(i give full permission for anyone to use my code for their own programs so long as they remember where it came from in the unlikely event that some one should ask, in shorter words give me credit please.)

Hello im Rhinehart_ im pretty new to scripting but ive made a few turtle programs, which are located here: http://pastebin.com/u/Rhinehart_
they are pretty basic as far as i can tell, all are for mining turtles, but i wanted to explain their purpose here anyway.

before i begin i would like to say that most of my programs require the user to define the parameters manually, i have worked a bit with passing variables between programs but i havent quite figured it out yet, if you would like to change my programs to make them do so feel free.

first we have the StripMiner program, this program digs a 1 * 3 tunnel in a straight line for a distance defined by how many torches it is given, every three meters it digs a branch 4 meters long to the right and left, whenever the turtle fills up 12 slots it places a chest and drops the items into it, it also will refuel itself if given the resources, the torches go in the last slot the chests in the 2nd to last and the fuel in the 3rd to last, the purpose of this program is to expose a substantial amount of blocks so that the player can follow behind and mine out the more valuable items. the length of the branches is configurable by changing x = 4 to however long you want it to be,

second we have the excavator program, this is very similar to the excavate api, though instead of mining one block for every meter it moves this program mines 3, along with the fact that instead of taking the materials back to where it started it simply drops them off and continues on its way, this is meant to make adding enderchest functionality easier in the future.

next we have the Hill Topper program (incomplete) the inspiration for this one came from the extrabiomes mod, i had gotten tired of mining the top of mountains off so get the red rock and i realized a simple program could do this for me, basicly you place it at the bottem of a hill and tell it how many levels to shave off the top, then it does so, you can configure it to how deep you want it to go, how far forward and in the future how far to the left,
this program is functional though not on the x axis, and it does not refuel itsels, this will be rectified in the next few days,

the above 2 programs basicly variations of the same thing, they all share similar code, though they are meant to do different things

– shape builders,

lastly we have the circle drawing program, i actually got the circle drawing equation off wikipedia and i configured it to work with lua, it pretty much draws circle after circle of ever increasing radius, until it reaches how far you configured it to go at the end and then it starts again until it has reached the height you asked it to go to, this program will ask you for "radius" "depth" and "heighth" the radius is the outermost edge of the circle and depth is how far from the outer edge it will start, and height just repeats the process however far you want it to to make it taller,
if you want a solid circle give the outer radius and then make the depth one more than the radius, if you want a wall, the depth will just define how thick it is meant to be,)

………….more to come

– contact info: you could contact me on the computercraft forums, though i will be more prompt to respond if you use the FTB forums as i check daily there,

(i give full permission for anyone to use my code for their own programs so long as they remember where it came from in the unlikely event that some one should ask, in shorter words give me credit please.)