1. turtle.getPos()
local x,y,z
x,y,z = turtle.getPos() -- returns turtle position in X, Y, Z
2. Remove some functions and add paramsThat would be great, intead of:
there should be:
-- remove this function turtle.select(1)
turtle.drop(1, 64) -- where 1 is slot and 64 is value how many items you want to drop
Same turtle.dig/up/down. There should be:
3. turtle.detect()This function should return block ID, it's much more usable and will let to make more advenced programs
4. print()
This functions should not make new lines itself (I know there is another function to print), instead of this to go to the next line should be:
print("First Line!nLine no.2n...no.3")
print(" and again no.3")
Sorry for bad english, I am Polish, but I try to write correctly.
Thank you, Chlorek.