Note 1: All credit for the original SkyBlock map goes to NoobCrew.
Note 2: This map is still in Beta, meaning there may still be some bugs. If you encounter any issues, please let me know and I'll do my best to fix them

If you're a long-time minecraft fan like myself, you've probably heard of Skyblock. If not, Skyblock is a map created by NoobCrew which spawns you on a tiny floating island with only a tree, a chest with a block of ice and lava, and the creepers to keep you company.
I found SkyBlock to be so entertaining that I created a version of SkyBlock about a two months or so ago which incorporates ComputerCraft, allowing the player to drop items such as cobblestone and in return get turtles. That version however was clunky and annoying to play with however. One had to drop exact amounts of items to get their turtles, and they had to exchange different blocks for different turtles.
This version aims to fix all of that.

As you can see in the above picture, there is now a central computer from which you can buy items and view the amount of "cash" you have. To get cash, all one must do is drop items into a hole.

After getting cash, buying items is as simple as selecting the item you wish to buy and pressing enter. The items you bought will fall from above.
Download the file at the bottom of this post. Unzip it, and place it in your ./minecraft/saves/ folder.
Requires ComputerCraft 1.46 (Important that it is 1.46 or higher) and anything which ComputerCraft might rely on.
More pictures
No known bugs