.redirect("") -- to redirect to another page on your server

If you're using FWML, it's the same thing, just different syntax:

[newlink]this is a link![endlink] -- for another site
[newlink]this is a link to another page in the same website![endlink] -- for another page on the same site
Konlab #485
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
And can you create forums in firewolf's pages?
apemanzilla #486
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
And can you create forums in firewolf's pages?
You probably can since they support lua.
Konlab #487
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I know, but how to transfer messages?
Can I use rednet API?
apemanzilla #488
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I know, but how to transfer messages?
Can I use rednet API?
1. Rednet API
2. Directly through modems
Konlab #489
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
And can I use the following APIs?:
-fs(for loading cookies)
-os(os.pullEvent;os.time;;and another time functions)
-paintutils(to draw images)
-textutils(to slowPrint)
-shell(I don't know why huh.)
apemanzilla #490
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
And can I use the following APIs?:
-fs(for loading cookies)
-os(os.pullEvent;os.time;;and another time functions)
-paintutils(to draw images)
-textutils(to slowPrint)
-shell(I don't know why huh.)
fs: probably but it is likely restricted to prevent malicious code.
os: probably, but again likely restricted
paintutils: don't see why this would be blocked
textutils: same as paintutils
shell: unlikely
Win7yes #491
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
If I download Firewolf from GitHub where do I put the files?
GravityScore #492
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Firewolf is one file - on GitHub it is the file called client.lua inside the src folder. Here:
1lann #493
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
And can I use the following APIs?:
-fs(for loading cookies)
-os(os.pullEvent;os.time;;and another time functions)
-paintutils(to draw images)
-textutils(to slowPrint)
-shell(I don't know why huh.)
If development continues then there will be access to a storage api for the site (Like HTML5 storage, not fs), os.pullEvent and safe OS functions will be allowed, paint/textutils would also be allowed, but shell will not be allowed. There should be no reason to use shell considering that you don't have access to the file system anyway.

EDIT: See the function getWhitelistedEnvironment on line 1556 to see what you don't/do have access to:
Edited by
GravityScore #494
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
EDIT: See the function getWhitelistedEnvironment on line 1556 to see what you don't/do have access to:;&#46;/src/client.lua

You can highlight lines in GitHub :P/> It's cool.
apemanzilla #495
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
EDIT: See the function getWhitelistedEnvironment on line 1556 to see what you don't/do have access to:;#46;&amp;#46;/src/client.lua

You can highlight lines in GitHub :P/> It's cool.

You, sir, have just saved me a lot of scrolling ;)/>
killorx #496
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
firewolf will not install on our server.
Cranium #497
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
firewolf will not install on our server.
It'd help the developer if you would post more info about the issues you're having. Simply saying it doesn't install doesn't magically give the devs enough info to fix the issue.

First suggestion I'd make is to check that your http whitelist is set to allow the sites hosting firewolf files. Other than that, please provide more info.
BytePointer #498
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Great program! Keep doing great things, I use your LuaIDE and it's amazing :)/>
TheOddByte #499
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Hey, are you guys still working on this? If so then I'm wondering if you can fix the a problem I'm having. I'm trying to start a server but it doesn't work( I can create it, but when I press the start button nothing happens ), and if I select 'run on boot' and restart the computer it gives me the error 'No such program'.. So it seems I'm missing the file server_software, but that should install itself right? I've tried downloading the newest version on different computers and it doesn't work, I have set the HTTP whitelist to '*' so that I can access all sites, so I have no clue what's wrong.
It's says failed to connect to github everytime I launch firewolf :|

Edit: Seems like you've changed stuff on GitHub so it doesn't work :P/>

local serverURL = ""
I went to that url and it seems you've removed that file :(/>
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noahc3 #500
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Anyone still working on this? I have a problem. When I download Firewolf 2.5, it says it can't connect to Github, even though github is working fine. When I "click to exit", it says it is downloading the files.

Also, the server system doesn't seem to work. When I host a server, no other computers can connect to the website. I am assuming firewolf didn't download the required files.

I tried getting the Firewolf 3.0 you have on Github, but when I go to rdnt://server, I press space but it says download failed.

Same downloading issue with the themes. It says the themes are corrupt, but I assume it says that because it couldn't find the right files.

If this/these issues can be fixed, Firewolf would be awesome!
Cranium #501
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Anyone still working on this? I have a problem. When I download Firewolf 2.5, it says it can't connect to Github, even though github is working fine. When I "click to exit", it says it is downloading the files.

Also, the server system doesn't seem to work. When I host a server, no other computers can connect to the website. I am assuming firewolf didn't download the required files.

I tried getting the Firewolf 3.0 you have on Github, but when I go to rdnt://server, I press space but it says download failed.

Same downloading issue with the themes. It says the themes are corrupt, but I assume it says that because it couldn't find the right files.

If this/these issues can be fixed, Firewolf would be awesome!
You need to make sure that you've added github to your HTTP whitelist, or disable the whitelist completely.
TheOddByte #502
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
You need to make sure that you've added github to your HTTP whitelist, or disable the whitelist completely.
Doesn't work for me either, And I've enabled all web pages in the config :P/>
I looked through some of the code in the FW 2.5 client and it seems it tries to download some files that has been removed
H4X0RZ #503
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
You need to make sure that you've added github to your HTTP whitelist, or disable the whitelist completely.
Doesn't work for me either, And I've enabled all web pages in the config :P/>/>
I looked through some of the code in the FW 2.5 client and it seems it tries to download some files that has been removed
Yep. It trys to download 2.5 files but github is on 3.0. Idk why.
noahc3 #504
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
You need to make sure that you've added github to your HTTP whitelist, or disable the whitelist completely.

Im running CC 1.64, so the whitelist is open to any website.

Yep. It trys to download 2.5 files but github is on 3.0. Idk why.

But why doesn't 3.0 download the 3.0 server? I don't get it.
XxCreepydeaDxX #505
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Can you update this project or not ? the raw git hub don't exist anymore
Cookiezi #506
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I love this program since it makes sharing programs very easy.
I would love it more if it had http support though.
Nice job!
1lann #507
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Ah sorry for not replying earlier, as support has mostly been discontinued. The source files for the most recent version of Firewolf can be found here:;&#46;/src/server.lua;&#46;/src/client.lua

It doesn't automatically update because they're two different major versions… actually thinking about it now I'll make it automatically update to this version of firewolf since the last version has been discontinued.

EDIT: Alright since you guys still want Firewolf and everything, I spent an hour patching up Firewolf to a somewhat useable state (mainly the server that GravityScore never finished). So yeah, server updated and I did a zero-day exploit fix on the client where I had forgot to disable os.queueEvent. Also, it's available on pastebin:

Also note that the client (and server) don't appear to auto-update, so you'll need to manually update. I might do more in the future, who knows, but don't count on any more updates to Firewolf. We were meant to re-write it again, to make it modular but we just never finished.

Anywho one last thing I want to add, in the what was meant to be the next version of firewolf, the Rednet system was meant to be encrypted and used a modular system with Diffie-Hellman key exchange. I believe that other people may find this of use if they want encrypted rednet messaging, and that if anyone still wants, they can have the source of the demo code here (Everything above the –Testing comment is the same for both demos)
A few tips on using this encrypted rednet system:
The handshake system is controlled by you and is not automated, it's just there to process handshake data to generate a shared secret key through Diffie-Hellman key exchange. So steps I suggest to use this system is as follows:
  1. Figure out who you need to communicate with
  2. Over the air (publically) send Handshake data over
  3. Start a SecureConnection with the shared key, a code word (doesn't need to be private, but if it is it will increase security), and optionally distance for direct (not through rednet/any other network repeaters) connections and additional security.
Edited by
H4X0RZ #508
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Ah sorry for not replying earlier, as support has mostly been discontinued. The source files for the most recent version of Firewolf can be found here:;&#46;/src/server.lua;&#46;/src/client.lua It doesn't automatically update because they're two different major versions… actually thinking about it now I'll make it automatically update to this version of firewolf since the last version has been discontinued. EDIT: Alright since you guys still want Firewolf and everything, I spent an hour patching up Firewolf to a somewhat useable state (mainly the server that GravityScore never finished). So yeah, server updated and I did a zero-day exploit fix on the client where I had forgot to disable os.queueEvent. Also, it's available on pastebin: Client: Server: Also note that the client (and server) don't appear to auto-update, so you'll need to manually update. I might do more in the future, who knows, but don't count on any more updates to Firewolf. We were meant to re-write it again, to make it modular but we just never finished. Anywho one last thing I want to add, in the what was meant to be the next version of firewolf, the Rednet system was meant to be encrypted and used a modular system with Diffie-Hellman key exchange. I believe that other people may find this of use if they want encrypted rednet messaging, and that if anyone still wants, they can have the source of the demo code here (Everything above the –Testing comment is the same for both demos) Receiving: Sending: A few tips on using this encrypted rednet system: The handshake system is controlled by you and is not automated, it's just there to process handshake data to generate a shared secret key through Diffie-Hellman key exchange. So steps I suggest to use this system is as follows:
  1. Figure out who you need to communicate with
  2. Over the air (publically) send Handshake data over
  3. Start a SecureConnection with the shared key, a code word (doesn't need to be private, but if it is it will increase security), and optionally distance for direct (not through rednet/any other network repeaters) connections and additional security.
In your fix, what exactly is "window"?
Tatjam #509
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Wow, amazing program!
I'm thinking in setting up a little web system in tekkit, but, i can't find the computer craft 1.5.8 version of this program.
What firewolf version number is for CC 1.5.8?
Thanks in advance!
Cheers :D/>
1lann #510
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Wow, amazing program!
I'm thinking in setting up a little web system in tekkit, but, i can't find the computer craft 1.5.8 version of this program.
What firewolf version number is for CC 1.5.8?
Thanks in advance!
Cheers :D/>
There currently isn't one as I'll need to port it to CC 1.58, I'll do that sometime in the future… maybe today or tomorrow.

In your fix, what exactly is "window"?
Window? What window? Do you mean the window API? http://computercraft...iki/Window_(API) it's only available in CC 1.6+
Edited by
Tatjam #511
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Thanks for fast awnser! Waiting for it.
H4X0RZ #512
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Wow, amazing program!
I'm thinking in setting up a little web system in tekkit, but, i can't find the computer craft 1.5.8 version of this program.
What firewolf version number is for CC 1.5.8?
Thanks in advance!
Cheers :D/>
There currently isn't one as I'll need to port it to CC 1.58, I'll do that sometime in the future… maybe today or tomorrow.

In your fix, what exactly is "window"?
Window? What window? Do you mean the window API? http://computercraft...iki/Window_(API) it's only available in CC 1.6+
ahh, okay, that explains why it won't work on the server I play on ^^
1lann #513
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Here's the version with the CC 1.6 APIs bundled (Wrapper/ported version) of Firewolf, which means it works on CC 1.58.

Tatjam #514
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Thanks Ilann! going to set it in my server now! Thanks a lot!
TheMrIron2 #515
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Damn, I wish I knew how to make these programs, because I'd attempt a Legacy edition of Firewolf. Actually, that's one of my few good ideas, someone take note of that! :P/> But seriously, for all of us fans wishing that Firewolf Support would kick off again, we should seriously try and make a Legacy Version. We could even port it to PDA(probably already considered, I was away in Shanghai/Beijing for 6 weeks, but 2 decent ideas in a row! I'm on fire! :P/>), so all PDA users could run around, maybe browse like they would on their iPhone/Android Phone. Maybe to use their chat website or check out the nearby buildings' websites. That would be revolutionary.
_removed #516
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Is this project discontinued? I really like this program!
the_blaster179 #517
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Is this project discontinued? I really like this program!
Somewhere in the comments on the first page I saw something about "This project has mostly been discontinued", which is a real shame considering how good and well-written this program is.
Lupus590 #518
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Is this project discontinued? I really like this program!
Somewhere in the comments on the first page I saw something about "This project has mostly been discontinued", which is a real shame considering how good and well-written this program is.

this project is licensed as MIT, If anyone wants to continue it, the are legally allowed to. The license on firewolf GitHub.
ry00000 #519
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Firewolf!!! Yay!!!
New version???

If there's a new version I'll be very :D/> .
Lupus590 #520
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Firewolf!!! Yay!!!
New version???

If there's a new version I'll be very :D/> .

Unfortunately, no we are currently "poking it with a stick" to see if it's dead.
ry00000 #521
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Firewolf!!! Yay!!!
New version???

If there's a new version I'll be very :D/> .

Unfortunately, no we are currently "poking it with a stick" to see if it's dead.
Ah, so we're trying to see if FW is dead?

I think your antivirus trigger is too sensitive. It always flags my games site. What are the criteria for flagging a site?
Cranium, how does it "flag" it? Can you plz post an image?
ry00000 #522
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
HALP! rdnt://settings doesn't work!!!
Towtow10 #523
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I tried to make a webpage that uses the fs API but it returned an error, is this disabled form the firewolf client?
Anavrins #524
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I tried to make a webpage that uses the fs API but it returned an error, is this disabled form the firewolf client?
It obviously is, you wouldn't want a random website dropping a malicious startup file.
Edited by
Towtow10 #525
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Would there be a way to enable it?
Anavrins #526
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Not server-side, you would have to convince the clients to do so.
Assuming you're using version 3.5, and not 2.5, you can add copy(fs, env, "fs") at line 2246 of
Edited by
Towtow10 #527
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Not server-side, you would have to convince the clients to do so.
Assuming you're using version 3.5, and not 2.5, you can add copy(fs, env, "fs") at line 2246 of
ry00000 #528
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Well you can obviously use to put a file on the host PC.
Towtow10 #529
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Well you can obviously use to put a file on the host PC.
I was making a bank system and it had to read what was in the disk drive for you bank details
Towtow10 #530
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I am Continuing development of Firewolf, I have permission, here is the new post.

Note: You will have to re-download firewolf to receive updates as it uses a new repository.
Towtow10 #531
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
HALP! rdnt://settings doesn't work!!!
If your using 3.5 then it wont it dosent have settings
houseofkraft #532
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I have made a website but i noticed that there is a gray background. How do i change the color of the background?
Edited by
Anavrins #533
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Same way you change background colors on normal lua programs.
TheRockettek #534
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
isnt it [background] d:
Bomb Bloke #535
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
isnt it [background] d:

According to the documentation, no.
Anavrins #536
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
In the firewolf markup language yes, but fw sites can be programmed in lua as well.
jakejakey #537
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
I think your antivirus trigger is too sensitive. It always flags my games site. What are the criteria for flagging a site?
Let me explain this to you. At the time you posted this message, firewolf used a simple string.find function to detect viruses. You used os.pullEvent, and at the time the browser would look and see "os." and freak out and block your site. With recent updates, firewolf will not flag os.pullEvent and your game will not be blocked.

HALP! rdnt://settings doesn't work!!!
If your using 3.5 then it wont it dosent have settings
He should update those included sites
houseofkraft #538
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
How would i make a search engine website like Live Search?
TheRockettek #539
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
thats or you to figure out…
TheRockettek #540
Posted 01 January 1970 - 01:00 AM
Erm it keeps crashing with

firewolf:1621: attempt to call method "match" (a nil value)