Posted 04 October 2012 - 06:19 PM
Hey together,
Here i'm presenting my console based irc client
/msg <receiver> <message> sends a PM
/r <message> replies to the last incoming pm
/me <text> sends an action to the active channel
/bindscript <event> <scriptfile> binds a script to an event
/join #<channel>[,#<channel>…] - Joins a channel
/part [#<channel>] - Leaves a channel. if no channel specified it parts from the current active channel
/change [#<channel>] - Makes a channel the active channel. without arguments it cycles though all avaible channels
and ofc all other irc commands
I told you the scripting API is awesome, right? you don't belive me?
well i actually wrote an lua irc bot for a cc computer that uses the scripting engine. nice, heh?
I'm usually in #ccbots (and ofc #computercraft) on irc. my nick is Kilobyte. just ask me there and i gonna start it :(/>/>
how to install:
Drop contents of zip file into computer folder (usually .minecraft/saves/<savename>/computers/<id>)
This does NOT work in rom yet
how to run:
run these commands on the ingame computer:
server = the server to connect (ie.
port = the Port to connect on (ie 6667)
nick = your nick (ie Kilobyte)
channel = the channel to connect to (ie. #computercraft)
Version 2.1.1
This script requires my Socket peripheral in order to work. Its avaible here
And now go ahead and chat.
P.S. ignore the changelog in main.lua :D/>/>
Here i'm presenting my console based irc client
- Channels
- Private Messages
- Scripting API (its awesome; see below)
- Support for additional external monitor
- Acustic Feedback for Messages that contain your name and PMs (aka. Pings)
/msg <receiver> <message> sends a PM
/r <message> replies to the last incoming pm
/me <text> sends an action to the active channel
/bindscript <event> <scriptfile> binds a script to an event
/join #<channel>[,#<channel>…] - Joins a channel
/part [#<channel>] - Leaves a channel. if no channel specified it parts from the current active channel
/change [#<channel>] - Makes a channel the active channel. without arguments it cycles though all avaible channels
and ofc all other irc commands
I told you the scripting API is awesome, right? you don't belive me?
well i actually wrote an lua irc bot for a cc computer that uses the scripting engine. nice, heh?
I'm usually in #ccbots (and ofc #computercraft) on irc. my nick is Kilobyte. just ask me there and i gonna start it :(/>/>
how to install:
Drop contents of zip file into computer folder (usually .minecraft/saves/<savename>/computers/<id>)
This does NOT work in rom yet
how to run:
run these commands on the ingame computer:
cd /SockCraftIrc/
irc <side> <server> <port> <Nick> #<channel> [<monitor_side>]
side = side where the webinterface is connectedserver = the server to connect (ie.
port = the Port to connect on (ie 6667)
nick = your nick (ie Kilobyte)
channel = the channel to connect to (ie. #computercraft)
Version 2.1.1
This script requires my Socket peripheral in order to work. Its avaible here
Version 2.1.1:
Changed: A few API changes
Version 2.1:
Added: support for multiple channels
New Commands: /change, /join, /part
Added: Kick and Mode events are now displayed
Added notice support (or was that already in last version? i forgot it lol)
Fixed: The File irc has now content
Version 2.0
Initial release on
And now go ahead and chat.
P.S. ignore the changelog in main.lua :D/>/>