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Variable Size Quarry (now with Super Ore Quarry™)

Started by civilwargeeky, 03 November 2012 - 11:48 AM
civilwargeeky #1
Posted 03 November 2012 - 12:48 PM
So, many moons ago I decided to code a bit and I decided Hey! I should build a quarry. Now, this may sound simple but I was very new to coding and programming in general so it took a very long time. I finally finished my quarry program, and I impressed myself with how reliably it worked. So I decided to share it.

:D/>; View Level: OVAR 9000!!!
Yay! The thread has broken 200,000 views!!
Thanks to everyone who looked at this program. You are all awesome.

:Attention: The program now supports "Ore Quarry" functionality. Use "-oreQuarry true" to use it, or type "-help" to find out more
If you are having trouble in new versions of Computercraft:
Basically, there is a line in your CC config to "disable_lua51_features" Set that to false, because I use old environment functions and concepts.

A year ago, this program had a really BIG update. I basically rewrote the whole program from scratch. It is now much more efficient, modular, and is also easier to adjust from a coding standpoint.
As of version 3.5.0, the turtle also has oreQuarry support built in.

Note: If you don't know how to access any of the features: Type "quarry help" where "quarry" is whatever you named the program.

  • Huge Sized Quarries possible, the only restriction is how much fuel you can stuff in the turtle (and chunk loading)
  • Will always move to the proper position, will even attack mobs that get in the way!
  • Great for digging out rooms underground
  • Great for demolishing houses (use invert)
  • Great for digging holes down to bedrock
  • Deposits blocks into a chest when finished
  • Checks often to see if inventory is full
  • If inventory full, will go to a home chest to deposit blocks, then go right back where it was and continue mining
  • Ender Chest enabled! Feel free to use them
  • Session Persistence! Quarries will live through crashes and SSP
  • Ore Quarry capable! Check the help section for instructions
  • Turtle can mine down a certain number of blocks before starting. Good for getting to diamonds quickly.
  • If it runs into bedrock, it will come back to start and tell you where bedrock was found.
  • Automatically checks if you have fuel disabled
  • Keeps a (somewhat) detailed record of what it mines
  • Will log mining runs for posterity when done (If you want)
  • While running, displays percent to completion and total blocks mined.
  • Very modular, many different things can be changed by config and arguments
  • Now can be fully automated from parent programs. Everything can be set from arguments
  • Intelligently tells you settings you have changed
  • Now has a companion program to place ladders all the way to the bottom.
  • Now has a companion rednet program to give status updates when running. See below for current version
  • Will intelligently request fuel before mining, so it won't run out half way through.
  • Refuels quickly! You will fueled up and ready to go in no time!
  • Supports GPS networks. Is able to accurately get its position every time (If wanted)
Coming Soon:
  • Shell to control turtle
  • Maybe start quarries through rednet
  • None right now :)/>
Help Section: (just in case you want it here as well)
SpoilerWelcome!: Welcome to quarry help. Below are help entries for all parameters. Examples and tips are at the bottom.
-default: This will force no prompts. If you use this and nothing else, only defaults will be used.
-dim: [length] [width] [height] This sets the dimensions for the quarry
-invert: [t/f] If true, quarry will be inverted (go up instead of down)
-rednet: [t/f] If true and you have a wireless modem on the turtle, will attempt to make a rednet connection for sending important information to a screen
-restore / -resume: If your quarry stopped in the middle of its run, use this to resume at the point where the turtle was. Not guarenteed to work properly. For more accurate location finding, check out the -GPS parameter
-autoResume / autoRestore: Turtle will automatically resume if stopped. Replaces startup
-oreQuarry: [t/f] If true, the turtle will use ore quarry mode. It will not mine the blocks that are placed in the turtle initially. So if you put in stone, it will ignore stone blocks and only mine ores.
-oreQuarry: [t/f] If you are using a newer version of CC, you won't have to put in any compare blocks. (CC 1.64+)
-blacklist: [file name] If using oreQuarry, this is the blacklist file it will read. Example –

If you have bspkrsCore, look for "UniqueNames.txt" in your config
-atChest: [force] This is for use with "-restore," this will tell the restarting turtle that it is at its home chest, so that if it had gotten lost, it now knows where it is.
-doRefuel: [t/f] If true, the turtle will refuel itself with coal and planks it finds on its mining run
-doCheckFuel: [t/f] If you for some reason don't want the program to check fuel usage, set to false. This is honestly a hold-over from when the refueling algorithm was awful…
-uniqueExtras: [number] The expected number of slots filled with low-stacking items like ore. Higher numbers request more fuel.
-chest: [side] This specifies what side the chest at the end will be on. You can say "top", "bottom", "front", "left", or "right"
-enderChest: This one is special. If you use "-enderChest true" then it will use an enderChest in the default slot. However, you can also do "-enderChest [slot]" then it will take the ender chest from whatever slot you tell it to. Like 7… or 14… or whatever.
-GPS: [force] If you use "-GPS" and there is a GPS network, then the turtle will record its first two positions to precisly calculate its position if it has to restart. This will only take two GPS readings
-sendChannel: [number] This is what channel your turtle will send rednet messages on
-receiveChannel: [number] This is what channel your turtle will receive rednet messages on
-startY: [current Y coord] Randomly encountering bedrock? This is the parameter for you! Just give it what y coordinate you are at right now. If it is not within bedrock range, it will never say it found bedrock
-startupRename: [file name] What to rename any existing startup to.
-startupName: [file name] What the turtle will save its startup file to.
-extraDropItems: [force] If oreQuarry then this will prompt the user for extra items to drop, but not compare to (like cobblestone)
-dumpCompareItems: [t/f] If oreQuarry and this is true, the turtle will dump off compare blocks instead of storing them in a chest
-oldOreQuarry: [t/f] If you are using new CC versions, you can use this to use the old oreQuarry.
-maxTries: [number] This is the number of times the turtle will try to dig before deciding its run into bedrock.
-logging: [t/f] If true, will record information about its mining run in a folder at the end of the mining run
-doBackup: [t/f] If false, will not back up important information and cannot restore, but will not make an annoying file (Actually I don't really know why anyone would use this…)
-saveFile: [word] This is what the backup file will be called
-logFolder: [word] The folder that quarry logs will be stored in
-logExtension: [word] The extension given to each quarry log (e.g. ".txt" or ".notepad" or whatever)
-keepOpen: [number] This is the number of the slots the turtle will make sure are open. It will check every time it mines
-careAboutResources: [t/f] Who cares about the materials! If set to false, it will just keep mining when its inventory is full
-startDown: [number] If you set this, the turtle will go down this many blocks from the start before starting its quarry
C _ |
|_ _ _ _ >
-promptAll: This is the opposite of -Default, it prompts for everything
-manualPos: [xPos] [zPos] [yPos] [facing] This is for advanced use. If the server reset when the turtle was in the middle of a 100x100x100 quarry, fear not, you can now manually set the position of the turtle. yPos is always positive. The turtle's starting position is 0, 1, 1, 0. Facing is measured 0 - 3. 0 is forward, and it progresses clockwise. Example- "-manualPos 65 30 30 2"
-help: Thats what this is :D/>
Examples: Everything below is examples and tips for use
Important Note:
None of the above parameters are necessary. They all have default values, and the above are just if you want to change them.
Examples [1]:
Want to just start a quarry from the interface, without going through menus? It's easy! Just use some parameters. Assume you called the program "quarry." To start a 10x6x3 quarry, you just type in "quarry -dim 10 6 3 -default".
You just told it to start a quarry with dimensions 10x6x3, and "-default" means it won't prompt you about invert or rednet. Wasn't that easy?
Examples [2]:
Okay, so you've got the basics of this now, so if you want, you can type in really long strings of stuff to make the quarry do exactly what you want. Now, say you want a 40x20x9, but you want it to go down to diamond level, and you're on the surface (at y = 64). You also want it to send rednet messages to your computer so you can see how its doing.
Examples [2] [cont.]:
Oh yeah! You also want it to use an ender chest in slot 12 and restart if the server crashes. Yeah, you can do that. You would type
"quarry -dim 40x20x9 -invert false -startDown 45 -rednet true -enderChest 12 -restore"
BAM. Now you can just let that turtle do it's thing
The order of the parameters doesn't matter. "quarry -invert false -rednet true" is the same as "quarry -rednet true -invert false"

Capitalization doesn't matter. "quarry -iNVErt FALSe" does the same thing as "quarry -invert false"
Tips [cont.]:
For [t/f] parameters, you can also use "yes" and "no" so "quarry -invert yes"

For [t/f] parameters, it only cares about the first letter. So you can use "quarry -invert t" or "quarry -invert y"
Tips [cont.]:
If you are playing with fuel turned off, the program will automatically change settings for you so you don't have to :D/>

If you want, you can load this program onto a computer, and use "quarry -help" so you can have help with the parameters whenever you want.
Internal Config:
At the top of this program is an internal configuration file. If there is some setup that you use all the time, you can just change the config value at the top and run "quarry -default" for a quick setup.

You can also use this if there are settings that you don't like the default value of.
Now that everything is configurable by argument, there is more to the use section that you should know.
SpoilerUsage for Ore Quarry:
Just run with parameter "-oreQuarry true" and it will automatically mine everything but items in its blacklist.
If you have other items you don't want to mine, you can make your own blacklist in the file "oreQuarryBlacklist.txt"
Example blacklist file:
minecraft:stone, minecraft:gravel, ThermalExpansion:Machine
If you have bspkrsCore installed, there is a file in your config folder called "UniqueNames.txt" where you can see all blocks in your game.
If you have a better config file for me, please let me know.

Happy Mining! :)/>
1. Download the program(s)
2. Now, while you can run it straight out of the box, there are a few configs if you want. Type edit quarry, and change these values
3. Check "quarry -help" or "quarryReceiver -help" for usage
4. In the quarry, you can make parameter files! See the below example for details.
How to make Parameter Files:Example Parameter File (named "basic")
edit basic

# Starting a line with a single pound sign (hashtag) denotes a comment
# You can have comments anywhere, but they don't work at the end of parameter lines

#This file will be a "basic" file that holds all the things I like to change as default

#I want my turtles to always refuel themselves when done, but only to about half max
doRefuel true
maxFuel 100000

#I prefer to always have a chest below
chest bottom

#I always want maxTries to be really large, I don't like logging mining runs, and I want more than twice the fuel necessary
#I can do multiple parameters on one line if I use dashes
-maxTries 100000 -logging false -fuelMultiplier 2.2

#I also want to prompt whether to do an oreQuarry or not
forcePrompt oreQuarry

#Now when you run this it will ask you "Ore Quarry?" just like it asks you "Invert?" or "Length?"
You can then load this by itself:
quarry -file basic
or with other (situational) arguments (which override ones in the file):
quarry -file basic -dim 16 16 64 -flatBedrock true -default
When the shell is done, there will be a cool gui to load and make your own config files :)/>/>

Version 3.6.4 (this goes on the turtle):
Version 3.6.4 Rednet Companion Program (this goes on computer, compatible with 3.5.2 - current):
Version 1.0.3 Rednet Repeater Program (goes on computer, compatible with 3.5.4 - current)
Ladder Placing:

Version Made by Renari compatible with the "Miny Chunky Module" peripheral. (Version 3.5.5)

Showcase Video by utybo. Goes over basics, rednet, oreQuarry, and enderChests (Version 3.6.3)
Full Demonstration Video for (almost) all features of the program (Version 3.0.7)
Demonstration video of the newer Rednet Program (Version 3.5.4)
How to oreQuarry (Version 3.5.5):
Demonstration of using Quadracopters (Version 3.6.1)

Pictures of the new Rednet Program

My Github:
This is where all the new and in-development features of my programs will be. Not all programs are guaranteed to actually run at the time you download them.

Old VersionsSo anyway. Here is the program:
Newer Version:
Version 2.2.3 (has a bug, get 2.2.5)
Version 2.2.6 (hotfix)
Version 2.3.3:
Version 2.3.3 Companion Rednet Program:
Inverted Version (requested by MrHohenheim):
Version 3.0.3:
Version 3.0.3 Companion Rednet Program:
Version 3.0.3 Companion Rednet Program (FTB Compatible):
Version 3.0.4:
Version 3.0.6:
Version 3.0.7:
Version 3.1.0:
Version 3.1.1:
Version 3.2.0 beta 3:
Version 3.2.0:
Version 3.2.1:
Version 3.2.2 (this goes on the turtle):
Version 3.2.3 (this goes on the turtle):
Version 3.3.0 (this goes on the turtle):
Ladder Placing 1.0.0:
Version 3.3.1 (this goes on the turtle):
Version 3.3.2
Version 3.0.4 Rednet: Compatible with version 3.0.4 - 3.3.3
Version 3.0.4 Companion Rednet Program (FTB Compatible):
Version 3.3.3 (this goes on the turtle):
Version 3.4.0 (this goes on the turtle):
Version 3.4.0 Rednet Companion Program (this goes on computer, compatible with 3.4.0 - 3.5.1):
Version 3.4.1 (this goes on the turtle):
"Ore Quarry Hack" (goes on turtle, based on version 3.4.1):
Version 3.4.3 (this goes on the turtle):
Version 3.4.4 (this goes on the turtle):
"Ore Quarry Hack" v2 (just has 3.4.3 fueling system) (goes on turtle, based on version 3.4.1):
Version 3.5.0 (this goes on the turtle):
Version 3.5.1 (this goes on the turtle):
Version 3.5.2 (this goes on the turtle):
Version 3.5.2 Rednet Companion Program (this goes on computer, compatible with 3.5.2 - 3.5.3):
Version 3.5.3 (this goes on the turtle):
Version 3.5.3 With Ore Quarry Hack (only use with Computercraft version 1.64+ in MC 1.7.10)(this goes on the turtle):
Version 3.5.4 (this goes on the turtle):
Version 3.5.4 Rednet Companion Program (this goes on computer, compatible with 3.5.4 - current (limited functionality in 3.5.2-3.5.3)):
Better Repeater Edit by DJF. This has better old minecraft compatibility and auto-adds sending channels (compatible with 3.5.4-current)
Alternate Receiver theme by seaeagle23: (compatible with 3.4.0 - 3.5.3)
Version 3.5.5 (this goes on the turtle):
Version 3.5.5 Rednet Companion Program (this goes on computer, compatible with 3.5.2 - current):
Version 3.6.0 (this goes on the turtle):
Version 3.6.0 Rednet Companion Program (this goes on computer, compatible with 3.5.2 - current):
Version 3.6.1 (this goes on the turtle):
Version 3.6.1 Rednet Companion Program (this goes on computer, compatible with 3.5.2 - current):
Version 3.6.2 (this goes on the turtle):
Version 3.6.3 (this goes on the turtle):
Version 3.6.2 Rednet Companion Program (this goes on computer, compatible with 3.5.2 - current):
Edited on 02 March 2016 - 08:50 PM
ChunLing #2
Posted 03 November 2012 - 03:43 PM
Why not dig three blocks per move, that's pretty standard and speeds things up a good bit.
civilwargeeky #3
Posted 04 November 2012 - 02:54 PM
Updated to 2.1.5
ChunLing I took your advice (somewhat), and it now mines two at time when height is even, otherwise 1 at a time.
tpmrpg #4
Posted 09 December 2012 - 07:44 AM
Fueling partition doesn't work, I just noted it all, and then it was fine! Brilliant program BTW
Koncrete #5
Posted 10 December 2012 - 06:02 AM
This is excellent, if I am on a serve though I am probably going to have to enter that line by line hunh….
Modernkennnern #6
Posted 11 December 2012 - 05:42 AM
This is excellent, if I am on a serve though I am probably going to have to enter that line by line hunh….

Pastebin get u3CTvenK Quarry :=)
Blackbeared #7
Posted 03 January 2013 - 03:10 AM
How to get this to work properly, it keeps saying it needs more fuel and I've already put a stack of coal in there and it used it all.
20Brogan #8
Posted 04 January 2013 - 06:31 AM
How to get this to work properly, it keeps saying it needs more fuel and I've already put a stack of coal in there and it used it all.
You made the quarry so big it needs that much fuel to go.
crazygoattoe #9
Posted 06 January 2013 - 06:18 PM
I tried this out and I got an error on line 167 saying "attempt to compare nil with number"

Any idea why? (I don't know much about programming)
civilwargeeky #10
Posted 07 January 2013 - 09:06 AM
Fueling partition doesn't work, I just noted it all, and then it was fine! Brilliant program BTW
Thanks! The fueling portion does work (unless you're playing 1.2.5), however it is somewhat odd. There is a small quirk, but I think I'll change it now that I know better.
How to get this to work properly, it keeps saying it needs more fuel and I've already put a stack of coal in there and it used it all.
Yeah, unless your quarry is really big (20x20x20 or something), then it shouldn't use that much fuel. Also make sure to do
label set somename 
to stop the turtle from losing fuel when you pick it up.
I tried this out and I got an error on line 167 saying "attempt to compare nil with number"

Any idea why? (I don't know much about programming)
That is a line a line that checks the config to make sure you don't screw up its auto-empty feature. If it dosent work, type

edit quarry


Hope that helps :)/>
Blackbeared #11
Posted 08 January 2013 - 05:18 AM
Oké I have another question. I removed the fuel part (also make it so fuel isn't needed, I'm lazy like that :P/>). But for some reason the program randomly stops and it gives no error. When I start I give in length: 15, width: 15 and height: 120 is this like a build in stopping system that I am missing, it mines for a while when I start it again but just randomly stops and I have no idea what's causing it.

Any ideas?
civilwargeeky #12
Posted 08 January 2013 - 02:26 PM
Oké I have another question. I removed the fuel part (also make it so fuel isn't needed, I'm lazy like that :P/>). But for some reason the program randomly stops and it gives no error. When I start I give in length: 15, width: 15 and height: 120 is this like a build in stopping system that I am missing, it mines for a while when I start it again but just randomly stops and I have no idea what's causing it.

Any ideas?

Ok. I haven't ever tried putting the height more than 60 so I would have no experience with that bug (although it should still work). I don't know. Maybe it ran out of fuel (but you said you turned that off…), otherwise it should continue to work. The way it works is through three different loops, and those dimensions would call its dig function 13,500 times separate times. I don't think that would cause it, so I don't know what could have happened. I will post a new version tomorrow with some more of these bug fixes and features (and include a config section for disabling fuel check :)/> ).
MrHohenheim #13
Posted 09 January 2013 - 10:16 AM
Yup i like that quarry :)/> but i need inverted quarry for forest clearing.. hard work to reconfig for me?:)/>
civilwargeeky #14
Posted 09 January 2013 - 12:21 PM
Yup i like that quarry :)/> but i need inverted quarry for forest clearing.. hard work to reconfig for me? :)/>

Sure! I could do that pretty quickly. I'll post it here when done.
civilwargeeky #15
Posted 09 January 2013 - 02:46 PM
Ok, version 2.2.6 is up.
Changes: Better Counting System, Fixed some bugs, smarter fueling system, now you can add an argument to say which side the chest is on (e.g. top, right, left, bottom)
Oh, I also put in some manual-edit config at the top for people who use softcore or do not like the space restrictions and autoempty

Any other suggestions?
MustardFTW #16
Posted 09 January 2013 - 07:19 PM
Hey I have a problem, when I type in quarry or quarry [direction] I get this "bios:338: [string "quarry"]:278: unexpected symbol".
MrHohenheim #17
Posted 09 January 2013 - 08:43 PM
yeah something wrong line 278 = neededFuel = math.ceil((volume + xyz)/2 + subHeight))
MrHohenheim #18
Posted 09 January 2013 - 11:42 PM
here the working fixed code :)/> pastebin get uGBP137c quarry
civilwargeeky #19
Posted 10 January 2013 - 02:21 AM
There's a hotfix. Should work (didnt test yet)
You see while simplifying my equation, I forgot that xyz isn't x*y*z, its an undefined variable…
That's what I get for posting it without testing.
MrHohenheim #20
Posted 10 January 2013 - 02:56 AM
and + " ( "
:)/> no problem i fixed this
sjkeegs #21
Posted 10 January 2013 - 03:51 AM
You appear to have deleted the pastebin link for the main application, and replaced it with the spoiler.
MrHohenheim #22
Posted 10 January 2013 - 06:05 AM
civilwargeeky #23
Posted 10 January 2013 - 06:19 AM
Thanks MrHohenheim, I will put the fixed pastebin, since I can't post my own code to pastebin from my phone (which is why I put proper code in a spoiler)
anonimo182 #24
Posted 10 January 2013 - 06:31 AM
This really needs the rednet sending to screen, otherwise really nice program!! Can also optimize time by mining by trhee rows at time instead of two, if the left height is divisible by 3
Heracles421 #25
Posted 10 January 2013 - 06:52 AM
I can help you with the Rednet things if you want
anonimo182 #26
Posted 10 January 2013 - 06:54 AM
And me too
MrHohenheim #27
Posted 10 January 2013 - 07:35 AM
i need this quarry for inverted working :D/> i want chop the forest :P/>
Heracles421 #28
Posted 10 January 2013 - 07:41 AM
i need this quarry for inverted working :D/>/> i want chop the forest :P/>/>

Why don't you just place a turtle up over some dirt scaffolding, an use the quarry program?
MrHohenheim #29
Posted 10 January 2013 - 08:14 AM
redwood and fir trees so high…. and i want sometimes clear hills etc.. not want always digging :)/>
civilwargeeky #30
Posted 10 January 2013 - 11:26 AM
Alright. So, here is my plan for taking this program forward a bit
1. [TimeFrame: Before Monay] Add Rednet Program to send information to a host computer with a receiver program.
2. [TimeFrame: Shortly after step 1] Add arguments to quarry program to bypass start screen if dimensions exist
3. [TimeFrame: Sometime this month] Rewrite the way it does quarries. After I do this step, it will mine 3 at a time until the last row, where it will mine depending on the height. (hopefully much faster and easier to use)

Now on the topic of step 1, I am planning on including dimensions, percent complete, blocks moved, blocks remaining, blocks mined, and fuel level in the sent information. It will use os.queueEvent() to transfer data to a modular master program, to make things more simple. Any more things you would like to see?
civilwargeeky #31
Posted 10 January 2013 - 11:28 AM
This really needs the rednet sending to screen, otherwise really nice program!! Can also optimize time by mining by trhee rows at time instead of two, if the left height is divisible by 3
Coming soon :D/>
civilwargeeky #32
Posted 10 January 2013 - 01:04 PM
Hey Mr. Hohenheim, I just uploaded an inverted version for you, the only thing changed is that it's height functions are reversed. Hope you like it :)/> I'll have one you may like more out later.
MrHohenheim #33
Posted 10 January 2013 - 02:46 PM
thx :)/> i finished too the rewrite the code working cool die big trees hills :D/>
Blackbeared #34
Posted 11 January 2013 - 05:40 AM
I also think I found my own problem as to why the turtle stopped without giving an error. I placed a world anchor there to keep the chunk loaded. Didn't see that World Anchors now need fuel to keep chunks loaded. So it probably just unloaded. I have to to test to make sure it's that, but I believe it is xD.

Otherwise still awesome script :)/>.
killaking319 #35
Posted 11 January 2013 - 06:29 PM
Error = ' Bios:338: [string"quarry"]:74: ')' expected '
any ideas?
civilwargeeky #36
Posted 11 January 2013 - 07:06 PM
Error = ' Bios:338: [string"quarry"]:74: ')' expected '
any ideas?
Nope. That section shouldn't give an error. Try recopying it, maybe remove the comment there, but the code in the pastebin is fine there.
Blackbeared #37
Posted 12 January 2013 - 10:23 AM
Don't know if others got this, I downloaded the new version (I had the same situation with the previous version), for some reason I can run it, for example Length: 15, width: 15, height: 124, and it says the Usual, Job very big, auto emptying on.

Then it just stands there and does nothing. On the turtle it gives this message:

Blocks Mined

Percentage Complete

And that's it. I've seen a 'similar' post on the bug forum section but that's when he just goes offline or when he leaves the Nether. Mine doesn't work with either a normal Chunk loader (which fully loads the chunk, I've made sure it wasn't that) or when I am standing there myself. I was wondering if this is a problem that I can solve myself, that possible have appeared before.

civilwargeeky #38
Posted 14 January 2013 - 06:46 PM
Ok. Updated the program to 2.3.3
  1. Added rednet support. To work, the second argument on quarry must be "true" (without quotes)
  2. Fixed a bug in the counting where it wouldn't count anything as cobble
  3. May have fixed a few other minor bugs

And to those that had trouble with very large height values, maybe I fixed it, because with this version I tried 2, 2, 124 and had no problems.
If you find any bugs, please post them here so I can fix them.
I am posting an updated video on use tomorrow.
MrHohenheim #39
Posted 16 January 2013 - 02:08 AM
hmm can u make video for this rednet things?

my turtle not send signal for Computer hmm
civilwargeeky #40
Posted 16 January 2013 - 04:08 PM
Uploaded new youtube video. Sorry the sound is off by a second or two, had a problem converting
MrHohenheim #41
Posted 16 January 2013 - 11:34 PM
Thx you are awsome , next time need to put info at the monitor :)/>
civilwargeeky #42
Posted 17 January 2013 - 01:52 PM
Just run:
monitor [monitor side] quarryControl [modem side]


Also, I added some more information to the use section
MrHohenheim #43
Posted 17 January 2013 - 11:13 PM
oh :)/> ok thx
danny1992 #44
Posted 22 January 2013 - 05:18 PM
can you make this program to mine 3 layers at once ?
civilwargeeky #45
Posted 22 January 2013 - 06:28 PM
can you make this program to mine 3 layers at once ?
Coming soon. I will make it so the program mines 3 layers until the last one, where it will mine the proper amount for the height
danny1992 #46
Posted 23 January 2013 - 01:32 AM
i have a question when is full turtle dont return to drop the items she continue mining until finish procces …
600360 #47
Posted 25 January 2013 - 02:27 AM
you could make the turtle dig down first and then dig as many per move as the dig directions allow it to
(because it will be surrounded with the materials you dig)
thou i dont know much about programming yet so cant help more
civilwargeeky #48
Posted 25 January 2013 - 03:21 AM
you could make the turtle dig down first and then dig as many per move as the dig directions allow it to
(because it will be surrounded with the materials you dig)
thou i dont know much about programming yet so cant help more
If you mean dig three at a time, that is coming soon. You see, I was not as good at programming when I made this, so it was the best of my abilities to make it do 2 at a time.
If you mean like turning around to dig every block its surrounded by, that is unfavourable because it takes much longer.
danny1992 #49
Posted 30 January 2013 - 02:48 AM
if i leave the world it stop ?
civilwargeeky #50
Posted 30 January 2013 - 03:51 AM
if i leave the world it stop ?
It will stop if the area is not chunkloaded by another mod. If youre playing ssp then it will stop no matter what
danny1992 #51
Posted 30 January 2013 - 04:22 AM
i updated the dw20 pack and turtle mine only a layer at once …
civilwargeeky #52
Posted 30 January 2013 - 06:19 AM
i updated the dw20 pack and turtle mine only a layer at once …
Until I update the basic processes, it will only mine 2 at a time if the height is even
danny1992 #53
Posted 30 January 2013 - 09:10 AM
i understand but now mine only 1 layer at time not 2 not 3 ..
narutofan92 #54
Posted 06 February 2013 - 05:24 PM
hello i have a problem i get a error message slot number 10 out of range i have quarry left 5 5 5 but the turtle truns not the items in the chest
(sorry for my bad english im from german)
sjkeegs #55
Posted 07 February 2013 - 05:10 AM
hello i have a problem i get a error message slot number 10 out of range i have quarry left 5 5 5 but the turtle truns not the items in the chest
(sorry for my bad english im from german)

Are you running the current version of CC? An older version of CC only had 9 slots in the turtle.
civilwargeeky #56
Posted 07 February 2013 - 05:02 PM
hello i have a problem i get a error message slot number 10 out of range i have quarry left 5 5 5 but the turtle truns not the items in the chest
(sorry for my bad english im from german)

Are you running the current version of CC? An older version of CC only had 9 slots in the turtle.
Oh right. Good point. If you are using tekkit or technic, this program does not work because it throws an error when it counts, as it checks all 16 slots. Sorry.
vyzor #57
Posted 19 March 2013 - 06:52 AM
biggest prob is when the turte invetory is full it starts spitting the items. that's sad =(
in the zones with more ores the inventory slots fill up quickly
MrHohenheim #58
Posted 21 March 2013 - 10:06 AM
hey the inverted version can do the rednet? not working for me
civilwargeeky #59
Posted 21 March 2013 - 04:45 PM
Ok. So. I know I said that I would have a new version out soon (Like a month ago…), but that didn't happen. For anyone that was following this (if anyone was) I'm really sorry, but I just haven't found the time to really work on the new version. However, this actually good for two reasons. First, I am a better programmer now than I was when I began this program, and second I have had time to refine my idea and make it the best that I can. Here is a list of features I'm planning:
  • Everything configurable from arguments (e.g. height, width, fuel check, inverted, rednet…)
  • Better rednet sending method
  • Better accuracy of what turtle is doing
  • Mine three layers at a time until last layer, where it will mine height specifically
  • Keep track of three dimensional position (relative to start)
  • If inventory full, will go back to original deposit chest, test for a chest, and either wait there or deposit items into a chest, then go back to position
  • Easily switch to inverted quarry
  • Use coal to refuel itself option
Also might consider (will add if interested):
  • Tekkit (1.2.5) compatibility
  • Goes to the left instead of right option
  • Will dig to a certain layer then begin quarry
  • Place torches as it goes
I cannot guarantee a finish date, just know that it is being worked on. So far I've separated the useful sections from the parts I have to rewrite (most of it).
civilwargeeky #60
Posted 21 March 2013 - 04:47 PM
biggest prob is when the turte invetory is full it starts spitting the items. that's sad =(
in the zones with more ores the inventory slots fill up quickly
It's getting worked on. For real now :D/>
hey the inverted version can do the rednet? not working for me
No, as of now it cannot, but all will be fixed once I finish with the new version
Hun73rdk #61
Posted 29 March 2013 - 10:49 AM
Hmm why cant i go over 20x20 blocks in quarry size ???
civilwargeeky #62
Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:43 PM
Hmm why cant i go over 20x20 blocks in quarry size ???
At the time I made this, it was a conservative estimate of how many blocks it could mine at a layer. My thinking was, that if every slot was filled to the max, it would have 1024 items (16 * 64). Half that, because it could mine two at once (512), and then subtract about a hundred (400). So I have it set that it will error if a single layer's area is greater than 400. But you could change this behavior in the config at the beginning of the file with "careAboutResources" if you want to turn it off. However, in the new version that I am almost done with, I get rid of this problem entirely. As long as you have enough fuel then you can make as large a mine as you want. I should have the newest version out (tentatively) before Easter. If not, then sometime the following week. If anyone wants a beta version before then, feel free to ask (If a few people actually do, I'll just post it in the comments).
civilwargeeky #63
Posted 03 April 2013 - 05:16 PM
Just released a major update. Please post any bugs that need to be fixed. I will release a newer version soon with a couple of fixes and tweaks.
Inumel #64
Posted 02 May 2013 - 11:00 PM
7Hello! I just recently tried out this code and am amazed by it, I did find a bug though! When activating the rednet computer program and successfully linking it to my turtle, it says "textutils:177: attempt to concatenate string and nil"

I'm not sure what this means.. Just thought i would report it, Not too big a deal but it does stop the rednet program from working properly!

Also if you do read this(Which I assume you will? haha) how big does the monitor need to be? I made it quite big but trying to run it on the monitor still outputs that the screen is too small(Currently four tall and three wide!)

EDIT: Checking back on the turtle, it it still quarrying away but it says "Connected:False", even though the computer said otherwise! Hope this info helps you fix some things :)/>
civilwargeeky #65
Posted 02 May 2013 - 11:23 PM
7Hello! I just recently tried out this code and am amazed by it, I did find a bug though! When activating the rednet computer program and successfully linking it to my turtle, it says "textutils:177: attempt to concatenate string and nil"

I'm not sure what this means.. Just thought i would report it, Not too big a deal but it does stop the rednet program from working properly!

Also if you do read this(Which I assume you will? haha) how big does the monitor need to be? I made it quite big but trying to run it on the monitor still outputs that the screen is too small(Currently four tall and three wide!)

EDIT: Checking back on the turtle, it it still quarrying away but it says "Connected:False", even though the computer said otherwise! Hope this info helps you fix some things :)/>
Hello. First of all, thank you for using my program :)/> Now, when you say you got the error with textutils, did that happen on the computer or the turtle? I used to have that problem happen occasionally but I had thought I'd fixed it, hmmm. Also, Does it happen all the time or just sometimes (because it worked fine for me in tests :P/>). Thank you for bringing that up. I will look into fixing it.

Heh, as for the monitor, I think it needs to be four wide at the moment, but thanks for reminding me :)/> An update will be coming very soon that will accommodate smaller screens (I'll figure out some good sizes). Also, an update for the program in general will be coming out soon that will properly avoid bedrock, and also have a functional help screen (type "quarry help" or "quarry -?")
Inumel #66
Posted 02 May 2013 - 11:33 PM
7Hello! I just recently tried out this code and am amazed by it, I did find a bug though! When activating the rednet computer program and successfully linking it to my turtle, it says "textutils:177: attempt to concatenate string and nil"

I'm not sure what this means.. Just thought i would report it, Not too big a deal but it does stop the rednet program from working properly!

Also if you do read this(Which I assume you will? haha) how big does the monitor need to be? I made it quite big but trying to run it on the monitor still outputs that the screen is too small(Currently four tall and three wide!)

EDIT: Checking back on the turtle, it it still quarrying away but it says "Connected:False", even though the computer said otherwise! Hope this info helps you fix some things :)/>
Hello. First of all, thank you for using my program :)/> Now, when you say you got the error with textutils, did that happen on the computer or the turtle? I used to have that problem happen occasionally but I had thought I'd fixed it, hmmm. Also, Does it happen all the time or just sometimes (because it worked fine for me in tests :P/>). Thank you for bringing that up. I will look into fixing it.

Heh, as for the monitor, I think it needs to be four wide at the moment, but thanks for reminding me :)/> An update will be coming very soon that will accommodate smaller screens (I'll figure out some good sizes). Also, an update for the program in general will be coming out soon that will properly avoid bedrock, and also have a functional help screen (type "quarry help" or "quarry -?")

The error happened on the computer, after I paired it with my turtle "enter command" or "please enter command" popped up near the bottom, then the error pops up.
Inumel #67
Posted 02 May 2013 - 11:47 PM
I currently have my "Quarry turtle" outputting into a golden chest, which goes through a wooden pipe voiding cobble, dirt, gravel, and a few other ores I find useless(Hey, its cheaper than an emerald pipe..) He is digging a 20x20 hole 60 down, so its close to bedrock. I really love this program, thanks for the hard work in making it so awesome!
Inumel #68
Posted 03 May 2013 - 04:42 PM
Have any info on that error? :)/>
civilwargeeky #69
Posted 03 May 2013 - 06:03 PM
Have any info on that error? :)/>
Hello. So, to test your error, I started up minecraft 1.5.1 with ComputerCraft 1.52 installed. I started up a brand new world, got out a wireless mining turtle, a computer, and a modem. I labeled the computer got the pastebin from my OP. I then placed the computer, attached the wireless modem and got the proper pastebin code there as well. I then went to the turtle and activated rednet, and started a quarry 20 by 20 by 60. Then I input the proper channel to the computer, and the turtle started fine, with the computer printing (nearly) proper data to the screen. I did discover that when the counters go above 10 then it dosen't erase the zero :)/>

Anyway, regarding your problem, I would recommend checking that you have the right version of both programs installed (it should say 3.0.3 at the top of both files), and maybe redownloading the programs.
Slappy826 #70
Posted 03 May 2013 - 06:25 PM
Awesome program :D/>
Inumel #71
Posted 03 May 2013 - 06:34 PM
Have any info on that error? :)/>
Hello. So, to test your error, I started up minecraft 1.5.1 with ComputerCraft 1.52 installed. I started up a brand new world, got out a wireless mining turtle, a computer, and a modem. I labeled the computer got the pastebin from my OP. I then placed the computer, attached the wireless modem and got the proper pastebin code there as well. I then went to the turtle and activated rednet, and started a quarry 20 by 20 by 60. Then I input the proper channel to the computer, and the turtle started fine, with the computer printing (nearly) proper data to the screen. I did discover that when the counters go above 10 then it dosen't erase the zero :)/>

Anyway, regarding your problem, I would recommend checking that you have the right version of both programs installed (it should say 3.0.3 at the top of both files), and maybe redownloading the programs.

I should note I am using 1.4.7 MC, the ultimate pack on the FTB launcher, Maybe that's why it doesnt work for me :unsure:/>
civilwargeeky #72
Posted 03 May 2013 - 06:42 PM
Awesome program :D/>
Thank you :)/>
civilwargeeky #73
Posted 03 May 2013 - 06:53 PM
Ok. I see now. I went back to my 1.4.6 save, and I get the same error that you did. I am currently trying to track it down :)/>
Inumel #74
Posted 03 May 2013 - 07:05 PM
Ok. I see now. I went back to my 1.4.6 save, and I get the same error that you did. I am currently trying to track it down :)/>

civilwargeeky #75
Posted 03 May 2013 - 07:06 PM
Have any info on that error? :)/>
Hello. So, to test your error, I started up minecraft 1.5.1 with ComputerCraft 1.52 installed. I started up a brand new world, got out a wireless mining turtle, a computer, and a modem. I labeled the computer got the pastebin from my OP. I then placed the computer, attached the wireless modem and got the proper pastebin code there as well. I then went to the turtle and activated rednet, and started a quarry 20 by 20 by 60. Then I input the proper channel to the computer, and the turtle started fine, with the computer printing (nearly) proper data to the screen. I did discover that when the counters go above 10 then it dosen't erase the zero :)/>

Anyway, regarding your problem, I would recommend checking that you have the right version of both programs installed (it should say 3.0.3 at the top of both files), and maybe redownloading the programs.

I should note I am using 1.4.7 MC, the ultimate pack on the FTB launcher, Maybe that's why it doesnt work for me :unsure:/>
Found It! Ok. I will put a backwards - compatibility pastebin in the OP.
In the version of computercraft that FTB runs, there was a bug where modems would send messages to themselves every time it sent. So the computer was sending "Confirm" back to itself and textutils couldn't decipher that as a table. Problem solved. Thank you for your help with this bug.
Inumel #76
Posted 03 May 2013 - 07:46 PM
Have any info on that error? :)/>
Hello. So, to test your error, I started up minecraft 1.5.1 with ComputerCraft 1.52 installed. I started up a brand new world, got out a wireless mining turtle, a computer, and a modem. I labeled the computer got the pastebin from my OP. I then placed the computer, attached the wireless modem and got the proper pastebin code there as well. I then went to the turtle and activated rednet, and started a quarry 20 by 20 by 60. Then I input the proper channel to the computer, and the turtle started fine, with the computer printing (nearly) proper data to the screen. I did discover that when the counters go above 10 then it dosen't erase the zero :)/>

Anyway, regarding your problem, I would recommend checking that you have the right version of both programs installed (it should say 3.0.3 at the top of both files), and maybe redownloading the programs.

I should note I am using 1.4.7 MC, the ultimate pack on the FTB launcher, Maybe that's why it doesnt work for me :unsure:/>
Found It! Ok. I will put a backwards - compatibility pastebin in the OP.
In the version of computercraft that FTB runs, there was a bug where modems would send messages to themselves every time it sent. So the computer was sending "Confirm" back to itself and textutils couldn't decipher that as a table. Problem solved. Thank you for your help with this bug.

Happy to help! Thanks for the fix! :)/>
Inumel #77
Posted 03 May 2013 - 07:59 PM
Inumel #78
Posted 03 May 2013 - 08:09 PM
Inumel #79
Posted 03 May 2013 - 08:23 PM
I am still getting the error, even with the new code
civilwargeeky #80
Posted 03 May 2013 - 08:58 PM
I'm not really sure how to fix that then, it worked on my 1.4.6 version…

Edit: I just downloaded the FTB launcher and the ultimate pack, then downloaded the current files (FTB fix on the computer program). I then did the test that I did the other times, and it worked fine. I'm really sorry, but I can't fix the problem if I can't reproduce it. Thank you anyway for posting your problem. That is how my programs get better! :D/>

One more thing: Try restarting the computer after you download new file (if you haven't). There may be nonlocal variables that are getting carried over
Inumel #81
Posted 04 May 2013 - 07:40 PM
Thank you for your excellent help! everything works perfectly now!
Inumel #82
Posted 04 May 2013 - 08:40 PM
Your program inspired me to try to make my own program, starting with this silly thing

print("what is your username?")
username = read()
print("What is your password?")
password = read()

if username == "Inumel" and password == "butts"then
  rs.setOutput("back", true)
  rs.setOutput("back", false)
It doesnt have much, but it was fun to make! so again, thanks!
civilwargeeky #83
Posted 06 May 2013 - 09:01 PM
SpoilerYour program inspired me to try to make my own program, starting with this silly thing

print("what is your username?")
username = read()
print("What is your password?")
password = read()

if username == "Inumel" and password == "butts"then
  rs.setOutput("back", true)
  rs.setOutput("back", false)
It doesnt have much, but it was fun to make! so again, thanks!
No problem. Always happy to help. :)/>

Anyway, posted a new version: 3.0.4 for both Quarry and Receiver

Changes (quarry):
-Try quarry -help ! Its pretty awesome
-Greatly improved and added to the help section (looking for suggestions to further improve)
-doCheckFuel argument changed to a true or false after
-rednet argument changed to a true or false after
-Now will go back to start when it hits bedrock instead of getting stuck
-Renamed "openSlots" to "keepOpen" in arguments
-Changed "-DEFAULT-" to "-DEFAULT" to match others

Changes (receiver):
-Made it so different monitor display sizes do different things
-Smallest size is a 1x1
-Information displayed depends on size
-For all information, make screen at least 4 wide and two tall
-Added an FTB compatible version that will (hopefully) stop modems from giving themselves information

As usual, I am very open to any bugs or suggestions that anyone has for me. Also as a note, I will be rewriting the receiver program in about a week or two to make it more modular to screen sizes. Around that time I will also make the quarry program save its state on server crashes or singleplayer quits.
Inumel #84
Posted 07 May 2013 - 02:10 AM
Bug in 3.0.3, Turtle reporting "Connected:False" even though it is in fact connected and sending messages to the rednet computer
civilwargeeky #85
Posted 07 May 2013 - 08:43 AM
Bug in 3.0.3, Turtle reporting "Connected:False" even though it is in fact connected and sending messages to the rednet computer
That was always broken in 3.0.3 I tried to fix it in 3.0.4, but I'm not sure if it worked. I've had some wierd issues with os.pullEvent and repeat loops.
civilwargeeky #86
Posted 23 May 2013 - 08:42 PM
New Update! 3.0.5. I finally got session persistence to work to an acceptable degree. If the server crashes or you log back in SSP, just type "quarry -restore" and it (should) pick back up where it left off. Currently it will only do so with good accuracy if it was stopped in the middle of a row (and not turning). I will try to make it better, but I just wanted to get this out there. As usual, please send a message or post here if I messed up somewhere or if you have a suggestion to make this better.

Also, there are some new arguments. Check "quarry -help" to see what has changed.
cassie214 #87
Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:03 AM
I found a problem at line 206 it seems a ']' is missing
but a very nice program i relay like it
civilwargeeky #88
Posted 24 May 2013 - 11:14 AM
I found a problem at line 206 it seems a ']' is missing
but a very nice program i relay like it
Thanks for catching that! Pastebin has been updated.
MonthOLDpickle #89
Posted 25 May 2013 - 12:22 PM
How can it refuel itself?
civilwargeeky #90
Posted 25 May 2013 - 01:40 PM
How can it refuel itself?
It will ask for fuel when it needs it. Also, if you run it with the argument "-doRefuel true" then it will refueling itself with coal and planks when it is done
coaster3000 #91
Posted 25 May 2013 - 06:50 PM
ModPack: FTB Ultimate 1.1.0 (Not the recommended build its higher version then recommended)
CC: 1.5
Misc Peripherals installed Unneeded info but just there in case..

I get the error

[indent=1]Cannot serialize type function [/indent]
[indent=1]Line 166 from textutils.[/indent]

When the program gets to start.

Input for controls I put in (Note i am on FTB Ultimate pack if this is a problem with the pack?)

master right 10

Master is the rednet FTB version link from first page..
right is my modem and 10 is turtle id

And the turtle runs

quarry -dim 15 15 60
inverted: No
rednet: Yes

Fueled to over 8K
counts down then fails when starting throwing said error

It does run when rednet is off. Soo.
civilwargeeky #92
Posted 25 May 2013 - 07:34 PM
ModPack: FTB Ultimate 1.1.0 (Not the recommended build its higher version then recommended)
CC: 1.5
Misc Peripherals installed Unneeded info but just there in case..

I get the error
Well. Thanks for reporting this. I fixed it and will update pastebin very shortly. So, what happened, in its session persistence call, when rednet is enabled it tries to save the modem table. Literally in my debugging:
: print(a, b, type(B)/> ) --a is the name, b is the value
: textutils.serialize(B)/>/>
modem  table: 687ecc62   table
error: cannot serialize type function
So… not my fault :)/>
coaster3000 #93
Posted 26 May 2013 - 12:18 PM
ModPack: FTB Ultimate 1.1.0 (Not the recommended build its higher version then recommended)
CC: 1.5
Misc Peripherals installed Unneeded info but just there in case..

I get the error
Well. Thanks for reporting this. I fixed it and will update pastebin very shortly. So, what happened, in its session persistence call, when rednet is enabled it tries to save the modem table. Literally in my debugging:
: print(a, b, type(B)/>/> ) --a is the name, b is the value
: textutils.serialize(B)/>/>/>
modem  table: 687ecc62   table
error: cannot serialize type function
So… not my fault :)/>

Thanks for info. I was trying to figure out where in the code it was doing it too.. :P/> The error is not very descriptive.
pokemonfirer #94
Posted 26 May 2013 - 07:54 PM
im haveing a issue with this when i set it to quarry it runs the first layer it does then when it digs dorn in goes to the side then stright for what seams like forever any idea?
civilwargeeky #95
Posted 26 May 2013 - 09:38 PM
im haveing a issue with this when i set it to quarry it runs the first layer it does then when it digs dorn in goes to the side then stright for what seams like forever any idea?
Well. I actually discovered this independently today. So, what happened is I was optimizing the mining loops, and I was wondering why I had this apparently redundant statement. Turns out it wasn't redundant. If you have a quarry with even z dimensions, and multiple layers, it will screw up. Anyway, posted a new pastebin as 3.0.6 since there were a few other bugfixes as well. Thanks for the description.
stonecold913 #96
Posted 01 June 2013 - 10:53 AM
im sorry if this has been asked before, but how do i set up the quarry to backup its location incase of server restart
civilwargeeky #97
Posted 01 June 2013 - 03:32 PM
im sorry if this has been asked before, but how do i set up the quarry to backup its location incase of server restart
You're fine :)/>
It automatically backs up its location every time it moves. To restore a quarry, type in "quarry -restore" to start it up with all the settings from the file (hopefully).
Warning: May or may not work if the turtle was in the middle of going back to start position or turning.
stonecold913 #98
Posted 01 June 2013 - 05:53 PM
ok so it has to be in the same spot that it was when it shut down? because it shut down when it was at my chest and when i did quarry -restore it dug through the chest
civilwargeeky #99
Posted 01 June 2013 - 07:32 PM
ok so it has to be in the same spot that it was when it shut down? because it shut down when it was at my chest and when i did quarry -restore it dug through the chest
Well, you see, the way it works when it restores is that it basically starts the program over from where it was, based on where it was in its mining session. So if it happened to be unloading stuff at the chest, then it would probably think it was somewhere in the middle of it mining row. I'll have to fix that later. Sorry.
stonecold913 #100
Posted 01 June 2013 - 08:40 PM
ok so it has to be in the same spot that it was when it shut down? because it shut down when it was at my chest and when i did quarry -restore it dug through the chest
Well, you see, the way it works when it restores is that it basically starts the program over from where it was, based on where it was in its mining session. So if it happened to be unloading stuff at the chest, then it would probably think it was somewhere in the middle of it mining row. I'll have to fix that later. Sorry.


*edit so while playing around with this and trying to do a chunkloading turtle that talks with a computer in my base i type in this

"Quarry (what i named it) -receiveChannel 28 -sendChannel 27 -invert true -dim 10 10 10 -rednet true"
and i get back

"Rednet is Enabled
The Channel to open is 27
Quarry:337: attempt to call nil"

any idea why this is happening
Edited on 01 June 2013 - 10:00 PM
civilwargeeky #101
Posted 03 June 2013 - 02:11 PM
ok so it has to be in the same spot that it was when it shut down? because it shut down when it was at my chest and when i did quarry -restore it dug through the chest
Well, you see, the way it works when it restores is that it basically starts the program over from where it was, based on where it was in its mining session. So if it happened to be unloading stuff at the chest, then it would probably think it was somewhere in the middle of it mining row. I'll have to fix that later. Sorry.


*edit so while playing around with this and trying to do a chunkloading turtle that talks with a computer in my base i type in this

"Quarry (what i named it) -receiveChannel 28 -sendChannel 27 -invert true -dim 10 10 10 -rednet true"
and i get back

"Rednet is Enabled
The Channel to open is 27
Quarry:337: attempt to call nil"

any idea why this is happening
Oh crap, sorry did not see the edit (I usually only check from the emails on my phone).
Man, that is a very strange error. It is saying that the modem table does not exist, even though I defined it in the line above it… Also, I just tested it out on a fresh world, fresh turtle, fresh install and your exact setup worked fine for me. I don't know how to help you.
Somin #102
Posted 06 June 2013 - 01:56 PM
I used this quarry quite a bit today and yesterday but it only gets through the routine 20% of the time. The other 80% of the time I get a 'too long without yielding error' .. As I understand, this is probably a result of my server being heavily taxed. Indeed, our server is struggling a bit.. So I am sure the error is 'on my side'…

That said, is there anything at all I can do to get this error less frequently? Should I put sleep(0.5) in every loop? Is there a server cfg I should look at?

Thanks for any tips
civilwargeeky #103
Posted 06 June 2013 - 02:35 PM
I used this quarry quite a bit today and yesterday but it only gets through the routine 20% of the time. The other 80% of the time I get a 'too long without yielding error' .. As I understand, this is probably a result of my server being heavily taxed. Indeed, our server is struggling a bit.. So I am sure the error is 'on my side'…

That said, is there anything at all I can do to get this error less frequently? Should I put sleep(0.5) in every loop? Is there a server cfg I should look at?

Thanks for any tips
Thanks for posting. To make it slow down a bit, try inserting a "sleep(0.5)" or whatever time you want after line 420. This should make it pause every time it mines. Does it usually stop in the middle of a layer, or when its coming back to start, or when its counting blocks, or what?
Akivar #104
Posted 11 June 2013 - 01:41 AM
I'm loving this Quarry Program… However I did experience a problem or two when I unloaded / disconnected myself from the server.

Quarry Version 3.0.6

I apparently unloaded the Chunks and had some Chunk Issues and or other Issues…

First. (Minor Issue/Might be Rendering) - I started seeing the turtle create pillars in flowing water. This wasn't a problem for a while until I disconnected and reconnected a few hours later from my FTB Ultimate Server, where I am currently the only one playing on it, and it just was stopped there digging Straight up.

Second - Fuel level at 12 and Too far from home… This is probably tied in with the first problem of the turtle not moving and digging straight up…
The Turtle had Coal in its inventory from a Recent Dig and didn't have enough fuel used to make it home…
I would suggest two Minor Changes that could be a Major Improvement on the Performance of the Turtle.
1. If the Chest that it's dropping into is full then Send a Message waiting for the Chest to be emptied… Currently the turtle just attempts to empty the inventory and Go back to mining… this is a problem as it burns fuel.
2. Constant Checking for Fuel Level Needed against Current Fuel Level. This could be done every row it digs to make sure that it wont need to ReFuel and if it does need to refuel it should keep a "ReFueling" level at "Safe/Moderate/Strict" levels. Where Safe would be the maximum number of moves that it would take to get back home or a set Base Fuel Level number. to where if the turtle hits that number no matter it's current progress it will stop and go refuel and go back to work… another thing could be to check inventory slots 1-16 for fuel items and use them to refuel on the go. (this should be a Toggle Option/Argument check for T/True or F/False or what not…)

These Two Changes should keep the turtle from 1 running out of Fuel and 2 Stopping Progress.

There was another weird thing. When i Restarted the Quarry from it's current position after terminating the program with [Ctrl+T] it spit a message to me… Found BedRock and went back home… well almost it went up around 15-16 spaces above the level that I restarted the program at which was around level 63 (Original Start) and 37 (Restart). I was having him dig down 32 levels for a 32x32x32 Quarry. Not sure why it "Found Bedrock" where none was in sight but that's just what happened.

Again none of this is really a Big Problem with the exception of the Fuel/Chest issues and it just means a little bit of manual work to reset everything… Other than that the Program Runs Like a Charm… If I keep on top of it. xD

EDIT: Just looked at the length of the Post… Sorry if it's long winded. If you want more information you can usually find me in the FTB Chat - at #FTB with the Nick Akivar just send me a PM and I'll do my best to Respond.
civilwargeeky #105
Posted 11 June 2013 - 12:05 PM
Hello. Thank you for using the program and taking the time to write such a helpful and informative report. For your first suggestion, I could easily implement that and will do so for the next update. The second suggestion I could also do by changing the behavior of how -doRefuel works. Right now it will refuel itself when it is dropping things off if you have that parameter on, but I could easily change it to do a check every row. However, my goal with my fuel algorithm is that you shouldn't have to refuel it while it is running (but with all the mod ores and things, it is very hard to predict), I may try to make it better at guessing needed fuel.

Your problem with found bedrock is very odd… It should only execute that function when it has tried to move forward 20 times but can't, and its fuel is greater than zero. I'm not really sure why that happened.
Now, I know that I added session persistence, but as of now it is not very good, and I would not recommend using the 3.0.6 Session persistence. I have some ideas to make it better, but basically the only time it will work properly right now is when the turtle is in the middle of a row (not turning or at the end), not going back to drop off resources, and not on the last layer (maybe). It is probably better (if you are looking for reliability) to not use it. The bug with digging straight up is related to that as well as the bug with it going up too far to get to home.
Akivar #106
Posted 11 June 2013 - 12:22 PM
Just Restarted my Out of Fuel Turtle again… this time it moved back a full line in it's "Digging" location. Destroyed half the double chest it was supposed to dump items into.

The Session Persistance/ it's not as good; however, both times it ran out of fuel… mostly because it filled up it's chest too quickly and couldn't drop-off items and wasted a lot of fuel.

Edit-Don't get me wrong it's great! and I had it run to 3.5 layers before bedrock level and just then it started messing around. xD
Edit-2 – I just re-read your reply again… The biggest two things aren't the movement clauses when it gets stuck. It's the Check if Chest is empty or full before Leaving. and ReFueling on the go/checking fuel levels.
civilwargeeky #107
Posted 11 June 2013 - 07:29 PM
Version 3.0.7 out!

  1. Fixed percent display being off
  2. If doRefuel is true, it will attempt to refuel itself with fuel from its inventory if fuel level is below 100 until it reaches a certain level
  3. A new argument, fuelSafety, will adjust how much extra fuel the turtle will ask for at start. The accepted values are safe, moderate, and loose, and you can change the values in the config.
  4. If a chest is full when it is emptying, it will now wait until a slot is empty and then return mining, as opposed to keeping things in its inventory while it mines.
  5. Instead of key presses for chests and fuel, will now detect changes.
Akivar #108
Posted 12 June 2013 - 12:07 AM
Version 3.0.7 out!

  1. Fixed percent display being off
  2. If doRefuel is true, it will attempt to refuel itself with fuel from its inventory if fuel level is below 100 until it reaches a certain level
  3. A new argument, fuelSafety, will adjust how much extra fuel the turtle will ask for at start. The accepted values are safe, moderate, and loose, and you can change the values in the config.
  4. If a chest is full when it is emptying, it will now wait until a slot is empty and then return mining, as opposed to keeping things in its inventory while it mines.
  5. Instead of key presses for chests and fuel, will now detect changes.

Just Tested the Chest Full Update and It counted well past 64 attempts.
It seems that Should your Chest get full and you're not able to do anything about it this will save fuel until you're next available.
This also might make the Quarry -restore command a little more accurate, should you find your self needing to use it; while the turtle is waiting for items to be dropped off.
Depending on the ReFueling if it waits for new fuel at the chest/starting position… that could also make things better.

It also seemed to Detect the chest right away instead of having to place it down after starting the program!
Somin #109
Posted 12 June 2013 - 01:56 AM
I haven't downloaded 3.0.7 yet but I've been using the version previous to that a lot over the last week.

The too long without yielding errors have just about dissapeared (using a sleep(0.2) at line 420 as suggested). However, after the turtle runs for some time, about 50 or 60% of the time I get the 'Found bedrock' message with my turtle sitting at the starting chest.. Thing is, I am doing all of this at hieght 60 - 90.. Mining upwards (inverted) most of the time, but also mining downwards to about height 60. I'm carving out the inside of a big cave.. I wonder why the bedrock issue is coming. Could it be gravel? Something else? Should I increase a number somewhere to give it more time to try?
Akivar #110
Posted 12 June 2013 - 02:12 AM
Somin I did make note of this in 3.0.6 to CivilWarGeeky and it's just one of those "random" things…
We did however come to the conclusion that your turtle may have gotten Stuck on something "Invisible" or stuck in a Loading Chunk and it's set to Display that message after a Move/Dig Attempt of (20) or so times.

Biggest Suggested Causes…
Chunk Updates…
Server/Game Crash Issues…
or Chunk's being Unloaded on the Turtle.

Did you move far away from your turtle or move around a lot while your turtle was mining? Possibly Updating the Chunks around you so that the Turtles Chunks were no longer in the Cache?
If you do or did do that I would put a Chunk Loader in the area or on the turtle and let it keep mining…

I would also Highly Recommend Updating to 3.0.7 asap…
It fixes the Issue with the turtle Not Waiting for an Empty Chest and Draining It's Fuel Supply.
It also adds by Default ReFueling commands and a Minimum Fuel Level that the Turtle Must Maintain (Argument / Configs can be Changed to your liking!)
Somin #111
Posted 12 June 2013 - 02:45 AM
Thanks Akivar, I actually always have a chunk loader sitting beside the turtles chest set to load 360 chunks (level 10 of the chunk loader)..

I also have a lava tank set up and my turtles all refuel to 1 million fuel before i set them to run any program, so i don't think it was a refuel issue, but maybe. i dont currently load any fuel into the inventory slots, and i just run it with no options.. Maybe i should change some fuel options?

Thanks again!
Akivar #112
Posted 12 June 2013 - 06:25 AM
Somin get the Update to the Program and It'll work 10x more efficiently and shouldn't have those issues if you do have those issues try to mark down co-ords and take a screenshot and give a Bug Report of what happened in the time since you started the program.
civilwargeeky #113
Posted 12 June 2013 - 02:02 PM
New Video Out!

Man, it is about time too.

It will be up in… 446 minutes from time of posting… Stupid youtube.

Akivar #114
Posted 12 June 2013 - 02:47 PM
Still needs to have the Chest placed "Behind" it.
d3ighty #115
Posted 12 June 2013 - 03:06 PM
on my server Fuel is disabled. So i dont have a number to check. Can someone help me?

btw. i cant acces the server compucraft.cfg
civilwargeeky #116
Posted 12 June 2013 - 03:31 PM
on my server Fuel is disabled. So i dont have a number to check. Can someone help me?

btw. i cant acces the server compucraft.cfg
Two options: Run the quarry with "-doCheckFuel false" after it, or go into the config at the top of the program and change doCheckFuel from "true" to "false"
civilwargeeky #117
Posted 12 June 2013 - 03:32 PM
Still needs to have the Chest placed "Behind" it.
What do you mean? The chest can be placed on any side (except the front :P/> ). Run the quarry with "-chest [side]" after it.
Akivar #118
Posted 12 June 2013 - 04:45 PM
Yea I just keep forgetting to "set" that variable. It would be nifty if the Quarry Program could "search" for the chest xD
civilwargeeky #119
Posted 12 June 2013 - 04:49 PM
Yea I just keep forgetting to "set" that variable. It would be nifty if the Quarry Program could "search" for the chest xD
I would do that, however, there is no way to detect an inventory. I can only detect whether a block is there or not. Also, if I were to test a direction with turtle.drop(), it would return true even if a block was in the way.
Akivar #120
Posted 13 June 2013 - 02:27 AM
That is true… Oh well.
Something that would be cool is that before the turtle would start Operating would be that It would ask for where the chest is in relation to it's "Starting" position.

Oh and You're Video is finally up! as of 16minutes from before this post!
d3ighty #121
Posted 13 June 2013 - 02:37 PM
Thx :)/> Will this work with every other programm?
civilwargeeky #122
Posted 13 June 2013 - 04:09 PM
Thx :)/> Will this work with every other programm?
Not quite sure what you mean, but it can be called from anywhere just like any other program, and, while it does use global variables, I have set its environment to my own table at _G.civil :)/> You can even access all the functions and variables after the program is finished if you want :)/>.

So to answer your question, yes it should be compatible with any other program (unless they use _G.civil :o/> )
demonking239 #123
Posted 14 June 2013 - 02:27 AM
If we edited startup to "quarry - resume" would it auto resume
civilwargeeky #124
Posted 14 June 2013 - 03:06 AM
If we edited startup to "quarry - resume" would it auto resume
Yes. Additionally you could have other arguments as well so that it automatically starts a quarry unless it finds a resume file.
civilwargeeky #125
Posted 18 June 2013 - 05:39 PM
Hey everyone, just an announcement. If you were having the same issue as Somin (turtle were finding bedrock where there was not any) and are playing minecraft 1.4.7, the best way to fix this right now is to insert some custom logic in the "mine" function for what it does when the mine function fails. This is an issue with the turtle's attack range being much too small in older versions, so it cannot attack the animal.
Here is what somin used for reference:

if count > 20 then
for i=1,15 do
Do keep in mind, however, that if you don't put the position back to where you found it, block counts as well as position data will be off.
Somin #126
Posted 19 June 2013 - 02:42 AM
Ah yeah, I actually improved the modification a little bit, pasted it below… It tries to attack a few more times, in case the mob / animal got closer to the turtle and within attack range. Then, if that fails it moves up, forward 5, and then back down again. It also updates the movement counts so it should resume properly.

if count > 20 then
    for i=1,15 do
  if count == 30 then
	    if not inverted then
		  for i=1,5 do
		    if facing == 0 then xPos = xPos +1
		    elseif facing == 2 then xPos = xPos-1
		    elseif facing == 1 then zPos = zPos+1
		    elseif facing == 3 then zPos = zPos-1; end		   
Amy #127
Posted 22 June 2013 - 05:05 AM
I am having the weirdest problem with this.
When trying to use the rednet connection from the wireless turtle to the computer (set up exactly the same as in the tutorial video), the computer just prompts for the instructions the same way the turtle does, asking for its dimensions and such instead of ever trying to connect.
If I put in details ABOUT the quarry I am trying to do (or even different from the turtle) it just returns a nil value, it never tries to connect.
civilwargeeky #128
Posted 22 June 2013 - 12:04 PM
I am having the weirdest problem with this.
When trying to use the rednet connection from the wireless turtle to the computer (set up exactly the same as in the tutorial video), the computer just prompts for the instructions the same way the turtle does, asking for its dimensions and such instead of ever trying to connect.
If I put in details ABOUT the quarry I am trying to do (or even different from the turtle) it just returns a nil value, it never tries to connect.
Oh, hmm. I guess I didn't exactly make this clear in the video (sorry). There are two different programs, a quarry program for the turtle (currently 3.0.7), and a rednet one for the computer (currently 3.0.4). If you want to use rednet you have to get the 3.0.4 companion rednet program from Hope that helps :)/>
civilwargeeky #129
Posted 22 June 2013 - 04:03 PM
Version 3.1.0 is out!

1. Improved Session Persistence
2. Improved Bedrock detecting logic
3. Made turtle faster by .5 seconds every 10 blocks (removed unnecessary sleep)
4. All movement function are now self contained and keep track of position.
Use civilTable.forward or just forward (environment is civilTable)
5. Now automatically checks if fuel is off so you don't have to!
6. Checks if it actually being run on a turtle or not.
7. Fixed the bug where the turtle would always say connected: false with rednet (I think)

As always, if you find any bugs, post them here so I can fix them for others.
civilwargeeky #130
Posted 22 June 2013 - 07:27 PM
Ah yeah, I actually improved the modification a little bit, pasted it below… It tries to attack a few more times, in case the mob / animal got closer to the turtle and within attack range. Then, if that fails it moves up, forward 5, and then back down again. It also updates the movement counts so it should resume properly.
Also, if anyone wants to do some "hacks" to my mining logic, you can now use things like "up", "forward", "left", "right" (e.g. without the turtle.), and it will properly keep track of position (so it works better). It does not do this with dig though :)/>
Zhorts #131
Posted 24 June 2013 - 12:07 PM
This is a very nifty little quarry, that I seem to completely abuse for cheap mining (why oh why did I choose to go with gregtech hard mode!? :D/> ).

Anyway, if I read the code correctly (LUA is not my strongest language) it seems version 3.1.0 introduced a bug when fixing the bedrock detection and unlimited fuel.
For evaluation purposes I set my turtles to not require fuel in the configs. Three times a turtle has now gotten stuck facing a sheep (I assume, it's the only living thing in the quarry, and it's still happily standing in the way when I discover it), and thrown the following error:
quarry:600: attempt to compare string
with number expected, got string
Yes, the error message is kind of garbled - that is verbatim what the display says.

This is in the bedrock detection block of code, and the turtle seems to think it's hit bedrock, but it's actually at y=60-something, so it ought to be sensing the sheep. The main problem is therefore not the bug itself, in my opinion, but the bedrock detection finding sheep.
Could the "bedrock" detection be made more insensitive, perhaps with a configureable retry or adding in a sleep delay, or perhaps implementing the skip-over Somin showed? (On a side note, how does that work if the turtle tries to take that way back to base? Does it happily mine through?)
civilwargeeky #132
Posted 24 June 2013 - 05:10 PM
This is a very nifty little quarry, that I seem to completely abuse for cheap mining (why oh why did I choose to go with gregtech hard mode!? :D/> ).

Anyway, if I read the code correctly (LUA is not my strongest language) it seems version 3.1.0 introduced a bug when fixing the bedrock detection and unlimited fuel.
For evaluation purposes I set my turtles to not require fuel in the configs. Three times a turtle has now gotten stuck facing a sheep (I assume, it's the only living thing in the quarry, and it's still happily standing in the way when I discover it), and thrown the following error:
quarry:600: attempt to compare string
with number expected, got string
Yes, the error message is kind of garbled - that is verbatim what the display says.

This is in the bedrock detection block of code, and the turtle seems to think it's hit bedrock, but it's actually at y=60-something, so it ought to be sensing the sheep. The main problem is therefore not the bug itself, in my opinion, but the bedrock detection finding sheep.
Could the "bedrock" detection be made more insensitive, perhaps with a configureable retry or adding in a sleep delay, or perhaps implementing the skip-over Somin showed? (On a side note, how does that work if the turtle tries to take that way back to base? Does it happily mine through?)
Nice job! Thanks for catching that. With it getting stuck on sheep, though, that is a bug in computercraft that was fixed in CC 1.51. If you are running my program on 1.4.7 or earlier, then you will have to make your own bedrock logic if you want to avoid sheep.
To address your suggestions, it already does have a sleep delay: If count gets above 20 then it will sleep for 0,2 seconds after every attack attempt. It will sit there for about 6 seconds, attacking a total of 30 times before it calls bedrock. One thing I could do that involves the user would be to have an option to specify what y level the turtle starts at, so if it is below say 10 (for safety), then it will call bedrock(), otherwise it will continue attacking and sleeping until it can move.

If you think that the hack somin used would be effective, I have included better functionality in 3.1.0 so you can make your own hacks easily and not have to worry about keeping track of position. My program is very modular, it uses while loops on all of its mining loops. The only thing that is really hard-coded is switching layers, because that does not use the actual yPos. If you want to modify the logic yourself, just use the function without the "turtle." at the beginning. So, Somin's code would now look like this:
if count > 20 then
  for i=1,15 do
if count == 30 then --You also don't need to take inverted into consideration. My functions just call the other one if inverted
  for i=1,5 do
Also, somin's code may or may not go back to the right place if it encountered sheep on the way back to its home chest, because the goto function completes different move functions in order, so would not correct itself it it went too far.

Hope I answered all of your questions :)/>
civilwargeeky #133
Posted 24 June 2013 - 10:00 PM
New version that adds in a "startY" argument that can be used to detect bedrock more effectively. Haven't tested it, but it should work properly.

1. New Argument: startY to help stop it from getting stuck on those nasty sheep!
2. Most directional functions take care of invert. Exception is turtle.detect
Zhorts #134
Posted 25 June 2013 - 12:03 PM
Cool! Yes, I'm still running on 1.4.7… Can't do without my Redpower :-/ I appreciate the explanation, I'll have to set aside some time to get into LUA again, get my head into your program and start experimenting :D/>
To be clear: The startY argument should be set to the turtle's starting Y, right? Edit: Yes, of course… What else? Wake up brain!

Found a second nofuel-bug: Line 336 (in 3.1.0) also generates the same compare to string error. Perhaps it's already fixed in the new version?

Also found a turtle had thrown a textutils java (ArrayIndexOutOfBounds) error - but to me that sounds like the underlying code driving the LUA, and should not be related to your program. I found him on a chunk boundary (he's a chunk loader miner), so that's probably what messed him up, I've been having some issues with rebooting turtles on boundaries earlier.

Edit: I did a little more digging… What I was attempting when I got the nofuel bug mentioned above was doing a -restore on the textutils error turtle. The turtle seemed to think it went fine, but obviously didn't load the doCheckFuel variable, judging from where it errored out. Looking at the server the restore file is there (in the turtle's folder), but is empty… I probably mis-use the persistency aspects, but I was under the assumption that the turtle by default would store its progress, so that it could be restored if anything went awry (server reset, LUA crashes, etc). Should the turtle be placed by its home chest when restoring, or should it be done "in the field"?
civilwargeeky #135
Posted 25 June 2013 - 12:59 PM
Hmm. No, its supposed to save everything every time it moves, so that when you restore it, it picks right up from where it left off. However, if it was a textutils error, then it probably happened during the saveProgress function, which means that the file never got closed, and so the file is empty. Does that happen consistently, or did it just happen once?

Also, line 336 shouldn't run if fuel is turned off, because doCheckFuel should automatically be set to false… I will investigate

Edit: if the save file is blank, the turtle will end up running from config defaults. Using a restore file has the effect as using the argument -DEFAULT, so if nothing is there, you get the picture
In retrospect, I probably need to move that fuel statement out there… Slated as a change for next version. :)/>
Zhorts #136
Posted 25 June 2013 - 01:55 PM
It's just the once I've had that particular error, usually the turtle just stands there freshly booted (nothing on the screen) when I find them, this was an oddity. I hadn't looked at (or tested) the restore functionality before today though, so I couldn't tell if all the stopped ones behave similarly. I'll investigate when I find them :D/>
Zhorts #137
Posted 02 July 2013 - 04:32 PM
Okay, it's me again… My turtle army has been busy finding bugs :)/>

I've had a couple fail to save their persistency information. The accessible turtle was still running 3.1.0, and failed on line 309 (
file.write(a.." = "..tostring(B)/>.."\n")
) with the error "Too long without yielding". The end result is an empty save file, and a very cranky turtle until I break it - it won't respond to any input.
This doesn't look to be caused by your code, but may happen when the server does a restart, I haven't checked enough to draw any conclusions.
Reading a bit gave this thread: which pretty much kills my grand idea of 100x100 quarry turtles with -restore in the startup file (which is what I was testing). I guess I'll have to look at GPS turtles, which sounds horribly inefficient with a portable mining site… unless the GPS turtles themselves are mobile…
civilwargeeky #138
Posted 02 July 2013 - 05:59 PM
Okay, it's me again… My turtle army has been busy finding bugs :)/>

I've had a couple fail to save their persistency information. The accessible turtle was still running 3.1.0, and failed on line 309 (
file.write(a.." = "..tostring(B)/>/>.."\n")
) with the error "Too long without yielding". The end result is an empty save file, and a very cranky turtle until I break it - it won't respond to any input.
This doesn't look to be caused by your code, but may happen when the server does a restart, I haven't checked enough to draw any conclusions.
Reading a bit gave this thread: http://www.computerc...on-server-stop/ which pretty much kills my grand idea of 100x100 quarry turtles with -restore in the startup file (which is what I was testing). I guess I'll have to look at GPS turtles, which sounds horribly inefficient with a portable mining site… unless the GPS turtles themselves are mobile…
Well. People have said they have this type of problem in the past, but sadly, I can do little to fix it. Maybe inserting a sleep(0) in the restore loop would help fix it, but I'm not too familiar with the mechanics behind yielding. With the turtle not responding to input, that is very strange in itself, and if you can reproduce it, you might want to submit to the bugs section. I've read the thread you linked, and maybe inserting the sleep statement somewhere between lines 306 and 316 would help, other than that my program is calling coroutine.yield quite often. I'm sorry I can't really help you with this issue.
fud #139
Posted 03 July 2013 - 01:14 PM
Just tried -restore after a server restart to get my turtle to continure where it left off. it says things are fine then just proceeds to do a 3x3 quarry, when it should be doing a 55x55.

I noticed it did the same yesterday as well.

I'm using the ultimate pack in feed the beast.
civilwargeeky #140
Posted 03 July 2013 - 01:40 PM
Just tried -restore after a server restart to get my turtle to continure where it left off. it says things are fine then just proceeds to do a 3x3 quarry, when it should be doing a 55x55.

I noticed it did the same yesterday as well.

I'm using the ultimate pack in feed the beast.
The server probably stopped while it was writing its location to file, so the file handle was not closed in its restore, and the file is saved empty. The only thing I could do would be to change the file to only write over the file if a close is successful, but then the turtle's position would be one off if the "proper" save failed. Another option would be to check for a blank file, in which it would prompt you to start again… which would you prefer?
fud #141
Posted 03 July 2013 - 09:31 PM
Hi, thanks, personally I would prefer to have data saved even if it was 1 position out, than to have a blank file. Starting from the beginning, or having to reset/reposition chests, work out what to quarry etc, is a bit of a pain.

Excuse me if you've already implemented this.. would it better if I set up a gps system so that the turtle can get its exact position and then compare that to whats stored in a file to better resume? - i ahve no experience in the gps system though, so my thinking might be wack. - I dont know, have you built something like this into the program already?
civilwargeeky #142
Posted 03 July 2013 - 10:51 PM
Hi, thanks, personally I would prefer to have data saved even if it was 1 position out, than to have a blank file. Starting from the beginning, or having to reset/reposition chests, work out what to quarry etc, is a bit of a pain.

Excuse me if you've already implemented this.. would it better if I set up a gps system so that the turtle can get its exact position and then compare that to whats stored in a file to better resume? - i ahve no experience in the gps system though, so my thinking might be wack. - I dont know, have you built something like this into the program already?
Ok. Thanks for the input. The thing is, that if it fails to save it's position properly, then it will be one block off and not know it, so it will either dig through it's spawn chest, or be one away from it (which is why I didn't implement it in the first place). I will go ahead and add that to the next release, though.

As far as GPS goes, I've never used it before, but I will look into it. I could probably implement a GPS functionality that would simply record it's start position, then get its position at the beginning if you specify -GPS when you restart.
TNTigger #143
Posted 06 August 2013 - 05:16 PM
This is a great turtle program. I can only find one drawback with the version I am using (forgive me if this has been fixed in another version): If you are quarrying an area that has a dungeon or mine, broken chest contents are lost and that is where some of the best loots are. I have tried to figure out where to insert a turtle.suck() command to pick up dropped objects, but between work and life, I haven't quite got the scripting down yet.

Stil, thanks for a GREAT program
civilwargeeky #144
Posted 06 August 2013 - 06:30 PM
This is a great turtle program. I can only find one drawback with the version I am using (forgive me if this has been fixed in another version): If you are quarrying an area that has a dungeon or mine, broken chest contents are lost and that is where some of the best loots are. I have tried to figure out where to insert a turtle.suck() command to pick up dropped objects, but between work and life, I haven't quite got the scripting down yet.

Stil, thanks for a GREAT program
If you want to add a suck statement every time it moves, add that in after line 486. That will suck any time that it moves successfully in the mining loops. I think that would be about the only way to assuredly collect all the loot…

Also, thank you for reminding me this exists! I had forgotten about updating it for awhile (as you could probably tell…)

So thanks for asking, I'm glad to help. I would add this to the main program, but I'm pretty sure that every suck call takes a fraction of a second, so it would generally make it slower. Unless I'm wrong, then I will totally add this to the OP.
Hun73rdk #145
Posted 11 August 2013 - 03:04 AM
is the rednet not working in the 3.1.1 version ????
civilwargeeky #146
Posted 11 August 2013 - 11:15 PM
is the rednet not working in the 3.1.1 version ????
As far as I know, rednet should still work in the latest version. I haven't gotten around to testing recent computercraft versions yet, but I will test tomorrow and confirm ASAP.

As far as the code goes, I haven't changed anything related to rednet (I think). Does it error, or not send the message properly, or something else?
Hun73rdk #147
Posted 12 August 2013 - 02:54 PM
is the rednet not working in the 3.1.1 version ????
As far as I know, rednet should still work in the latest version. I haven't gotten around to testing recent computercraft versions yet, but I will test tomorrow and confirm ASAP.

As far as the code goes, I haven't changed anything related to rednet (I think). Does it error, or not send the message properly, or something else?

After a server restart i got it working
Soilaq #148
Posted 13 August 2013 - 06:12 AM
Would it be possible to fuel it faster?

Currently setting up an
L: 80
W: 80
H: 65

And he needs about 325k fuel, takes some time :P/>

So my question is, can you make it fuel faster or fuel whole stacks or something? I have no clue how code works so…


Edit: I'm using Coal/Charcoal, should I use something else to fuel it? (Completely new to minecraft)
Edited on 13 August 2013 - 04:19 AM
civilwargeeky #149
Posted 13 August 2013 - 08:26 PM
Would it be possible to fuel it faster?

Currently setting up an
L: 80
W: 80
H: 65

And he needs about 325k fuel, takes some time :P/>

So my question is, can you make it fuel faster or fuel whole stacks or something? I have no clue how code works so…


Edit: I'm using Coal/Charcoal, should I use something else to fuel it? (Completely new to minecraft)
Hello. Yes, it is indeed possible to fuel it much, much faster. When I first made this, it was really designed for smaller things, I didn't forsee people doing anything bigger than a 20x20 really. If you think it would be beneficial I will add in a feature in the next version to refuel using stacks at a time instead of one (using an argument). However, until that happens, if you don't care about how much fuel it uses, you could just stuff it full of coal/charcoal and use "refuel all" to refuel with everything in its inventory. Don't forget to label the turtles so that they don't lose fuel when you break them! :)/>
Soilaq #150
Posted 15 August 2013 - 05:53 AM
Ah, thanks mate! Currently I'm just running then without using fuel, was a fix that works for now :P/>/>

If you can add that argument it would be awesome for me at least, might be other ppl that really like it aswell.
kurokuno #151
Posted 17 August 2013 - 05:40 AM
small issue on 1.6.2 with rednet the turtle keeps sending the inital message and the computer is allso open and looking for it everything is fine except they never connect to each other
civilwargeeky #152
Posted 17 August 2013 - 04:40 PM
small issue on 1.6.2 with rednet the turtle keeps sending the inital message and the computer is allso open and looking for it everything is fine except they never connect to each other
I'm sorry, but I could not reproduce your error. I just booted up my own minecraft client, spawned in a turtle and computer to test, and it worked just fine. Make sure that you are entering in the proper number and modem side. If the turtle asks you to use the number 0, then use "quarry -sendChannel [number]"
That would be about the only reason it wouldn't work
happy2pester #153
Posted 19 August 2013 - 12:38 PM
I have a small suggestion: The -restore switch that you can use? I would also add an alias for that, being -resume.
Black_Shad0w #154
Posted 20 August 2013 - 08:15 AM
The session persistence doesn't seem to work? or am i doing something wrong? I just ran the program, connected up a computer via rednet, and it all seemed to function just fine, however after a server crash the turtle stopped moving, and restarting the program seems to just, well, restart it.
happy2pester #155
Posted 20 August 2013 - 12:44 PM
You need to type >quarry -restore
civilwargeeky #156
Posted 20 August 2013 - 08:38 PM
I have a small suggestion: The -restore switch that you can use? I would also add an alias for that, being -resume.
Sure. I will add that in the next version. Also thanks for answering that post :)/>

I think I'll hijack this post to give an overview of what I'm planning on doing soon.
The next version will include a GPS option to store location position and restore more reliably on server crash/logout. It will also include an option to log mining runs. They will be labelled sequentially and will have all the data that displays in the end. On a coding level, I will also (hopefully) consolidate the mining loops at the end of the program, making it even easier for me to change behavior if desired. As of now, there is a main mining loop, as well as another loop almost exactly like it for the last row. There will also be a couple of miscellaneous changes.

Hopefully the next version will be out this week, and then I plan on moving on to radically restructuring the quarryReceiver layout. I hope to have it modularly adjust the text that is displayed to fit on any screen size. For example if you have a 5x5 screen, it will be very verbose, but if you have a 1x1 then it will display the minimum in a readable manner.

Thank you all for suggestions and for reading these and downloading :)/>
DangerDave #157
Posted 22 August 2013 - 03:23 AM
For some reason whenever I try and answer the Inverted? as True, it defaults to false. I can use "quarry -invert true" and that works, but what am I doing wrong with the variable interface?
civilwargeeky #158
Posted 22 August 2013 - 07:59 AM
For some reason whenever I try and answer the Inverted? as True, it defaults to false. I can use "quarry -invert true" and that works, but what am I doing wrong with the variable interface?
It's looking for a "yes" not a "true". I will make note to also allow true in the next version. Thank you
DangerDave #159
Posted 23 August 2013 - 04:26 AM
For some reason whenever I try and answer the Inverted? as True, it defaults to false. I can use "quarry -invert true" and that works, but what am I doing wrong with the variable interface?
It's looking for a "yes" not a "true". I will make note to also allow true in the next version. Thank you
Oh ha, I can't believe I didn't even try that. Spanks!
civilwargeeky #160
Posted 27 August 2013 - 11:10 PM
So I'm working on the GPS enabled startup, and so far it seems to be much more accurate than the standard methods. I'm trying a few different methods right now and testing, so a good version should be out soonish (homework permitting). Also, another feature I forgot to mention is upcoming is a "smart fueling" system For large fuel amounts, it will take one of a fuel to sample it, then take the number it needs from the stack, or take the whole stack and prompt users for more fuel/look for stacks in inventory. It will also use only the needed amount of fuel, so it will be efficient as well :)/>

If anyone wants a "beta-ish" version of quarry with GPS, feel free to take the newest version off my github right here. The only thing right now is that if it is restarted more than once, the z-position will be off. I plan on fixing this tomorrow, then moving on with other features.
YuvonDovah #161
Posted 28 August 2013 - 07:35 PM
That code is AWESOME dude keep it up! It would be cool if a ladder option was built in and you could choose where to enable it like with the inverted option.
civilwargeeky #162
Posted 29 August 2013 - 07:29 PM
That code is AWESOME dude keep it up! It would be cool if a ladder option was built in and you could choose where to enable it like with the inverted option.
You can already just download the ladders program and run it when your done…
If you mean to make the ladders program I already made be an argument that you can pass to the quarry program, well that would be interesting. I've never had anyone say… anything, really, about the ladder program.

You're the first :D/>
civilwargeeky #163
Posted 29 August 2013 - 09:55 PM
I just finished the GPS resume feature and so far it has worked like a charm. It is honestly a ton better than the regular method. I liked it so much, that I think you guys should be able to use the feature before I am done with the main portion of the 3.2.0 update, so I posted a beta 3 version of the program for you to use until I'm fully done :)/>
YuvonDovah #164
Posted 06 September 2013 - 08:45 PM
Is it possible to control it via rednet like making it stop with a computer, unload and such on command, just a thought and it would add a nice touch to the program.
civilwargeeky #165
Posted 07 September 2013 - 02:32 PM
Is it possible to control it via rednet like making it stop with a computer, unload and such on command, just a thought and it would add a nice touch to the program.
Yeah, I was considering doing something like that and have the framework set up for it, but it just never took off. What I was planning on doing was having the computer sending a message back every time the turtle sent it a message, and it would usually be like "Good", but if you wanted, it could be "stop" or "return" or something. Now, the idea should have worked, but the whole turtle waiting for a message thing was having a bunch of trouble and I got frustrated. I will definitely consider adding it when I restructure the rednet program.

Also, on the pace of updates, I'm really sorry but Rome II is fun and school is annoying. I will attempt to schedule some time for myself to work on theses programs.
YuvonDovah #166
Posted 07 September 2013 - 06:50 PM
Is it possible to control it via rednet like making it stop with a computer, unload and such on command, just a thought and it would add a nice touch to the program.
Yeah, I was considering doing something like that and have the framework set up for it, but it just never took off. What I was planning on doing was having the computer sending a message back every time the turtle sent it a message, and it would usually be like "Good", but if you wanted, it could be "stop" or "return" or something. Now, the idea should have worked, but the whole turtle waiting for a message thing was having a bunch of trouble and I got frustrated. I will definitely consider adding it when I restructure the rednet program.

Also, on the pace of updates, I'm really sorry but Rome II is fun and school is annoying. I will attempt to schedule some time for myself to work on theses programs.
Damn you got Rome II i've been wanting that just wait for the price to drop and maybe till I get a new computer. Also is there a way to make it remember we it was and pick up where it left off after the world is closed?
civilwargeeky #167
Posted 07 September 2013 - 07:52 PM
-snip- Also is there a way to make it remember we it was and pick up where it left off after the world is closed?
Yes, just type "quarry -restore" (or in the new version also "quarry -resume") and it will pick up where it left off.
daman4567 #168
Posted 09 September 2013 - 11:00 AM
there is a bug regarding fuel and chest deposit. The program asks for fuel in the lower right corner slot, but when it deposits items in a chest, it keeps the top left slot, depositing the fuel and keeping something else. I would make the fuel slot top left to enable shift-clicking fuel as opposed to click-dragging it.
Nevermind, i found that it fuels up completely before it leaves, duh. However, while I have had the turtles resume perfectly each time i close the world, I have not had a correct resume after the turtle is unloaded and returned to. It seems to have an old state saved and, as such, starts in the wrong spot (I don't have wireless modems because all the endermen I stare at run away instead of attacking.)
civilwargeeky #169
Posted 09 September 2013 - 06:59 PM
Nevermind, i found that it fuels up completely before it leaves, duh. However, while I have had the turtles resume perfectly each time i close the world, I have not had a correct resume after the turtle is unloaded and returned to. It seems to have an old state saved and, as such, starts in the wrong spot (I don't have wireless modems because all the endermen I stare at run away instead of attacking.)
Yeah, I attempted to make sure that the turtle would be in the right location, but it is very hard because I have no way of telling whether the turtle was stopped before or after its move. I'm trying a few other things to improve basic move capability, but as of now your best bet is to get some ender pearls and set up a gps system to use (supported in beta release!).

Also, for attacking endermen, try doing it at night. During the day, endermen randomly teleport and won't stay hostile (especially if you attack them).
daman4567 #170
Posted 10 September 2013 - 10:16 PM
Might I then make a suggestion? Add a portion to the restore phase where the turtle experimentally moves around and finds the corners of the space and finds its position from that? It would cost extra fuel, but it would improve autonomy and security.

Also, the turtles lose the program from memory if the game crashes, not really a bug in the program, but if you add a portion to the program to name the turtle this would never happen (idea taken from Andy Logger)
civilwargeeky #171
Posted 10 September 2013 - 10:56 PM
Might I then make a suggestion? Add a portion to the restore phase where the turtle experimentally moves around and finds the corners of the space and finds its position from that? It would cost extra fuel, but it would improve autonomy and security. Also, the turtles lose the program from memory if the game crashes, not really a bug in the program, but if you add a portion to the program to name the turtle this would never happen (idea taken from Andy Logger)
I would prefer not to do that. It would be… annoying to code because there are so many times where it is not where it should be. Like when it is moving back to the row beginning, or when it is going to the start chest. I would have to figure out ways to handle all of those. Thank you for the suggestion though

As for the naming, you can already do that yourself on regular turtles. Just type "label set My Mining Turtle or Whatever" and it will not lose data. I don't feel that is on the scope of my program to do that for you (as I don't find it necessary, it is very easy to do by yourself).

Also, in your experience, has it *ever* thought it was in the right spot? If not, I might have to do some more testing…
DuelleuD #172
Posted 12 September 2013 - 06:38 PM
I keep getting an error :305: attempt to index ?(a nil value). What can I do to stop it ???
civilwargeeky #173
Posted 13 September 2013 - 11:18 PM
I keep getting an error :305: attempt to index ?(a nil value). What can I do to stop it ???
Assuming you are using the 3.1.1 version, line 305 calls both "tostring" and "file.write." So either someone overwrote your tostring function or the file handle is not being made properly for some reason. Try a fresh install on a new turtle and tell me if the problem persists. I personally have not had this problem (nor have I heard of people having it), so any more information regarding the problem would be helpful.
DuelleuD #174
Posted 14 September 2013 - 07:40 AM
Yes I am using 3.1.1. I have tried it on new turtles and other maps but it keeps doing it its a pain trying to get the turtles
civilwargeeky #175
Posted 15 September 2013 - 06:39 PM
Yes I am using 3.1.1. I have tried it on new turtles and other maps but it keeps doing it its a pain trying to get the turtles
Hmm… I'm not sure then. I will contact you via PM to try and sort this out.
daman4567 #176
Posted 16 September 2013 - 02:34 PM
Also, in your experience, has it *ever* thought it was in the right spot? If not, I might have to do some more testing…

It has restarted flawlessly after every game exit except for the crash when they lost their data (and I realized later they lost their pickaxes too). It has restarted buggily after every instance of entering an unloaded chunk, however.

I would prefer not to do that. It would be… annoying to code because there are so many times where it is not where it should be. Like when it is moving back to the row beginning, or when it is going to the start chest. I would have to figure out ways to handle all of those. Thank you for the suggestion though.

Oh yeah, there is that. I was thinking in the frame of mind of my "next" (translated: probably gonna be awhile) project that will consist of several improvements to the turtles, such as linear sight (seeing the distance to the next non-air coordinate in front of it) and intelligently identifying items (a certain degree of being able to tell what an item is without comparing it, mostly because, while you can compare all the items and blocks you want, telling that block A is different from block B but the same as block C and so forth still does not tell you which one is going to stay when you place it (ie. not sand or gravel))
johnlang1993 #177
Posted 16 September 2013 - 07:35 PM
I was wondering if you could help me make your program place its own chest, dump its inv, then pick the chest back up. This would make the program much more efficient and works perfectly with enderchests. Also would it be possible to make it so the turtle only refuels if its fuel is below say 500. I'm not sure if thats already possible and im just missing that setting.
civilwargeeky #178
Posted 16 September 2013 - 08:08 PM
I was wondering if you could help me make your program place its own chest, dump its inv, then pick the chest back up. This would make the program much more efficient and works perfectly with enderchests. Also would it be possible to make it so the turtle only refuels if its fuel is below say 500. I'm not sure if thats already possible and im just missing that setting.
Sure :)/>. If you want to change how it drops items off, you need to modify one little function. (Also, I am going to attempt to help assuming you understand how to code in lua, if not, please let me know :)/> ) The function "dropOff" at line 751. In "dropoff" you will need to remove the gotos , local statement, and mine, so the only thing left is drop(dropSide, false). You will want to replace dropSide with whatever side you choose to put the enderchest on. Before that, put in some code so that it selects the enderchest, turns so it won't run into rock (if needed), place it, and select the first slot again for counting. After the "drop" function, make it destroy the chest (selecting the proper slot), and turn back to where it was.
If that was confusing or you don't know how to code, just let me know, and I'll come up with something myself (though it may not be in a timely manner).

With the refueling, I prefer to have it take all necessary fuel before it goes, rather than refuel if needed. However, I looked back through the code, and noticed I included a workaround for people like you :)/> If you use "-doRefuel true" and "-doCheckFuel false" then it won't prompt you for large amounts of fuel at the beginning, and will try and refuel items from its inventory if the amount of fuel is less than 100. (Do keep in mind though, if it has no fuel at all, it will just sit there and error)

Yeah, turtles are quite limited right now on their perceptive capabilities. Also, I did think about your suggestion again, and, if it was not going back to the start position, what I thought it could basically do is go to the "left" until it hits a wall, then go left again until it gets to the start of the row, then re-zero and start the row over. This would be accurate, but somewhat inefficient. However, it has the very major problem that if there is a whole in either wall, and it ends up going into a cave… your turtle will be in a very different spot than you would expect.
I can't really help that it doesn't resume properly on chunk boundaries, as I cannot tell when it has hit one, and I think that making the program available on SSP is more important (hmm, maybe an option on whether or not to add one to its position or not… [It already does this]). So yeah, as of now your best bet is to use the beta version and go with GPS tracking.
daman4567 #179
Posted 16 September 2013 - 08:27 PM
I can't really help that it doesn't resume properly on chunk boundaries, as I cannot tell when it has hit one, and I think that making the program available on SSP is more important (hmm, maybe an option on whether or not to add one to its position or not… [It already does this]). So yeah, as of now your best bet is to use the beta version and go with GPS tracking.

I've resolved to just keep it loaded to finish until i get a chance to try the gps out. Also, I wasn't entirely clear on that, I did not mean that the turtle crossed a boundary into an unloaded chunk (hasn't happened as far as I know), but instead I went away and the chunk it was in stopped being loaded. Just a clarification.

Also, as I type this a solution popped into my head regarding the holes in the wall. Perhaps as it goes along the edge on the first and last pass of a layer, and also when it reaches the end, have it place a block of cobble to fill the area in (though the more I think about it the more I realize that it would be pretty hard to implement, still thought it was worth mentioning). That way when it does the search of the surroundings, it won't stray into a cave.
daman4567 #180
Posted 16 September 2013 - 08:28 PM
Aww crud, i just thought of a huge list of conditions under which even that wouldn't work :(/>
civilwargeeky #181
Posted 16 September 2013 - 08:51 PM
I can't really help that it doesn't resume properly on chunk boundaries, as I cannot tell when it has hit one, and I think that making the program available on SSP is more important (hmm, maybe an option on whether or not to add one to its position or not… [It already does this]). So yeah, as of now your best bet is to use the beta version and go with GPS tracking.

I've resolved to just keep it loaded to finish until i get a chance to try the gps out. Also, I wasn't entirely clear on that, I did not mean that the turtle crossed a boundary into an unloaded chunk (hasn't happened as far as I know), but instead I went away and the chunk it was in stopped being loaded. Just a clarification.

Also, as I type this a solution popped into my head regarding the holes in the wall. Perhaps as it goes along the edge on the first and last pass of a layer, and also when it reaches the end, have it place a block of cobble to fill the area in (though the more I think about it the more I realize that it would be pretty hard to implement, still thought it was worth mentioning). That way when it does the search of the surroundings, it won't stray into a cave.
Oh, sorry. I had had an issue earlier where someone had managed to let the turtle hit a chunk boundary and it thought it hit bedrock. I'm not sure what I was thinking, but the issue is still the same. Typically if it is stopped in singleplayer (maybe during server crashes too? I don't know), it will move after the world is restarted, causing it to be one block ahead of where it thinks it is, whereas when chunks are unloaded it will simply stop where it is, so it is in the spot it thinks its in. I chose to compensate for SSP restarts, rather than chunk unloads (although sometimes it still works there?) as I thought it happened more often / is more important. I have no way to differentiate between the two, and I have no way to guarantee that what I just typed is even correct… The whole turtle being unloaded thing is a very slippery slope.

Aww crud, i just thought of a huge list of conditions under which even that wouldn't work :(/>
And yeah…
johnlang1993 #182
Posted 18 September 2013 - 12:32 AM
With the refueling, I prefer to have it take all necessary fuel before it goes, rather than refuel if needed. However, I looked back through the code, and noticed I included a workaround for people like you :)/> If you use "-doRefuel true" and "-doCheckFuel false" then it won't prompt you for large amounts of fuel at the beginning, and will try and refuel items from its inventory if the amount of fuel is less than 100. (Do keep in mind though, if it has no fuel at all, it will just sit there and error)

I used both of those parameters and it still just refuels all coal (my turtle has about 50k fuel), it would be nice to have all the fuel before starting but i like doing huge quarries (64x64x45) and thats starting fuel of about 120k and i dont have that much coal to dump into a turtle). Yes I do I know enough about lua to code the dropping of the chest, but im not experienced enough with lua to get through your code. Also just wanted to say thanks for helping me out with this problem, and for making such an extensive and well put together program.
civilwargeeky #183
Posted 18 September 2013 - 08:11 PM
With the refueling, I prefer to have it take all necessary fuel before it goes, rather than refuel if needed. However, I looked back through the code, and noticed I included a workaround for people like you :)/>/> If you use "-doRefuel true" and "-doCheckFuel false" then it won't prompt you for large amounts of fuel at the beginning, and will try and refuel items from its inventory if the amount of fuel is less than 100. (Do keep in mind though, if it has no fuel at all, it will just sit there and error)
I used both of those parameters and it still just refuels all coal (my turtle has about 50k fuel), it would be nice to have all the fuel before starting but i like doing huge quarries (64x64x45) and thats starting fuel of about 120k and i dont have that much coal to dump into a turtle). Yes I do I know enough about lua to code the dropping of the chest, but im not experienced enough with lua to get through your code. Also just wanted to say thanks for helping me out with this problem, and for making such an extensive and well put together program.
I have just tested the program myself, and when you use "quarry -doRefuel true -doCheckFuel false", it does indeed not ask for fuel, and it does take all fuel from inventory when below 100. If this is not working for you, I don't know what to tell you. Try downloading again or something, it works fine on my end. As for the code, I will get some to you when I am done with the more efficient fueling code (among other changes) for the 3.2.0 release. I've been working out a new algorithm for fuel usage and its looking good on paper. Here are a couple charts I've made detailing the improvement. . These are both based on the x, y, and z increasing by one for every step. In the bottom graph, the blue line (volume) is almost directly underneath the new formula line making it hard to see. Basically what would happen with the old formula (called "original" or "result") is it would gradually use more and fuel per volume. So as you can see, at 64 x 64 x64, it is using about twice as much fuel as it needs to.
civilwargeeky #184
Posted 19 September 2013 - 09:31 PM
Version 3.2.0 is out!!! It has been a long time in the making (although not as long as 3.0.0 by far :P/>; ), but its finally here.
Now has GPS locate ability
Now has Smart Fueling capabilities. Much faster than before
More intelligent fueling algorithm (thoroughly graphed)
Can now log mining runs
Many other changes and fixes

Get it here:
Raw changelog (written as I did stuff):

Added aliases:
help: ?
restore: resume
Added in optional GPS capability to start up more reliably
Fixed logic in the "up" function preventing it from continuing on getting stuck
Fixed flag in saveProgress function to be a "w+" so it will never save a blank file
Nvm, w+ is unsupported mode...
Restructured the refuel thing if fuel is infinite. turtle.getFuelLevel returns math.huge if doCheckFuel == false
Left and right now save postion before move, may make restarts more reliable
Moved saveProgress to directly after first move. May improve reliability.
Made "doBackup" switch actually do somthing...
Changed fuelSafety default to loose in order to test new fuel algorithm.
Added numberOfStacksPerRun to config. Used in fuel calculation
Finished the smart fueling section. It will now intelligently fuel with multiple stacks
More intelligent fueling algorithm. Asks for much less fuel
"Raise" value in fueling is now only refuelled to, not checked for.
Made the turtle error if it is not a mining turtle
Updated Turtle help for -GPS and smartfuel
Finsished Logging option. Turtle now logs what it does
Next on my list of toDo is the rednet program. It needs some love and care.
As of now, the only things to do for the next version of quarry are to change some behind-the-scenes stuff to make it… better, I guess. Oh! I might try to add ender chest support. That would be good.
If you have any suggestions, however, feel free to post them so they can be implemented.
As always, if you find any bugs, be sure to post them here so I can fix them ASAP. Thanks to everyone who uses this program :)/>
civilwargeeky #185
Posted 19 September 2013 - 09:57 PM
Oh. Also, I wanted to test logging out, so I made it default to true. Please give feedback regarding this.
civilwargeeky #186
Posted 22 September 2013 - 12:36 AM
Here is 3.2.1. Just two changes. To check if it is a mining turtle, I had it mine a block before you gave it any instructions. This wasn't really how I imagined it, so I moved that to a more logical place. Also, if you resumed a turtle, it would say its fuel is "infinite." It doesn't anymore.
Etone #187
Posted 22 September 2013 - 08:16 AM
This Programm ist just awesome, i love the way you can see the Progress in Percent. And with a soulshard Wither Skeleton Spawner you can put unlimited fuel in this turtle. Very good work.

civilwargeeky #188
Posted 22 September 2013 - 10:44 PM
Okay, so I've been finding a few bugs recently. I'm just going to update the pastebin whenever I find one. It will continue to be labelled 3.2.1
civilwargeeky #189
Posted 22 September 2013 - 10:53 PM
This Programm ist just awesome, i love the way you can see the Progress in Percent. And with a soulshard Wither Skeleton Spawner you can put unlimited fuel in this turtle. Very good work.

Thank You! :D/>
Zoidy #190
Posted 26 September 2013 - 11:57 PM
Just a little bug I've noticed, not sure if you know about it. The bug is to do with -resume, when you get the turtle to resume from where it left off it'll resume one block less than it should ie if your mining 10x10 it'll 9x10. When its returning to drop off its inventory into the chest its going back one block too many and taking out the chest instead. Other than that it works well, one of the best programs for mining turtles.

One option I would love to see is being able to exclude mining Cobblestone, Dirt, Gravel etc.
civilwargeeky #191
Posted 28 September 2013 - 09:46 PM
Just a little bug I've noticed, not sure if you know about it. The bug is to do with -resume, when you get the turtle to resume from where it left off it'll resume one block less than it should ie if your mining 10x10 it'll 9x10. When its returning to drop off its inventory into the chest its going back one block too many and taking out the chest instead. Other than that it works well, one of the best programs for mining turtles.

One option I would love to see is being able to exclude mining Cobblestone, Dirt, Gravel etc.
Yeah, with the "-resume" bug, the turtle will only record its position properly some of the time. If you would like to experiment with the turtle and its saving capabilities, all you have to do is change a couple numbers at lines 651 - 659. As of now they are all +1, but you could change these numbers and see if it is any better. If you choose to test this out, please post here / message me, as I would like to know :D/>

Also, with dropping the unwanted materials, I'm not sure I would want to implement this, but I'll consider it. Thank you for the suggestion.
Zoidy #192
Posted 28 September 2013 - 10:28 PM
Yeah, with the "-resume" bug, the turtle will only record its position properly some of the time. If you would like to experiment with the turtle and its saving capabilities, all you have to do is change a couple numbers at lines 635 - 641. As of now they are all +1, but you could change these numbers and see if it is any better. If you choose to test this out, please post here / message me, as I would like to know :D/>

Also, with dropping the unwanted materials, I'm not sure I would want to implement this, but I'll consider it. Thank you for the suggestion.

I'm not much of a coder (hated programming when studying for my diploma in ICT..) so I don't know how well my experiment would go, however I have a mates thats a programmer (got a doctorate or something) and loves programing Turtles so I could get him to look at it and get back to you on it. Another option for the turtle would be having an on board ender chest so it wouldn't have to keep coming back to drop off its load, might save a lot of time but might mean having a chunk of code become useless unless people prefer the old fashion way.

For the mean time I'll work on a way to get rid of all the cobblestone my turtle will be sending through to my sorting system, might use a filter to grab the cobblestone etc before it gets too far and send it into a incinerator to burn.
civilwargeeky #193
Posted 29 September 2013 - 12:03 AM
I'm not much of a coder (hated programming when studying for my diploma in ICT..) so I don't know how well my experiment would go, however I have a mates thats a programmer (got a doctorate or something) and loves programing Turtles so I could get him to look at it and get back to you on it. Another option for the turtle would be having an on board ender chest so it wouldn't have to keep coming back to drop off its load, might save a lot of time but might mean having a chunk of code become useless unless people prefer the old fashion way.

For the mean time I'll work on a way to get rid of all the cobblestone my turtle will be sending through to my sorting system, might use a filter to grab the cobblestone etc before it gets too far and send it into a incinerator to burn.
Well thanks :)/>
Just to let you know, the section of code looks like this:
	if facing == 0 then
	  xPos = xPos + 1
	elseif facing == 1 then
	  zPos = zPos + 1
	elseif facing == 2 then
	  xPos = xPos - 1
	elseif facing == 3 then
	  zPos = zPos - 1 
And you would literally just change those numbers to 0 or 2 or switch the signs or something. Not really hard, but I don't have the time (or really a good ability) to test what effects changing those numbers would have.

The ender chest option is something I've had recommended to me before. Since you are not the only person recommending that, I will definitely consider coding this in and putting it in the next version. For now, however, I will be coding the new and improved rednet functionality. Once that is done, I plan on doing the next quarry update (with whatever changes I have to make for then), and then do a couple videos on use and stuff.

Also, I might as well include this (somewhat) announcement in this comment. I have a cool quarry utility (with GUI) I'm making that will allow you to save quarry configurations that you like and run them. A mockup of how this would work is typing "quarryShell" then highlighting "Run Saved Configuration" then highlighting one that you have already made from a scrollable list. The editor portion would load a basic setup file then allow you to edit and save it. So the file would look like this:
SpoilerName of Quarry: Rednet 60^3
-dim 60 60 60
-invert false
-rednet true
-sendChannel 10
-receiveChannel 11
-doRefuel true
-chest top
-startY 65
-keepOpen 2
and then you could load it from your list as "Rednet 60^3". This quarry utility will also allow you to read your quarry logs in a nice readable format.

P.S. Sometimes while doing these fun extra things for my program, but not coding in things like Ender Chest compability, I feel like this relevant XKCD:
Zoidy #194
Posted 03 October 2013 - 10:14 AM
I look forward to all the updates and addons etc with your program. Do you know if there is anyway to have the turtles auto resume after a server restart? I think they should be able to as I'm sure I read it somewhere but cant remember where, It's some sort of bug in computercraft or something.

One issue I have when I get too carried away and dig big 64 x 64 turtle quarries is that when the server restarts the turtles just stop and stay in the same place, sometimes this is goo if they are easy to find and get to but other times its a pain to look for them then find them hanging in the air the dead middle of the quarry. One option that on the server resume the turtle either returns straight up to the level it started from or better yet return to the starting point by the chest. I use a handy program that when the server restarts it send the turtle back up to the top so its easier to find.
civilwargeeky #195
Posted 04 October 2013 - 11:44 PM
I look forward to all the updates and addons etc with your program. Do you know if there is anyway to have the turtles auto resume after a server restart? I think they should be able to as I'm sure I read it somewhere but cant remember where, It's some sort of bug in computercraft or something.

One issue I have when I get too carried away and dig big 64 x 64 turtle quarries is that when the server restarts the turtles just stop and stay in the same place, sometimes this is goo if they are easy to find and get to but other times its a pain to look for them then find them hanging in the air the dead middle of the quarry. One option that on the server resume the turtle either returns straight up to the level it started from or better yet return to the starting point by the chest. I use a handy program that when the server restarts it send the turtle back up to the top so its easier to find. http://www.computerc...server-restart/
Sorry it took a couple days for a response, my thread decided I wasn't allowed to get email notifications anymore…

Doing large quarries is fine. If you want my quarry to resume whenever it is reloaded after a server restart, just say "edit startup" and type "'quarry','-resume') " This will resume my quarry if a restore file was saved, otherwise it will just open the GUI. It will use whatever settings you gave it before and (somewhat, hopefully…) know where it is at. Then you can give me feedback on my restart numbers maybe? Also, do note that if you do use the "resume on startup" method, you won't be able to use ubolt's utility. Well, more accurately, his program will delete that startup you just made when you run his program.

One last thing, if you don't want to bother with either testing out numbers or relying on my (somewhat unreliable) method of saving, you can set up a GPS network and use the parameter "-GPS" when you start quarries.

Hope I helped :)/>
Lying_Cak3 #196
Posted 07 October 2013 - 09:42 PM
Love this program and have added it to my list of must have programs for computer craft modded servers :D/>. Tho I dont usually use it to quarry, instead, I mainly used it to mine out perfectly sized rooms underground much faster and more efficient than I can do by hand, and the rednet system to monitor your progress is awesome!! No longer do I have to go check on my turtle to see where it is, instead, just a quick glance at my monitor computer and BAM I know all I need to know about its progress.

Thanks for the great program!
Zoidy #197
Posted 09 October 2013 - 09:07 AM
I look forward to all the updates and addons etc with your program. Do you know if there is anyway to have the turtles auto resume after a server restart? I think they should be able to as I'm sure I read it somewhere but cant remember where, It's some sort of bug in computercraft or something.

One issue I have when I get too carried away and dig big 64 x 64 turtle quarries is that when the server restarts the turtles just stop and stay in the same place, sometimes this is goo if they are easy to find and get to but other times its a pain to look for them then find them hanging in the air the dead middle of the quarry. One option that on the server resume the turtle either returns straight up to the level it started from or better yet return to the starting point by the chest. I use a handy program that when the server restarts it send the turtle back up to the top so its easier to find. http://www.computerc...server-restart/
Sorry it took a couple days for a response, my thread decided I wasn't allowed to get email notifications anymore…

Doing large quarries is fine. If you want my quarry to resume whenever it is reloaded after a server restart, just say "edit startup" and type "'quarry','-resume') " This will resume my quarry if a restore file was saved, otherwise it will just open the GUI. It will use whatever settings you gave it before and (somewhat, hopefully…) know where it is at. Then you can give me feedback on my restart numbers maybe? Also, do note that if you do use the "resume on startup" method, you won't be able to use ubolt's utility. Well, more accurately, his program will delete that startup you just made when you run his program.

One last thing, if you don't want to bother with either testing out numbers or relying on my (somewhat unreliable) method of saving, you can set up a GPS network and use the parameter "-GPS" when you start quarries.

Hope I helped :)/>

Tried the startup thing and sadly it didn't seem to work. Server restarted the the turtle didn't even move an inch from where it was before the restart. (in single player is kinda works but doesn't. When it restarts it goes awol and the turtle just runs off in a random direction and never stops, if you pick it up and redeploy it then it will run off in a random direction and then start digging the quarry size specified. ( I do not recommend picking up the turtle once the program starts, turtle goes awol…. Once it progress reaches 100% it will come back to the surface and keep going straight up into the sky)

Some errors that I have randomly come up are:

quarry:609: attempt to perform arithmetic __sub on string and string

quarry:609: attempt to preform arithmetic __sub on nil and string

the other on is the turtle detects random bedrock at random levels way above the bedrock (ie you could be on level 64 and it'll detect bedrock 5 levels down, restart the turtle in the exact same place it it never detects the bedrock where it though it did before)
rinnolas #198
Posted 09 October 2013 - 03:48 PM
thanks for creating this program. I believe it is one of the most useful ones out there
civilwargeeky #199
Posted 09 October 2013 - 07:27 PM

Tried the startup thing and sadly it didn't seem to work. Server restarted the the turtle didn't even move an inch from where it was before the restart. (in single player is kinda works but doesn't. When it restarts it goes awol and the turtle just runs off in a random direction and never stops, if you pick it up and redeploy it then it will run off in a random direction and then start digging the quarry size specified. ( I do not recommend picking up the turtle once the program starts, turtle goes awol…. Once it progress reaches 100% it will come back to the surface and keep going straight up into the sky)

Some errors that I have randomly come up are:

quarry:609: attempt to perform arithmetic __sub on string and string

quarry:609: attempt to preform arithmetic __sub on nil and string

the other on is the turtle detects random bedrock at random levels way above the bedrock (ie you could be on level 64 and it'll detect bedrock 5 levels down, restart the turtle in the exact same place it it never detects the bedrock where it though it did before)
Hi. Thanks for testing. :)/>
I will talk with you over PM for troubleshooting so as to not clutter the thread.

Also, just so you know, "randomly" does not help me understand what is going wrong very well.
civilwargeeky #200
Posted 10 October 2013 - 01:12 AM
thanks for creating this program. I believe it is one of the most useful ones out there
Love this program and have added it to my list of must have programs for computer craft modded servers :D/>. Tho I dont usually use it to quarry, instead, I mainly used it to mine out perfectly sized rooms underground much faster and more efficient than I can do by hand, and the rednet system to monitor your progress is awesome!! No longer do I have to go check on my turtle to see where it is, instead, just a quick glance at my monitor computer and BAM I know all I need to know about its progress.

Thanks for the great program!

Thank you both for using it :D/>
civilwargeeky #201
Posted 12 October 2013 - 05:57 PM
Version 3.2.2 Out!
  1. Basically just changed the way it records position and starts up based on its position so…
  2. Improved Session Persistence
Get it here:
Zoidy #202
Posted 15 October 2013 - 03:16 AM
I really should be testing this new version, didn't realize you released a new version, been getting my bug reports etc? Still putting your program through rigorous testing lol
Intruder_Emerald #203
Posted 19 October 2013 - 01:59 PM
Nice program. I'm new to computerCraft and I found this really helpful.

Next step: make my own!
civilwargeeky #204
Posted 20 October 2013 - 12:52 AM
Nice program. I'm new to computerCraft and I found this really helpful.

Next step: make my own!
Thank you! Good luck to you, sir :)/>
mdutcher #205
Posted 28 October 2013 - 08:44 AM
Got a crash with the -restore argument.
The pastebin didn't work, but It said it was out of the defined boundaries.
It almost ate my house…
civilwargeeky #206
Posted 29 October 2013 - 08:06 PM
Got a crash with the -restore argument.
The pastebin didn't work, but It said it was out of the defined boundaries.
It almost ate my house…
Ha. There is no reason it should have eaten your house :P/> It should have just gone one outside of its boundary and gave you the error message. If not, that's a problem.
I'm really trying to figure out why it occasionally doesn't think it is where it actually is. Until I do, all I can say is restart it. I'm sorry.

I'm considering a few things I could do differently. Also adding ender chest support soon.
anonymous2983742 #207
Posted 09 November 2013 - 10:15 AM
I have a bug to report here:

My Turtle Returns very quickly after I started it, saying it found bedrock at a place where only dirt and grass was. Is it possible that this is caused by server lag? (reappearing blocks)

If not, Can you fix this? I already tried specifying the Startheight. I redownloaded it multiple times.
Zoidy #208
Posted 09 November 2013 - 06:24 PM
It's probably encountering a cow, chicken or pig. Kill all animals in the area of the turtles path and you should be right.
civilwargeeky #209
Posted 10 November 2013 - 03:30 PM
I have a bug to report here:

My Turtle Returns very quickly after I started it, saying it found bedrock at a place where only dirt and grass was. Is it possible that this is caused by server lag? (reappearing blocks)

If not, Can you fix this? I already tried specifying the Startheight. I redownloaded it multiple times.
Hmm. Are you sure that you used the proper argument? You should be using "quarry -startY [height you are at right now]". I just tested this and it should never say it found bedrock if you gave it a startY and its not near bedrock.

Oh also, I'm guessing that you are using a 1.4 version of minecraft, and there were animals in the way.
Edited on 10 November 2013 - 02:31 PM
civilwargeeky #210
Posted 15 November 2013 - 12:58 AM
Version 3.2.3 is out. I was using the program and noticed that the values that smartfuel gave me were off. I forgot to update a variable… Fixed now. Now it should be spot on for how much fuel you need to put in :D/>
civilwargeeky #211
Posted 15 November 2013 - 01:09 AM
Oh, I might as well mention this while I'm here. I plan on coding the enderchest support tomorrow and releasing it as a prerelease. It will be kind of a hack but it will get the job done. After that, I'm going to work on a somewhat ambitious plan for refactoring the code to use several new systems I've been thinking of. After that, I will probably do some more tests on restarting and server restarts and things of that manner. Then I have a plan for making an installer that will perform various tasks like installing latest versions, running pre-designated quarries (so like, load a set of parameters that you make in a file), reading quarry logs, and possibly doing multiple quarries/rooms/however you use its in a row (quarry, go left 60, quarry). So that will be cool. One of these days, I'm going to actually get around to making a new rednet program…
civilwargeeky #212
Posted 15 November 2013 - 11:25 AM
Ok. So I had 15 minutes of computer time in school today, so here is an (untested) hack to add enderchest support. Just use the parameter "-enderChest" and put one enderchest in slot 16. I'm sorry if there is some stupid syntax error, but I have no way of testing it. If there is some error, feel free to fix it and put up another pastebin.
Edited on 15 November 2013 - 10:25 AM
AliveGhost #213
Posted 17 November 2013 - 03:22 PM
I have a bug to report here:

My Turtle Returns very quickly after I started it, saying it found bedrock at a place where only dirt and grass was. Is it possible that this is caused by server lag? (reappearing blocks)

If not, Can you fix this? I already tried specifying the Startheight. I redownloaded it multiple times.

I also get this, no animals in the way, no blocks, nothing.
Zoidy #214
Posted 17 November 2013 - 09:12 PM
Is there no Animals aroud such as Cows, Pigs or Chickens? Some times when the turtle comes across them it thinks its bedrock.
civilwargeeky #215
Posted 17 November 2013 - 10:42 PM
I have a bug to report here:

My Turtle Returns very quickly after I started it, saying it found bedrock at a place where only dirt and grass was. Is it possible that this is caused by server lag? (reappearing blocks)

If not, Can you fix this? I already tried specifying the Startheight. I redownloaded it multiple times.

I also get this, no animals in the way, no blocks, nothing.
Yeah, are you playing in minecraft 1.4? So far, there are only two reasons that I know of that would make the turtle say bedrock when there is no bedrock. One is that you are playing 1.4 and there are animals, another is that it hit a chunk boundary (which it cannot mine or go through :P/> ).
Could you give me a few details on your sitiuation, e.g. Version, SMP/SSP, Chunkloaders, Stuff like that?
AliveGhost #216
Posted 18 November 2013 - 12:53 PM
Using minecraft 1.6.4, with a railcraft world anchor in the middle of the area. It may well be that chunk boundary thing, but where it says it hits bedrock every time there's no chunk boundary, just it is always next to the chest to drop items.
civilwargeeky #217
Posted 18 November 2013 - 04:56 PM
Using minecraft 1.6.4, with a railcraft world anchor in the middle of the area. It may well be that chunk boundary thing, but where it says it hits bedrock every time there's no chunk boundary, just it is always next to the chest to drop items.
Well, it being next to the chest is intended. When it hits bedrock it will go back to the start so you don't have to go get it. So you say the place where it stops mining isn't on a chunk boundary? That is very odd. Try specifying "-startY" when you start, and I will PM you when I get home
Zoidy #218
Posted 20 November 2013 - 01:37 AM
You could try using a chunk loader instead, if you press I think F7 you should be able to see where the chunk boundaries are in a grid that pops up. Just a suggstion. Also are y ou above or underground? if above make sure there is no animals etc getting in the way. Not sure if mobs would effect the turtle.
civilwargeeky #219
Posted 23 November 2013 - 09:54 PM
Yay! This thread has 50,000 views! Thank you all for looking at it, and for those who downloaded it :D/>
In celebration, I have a new version to release to the public :D/>

Version 3.3.0 Released!!!
Get it here:

I highly recommend updating your turtles to this version. It's resuming system is much better, and it has some very helpful parameters.
Check out the new help section. You can do this by running "quarry -help"
Spoileror "quarry help" or "quarry -?" or "quarry ?"
I completely redid the help section to be more informative, as well as reflect all the changes I have made.

Short (and nice) Changelog:
  • New Internals: Made event system and consolidated mining loops
  • New Restarting Logic!
  • As long as position is recorded properly, it should always restart properly
  • New Argument logic!
  • Arguments are much more modular for me to make, and they are no longer case-sensitive. Improved items changed interface
  • New Arguments!
  • -enderChest [t/f or slot number] You can now use an enderchest! Try it out. There are directions
  • -startDown [number] The quarry will now start this many blocks down from its starting point (or up if invert). Great for getting diamonds and things from surface. Chest should still be placed on the top (or use ender chest)
  • -manualPos [xPos] [zPos] [yPos] [facing] Turtle ever gotten it's position wrong, but you don't want to reset? Use this! Check "quarry -help" for changes
  • Renamed several arguments
  • Arguments are no longer ignored if you use "-default", you just won't be prompted for anything.
  • Boolean (t/f) arguments now accept "yes" as well as "true"
  • Fixed small issue in GPS location that may have broken it.
Raw Changelog:
SpoilerMade the turtle turn around more smartly when it is at the end of a layer
Fixed empty save file checking. It works properly now.
Made a fancy event system :3
Used event system in turning corners and gotos and chest drops
Added Coterminal logic to facing direction
Hopefully forever fixed it losing its way on turns at the end of the row.
Consolidated Mining Loops into one (Instead of main and last)
Phased out "dispY" variable. Y is the basic y, and layers is what was y
Made parameter section much shorter and much less complicated
Removed -vanilla parameter
-Default paramter now just forces no-prompt. All arguments will still be captured
Removed fuelSafety parameter (I doubt many people used it anyway). You can still change value in file.
Renamed "log" parameter to "logging"
Couple of parameters now have limits. E.g. startY (1 - 256) and invCheckFreq (1 - 342 [16 slots x 64 to a stack / 3 blocks per move])
Renamed ignoreResources to careAboutResources
All parameters are no longer ignored if restoring
Parameters are no longer case sensitive. "-DEFAULT" does the same thing as "-DeFaUlT"
All Boolean Arguments now accept both "true" and "yes" (and "YeS" and "tRuuuuueeee", and "t" and "y", it only cares about the first letter)
Made a really cool argument display and parsing system
turnTo function now coterminals all directions
Removed turnTo function from end of drop function
Added manualPos parameter
Added startDown parameter with (hopefully) appropriate changes to chest drops and the like
Added enderChest parameter with fancy changes to drop function.
Fixed "-keepOpen" parameter
Made function "drop" work more smartly when dropping items
Fixed small issue in GPS locate
Updated Help section for all new use
Slightly modified fueling algorithm to account for "-startDown"
Edited on 29 November 2013 - 10:05 PM
Zirgof #220
Posted 02 December 2013 - 06:53 PM
Is it possible to use pastebind codes in server where pastebin is deactivated?
Hun73rdk #221
Posted 03 December 2013 - 06:11 PM
Is it possible to use pastebind codes in server where pastebin is deactivated?

no its not

hey civilwargeeky cant get rednet to work the rednet program just says waiting for a turtle to send initial message and they both use same channel eny clue ???
civilwargeeky #222
Posted 04 December 2013 - 11:40 PM
Is it possible to use pastebind codes in server where pastebin is deactivated?

no its not

hey civilwargeeky cant get rednet to work the rednet program just says waiting for a turtle to send initial message and they both use same channel eny clue ???
I'm sorry, the feature was indeed broken. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Enabling rednet was making "rednet" true, not "rednetEnabled", so it was never recognizing that you turned it on. Should work now.
saber #223
Posted 06 December 2013 - 03:48 AM
My turtle ran out of bounds, told me to post this:
civilwargeeky #224
Posted 07 December 2013 - 07:06 PM
My turtle ran out of bounds, told me to post this:
Well thank you very much. That is indeed odd. What happened is that the turtle thought it was on an odd row when it was on an even row. If you had just restarted it, did you notice it do anything weird? Like tried to turn or something?
aex243 #225
Posted 07 December 2013 - 10:42 PM
I had a prolem:
the programs say me to do this
Letherin #226
Posted 08 December 2013 - 09:20 PM
can't get ladders to work, it says put ladders in the top left, then when i press any key it gives an error.

ladders:24: attempt to compare number with string expected, got number

I have probably done something wrong but it's silent as to what ;)/>
Edited on 08 December 2013 - 08:20 PM
Letherin #227
Posted 09 December 2013 - 01:20 AM
Great program btw (main program) I am kinda noob at CC so this was awesome for me.
civilwargeeky #228
Posted 09 December 2013 - 03:23 AM
I had a prolem:
the programs say me to do this
Thank you for posting :)/>
Hmm… It looks like it was coming back from dropping stuff off, and when it came back to its position, it went out of bounds for some reason. I'm thinking this is the case because it says "isInPath = false", but the event queue is empty, which means that it should be back in its mining loops again, but it wasn't… I'm not really sure how that happened. Do you have any other information?

can't get ladders to work, it says put ladders in the top left, then when i press any key it gives an error.

ladders:24: attempt to compare number with string expected, got number

I have probably done something wrong but it's silent as to what ;)/>
Ha. You have done nothing wrong at all :)/>
Man, that program hasn't been updated in over a year; shows you how far I have come. I will post an update later, but for now go to line 18 and replace "turtle.getFuelLevel()" with some really big number. The problem is that you have infinite fuel turned on, and I didn't anticipate that when I made the program, so it errors.
Great program btw (main program) I am kinda noob at CC so this was awesome for me.
Thank you so much :D/>. I'm glad you like it.
Letherin #229
Posted 09 December 2013 - 10:50 AM
I don't have the command in front of me - but the one that tells the bot to go to a particular depth before starting is acting weird.

I said go down 40 before starting, and it went down 14.. it wasn't a typo because the 2nd turtle did the same thing.

Suggestions ?'

Edit : Seems it did work correctly, but the display is off. If you have a good step-by-step to set up a GPSnet I will take it ;)/> That might remedy this issue?
Edited on 09 December 2013 - 11:36 AM
civilwargeeky #230
Posted 09 December 2013 - 04:06 PM
I don't have the command in front of me - but the one that tells the bot to go to a particular depth before starting is acting weird.

I said go down 40 before starting, and it went down 14.. it wasn't a typo because the 2nd turtle did the same thing.

Suggestions ?'

Edit : Seems it did work correctly, but the display is off. If you have a good step-by-step to set up a GPSnet I will take it ;)/> That might remedy this issue?
Oh. Well. I actually hadn't thought about that in my coding… It is a simple fix, and a temporary hack would be to change " ["yPos"] = yPos " on line 527 to " ["yPos"] = layersDone*3 ". As of now, the computer program takes "message.yPos", divides by 3, and rounds up. (That's why it said you were on Y:14, 40/3 = 13.3, round up is 14). I will have the ladder placing update out today, and will also start the actual recoding of the receiver as well (though that may take a few days).
Thanks for letting me know about this bug :)/>
Letherin #231
Posted 09 December 2013 - 06:35 PM
Ah yes, I see. I could tell it was doing some kinda math in this, I just couldn't work out what it was :)/>

One thing I'd love to see the receiver do is call the turtle back to start. The restore function is a bit iffy - so sometimes if you have to logout or whatever, you'll die 3-4 times just trying to get the turtles back afterwards. It would be nice to just tell them to come back before you log or whatever.
Edited on 09 December 2013 - 05:41 PM
civilwargeeky #232
Posted 09 December 2013 - 10:53 PM
Ah yes, I see. I could tell it was doing some kinda math in this, I just couldn't work out what it was :)/>

One thing I'd love to see the receiver do is call the turtle back to start. The restore function is a bit iffy - so sometimes if you have to logout or whatever, you'll die 3-4 times just trying to get the turtles back afterwards. It would be nice to just tell them to come back before you log or whatever.
That is indeed a planned feature. Although I can't help it (as far as I know) if it records its position wrong, I can let you call it back to start on resume. (Though it may be off by a block or two). I also plan on having the receiver program be session persistent as well.

Anyway, in the meantime, I had a really fun half hour making the new ladder program. There it is. It is now much better in general. It automatically detects how many ladders and filler blocks it has, and will automatically select new slots when its out. It will also intelligently come back to the start if it has no ladders or it hits something on the bottom. No session persistence for ladders though (honestly you shouldn't need it for this, and its annoying to code). I also discovered that it works great to put down a ladder/elevator rail down from a skybase to the ground. Just put in a bunch of ladders and fillers and send it off the edge. Works great.

Also you mentioned up setting up GPS earlier, its really simple. Just use this guy's program http://www.computerc...-tower-builder/ or something similar/set it up yourself, and then use the "-GPS true" parameter when you start my program, and you're good to go. It will (hopefully) automatically get its position the next time you start it up.
Edited on 09 December 2013 - 10:08 PM
civilwargeeky #233
Posted 10 December 2013 - 12:07 AM
Uggh. I had unwittingly broken the GPS ability in the update. So here is version 3.3.2 :)/> Basically I just put in some checks and moved 3 lines of code a few lines down, but anyway.

  • Small local variable change
  • Made GPS locate actually work
  • Added new "force" formatType in parameters. If it finds the parameter, will set it to true
  • Changed "-GPS" to be a "force" parameter
  • Used write instead of term.write in parameters

Get it here:
stealth #234
Posted 11 December 2013 - 04:59 AM
Great program, I've been playing FTB's mindcrack 8.3.2 which uses computercraft 1.55 (according to the wiki).

I encountered a problem when using the inverted feature. The turtle mines a few blocks, then stops waits for a while and then returns to the start. It says it encountered bedrock. This isn't possible since I started the turtle off at y:12 so no way it encountered bedrock.

(I was using v3.3.1 of the script, I'll try v3.3.2 tonight)
Letherin #235
Posted 11 December 2013 - 09:56 AM
Something wrong with Inverting…

I just asked it to do 10x10x2 and it pretty much made a hole and came back and stopped.

Seems it think it found bedrock *shrug* there was none there obviously, as it was supposed to dig up.
Edited on 11 December 2013 - 08:58 AM
stealth #236
Posted 11 December 2013 - 03:38 PM
Tried inverted with the v3.3.2 and it didn't work. Told me to give you this:
civilwargeeky #237
Posted 11 December 2013 - 07:16 PM
Oh… Wow…. I have no idea how I let this get through. According to Github, the bug was introduced when I was starting coding 3.3.1 (hence it didn't get caught in my series of tests for 3.3.0). What had happened was I made the digUp and digDown functions relative (when inverted was on they would switch). However, the function mine has "while turtle.detectUp() do digUp() end", and turtle.detectUp() is an absolute function (doesn't change for invert), so the turtle was detecting something above it constantly, but whenever it tried to mine, it would mine below it instead, so the block would still be there. After doing this 50 times, it thinks it hit bedrock (since it can't mine the block), and comes back to start. So there's the bug. It actually was kind of annoying to find since it was so abstract (absolute versus relative). Anyway, I am going to tentatively release 3.3.3 now.

Quarry Version 3.3.3:

Changes: Fixed three lines that made invert broken…
Letherin #238
Posted 12 December 2013 - 03:29 AM
Well as someone who's probably forgotten more programming languages than many will ever know - I feel your pain ;)/>
Letherin #239
Posted 12 December 2013 - 08:30 AM
Both fixes ladders and inversion working great btw.

Found this is awesome for first making rooms for a base. Even got one clearing land at the moment, just to flatten a hill - in inverted mode.

Edited on 12 December 2013 - 07:35 AM
civilwargeeky #240
Posted 12 December 2013 - 06:51 PM
Both fixes ladders and inversion working great btw.

Found this is awesome for first making rooms for a base. Even got one clearing land at the moment, just to flatten a hill - in inverted mode.

Yay! Glad you're liking it :D/>
Thanks for using the program (and reporting bugs) :)/>
Edited on 12 December 2013 - 05:52 PM
Spydermonkey1977 #241
Posted 14 December 2013 - 10:46 PM
I'm loving it! :)/> Very fast and nice quarrying/room clearing! I haven't yet looked at all of the other features yet, but that's what I'm focusing on now.

What brought me to this topic is that I would like to make use of the GPS function for turtles. I've got a working GPS cluster and can write/initiate programs for the turtles to go to GPS point A … perform task .. go to GPS point B and things of that nature.

What I'm having a difficult time grasping is how to resume from a server reboot, using GPS, and without manual intervention. Such as if a quarry would take 3 hours to complete the digging, and the server reboots ever hour…how could the turtle be made to continue it's work after the several reboots?

If I were to type the command in the console "quarry -dim 32 32 64 -invert false -rednet false -enderChest true -GPS -restore" it wouldn't resume on a server reset correct? Because it would need a startup command to initiate some code to begin again? I may need some type of startup program or use some of the logging functionality in your code in order for it to more or less "wake up" after a server reboot, and continue on?

Love the work you've done, this really makes the turtle shine! If you can please let me know what I might need to do to make quarrying reboot friendly. :)/> Thanks!
MrHohenheim #242
Posted 15 December 2013 - 09:32 AM

civilwargeeky good to see you keep updating :)/>
civilwargeeky #243
Posted 15 December 2013 - 03:14 PM
I'm loving it! :)/> Very fast and nice quarrying/room clearing! I haven't yet looked at all of the other features yet, but that's what I'm focusing on now.

What brought me to this topic is that I would like to make use of the GPS function for turtles. I've got a working GPS cluster and can write/initiate programs for the turtles to go to GPS point A … perform task .. go to GPS point B and things of that nature.

What I'm having a difficult time grasping is how to resume from a server reboot, using GPS, and without manual intervention. Such as if a quarry would take 3 hours to complete the digging, and the server reboots ever hour…how could the turtle be made to continue it's work after the several reboots?

If I were to type the command in the console "quarry -dim 32 32 64 -invert false -rednet false -enderChest true -GPS -restore" it wouldn't resume on a server reset correct? Because it would need a startup command to initiate some code to begin again? I may need some type of startup program or use some of the logging functionality in your code in order for it to more or less "wake up" after a server reboot, and continue on?

Love the work you've done, this really makes the turtle shine! If you can please let me know what I might need to do to make quarrying reboot friendly. :)/> Thanks!
Thank you for the kind words :D/>
Yes, it is actually very easy to get it to run from startup. If you want it to resume the quarry on startup or start a new quarry like that whenever you set it down, type "edit startup" and do"quarry -dim 32 32 64 -invert false -rednet false -enderChest true -GPS -restore")
If you just want it to resume if the quarry is not done, the type "edit startup" and do"quarry -restore") 
Then you would just start the quarry manually, and it would resume if it got stopped in the middle of its run.

There is also a slightly more complicated version if you don't want it to prompt you if there is no quarry to resume.
if fs.exists("Civil_Quarry_Restore") then"quarry -restore")

So there you go, you have a few options. If you have any other questions, or I didn't answer this one fully, feel free to let me know :)/>

civilwargeeky good to see you keep updating :)/>
Mr Hohenheim! Good to see you're still here :)/>
Edited on 15 December 2013 - 02:15 PM
Spydermonkey1977 #244
Posted 15 December 2013 - 05:13 PM
I'm loving it! :)/> Very fast and nice quarrying/room clearing! I haven't yet looked at all of the other features yet, but that's what I'm focusing on now.

What brought me to this topic is that I would like to make use of the GPS function for turtles. I've got a working GPS cluster and can write/initiate programs for the turtles to go to GPS point A … perform task .. go to GPS point B and things of that nature.

What I'm having a difficult time grasping is how to resume from a server reboot, using GPS, and without manual intervention. Such as if a quarry would take 3 hours to complete the digging, and the server reboots ever hour…how could the turtle be made to continue it's work after the several reboots?

If I were to type the command in the console "quarry -dim 32 32 64 -invert false -rednet false -enderChest true -GPS -restore" it wouldn't resume on a server reset correct? Because it would need a startup command to initiate some code to begin again? I may need some type of startup program or use some of the logging functionality in your code in order for it to more or less "wake up" after a server reboot, and continue on?

Love the work you've done, this really makes the turtle shine! If you can please let me know what I might need to do to make quarrying reboot friendly. :)/> Thanks!
Thank you for the kind words :D/>
Yes, it is actually very easy to get it to run from startup. If you want it to resume the quarry on startup or start a new quarry like that whenever you set it down, type "edit startup" and do"quarry -dim 32 32 64 -invert false -rednet false -enderChest true -GPS -restore")
If you just want it to resume if the quarry is not done, the type "edit startup" and do"quarry -restore") 
Then you would just start the quarry manually, and it would resume if it got stopped in the middle of its run.

There is also a slightly more complicated version if you don't want it to prompt you if there is no quarry to resume.
if fs.exists("Civil_Quarry_Restore") then"quarry -restore")

So there you go, you have a few options. If you have any other questions, or I didn't answer this one fully, feel free to let me know :)/>

civilwargeeky good to see you keep updating :)/>
Mr Hohenheim! Good to see you're still here :)/>

Sweet!! Thanks civilwargeeky! I'll give them a try. Yay, I think I'm off and running now with all three those options! Thanks for the detailed and helpful responses!
dkittrell #245
Posted 15 December 2013 - 10:32 PM
i keep getting this error any idea

quarry: 423 : Too long without yielding … quarry is my program name
civilwargeeky #246
Posted 16 December 2013 - 12:28 AM
i keep getting this error any idea

quarry: 423 : Too long without yielding … quarry is my program name
No, sorry, I don't really have a good solution to this problem. I'm calling coroutine.yield every time it moves, so it shouldn't be an issue, but sometimes it is.
Typically people who have told me that they get this error are on laggy servers.

The error says that it was too long without yielding during its file saving, though, so I might be able to make it better. Tell you what, I'll take it up on Ask A Pro tomorrow, and see if I can get this fixed.

Thanks for letting me know that this error still exists :)/> I appreciate the feedback.
Spydermonkey1977 #247
Posted 16 December 2013 - 06:00 PM
Just checking back in to say thanks for the suggestions on auto resuming from server reboot! Works perfectly! :D/> I really love this program.
civilwargeeky #248
Posted 16 December 2013 - 11:44 PM
Just checking back in to say thanks for the suggestions on auto resuming from server reboot! Works perfectly! :D/> I really love this program.
You're welcome! Glad to help :D/>
MrHohenheim #249
Posted 18 December 2013 - 02:02 PM
yeah iam here some computer and internet problems .. sold buy new etc and now i finally here :)/>
Farrk #250
Posted 18 December 2013 - 03:50 PM
Been using this program since 1.4.7 and it was going great, well most of the times. Sometimes it was doing kind of weird stuff like resuming work layer lower than it was supposed to(especially if I was doing it through startup file without actually visiting the area to resume it myself) but that was not real issue, so overall it's really good work!
cloned #251
Posted 19 December 2013 - 01:43 PM
So far this works pretty great. I came across one bug while resuming because I lost connection and the chunk went asleep. When it stopped it was on its way back to drop off resources to the chest, however when I -resume it is one block off and ended up going right into the chest, destroying it, and dropping all resources to the ground. It wouldn't continue until I placed a chest.

See screenshot, you can see that it was off by one block. not a huge deal but could really be a headache if you have machines/pipes running around for sorting, etc.

civilwargeeky #252
Posted 21 December 2013 - 12:54 AM
Sorry I haven't checked this for a couple days. I'm back now. There's been so much activity recently, its awesome :D/>

yeah iam here some computer and internet problems .. sold buy new etc and now i finally here :)/>
Welcome back :)/>
Been using this program since 1.4.7 and it was going great, well most of the times. Sometimes it was doing kind of weird stuff like resuming work layer lower than it was supposed to(especially if I was doing it through startup file without actually visiting the area to resume it myself) but that was not real issue, so overall it's really good work!
I can't really fix this error until I find a better method of saving location. Until I can discover one, just use GPS (sorry if you can't spare the resources :(/> ).
So far this works pretty great. I came across one bug while resuming because I lost connection and the chunk went asleep. When it stopped it was on its way back to drop off resources to the chest, however when I -resume it is one block off and ended up going right into the chest, destroying it, and dropping all resources to the ground. It wouldn't continue until I placed a chest.

See screenshot, you can see that it was off by one block. not a huge deal but could really be a headache if you have machines/pipes running around for sorting, etc.

See above
civilwargeeky #253
Posted 21 December 2013 - 01:18 AM
I think I'm going to try something to fix the restarting issue. I noticed someone else do it this way, so I'll try it:
Beta 3.3.4:

All it does is save before a move, rather than after. I didn't test this, so good luck :)/>
If you do use this, please give feedback so I know if it works or not.
Letherin #254
Posted 24 December 2013 - 05:13 AM
One question I do have (I will test the beta soon).

I just made a small quarry 8x8x12 and on a return trip (it only made one before it finished) the miner decided to dump all but 1 of its' fuel in the chest, is there a reason for it doing this ?
civilwargeeky #255
Posted 24 December 2013 - 05:08 PM
One question I do have (I will test the beta soon).

I just made a small quarry 8x8x12 and on a return trip (it only made one before it finished) the miner decided to dump all but 1 of its' fuel in the chest, is there a reason for it doing this ?
While its still running, it assumes the first slot contains cobble, and so it keeps it in the first slot to compare to when it does its counting. That's where it gets the "cobblestone" and "other" values for blocks from at the end.

Edit: 200th Post!!!
Edited on 24 December 2013 - 04:09 PM
awsmazinggenius #256
Posted 24 December 2013 - 05:22 PM
One question I do have (I will test the beta soon).

I just made a small quarry 8x8x12 and on a return trip (it only made one before it finished) the miner decided to dump all but 1 of its' fuel in the chest, is there a reason for it doing this ?
While its still running, it assumes the first slot contains cobble, and so it keeps it in the first slot to compare to when it does its counting. That's where it gets the "cobblestone" and "other" values for blocks from at the end.

Edit: 200th Post!!!
Congratz on 200 posts. (I have 265, but 66 of those posts are in Forum Games and don't count. EDIT: This is my 201st actual post.)

On topic: If the first slot is cobble, can I put fuel in any other slot?
Edited on 24 December 2013 - 04:23 PM
civilwargeeky #257
Posted 25 December 2013 - 04:55 PM
One question I do have (I will test the beta soon).

I just made a small quarry 8x8x12 and on a return trip (it only made one before it finished) the miner decided to dump all but 1 of its' fuel in the chest, is there a reason for it doing this ?
While its still running, it assumes the first slot contains cobble, and so it keeps it in the first slot to compare to when it does its counting. That's where it gets the "cobblestone" and "other" values for blocks from at the end.

Edit: 200th Post!!!
Congratz on 200 posts. (I have 265, but 66 of those posts are in Forum Games and don't count. EDIT: This is my 201st actual post.)

On topic: If the first slot is cobble, can I put fuel in any other slot?
It doesn't entirely matter what slot you put fuel in. If you like the values for materials to be accurate, then you can put cobble in the first slot before you refuel.
So to answer your question, yes.
Zoidy #258
Posted 25 December 2013 - 05:00 PM
Tested your beta version and ran into problems within 5 minutes:
civilwargeeky #259
Posted 26 December 2013 - 01:34 AM
Tested your beta version and ran into problems within 5 minutes:
Hmm. That's odd. It looks like the turtle got turned around somehow and was going the wrong direction for the row it was on. It should have been coming back towards start but was going away instead… I will have to look into that, but it it not related to the beta. Thank your for the report :)/>
MrHohenheim #260
Posted 26 December 2013 - 03:06 PM

civilwargeeky you not wanna updating the variable sized tree farm?:)/> bonemeals problem
behedwin #261
Posted 28 December 2013 - 05:27 PM
Thanks for a nice program.
I have a problem.

If my server restarts or just the chunk is somehow deloaded. The turtle stops.
This is bad when doing a large quarry.

Can i somehow restart the turtle without using the -restore command?
I rather want to pick up the turtle, place it at the beginning and tell it. Do x program but start mining from y level.

So if i started at level 50 and it have mined to level 25 when it stops.
Then i want to type something for it to directly go down to level 25 when i restarts it.

I tried typing Quarry -StartY 25

but that did not work.
civilwargeeky #262
Posted 28 December 2013 - 08:20 PM
Thanks for a nice program.
I have a problem.

If my server restarts or just the chunk is somehow deloaded. The turtle stops.
This is bad when doing a large quarry.

Can i somehow restart the turtle without using the -restore command?
I rather want to pick up the turtle, place it at the beginning and tell it. Do x program but start mining from y level.

So if i started at level 50 and it have mined to level 25 when it stops.
Then i want to type something for it to directly go down to level 25 when i restarts it.

I tried typing Quarry -StartY 25

but that did not work.
Hi! Thanks for using the program :)/>

Before I get into anything, I want to recommend that you read the help section by doing "quarry -help" as it will tell you what all the different parameters do.

To answer your first question, I will just quote a conversation I had on the last page.
I'm loving it! :)/> Very fast and nice quarrying/room clearing! I haven't yet looked at all of the other features yet, but that's what I'm focusing on now.

What brought me to this topic is that I would like to make use of the GPS function for turtles. I've got a working GPS cluster and can write/initiate programs for the turtles to go to GPS point A … perform task .. go to GPS point B and things of that nature.

What I'm having a difficult time grasping is how to resume from a server reboot, using GPS, and without manual intervention. Such as if a quarry would take 3 hours to complete the digging, and the server reboots ever hour…how could the turtle be made to continue it's work after the several reboots?

If I were to type the command in the console "quarry -dim 32 32 64 -invert false -rednet false -enderChest true -GPS -restore" it wouldn't resume on a server reset correct? Because it would need a startup command to initiate some code to begin again? I may need some type of startup program or use some of the logging functionality in your code in order for it to more or less "wake up" after a server reboot, and continue on?

Love the work you've done, this really makes the turtle shine! If you can please let me know what I might need to do to make quarrying reboot friendly. :)/> Thanks!
Thank you for the kind words :D/>
Yes, it is actually very easy to get it to run from startup. If you want it to resume the quarry on startup or start a new quarry like that whenever you set it down, type "edit startup" and do"quarry -dim 32 32 64 -invert false -rednet false -enderChest true -GPS -restore")
If you just want it to resume if the quarry is not done, the type "edit startup" and do"quarry -restore") 
Then you would just start the quarry manually, and it would resume if it got stopped in the middle of its run.

There is also a slightly more complicated version if you don't want it to prompt you if there is no quarry to resume.
if fs.exists("Civil_Quarry_Restore") then"quarry -restore")

So there you go, you have a few options. If you have any other questions, or I didn't answer this one fully, feel free to let me know :)/>

As for the second question, I think you are looking for the "-startDown" parameter. So if you are at level 50, and say "-startDown 25", then it will go down 25 blocks before starting a quarry. This setting is saved, so it will remember it when it is restarted.

Hope I answered your questions properly. If you have any more, feel free to ask.

EDIT: Upon re-reading your post, you can do one of two things if you want to manually restart the quarry. First, you could bring the turtle back to the top and use "startDown", or if you want you could figure out for yourself what position it is at and use "-manualPos"
Edited on 28 December 2013 - 07:23 PM
behedwin #263
Posted 03 January 2014 - 02:11 PM
Thanks, it helped.
Works great now.
civilwargeeky #264
Posted 03 January 2014 - 05:19 PM
Thanks, it helped.
Works great now.
Good. Glad to hear it :)/>
Letherin #265
Posted 07 January 2014 - 02:12 AM
Suggestion regarding restoring a session.

What tends to happen is that the turtle much of the time thinks it is one block over than it really is, and when it comes to try and find the chest again instead stops short and waits for someone to place a chest.

How about just when the turtle needs to be restored from a server reboot or a chunk unload you make it so that it must be restored from the chest itself ?

So you go find him, pick it up and take it back to the starting position? In this way it can never lose its' place again when restoring the session.

Just an idea.
civilwargeeky #266
Posted 07 January 2014 - 03:58 PM
Suggestion regarding restoring a session.

What tends to happen is that the turtle much of the time thinks it is one block over than it really is, and when it comes to try and find the chest again instead stops short and waits for someone to place a chest.

How about just when the turtle needs to be restored from a server reboot or a chunk unload you make it so that it must be restored from the chest itself ?

So you go find him, pick it up and take it back to the starting position? In this way it can never lose its' place again when restoring the session.

Just an idea.
Oh cool! That's actually a nice idea. I will definitely put an argument for that in the next release

You could already do that if you want, though. Just put it in front of the chest and do "quarry -resume -manualPos 0 1 1 0". I'll add something like "-chestResume" or something as an alias for that, though.

Ooh, also, I could try out having an "-offset" parameter. Since it oftentimes is off by one position, this parameter would offset the position saved by 1 / -1 or whatever number you put in. Then people could help me test to make it better :)/>
behedwin #267
Posted 09 January 2014 - 12:58 PM
Is there some way to always load up the turtle with extra fuel. I have found the turtle empty on fuel several times and id like to make sure it always have an extra 1k each time i start a quarry.
civilwargeeky #268
Posted 09 January 2014 - 01:53 PM
Is there some way to always load up the turtle with extra fuel. I have found the turtle empty on fuel several times and id like to make sure it always have an extra 1k each time i start a quarry.
Yes. At the top of the program is a config. Look for one that says "fuelSafety" and change the value from "moderate" to "safe". If you want you could go down a bit further and change the value for safe. If will say "fuelTable { safe = 1000" and change the value to something higher.
Edited on 09 January 2014 - 12:55 PM
behedwin #269
Posted 12 January 2014 - 03:30 PM
Again, great!
Found the code and it works like a charm.

This is the first and only quarry program i have found that have all functions i ever asked for.
It works great for tunneling aswell so i use it allot.
civilwargeeky #270
Posted 12 January 2014 - 10:34 PM
Again, great!
Found the code and it works like a charm.

This is the first and only quarry program i have found that have all functions i ever asked for.
It works great for tunneling aswell so i use it allot.
Thank you very much, I'm glad to hear that you like it :D/>
I pride myself that almost everything is configurable, so thank you for commenting on that. :)/>
Edited on 12 January 2014 - 09:34 PM
robottthing #271
Posted 14 January 2014 - 07:18 PM
This werks very well :)/> :)/> :)/> :)/> ;)/> :)/> ;)/>
civilwargeeky #272
Posted 14 January 2014 - 09:46 PM
This werks very well :)/> :)/> :)/> :)/> ;)/> :)/> ;)/>
Good to hear :)/>
civilwargeeky #273
Posted 21 January 2014 - 07:07 PM
Version 3.4.0 Released!
I shall call this the rednet update! Basically I redid the receiver program entirely from scratch.
Get Turtle part here:
And get the fancy rednet part here:

I will post a video on what the receiver program looks like and does soon (as it is really cool).
Until then, here are some pictures:

Changes (quarry):
  • Changed "biometrics" function for new rednet
  • Added in a few different calls to it.
  • Added new parameter for goto function: destination
  • Fixed bug where program would error if run on a computer
  • Added in rednet orders "Stop" and "Return" (case sensitive)
  • Added biometrics calls in up and down
Changes (receiver):
  • Basically everything is changed code-wise, but…
  • Color support: Use color screens and monitors! It looks really cool and I had fun making the program work with them.
  • Send commands to the turtle: If program is run on a computer, you can send commands "Stop" and "Return"
  • Automatic Screen Resizing: Self-explanatory, you can even remove the screen/put it back
  • Resume program during mining: If you want to stop the program to move screen or something, just restart it, it will work fine
  • Non-restrictive arguments: Same basic system of arguments as my quarry program
  • You run it like a normal program.
  • While you can use "monitor [side] receiver", this will error if you remove the screen. "receiver -screen" works much better.
  • Possible arguments:
  1. "-screen" This will have the computer search around itself for a screen. Optionally you can use "-screen [side]" to specify which screen to run on
  2. "-modem [side]" The turtle will automatically search for a modem, but you can specify which side with this
  3. "-channel [number]" This is the channel it will check for messages of the turtle. The turtle will say what channel to use.
  • When you start the program, it will prompt you for any variables it doesn't have (channel and modem)
  • The screen will now display as much information as it can about the turtle (based on screen size)
  • If you are using a computer, you can type in "Stop" or "Return" to send to the turtle. The turtle will then either stop, or come back to the start and stop.
  • When the turtle is done, the program will end.
Edited on 21 January 2014 - 06:52 PM
MrHohenheim #274
Posted 22 January 2014 - 02:12 PM
nice update i going to test ;)/>
civilwargeeky #275
Posted 23 January 2014 - 08:46 PM
I've made and added a short video to the page on the Receiver program. I wanted to have it go over more things, but I figured no one was going to watch a 7 minute video (youtube analytics says no one watches the tutorial all the way through ;)/> ), so I took out a lot and sped it up. Thought it turned out all right.
Zoidy #276
Posted 24 January 2014 - 12:05 AM
I'm having a rather annoying problem with the turtle running out of fuel. It's also seeming to be dropping its fuel after each drop off which isn't helping. Any coal it mines rather than keeping it in slot one it dumps all but one piece. A good idea would be for the turtle to return home when its close to running out of fuel so that way you don't have to go on a wild goose chase trying to find the turtle deep down a dark hole when it runs out of fuel. It's a real pain in the backside when it runs out of fuel down a deep quarry hole surrounded by mobs that are just waiting for you to jump down so they can ambush you…. Having the turtle return home to the chest before it runs out and waits there until you reload it with fuel.
civilwargeeky #277
Posted 24 January 2014 - 05:10 PM
I'm having a rather annoying problem with the turtle running out of fuel. It's also seeming to be dropping its fuel after each drop off which isn't helping. Any coal it mines rather than keeping it in slot one it dumps all but one piece. A good idea would be for the turtle to return home when its close to running out of fuel so that way you don't have to go on a wild goose chase trying to find the turtle deep down a dark hole when it runs out of fuel. It's a real pain in the backside when it runs out of fuel down a deep quarry hole surrounded by mobs that are just waiting for you to jump down so they can ambush you…. Having the turtle return home to the chest before it runs out and waits there until you reload it with fuel.
Well, thanks for the idea, but one of my goals for my program is that you don't have to refuel it manually once its begun. It would introduce several problems, and I would also have to work out how much fuel is "enough" to complete the rest of the quarry. As far as I know, the turtle's fueling algorithm should be spot-on if it picks up 8 full stacks (512) items before its inventory gets full. If its getting less than 512 items per run, then it will use more fuel than it has. However, there are several ways to fix this included with the program.

First Way:
Is there some way to always load up the turtle with extra fuel. I have found the turtle empty on fuel several times and id like to make sure it always have an extra 1k each time i start a quarry.
Yes. At the top of the program is a config. Look for one that says "fuelSafety" and change the value from "moderate" to "safe". If you want you could go down a bit further and change the value for safe. If will say "fuelTable { safe = 1000" and change the value to something higher.

Second Way:
Use the argument "-doRefuel true", this will have the turtle refuel itself with coal from inventory if it runs out of fuel. It will also have the turtle refuel with coal when it drops off its inventory (This will probably be the most useful to you)

Third Way:
Use an enderchest. I now have enderchest support, so just use "-enderchest true" or "-enderchest [slot number]", and the turtle will never have to go back to start again (except at the end :)/> )

Thanks for using the program, I hope I helped :)/>. Oh, also I am planning on taking another look at my fuel usage algorithm for 3.4.2, so that is coming up.
Edited on 24 January 2014 - 04:25 PM
Zoidy #278
Posted 24 January 2014 - 09:40 PM
Okay cool, I've tweaked it and now have 2 ender chests, playing Direwolf 2.0 the latest one has ender pearls needed for a lot of stuff and hard to come by…

Another suggestion that should be possible is when the mining turtle mines out a dungeon and mines the chests around the mod spawner is there anyway for the turtle to pick up the loot inside the chests rather than just the chests themselves? I think it only picks up the loot from mobs that it kills when they get in the way of the turtle, would be good if it picked up the chests loot as we are probably missing out on all sorts of epic loot.
Zoidy #279
Posted 25 January 2014 - 12:18 AM
One other problem I'm having is when the turtle has finished its quarry its destroying its enderchest. It must be doing its final drop off and breaking the enderchest and not picking it up again. Looks like I'll be sticking to quarries for awhile.
sjkeegs #280
Posted 25 January 2014 - 10:56 AM
Well, thanks for the idea, but one of my goals for my program is that you don't have to refuel it manually once its begun. It would introduce several problems, and I would also have to work out how much fuel is "enough" to complete the rest of the quarry. As far as I know, the turtle's fueling algorithm should be spot-on if it picks up 8 full stacks (512) items before its inventory gets full. If its getting less than 512 items per run, then it will use more fuel than it has. However, there are several ways to fix this included with the program.

I'm confused about this statement. Since the turtle quarries out a known space it should be pretty easy to calculate the number of moves that the turtle has to make to complete the quarry. Why are you computing the the fuel usage based on the number of items picked up during the quarry operation?

Is there something else going on that makes it difficult to calculate the number of movements required?
Edited on 25 January 2014 - 09:57 AM
civilwargeeky #281
Posted 25 January 2014 - 03:27 PM
On your first post, the reason I don't have it detect chests and suck things from them is that checking for a chest requires 3 different "suck" calls. Each one of these is (I believe) .15 seconds, so if I have the turtle check for chests, it will become considerably slower, which I really don't want.

As for you second post, I'm somewhat confused. Is the turtle destroying the enderchest and it shouldn't be at the end, or the other way around?

Well, yes the actual quarry size itself is not that hard to figure out. However, without an enderchest, the turtle has to come back to the start to drop off its items, then go back, so I have to try to account for how many times it comes back to the start during its mining run. This is the issue because with fewer mods, most of the items it has will stack to 64 before there aren't any slots left. However, when you have a lot of mods putting stuff in the ground, each stack could only stack to like 10, so the turtle will have to come back to the start more often, using more fuel. Hope I answered your question :)/>
Also, I was looking over my fueling algorithm again, and I think I may have forgotten to square something in the calculation for coming back to start. So I will revise this when I next do updates.
Zoidy #282
Posted 25 January 2014 - 05:59 PM
what the turtle is doing is after its finished its quarry, rather than deploying the enderchest for the last drop off its just dumping its load on to the ground back at the start. So you still need a normal chest there to catch the last drop off that has the enderchest in it otherwise it will just dump its final load and after like 5 minutes or so you lose everything that the turtle dumps. it doesn't even wait for a chest to be deployed before dumping it load as it normally would.
civilwargeeky #283
Posted 25 January 2014 - 10:41 PM
what the turtle is doing is after its finished its quarry, rather than deploying the enderchest for the last drop off its just dumping its load on to the ground back at the start. So you still need a normal chest there to catch the last drop off that has the enderchest in it otherwise it will just dump its final load and after like 5 minutes or so you lose everything that the turtle dumps. it doesn't even wait for a chest to be deployed before dumping it load as it normally would.
Ah. I see.
Well thats odd. I will certainly look into fixing it.
Farrk #284
Posted 26 January 2014 - 05:40 PM
Thought of adding optional openperipherals functionality? There is a peripheral (duck antenna) that gives turtle new functions that let you for example read names of items in inventory and some other cool tricks…
civilwargeeky #285
Posted 27 January 2014 - 01:09 AM
Thought of adding optional openperipherals functionality? There is a peripheral (duck antenna) that gives turtle new functions that let you for example read names of items in inventory and some other cool tricks…
Yup. Mod support is definitely on my to do list. Literally in my actual todo list file:
Things to add for quarry version 3.5.0 (After rednet update and shell is done):
Add support for mods. Like openperipheral chest finding.
Edited on 27 January 2014 - 12:10 AM
Tolorash #286
Posted 28 January 2014 - 11:27 AM
i am having the same problem as i am dinging a quarry that is 50 x 50 x 160 and i see the turtle stop randomly too it has no errors or annything also i have had 4 turtles compleetly vanish anny ideas but love your program its invert feature is beautiful for digging out the alps biomes
civilwargeeky #287
Posted 28 January 2014 - 11:32 PM
i am having the same problem as i am dinging a quarry that is 50 x 50 x 160 and i see the turtle stop randomly too it has no errors or annything also i have had 4 turtles compleetly vanish anny ideas but love your program its invert feature is beautiful for digging out the alps biomes
Well thank you for using the program :)/>
You say "stop randomly" and "completely vanish", I'm a bit confused. If the turtles are literally gone, then I don't think that would be my program :P/>
As for stop randomly, unless the chunk the turtles are in is unloaded, the turtle shouldn't "stop randomly", it should give an error message that it will print to the screen (out of fuel, hit bedrock, etc). If you come back to the turtle, and there is just the regular "Turtle OS Version whatever" then that means that the chunk was unloaded.

I'm sorry I can't help more, but "randomly" and "completely vanish" are not very descriptive for me to fix anything :P/>
If you have any more information, I would be glad to help out to fix whatever is happening.
abe159 #288
Posted 31 January 2014 - 10:05 PM
Awesome program, works great and intelligently, definitely the best I've found. Thanks!

I was wondering, I've read that turtles have startup programs. Would it be possible to put this program as the startup file, so that if its mining and I wonder away and it unloads (without having a chunkloader), when I return it will resume its task? If thats possible, how would I set that up?

Actually, sorry, I see my question was answered to pages back. Thanks again!
civilwargeeky #289
Posted 02 February 2014 - 10:10 PM
Awesome program, works great and intelligently, definitely the best I've found. Thanks!

I was wondering, I've read that turtles have startup programs. Would it be possible to put this program as the startup file, so that if its mining and I wonder away and it unloads (without having a chunkloader), when I return it will resume its task? If thats possible, how would I set that up?

Actually, sorry, I see my question was answered to pages back. Thanks again!
Thanks for the compliments, glad you found what you were looking for. I think I'll put instructions to auto-start in the OP, considering you're the third to ask recently…
makeme #290
Posted 03 February 2014 - 03:37 PM
Any Chance of it saving data and restarting after reloading a chunk?
civilwargeeky #291
Posted 03 February 2014 - 07:02 PM
Any Chance of it saving data and restarting after reloading a chunk?
Use "quarry -help" for a list of features. The one you are looking for is "-resume"

Its not perfect, but it works (most of the time) and I am working on a better one to come out soon :)/>
makeme #292
Posted 04 February 2014 - 01:14 PM
Any Chance of it saving data and restarting after reloading a chunk?
Use "quarry -help" for a list of features. The one you are looking for is "-resume"

Its not perfect, but it works (most of the time) and I am working on a better one to come out soon :)/>

Thanks! I love this program and that was my only issue does this work with the rednet part aswell?
civilwargeeky #293
Posted 04 February 2014 - 01:17 PM
Any Chance of it saving data and restarting after reloading a chunk?
Use "quarry -help" for a list of features. The one you are looking for is "-resume"

Its not perfect, but it works (most of the time) and I am working on a better one to come out soon :)/>

Thanks! I love this program and that was my only issue does this work with the rednet part aswell?
Yes. If you actually look at the help, one of the options is "-rednet" so you can use "-rednet true." For help on setting it up, you can look at the second youtube video in the op.
makeme #294
Posted 04 February 2014 - 02:33 PM
Any Chance of it saving data and restarting after reloading a chunk?
Use "quarry -help" for a list of features. The one you are looking for is "-resume"

Its not perfect, but it works (most of the time) and I am working on a better one to come out soon :)/>

Thanks! I love this program and that was my only issue does this work with the rednet part aswell?
Yes. If you actually look at the help, one of the options is "-rednet" so you can use "-rednet true." For help on setting it up, you can look at the second youtube video in the op.

Oh thanks I was just wondering if the rednet data was saved on the turtle or Screen got it all working thanks
civilwargeeky #295
Posted 05 February 2014 - 08:58 PM
what the turtle is doing is after its finished its quarry, rather than deploying the enderchest for the last drop off its just dumping its load on to the ground back at the start. So you still need a normal chest there to catch the last drop off that has the enderchest in it otherwise it will just dump its final load and after like 5 minutes or so you lose everything that the turtle dumps. it doesn't even wait for a chest to be deployed before dumping it load as it normally would.
Ok. So I got around to testing your problem, and I cannot reproduce. I think what is happening is that there is a block where the turtle expects a chest to be, and so its just dumping its stuff. If you don't use an enderchest, and leave a block behind where the turtle dumps its stuff, it will do the same thing. However, in 3.4.1, I've added that the turtle will dig before placing its enderchest at the end, so that things won't get in its way.
Zoidy #296
Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:33 PM
I've been able to reproduce it several times and there isn't anything blocking it. As long as you use a chest like normal and enderchest you're fine, if you use the enderchest option and place nothing else down then you'll lose the enderchest as it needs a chest to drop off the enderchest in when its finished.Just deploy a turtle with enderchest option and place the chest in slot 16 and do a small quarry and you'll see that it comes homes and dumps it final load where you would normally have a chest.

another bug I've came across that I've been meaning to post is during a server restart or as such if the turtle is unloading into the enderchest when the server restarts then it stops and wont resume until you go down the hole and break the endercheat and pick it back up and place it back into slot 16 as the turtle restarts and detects your using a enderchest and detects that there is no enderchest in slot one even though the turtle is looking straight at the chest.
civilwargeeky #297
Posted 05 February 2014 - 10:08 PM
I've been able to reproduce it several times and there isn't anything blocking it. As long as you use a chest like normal and enderchest you're fine, if you use the enderchest option and place nothing else down then you'll lose the enderchest as it needs a chest to drop off the enderchest in when its finished.Just deploy a turtle with enderchest option and place the chest in slot 16 and do a small quarry and you'll see that it comes homes and dumps it final load where you would normally have a chest.

another bug I've came across that I've been meaning to post is during a server restart or as such if the turtle is unloading into the enderchest when the server restarts then it stops and wont resume until you go down the hole and break the endercheat and pick it back up and place it back into slot 16 as the turtle restarts and detects your using a enderchest and detects that there is no enderchest in slot one even though the turtle is looking straight at the chest.
Hmm. I'm not sure what to say about that then. Maybe the silly "air" blocks from railcraft are messing with the program again. Just try using the update.

As for the other bug, I had not considered that. Should be fixed for the next version.

If you want it now, I've already fixed those two bugs (but have not tested) right here:
Zoidy #298
Posted 05 February 2014 - 10:43 PM
I'll test it when my turtle is free as at the moment its doing a rather large and over the top mission that might be a while. I might make another turtle to test it out on though as I have a nice stockpile of diamonds from my quarry.
meggied90 #299
Posted 14 February 2014 - 03:20 PM
First off, I want to say that I absolutely adore this program. But I did come across a small snafu at some point, and so I am here per request of the turtle. I had simply asked my turtle to "quarry -resume", walked away for a few minutes, and when I had come back he was embedded in the wall, 2 blocks outside of the quarry parameters, and was asking me to provide you with this error log: . He was directly underneath the chest he normally deposits in, but was on his mining layer instead of up top where the chest actually is.

I'm not sure what went wrong or why he decided the wall was a good hiding spot, but I'm afraid that's all I know. Keep up the great work!
civilwargeeky #300
Posted 14 February 2014 - 11:48 PM
First off, I want to say that I absolutely adore this program. But I did come across a small snafu at some point, and so I am here per request of the turtle. I had simply asked my turtle to "quarry -resume", walked away for a few minutes, and when I had come back he was embedded in the wall, 2 blocks outside of the quarry parameters, and was asking me to provide you with this error log: . He was directly underneath the chest he normally deposits in, but was on his mining layer instead of up top where the chest actually is.

I'm not sure what went wrong or why he decided the wall was a good hiding spot, but I'm afraid that's all I know. Keep up the great work!
I'm not sure why this keeps happening (I think you are the third to report this), but what happens is the turtle thinks it is supposed to turn right when it gets to the max X value. However, it is going towards the start, so it will never get to that value and goes outside the quarry. I have been looking into fixing it and will probably do so for version 3.4.2.

Thanks so much for the error report! I really appreciate it :)/>

Wait, actually it says "zPos = 2" which means it thinks its in the second row, but its not…. that's odd. I'm not really sure what happened coding-wise there. Regardless, I will attempt to fix the bug.
civilwargeeky #301
Posted 21 February 2014 - 09:03 PM
Version 3.4.1 just released!
Sorry for the long wait, I actually have had it done for about a week, but I needed to test it and never got around to it. Anyway, here it the raw changelog:
SpoilerAdded in "atChest" parameter. This will also resume the quarry. Added appropriate help entry
Modified the above. It will attempt to restart the layer it was on. It is a force parameter.
Using "for" loops in GPS checking deemed unnessesary
If turtle x or z coords are different from saved coords on GPS startup, will remove event queue to prevent unessesary turning/going out of bounds (hopefully)
Added in "if turtle.detect()" before the turtle calls bedrock. Now the turtle will only stop if the block is unbreakable (or more than 50 sand stacked on top of each other)
Added in "maxTries" parameter with appropriate help section
Added a "dig" before turtle tries to place enderchest at the end.
Made ending procedure a function, so it can be used anywhere.
Calling endingProcedure in "bedrock", "biometrics", and the end.
Due to above, when "Return" rednet message is used, the turtle will drop everything off and log its run.
Added in new rednet message: "Drop" that will go back to start/use enderchest to drop things off.
All rednet messages are no longer case-sensitive.
Fixed turtle prompting for enderchest if restarted while dropping off materials.
Abridged: Added in "atChest" command to manually restart quarry. Will attempt to go back to last layer it was on. Turtle will now only cry "bedrock" if there is actually a block in front of it. Don't why I didn't do this much sooner. Rednet messages no longer case sensitive. Improvements to using enderchests related to session persistence. New rednet command, "Drop" will have the turtle drop off its load immediately.

As always, if I messed anything up, please let me know. Thanks to everyone who uses my programs!
Edited on 21 February 2014 - 08:04 PM
civilwargeeky #302
Posted 24 February 2014 - 05:09 PM
Well. I had been planning on doing this eventually, but a youtube comment on one of my videos inspired me to implement this partially now. This new version of my quarry will function like an ore quarry. Yes, you heard right, an ore quarry. Get this version here:

Ore quarry is set to default, it will also prompt you if you want to disable it.
Instructions: Just start a quarry with a piece of smooth stone (or filler block of choice) in the first slot. If you have any problems, let me know.

Advantages: Quarry is much faster, only mines ores, will not need to drop off inventory as often.
Disadvantages (for now): If you use this version, but don't use the hack, your turtle will be slower by (I think) 0.1 second per space moved. You can also only have 1 "filler" slot at the moment. I am planning on rearranging my "drop" function to allow for more slots, but that will come later.
ryohpops #303
Posted 25 February 2014 - 08:43 AM
Hello, I have two bugs to report.
One in Quarry and the other in Rednet Companion Program.

When I run your Quarry Program with Rednet enabled, the mining turtle stops after going forward one block.
Shown error message was: "quarry:570: bad argument: string expected, got nil."
I checked line 570 of quarry source, function biometrics: message = message.lower()
I think it should be: message = message:lower()

Next, when I enter 0 as Rednet channel, which the mining turtle selected automatically, to Rednet Companion Program,
it repeats the message forever: "What channel? (Check turtle)."
Usable channels starts at 0, so I suggest changing check range in function checkChannel.
from: if 1 <= num and num <= 65535 then
to: if 0 <= num and num <= 65535 then
civilwargeeky #304
Posted 25 February 2014 - 10:31 AM
Hello, I have two bugs to report.
One in Quarry and the other in Rednet Companion Program.

When I run your Quarry Program with Rednet enabled, the mining turtle stops after going forward one block.
Shown error message was: "quarry:570: bad argument: string expected, got nil."
I checked line 570 of quarry source, function biometrics: message = message.lower()
I think it should be: message = message:lower()

Next, when I enter 0 as Rednet channel, which the mining turtle selected automatically, to Rednet Companion Program,
it repeats the message forever: "What channel? (Check turtle)."
Usable channels starts at 0, so I suggest changing check range in function checkChannel.
from: if 1 <= num and num <= 65535 then
to: if 0 <= num and num <= 65535 then
Thanks for reporting. Yes, the first one is a bug, and it should be fixed by the time you read this (I could have sworn I tested that :-/ ). The second one isn't exactly a bug, but a feature I forgot to implement. I'm fairly sure that you can't use channel 0 for sending or receiving, so you have to change the send channel using "-sendChannel [number]." What I forgot to do is change it automatically if the turtle's id is 0. I will fix that tonight when I get home.
Thank you for letting me know :)/>

Edit: Actually I think I'll just add one to the send/receive channels. So that should be fixed now as well.
Edited on 25 February 2014 - 09:37 AM
civilwargeeky #305
Posted 26 February 2014 - 03:35 AM
Version 3.4.3 Released!

Get it here:

Important Things Changed:
  1. Fixed several rednet bugs (thanks ryohpops)
  2. If turtle goes out of bounds, it will attempt to go back in bounds, rather than error.
  3. Much better (I hope) position reading mechanic. Turtle should no longer be off by one! (Note: This will not work if you use unlimited fuel, sorry) For this fix, I owe credit for the idea to Sangar, and his LAMA program. Check it out here: http://www.computerc...vement-api-v14/ (Note, I did not actually use any of his code :)/> )
  4. Fuel checking numbers have been redone. The turtle should now use more (maybe less in some cases) fuel to better account for the times it has to drop stuff off at the chest. I think I've got the fueling pretty good now.
  5. Added "uniqueExtras" parameter. This parameter is The expected number of slots filled with low-stacking items like ores. Higher numbers request more fuel.
  6. Several misc. bug fixes.
Raw changelog:
Fixed Rednet Bugs

Changed rowCheck to true and false instead of right and left
Sanity Check will now attempt to put turtle back on track instead of erroring. That was lazy

Possibly may have fixed position being off by one in X-Z Plane through fuel checking.
Big thanks to Sangar, from Lama - Location Aware Movement API V1.4.
If you use "-default", but still specify dimensions, these will show up in the changed items menu
Redid fuel checking numbers. Size now greatly affects how many times it thinks it will drop off its inventory
Fuel system will take into account that enderchests do not have to go back to start to drop off things.
If enderchest is missing when turtle attempts to drop off items, it will prompt for enderchest instead of dropping things off
Added "uniqueExtras" parameter. Accepts a number 1-15
Fixed bug where turtle would not mine blocks above and below on restore if y dim was not divisible by 3
Turtle now keeps track of how many times it goes to drop off items
Fixed bug where turtle would get lost if it was restarted when going to the next layer.
Edited on 26 February 2014 - 02:39 AM
TheLastBlacGuy #306
Posted 28 February 2014 - 01:10 AM
Hello, I just tried to use your update that you just put out of the turtle program and i get :

quarry:610 attempt to index ? (a nil value)

I am using turtle v3.4.3. The turtle starts and connects to the computer and moves a few blocks and then give that error.
civilwargeeky #307
Posted 28 February 2014 - 03:11 AM
Hello, I just tried to use your update that you just put out of the turtle program and i get :

quarry:610 attempt to index ? (a nil value)

I am using turtle v3.4.3. The turtle starts and connects to the computer and moves a few blocks and then give that error.
Hmm. I think that is happening when the computer isn't sending a message back for whatever reason and the turtle times out. I guess I forgot about that. Just redownload. I won't upload a new version.
Thanks for pointing that out :D/>
Edited on 28 February 2014 - 02:13 AM
menace_dk #308
Posted 13 March 2014 - 02:28 PM
my turtle goes out when it hits bedrock … and will not return to the chest

Using V3.4.3

plz tell me if you need any more info

screenshot on the turtle!twcBUZTZ!-eZlAffmGtzkTLfVEZMOZKm0NZIYmemL-poq2lWLl3s
civilwargeeky #309
Posted 13 March 2014 - 09:42 PM
my turtle goes out when it hits bedrock … and will not return to the chest Using V3.4.3 plz tell me if you need any more info screenshot on the turtle!twcBUZTZ!-eZlAffmGtzkTLfVEZMOZKm0NZIYmemL-poq2lWLl3s 
Hmm.. That's odd. The turtle is supposed to go straight up when it hits bedrock… If you haven't yet started another quarry, it would be really beneficial if you did "pastebin put Civil_Quarry_Restore" and gave me that code.
Alternatively, I would like to know just a few things:
Had the quarry done a layer of 3 before hitting bedrock?
Was the quarry inverted?

Those are really the only reasons I can imagine that it wouldn't go back to the chest. It should just go up (and if there was bedrock above, it would have printed that), then go to the chest. Maybe it was out of fuel? No, it also accounts for that. I'm sorry, if wasn't one of the two things above, I can't imagine why it didn't work.
menace_dk #310
Posted 17 March 2014 - 12:15 PM
my turtle goes out when it hits bedrock … and will not return to the chest Using V3.4.3 plz tell me if you need any more info screenshot on the turtle!twcBUZTZ!-eZlAffmGtzkTLfVEZMOZKm0NZIYmemL-poq2lWLl3s 
Hmm.. That's odd. The turtle is supposed to go straight up when it hits bedrock… If you haven't yet started another quarry, it would be really beneficial if you did "pastebin put Civil_Quarry_Restore" and gave me that code.
Alternatively, I would like to know just a few things:
Had the quarry done a layer of 3 before hitting bedrock?
Was the quarry inverted?

Those are really the only reasons I can imagine that it wouldn't go back to the chest. It should just go up (and if there was bedrock above, it would have printed that), then go to the chest. Maybe it was out of fuel? No, it also accounts for that. I'm sorry, if wasn't one of the two things above, I can't imagine why it didn't work.

And now it works fine…
Had the quarry done a layer of 3 before hitting bedrock? yes
Was the quarry inverted? no
it would be really beneficial if you did "pastebin put Civil_Quarry_Restore" and gave me that code. if it do it again i will send you the code

out of fuel?? no i allways use

-doRefuel true
civilwargeeky #311
Posted 18 March 2014 - 02:20 AM
my turtle goes out when it hits bedrock … and will not return to the chest Using V3.4.3 plz tell me if you need any more info screenshot on the turtle!twcBUZTZ!-eZlAffmGtzkTLfVEZMOZKm0NZIYmemL-poq2lWLl3s 
Hmm.. That's odd. The turtle is supposed to go straight up when it hits bedrock… If you haven't yet started another quarry, it would be really beneficial if you did "pastebin put Civil_Quarry_Restore" and gave me that code.
Alternatively, I would like to know just a few things:
Had the quarry done a layer of 3 before hitting bedrock?
Was the quarry inverted?

Those are really the only reasons I can imagine that it wouldn't go back to the chest. It should just go up (and if there was bedrock above, it would have printed that), then go to the chest. Maybe it was out of fuel? No, it also accounts for that. I'm sorry, if wasn't one of the two things above, I can't imagine why it didn't work.

And now it works fine…
Had the quarry done a layer of 3 before hitting bedrock? yes
Was the quarry inverted? no
it would be really beneficial if you did "pastebin put Civil_Quarry_Restore" and gave me that code. if it do it again i will send you the code

out of fuel?? no i allways use
-doRefuel true
Hmm. Ok then. Do let me know if you have any more troubles.
Glad to hear its working again. (And that doRefuel works :D/>)
Posted 21 March 2014 - 08:23 PM

I have found a bug in 3.4.3 which prevents a turtle which does not need fuel to recover. Problem is in line 303:

Original Line:
if turtle.getFuelLevel ~= math.huge then –If turtle uses fuel

if turtle.getFuelLevel() ~= math.huge then –If turtle uses fuel

Funny thing, the original line without () is working, but will always return true.

Take care,
civilwargeeky #313
Posted 22 March 2014 - 12:00 AM

I have found a bug in 3.4.3 which prevents a turtle which does not need fuel to recover. Problem is in line 303:

Original Line:
if turtle.getFuelLevel ~= math.huge then –If turtle uses fuel

if turtle.getFuelLevel() ~= math.huge then –If turtle uses fuel

Funny thing, the original line without () is working, but will always return true.

Take care,
Oh. Wow.

Fixed now. Here is version 3.4.4:

It also includes a couple other minor changes.

Fixed turtle not mining first block in layer if size is not multiple of 3
When bedrock is called, event queue is cleared before executing ending procedure.
Fixed small bug in session restoring.

Thanks for the bug report :)/>
Hypnotech03 #314
Posted 25 March 2014 - 03:51 PM
Hey loving this program, i've used the turtle quarry program a few times, but now have created a computer and wireless modem, when connecting to the computer, i get an error on line 612

(using v3.4.4 turtle, &amp; v.3.4.0 Receiver)

the turtle moves forward 1 block &amp; up 1 block before receiving this message

quarry:612 attempt to index ? (a nil value)

i notived a few posts up someone was having the same issue with v3.4.3. but obviously that was a quick fix.
what about V3.4.4 is is the same issue? with the turtle timing out?
civilwargeeky #315
Posted 26 March 2014 - 02:06 AM
Hey loving this program, i've used the turtle quarry program a few times, but now have created a computer and wireless modem, when connecting to the computer, i get an error on line 612

(using v3.4.4 turtle, &amp; v.3.4.0 Receiver)

the turtle moves forward 1 block &amp; up 1 block before receiving this message

quarry:612 attempt to index ? (a nil value)

i notived a few posts up someone was having the same issue with v3.4.3. but obviously that was a quick fix.
what about V3.4.4 is is the same issue? with the turtle timing out?
Oops. Yes it is the same issue. Thank you very much for pointing this out.
What happened is that I added the needed line to the pastebin, but not to my git repo. So when I updated to the next version, the change wasn't there. Sorry. It should be fixed now. I didn't upload a new version.
Edited on 26 March 2014 - 01:11 AM
Nhawks17 #316
Posted 29 March 2014 - 12:13 AM
So I ran into an error and it told me to tell you in here so what happened was I left the chunk unloaded and the turtle stopped and when I went back i did the quarry -resume like I normally do and it went forward a few blocks turn the wrong way and dug into the wall and then detected the error and stopped. Here is the pastebin,
civilwargeeky #317
Posted 31 March 2014 - 05:16 AM
So I ran into an error and it told me to tell you in here so what happened was I left the chunk unloaded and the turtle stopped and when I went back i did the quarry -resume like I normally do and it went forward a few blocks turn the wrong way and dug into the wall and then detected the error and stopped. Here is the pastebin,
Thank you for the report.
I got that problem too when I was testing for 3.4.1 (I think, somewhere around there), and I think I have fixed it. Please upgrade to the newest version and you will hopefully not have this issue again.

Edit: It was actually during 3.4.3 dev, and there is a commit specifically for it: "2/25/2014 09:32 PM Fixed bug where turtle gets stuck going to new layer after restart" Lol. So there you have it. Just update. :D/>
Edited on 31 March 2014 - 03:19 AM
Painstouch #318
Posted 02 April 2014 - 07:30 PM
Is it possible to expand the default interactive GUI with statements like: -startDown, -restore, -enderChest, -startY? Because half of the time I've been using it last couple of days, the arguments mentioned, especially -startDown, just aren't remembered/taken into consideration when I start the program.

civilwargeeky #319
Posted 03 April 2014 - 02:56 AM
Is it possible to expand the default interactive GUI with statements like: -startDown, -restore, -enderChest, -startY? Because half of the time I've been using it last couple of days, the arguments mentioned, especially -startDown, just aren't remembered/taken into consideration when I start the program.

Why yes actually, there is. In the latest version, go down to line 396 (around the same place in other versions, to get rid of scrolling you could use this:
Here is where I define all of my menu items. If you want a menu item to display in the GUI, change the fourth parameter to true. So for example the first ones:

addParam("invert", "Inverted","boolean", true, nil, "inverted") --Notice how the fourth parameter is true, this item will display in the GUI
addParam("startDown","Start Down","number 1-256") --This item will not. Put a comma after the last quote, and type true. So '  addParam("startDown","Start Down","number 1-256",true)
You can do this for any of the menu items. Some you will have to add in a "true" but others just change the true to a false.
The only ones you can't do this for are "-GPS" "-restore/-resume" and "-dim" all the others should be changeable.

Hope I helped :D/> Thanks for the interest.
Also, soonish I will be making a shell for the quarries so you can save particular setups. You can also have a default list of arguments you run with all quarries through it. I think it will be cool.
Painstouch #320
Posted 03 April 2014 - 10:24 PM
Ye ye, cheers for this!

I've kinda figured it out the misbehaving of the program. If you call a program, without the default -dim values, it will start the GUI without anything you've added yourself.

E.g.: "Quarry -startDown 20 -startY 45 -enderChest t" will start the program with the GUI, asking you dimensions and inverted and refueling, but will NOT add the custom parameters.

However, if you add -dim in that sequence, it WILL remember other customs, but still call upon not known parameters and refueling.

Kinda weird, but nothing some tweaking wont fix, or rather, your implementation that you proposed!

Cheers again.
civilwargeeky #321
Posted 04 April 2014 - 01:27 AM
Hi again. Glad I helped, but the parameters really should work without having to be added to the GUI. In fact, that is a major premise of my program…

So I went into a brand new single player world with a brand new turtle and tested my program out using a fresh install and the parameters you mentioned. I can indeed confirm that the parameters should work as intended. Maybe you need to restart the turtle or something? Anyway, just because, here is a video:
Also thanks for this, I discovered that .avi uploads to youtube much faster (like 5 minutes) than .wmv (which took like 6 hours for 5 mins of video…)
Stylomax #322
Posted 05 April 2014 - 10:51 AM
I love this program, have been using it for a bit on the server I play on which is running FTB DW20, one problem that I seem to be having though and that's getting the ore quarry hack version to work as an ore quarry. The program itself runs and doesn't return any errors but for some reason it doesn't want to work as an ore quarry. It does always come up with a prompt when I'm setting parameters in the program asking if I want to use the option that enables the quarry hack. I've tried inputting True, Yes, or just T or just Y and it always mines cobblestone, which believe me I have plenty of. I am putting stone into slot 1 so is there something else I might be doing wrong?
civilwargeeky #323
Posted 06 April 2014 - 05:42 AM
I love this program, have been using it for a bit on the server I play on which is running FTB DW20, one problem that I seem to be having though and that's getting the ore quarry hack version to work as an ore quarry. The program itself runs and doesn't return any errors but for some reason it doesn't want to work as an ore quarry. It does always come up with a prompt when I'm setting parameters in the program asking if I want to use the option that enables the quarry hack. I've tried inputting True, Yes, or just T or just Y and it always mines cobblestone, which believe me I have plenty of. I am putting stone into slot 1 so is there something else I might be doing wrong?
Glad you like the program. :)/>
Hmm. So to test your problem, I just loaded up a brand new world, turtle, etc. put in the hack program, and started it. I put a stone block in slot 1 and said "yes" to "Conditional Mining" the turtle then went along and did not mine cobblestone :-\
So, I cannot reproduce, but there are a few steps you can take to see if the turtle will want to cooperate:
  1. Redownload the program, name it something distinct (so you don't get it confused with another program)
  2. Restart the turtle
  3. Delete "Civil_Quarry_Restore" if it exists. If you do a "restore" from a regular quarry using the hack program, the "hack" variable won't exist, so it won't be an ore quarry
  4. Make sure you are actually putting stone in the first slot (or whatever you don't want to mine)
  5. If you are trying to use it while inverted, it might not work (now that I think about it). As in, if there is ore above it, it might mine below.
Besides these suggestions, I really have no reason why it shouldn't work. I hope that you are able to resolve the problem :)/>
If you still can't get it to work, maybe we could communicate via PM or I could try coming to your server if it isn't too much trouble. I would certainly like to resolve the issue.
Edited on 06 April 2014 - 03:45 AM
johnneijzen #324
Posted 08 April 2014 - 10:32 AM
Here is small tip for github just add .lua in all turtle programs so it is easy to read like what i did

Compare to without .lua
Edited on 08 April 2014 - 09:41 PM
civilwargeeky #325
Posted 10 April 2014 - 12:58 AM
Here is small tip for github just add .lua in all turtle programs so it is easy to read like what i did

Compare to without .lua;&#46;/ExcavationJohn
Oh. I'm assuming you're the one that made the pull request. Thanks! I figured I'd do that eventually, but just never did I guess.
seaeagle23 #326
Posted 12 April 2014 - 05:24 PM

I have enjoyed your programs for a while.

I would like to inform you I have made a few cosmetic changes.

The following are links to my pastebin:

Turtle Side Program
pastebin get sqLa22vy ts

Computer Side Program
pastebin get NMbhpfAN cs

Please let me know if i have violated the copy fight.

Thanks you for your programs.

civilwargeeky #327
Posted 13 April 2014 - 04:47 AM
Edit: -snip-
Hi. First off, just want to let you know that you aren't violating copyright. My license is here:;&#46;/LuaDev/License And it gives you permission to make "adaptations" so long as you credit me and state that you modified it (which you did)

Now second, in the computer program those are some nice changes. I agree with the changes to the text, and will add them into the main program next release. And with changes to the colors, you gave me a great idea. Themes! I'm not exactly sure how I will implement it yet (thought I have several ideas), but I think it would be really cool if you could make your own themes if you want and load them into the program. I could also integrate this with the turtle side so that it looks cool. For now, I will add your computer program to the OP (with credit) and start working on theme integration.

However, for the turtle program, I'm not really sure what you changed… Was it just that I should include the links to them? I'm not really sure. If you could clarify, that would be great.

Thanks for the interest and additions. :)/>
Edited on 13 April 2014 - 02:47 AM
Stylomax #328
Posted 18 April 2014 - 01:21 AM
Hello again. Sorry for taking a while to get back to this post but I tried the items you suggested civilwargeeky but none of them had any effect on the program doing conditional mining. I also tried creating a new turtle and loading the program on it and that didn't help either unfortunately. I'd send you a private message but it seems that I need to be more active on the forums before I can gain access to the private message system. Hopefully that won't be too long since I have some interesting ideas for inventory management systems that I'm going to see if I can implement once I go through some of the tutorials. It shouldn't be too hard to learn the language since I have some past experience with C++ and Java. If you want to shoot me an e-mail (I think there's an option for that in my profile) that'd be fine. I'd also be fine with you paying a visit to the server but I really don't want to post it's address since not meant to be a public server so I can send that via e-mail as well.
civilwargeeky #329
Posted 19 April 2014 - 04:55 AM
:(/> That's too bad that nothing worked.
I don't think I can see your email address on your profile unless you put it in the "personal website" field when you edit your profile. My offer still stands to help you with the problem though, so you can email me at so that we can communicate and work this out.
Zoidy #330
Posted 23 April 2014 - 03:17 PM
I'm loving the new "ore quarry" just what I've been needing and wanting. However a a little addition to it which should be possible is having the turtle dump the cobblestone as it mines it. Dirt, Gravel etc are fine as there is a lot less compared to Stone. Another option maybe farther down the track if possible is allow the turtle to accept liquid fuel from Thermal Expansions's Portable Tanks. Example would be have a tank filled with Lava and use that as a fuel rather than a having a heap of lava cells or buckets of lava manually added when you just chuck in a portable tank full of lava or fuel ore ethanol, bio mass etc. Just an idea I've been thinking about and meaning to share.
civilwargeeky #331
Posted 25 April 2014 - 12:38 AM
I'm loving the new "ore quarry" just what I've been needing and wanting. However a a little addition to it which should be possible is having the turtle dump the cobblestone as it mines it. Dirt, Gravel etc are fine as there is a lot less compared to Stone. Another option maybe farther down the track if possible is allow the turtle to accept liquid fuel from Thermal Expansions's Portable Tanks. Example would be have a tank filled with Lava and use that as a fuel rather than a having a heap of lava cells or buckets of lava manually added when you just chuck in a portable tank full of lava or fuel ore ethanol, bio mass etc. Just an idea I've been thinking about and meaning to share.
Thanks for the suggestions :)/>
With the first one, that is planned for when I finish the actual integrated version and finish reworking the dropping off function.
How exactly would I do the second suggestion? I don't think that I can make the turtle refuel itself from a portable tank. How exactly would that work?
Zoidy #332
Posted 26 April 2014 - 01:42 AM
I'm not sure how to get the portable tank idea to work as I'm no programmer unfortunately, surely it should work in a similar way to a bucket of lava as its just (many) more than a bucket of lava. I'll talk to my Turtle Programming Guru friend of mine and see if he can come up with anything.
Stylomax #333
Posted 26 April 2014 - 07:10 PM
Just thought I'd post in this thread as a kind of a follow up. I had civilwargeeky come onto my server about a week back and we discussed the program and how it worked. I did talk to him about how I thought that the ore quarry program would drop cobblestone instead of mining it and he explained how the current program works but he's working on getting it setup so that it will just drop cobble along with other non wanted blocks. I do have a couple of bugs/feature improvements to report though.

1) It seems that the fueling portion of the program is not consistently determining the amount of fuel needed for a given quarry. I have seen it run out of fuel for a 20x20x10 quarry when it is around 70% done. Perhaps the fuel values need to be even more conservative for the quarry hack? I'm going to experiment with the values and see if I can come up with a figure that works consistently as a safety buffer but doesn't eat too much fuel.

2) Every rare now and then I have had the turtle lose rednet contact with the computer I have setup monitoring the program. It's rather random and I can't consistently produce it. I do think though that if the turtle loses rednet contact instead of just stopping mining it should return to the chest and then stop mining.
civilwargeeky #334
Posted 26 April 2014 - 10:46 PM
Just thought I'd post in this thread as a kind of a follow up. I had civilwargeeky come onto my server about a week back and we discussed the program and how it worked. I did talk to him about how I thought that the ore quarry program would drop cobblestone instead of mining it and he explained how the current program works but he's working on getting it setup so that it will just drop cobble along with other non wanted blocks. I do have a couple of bugs/feature improvements to report though.

1) It seems that the fueling portion of the program is not consistently determining the amount of fuel needed for a given quarry. I have seen it run out of fuel for a 20x20x10 quarry when it is around 70% done. Perhaps the fuel values need to be even more conservative for the quarry hack? I'm going to experiment with the values and see if I can come up with a figure that works consistently as a safety buffer but doesn't eat too much fuel.

2) Every rare now and then I have had the turtle lose rednet contact with the computer I have setup monitoring the program. It's rather random and I can't consistently produce it. I do think though that if the turtle loses rednet contact instead of just stopping mining it should return to the chest and then stop mining.
Hi again :)/>
Yes, the first one was a bug that would occasionally happen, so I went back and redid the fueling algorithm for 3.4.3 (ore quarry is 3.4.1), specifically from the changelog:
"Redid fuel checking numbers. Size now greatly affects how many times it thinks it will drop off its inventory
Fuel system will take into account that enderchests do not have to go back to start to drop off things."
That update also fixed the "uniqueExtras" parameter not working properly. Now if you increase that number, it should accurately think it will need to come back to surface more often.
I just copied and pasted the new fueling algorithm for you and made a new pastebin: :)/>

As for the other problem, what do you mean? Does the rednet program just stop working? Did you say the turtle stops mining? If you could clarify so I can better help, that would be awesome.
Thanks very much for reporting these things so that I can make the program better :)/>
Edited on 26 April 2014 - 08:51 PM
Javatech #335
Posted 28 April 2014 - 06:59 PM
I don't know what is causing it but any time I try to use the rednet feature of the current turtle program or resume ones that had the rednet feature enabled I get:

Rednet is Enabled
The channel to open is 2
quarry:578: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

I can usually resolve this for 1 turtle by restarting the server but never for any additional ones afterwards. This is on 3.4.4 turtles.
civilwargeeky #336
Posted 29 April 2014 - 04:37 AM
I don't know what is causing it but any time I try to use the rednet feature of the current turtle program or resume ones that had the rednet feature enabled I get:

Rednet is Enabled
The channel to open is 2
quarry:578: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

I can usually resolve this for 1 turtle by restarting the server but never for any additional ones afterwards. This is on 3.4.4 turtles.
Hmm. I don't know what's causing that either. The lines in question are
modem = peripheral.wrap("right")
So basically I "wrapping" the modem on the right side of the turtle so that I can open channels on it. The error means that the function "open" doesn't exist in the table. There really isn't any reason this should happen unless the modem isn't on the right (or something overwrites "peripheral.wrap").

Ooh, actually I remember something happening recently where you could put tools on different sides? If you can put a modem on a different side, let me know so I can adjust code accordingly.

Edit: If you do have the modem on the right side, next time it messes up, type "lua" then "modem = peripheral.wrap("right") " then "modem" and tell me what it says. If it says "nil" then there is some problem that I can't fix :(/>
Edited on 29 April 2014 - 02:43 AM
Javatech #337
Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:31 AM
There is nothing uniquely different about these turtles other than #1.) I used Advanced turtles #2.) I colored them with dye.

One of the turtles I had before the latest ComputerCraft update. Unfortunately I didn't use your program before then so I have nothing to compare it to.
Stylomax #338
Posted 02 May 2014 - 03:38 AM
Thanks for the update to the fueling system for the quarry hack program but it looks like it broke something. I loaded it onto a brand new turtle and after responding to the prompt for conditional mining i got the error: "quarry:467: attempt to perform arithmetic __sub on number and nil" .
civilwargeeky #339
Posted 03 May 2014 - 01:47 AM
Oops. That's what I get for not testing it… I forgot that I added in a "uniqueExtras" variable, but it wasn't there, so it was nil :(/>

Anyway, I have updated the pastebin. Thanks for the bug report.
Javatech #340
Posted 03 May 2014 - 06:02 AM
So as a follow up I got it working again. I had to Unequip left then Unequip right and then put the turtle back into a crafting grid and remake it as a wireless mining turtle before it would resume. Again, this is a turtle that had already got to 60% progress without error before this situation happened. I don't know what caused it but I guess having some way for it to automatically test for a modem would be great.

Another thing is I really enjoy being able to use the monitoring program with the portal pocket computers. One issue I have though is they seem to automatically shut off after about 15 seconds when I am not looking at it even when it's on my hotbar. Any idea how I can prevent that? Otherwise it's so awesome to be able to look at. One recommendation I would have for the monitoring program when used with advanced computer or pocket computer is to have clickable buttons to pause/stop the turtle or tell it to return to home and wait.

Thank you for this awesome little program and have a nice day.
Edited on 03 May 2014 - 08:36 AM
civilwargeeky #341
Posted 03 May 2014 - 05:13 PM
Well good, glad you got it working. :)/>

Your ideas are awesome. I've added them to my todo list. Two things though, by "return home and wait" do you mean return home and stop? It already does that, the command is "return". If you meant return home and pause, I can do that too. Also, to make the receiver automatically resume on a pocket computer, just edit the startup to say"programName -channel xxx -modem side").

Thanks for the suggestions. They will be added in the 3.4.6 release (after ore quarry is done). :)/>
Undead_Leo #342
Posted 26 May 2014 - 08:38 PM
the turtle stops and claims it hit bedrock when it acualy yust hits water
civilwargeeky #343
Posted 27 May 2014 - 10:12 PM
the turtle stops and claims it hit bedrock when it acualy yust hits water
…How exactly did it do this?
Are you sure there isn't anything else around?
The turtle just goes straight through water, it can't detect that water is there, and it can't dig water. There is literally no way for it to get stuck on water (with CC 1.63). Are you using an older version? If not, there had to have been something else there to cause it.
civilwargeeky #344
Posted 01 June 2014 - 04:54 AM
Version 3.5.0 Released!
It shall be called: The Ore Quarry Update!

This took a lot longer (both in terms of coding and procrastinating) to finally implement than I had planned, but it's finally here :D/>
You can now use the turtles as ore quarries by adding "-oreQuarry true" as an argument. If there aren't any blocks already in the turtle (or you have just refueled), it will prompt you for filter blocks. Put things like stone and dirt in now. It doesn't matter where you place them. If you specified "-extraDropItems", it will then ask you for extra drop items you don't want (like cobble) so it can be thrown out instead of put in the chest. If you don't want it to dump out items, then say "-dumpCompareItems false".

So enough explaining, here it is:

Questions for users: (please respond in a comment if you read this)
  1. Should "dumpCompareItems" have a default of true (dumps items into the world) or false? I really don't know
  2. Should "oreQuarry" have a text prompt like inverted and rednetEnabled? (I am somewhat against this because then you have 4, maybe 5 options to go through)
  3. Should I make a new video to show users how to use the ore quarry?
Changes (important):
  • Added ore quarry functionality
  • New Parameter: oreQuarry for using ore quarry or not
  • New Parameter: dumpCompareItems for ore quarries to dump off excess cobblestone and things
  • New Parameter: extraDropItems that will prompt you for items to drop but not compare to
  • New Parameter: extraDumpItems is an alias for extraDropItems because I confused myself within five minutes
  • checkInvFreq default is now 5 instead of 10
  • Completely redid turtle inventory and dropping system. It is now much smarter.
Changes (all):
Spoilernew constants: VARIABLE, originalDay, numResumed, both used in logging.
Changed: invCheckFreq is now 5 instead of 10
Added compareSlots, slots table that will be compared to when mining
Added slotsBlacklist, slots that will not be dropped off (or conditionally dropped off)
Added in section for putting in compare blocks
Added various inventory counting functions
New Parameter: oreQuarry for using ore quarry or not
New Parameter: dumpCompareItems for ore quarries to dump off excess cobblestone and things
New Parameter: extraDropItems that will prompt you for items to drop but not compare to
New Parameter: extraDumpItems is an alias for extraDropItems because I confused myself within five minutes
Completely redid inventory tracking system. Now much, much smarter
Completely redid dropping system. Now much better
Added starting prompt for compareSlots
Program errors if more compareSlots than "keepOpen" slots
Turtle trashes compareSlots mid run
If the turtle has an enderchest and is set to drop on the left or right, it will turn the proper direction at the end to place it
Added a warning if you start an ore quarry with no compare slots
Implemented Ore Quarry functionality
Modified the turtle's behavior when digging up
Made a smart select function that only selects a slot if its not selected.
If the quarry has not been refueled and there are items in the slots, it will not prompt the user for input to confirm compare slots
Turtle will not select a new slot at the start of comparing, saving time.
Turtle will not compare to air slots. This may save time in caves, or may take more time (because it calls compareUp and Down every time it mines)
Turtle will leave one item of each compareSlot in inventory at the end
Turtle will refuel itself with materials when dropping goods (re added)

Thanks for reading :)/>
Hoaz #345
Posted 05 June 2014 - 05:01 PM
As of latest computercraft, the modem now sits to the left, at least for me, on the turtle. Therefore if you try to boot up the turtle program , you'll end up with a "nil error". The fix is really simple
what you do is
change line 660

 modem = peripheral.wrap("right")

 modem = peripheral.wrap("left")

Yours sincerely, Hoaz.
civilwargeeky #346
Posted 06 June 2014 - 02:56 AM
As of latest computercraft, the modem now sits to the left, at least for me, on the turtle. Therefore if you try to boot up the turtle program , you'll end up with a "nil error". The fix is really simple
what you do is
change line 660

modem = peripheral.wrap("right")

modem = peripheral.wrap("left")

Yours sincerely, Hoaz.
Done. You can put it on either side now. Here you go:
Hoaz #347
Posted 06 June 2014 - 02:14 PM
Hey, could you do a tutorial on the OreQuarry as well? I have been too lazy to look into the code for that. Nor do I understand the complete purpose of it. my guesstimate is that it looks for ores only and throws any cobble or dirt it finds down the shaft. nevertheless, great Script!
coco #348
Posted 06 June 2014 - 04:32 PM
this is so nice good job
civilwargeeky #349
Posted 06 June 2014 - 07:20 PM
Hey, could you do a tutorial on the OreQuarry as well? I have been too lazy to look into the code for that. Nor do I understand the complete purpose of it. my guesstimate is that it looks for ores only and throws any cobble or dirt it finds down the shaft. nevertheless, great Script!
Here is a video for you showing how to use it and what it does. By the way, by default it drops off all of its compareItems behind it instead of putting them into the chest. You can change this by saying "-dumpCompareItems false" also you can say "-extraDropItems" and it will ask you for things like cobblestone that shouldn't be compare to, but you want to drop off.


this is so nice good job
Thanks :)/>/>
Edited on 06 June 2014 - 05:57 PM
Hoaz #350
Posted 06 June 2014 - 07:45 PM
Thanks for the video!
civilwargeeky #351
Posted 07 June 2014 - 12:56 AM
New Version 3.5.2!

Changes (quarry):
Added support for new receiver features

Changes (receiver):
Added three new commands: "help", "pause" and "resume". The help is a bit buggy, but it worksish. The pause works well, but the turtle will continue going if you restart (though I could easily change this if anyone requests otherwise)

Raw changelog:
SpoilerNew Peripheral wrapping logic
Added in pause and resume functions from receiver
Added a size for pocket computers

Get em here:
PiggyWhiskey #352
Posted 15 June 2014 - 12:56 PM
I'm not sure if i'm the only one with this issue,
But after a quarry runs, i'm getting stacks of gravel on the bottom.
Watch a turtle work and if it digs up (after starting underground) Collects the stone, the gravel drops.

I think (and i'm not 100% at Lua) that you need to do the loop check that you use for going forward, but for the turtle.digUp()
civilwargeeky #353
Posted 16 June 2014 - 07:35 PM
I'm not sure if i'm the only one with this issue,
But after a quarry runs, i'm getting stacks of gravel on the bottom.
Watch a turtle work and if it digs up (after starting underground) Collects the stone, the gravel drops.

I think (and i'm not 100% at Lua) that you need to do the loop check that you use for going forward, but for the turtle.digUp()
Yeah, I've run into the issue as well, but sadly the only thing I can do about it is wait for the gravel to fall, which I really don't want to do. In fact, I already do have the same loop as I have for when it moves forward. Here it is
if doDigUp then
	  while turtle.detectUp() do
	    sleep(0) --Calls coroutine.yield
	    if not dig(true,turtle.digUp) then --This needs to be an absolute, because we are switching doDigUp/Down
		  if not attackUp() then
		    if yPos > (startY-7) then bedrock() end --Checking for bedrock, but respecting user wishes
So while this should work in theory, it doesn't because of lag and the way that minecraft works. Sorry :(/>
SyberSmoke #354
Posted 17 June 2014 - 04:03 AM
Since I did not go through all of the threads posts I am not sure it has been asked. But I was wondering if you had any plans to add a swarm function? I like that you have been sticking to your work with this program when so many others are lost to lives or just distraction. So I kind of feel it would be interesting to have a one stop program for all you mining needs, from solo turtle to mass mining efficiency.
SyberSmoke #355
Posted 17 June 2014 - 07:03 AM
I had an interesting incident, I am using your program with the string "ore -dim 16 16 64 -oreQuarry t -doRefuel t -enderChest 1 -startY 64" Everything was good for the first couple layers when the turtles…all four of them appeared to forget their enderchests. They dumped their goods and just moved on with out. They then stoped when their inventory filled…necessitating that I go forth find each chest under ground, and place it back into slot one of the turtle.

After giving it to them, they unloaded…picked up the chest, and moved on. But I feel it should be noted that they did forget to collect their chests for some reason. It may be prudent to add a check if there is not one so it makes sure it has its chest before moving on.
civilwargeeky #356
Posted 17 June 2014 - 06:11 PM
Since I did not go through all of the threads posts I am not sure it has been asked. But I was wondering if you had any plans to add a swarm function? I like that you have been sticking to your work with this program when so many others are lost to lives or just distraction. So I kind of feel it would be interesting to have a one stop program for all you mining needs, from solo turtle to mass mining efficiency.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this. If you mean to have it dig 1x1 bore holes all the way down to bedrock, checking the walls as it goes, that is out of the scope of program, as it would require significant changes to the basic way that it is laid out. However, if you mean having a bunch of turtles going out to start ore quarries, that could be cool. In fact, you gave me an idea for a faster method of mining out a chunk (mostly) by using turtles. In my quarry shell (when I start it :P/>), I plan on having a portion to start quarries over rednet through a shell run on the turtles. What may work well is having multiple turtles mine out different sections. So say one turtle mines out layer 64-52, the next gets 51-39 and so on. I have a lot of cool ideas for configurations and things that can be done once the shell is done
I had an interesting incident, I am using your program with the string "ore -dim 16 16 64 -oreQuarry t -doRefuel t -enderChest 1 -startY 64" Everything was good for the first couple layers when the turtles…all four of them appeared to forget their enderchests. They dumped their goods and just moved on with out. They then stoped when their inventory filled…necessitating that I go forth find each chest under ground, and place it back into slot one of the turtle.

After giving it to them, they unloaded…picked up the chest, and moved on. But I feel it should be noted that they did forget to collect their chests for some reason. It may be prudent to add a check if there is not one so it makes sure it has its chest before moving on.
Hmm. That's odd. What I think happened is that when the turtles drop their resources, they don't turn back to their original heading when they are done dropping. The turtle's last slot was cobble so it was turned the wrong direction to pick the enderchest back up. You only need one line to fix this :)/>
Anyway, I have updated the pastebin for 3.5.2, you can get that to change the line.
SyberSmoke #357
Posted 17 June 2014 - 07:08 PM
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this. If you mean to have it dig 1x1 bore holes all the way down to bedrock, checking the walls as it goes, that is out of the scope of program, as it would require significant changes to the basic way that it is laid out. However, if you mean having a bunch of turtles going out to start ore quarries, that could be cool. In fact, you gave me an idea for a faster method of mining out a chunk (mostly) by using turtles. In my quarry shell (when I start it :P/>), I plan on having a portion to start quarries over rednet through a shell run on the turtles. What may work well is having multiple turtles mine out different sections. So say one turtle mines out layer 64-52, the next gets 51-39 and so on. I have a lot of cool ideas for configurations and things that can be done once the shell is done

No not the vertical miner style, though those are kind of neat. More like the second idea…a little. The thought I was going for was giving your boss or a controlling computer say a -gangQuarry command. Then that system could look for turtles in a listen mode. But yeah As for dividing up the area….it could be height based or quadrant based. I mean breaking a 32x32 area into say four quads…four columns…or four vertical layers could work.

OH now that I have it -gangQuarry could have two variables B (Boss) and M (Miner). Any way, thanks for the reply and I look forward to the fix.
Krakentoa #358
Posted 21 June 2014 - 06:09 AM
Hiiii, just tested this on a server (withou http, what a pain (lua compression + autotyper+fixing typos due to lag and weirdlyenough duplicated > and <))
and it works just fine. One thing though: can't it drop useless items (eg cobble) as it mines, instead of each time it goes to the chest?
civilwargeeky #359
Posted 21 June 2014 - 06:26 AM
Hiiii, just tested this on a server (withou http, what a pain (lua compression + autotyper+fixing typos due to lag and weirdlyenough duplicated > and <))
and it works just fine. One thing though: can't it drop useless items (eg cobble) as it mines, instead of each time it goes to the chest?
Well, that's certainly the most original method of obtaining the program I've heard of so far, so props for that!

I think that dropping off items at say, the end of the row would be doable, but I'm not entirely sure I want to do that. While the turtle would have to come back to start less often, it would slow the program down by a lot, which I don't like doing. If you know how to code, I could tell you the relevant places in the code to look out for if you want, but I don't think I want to implement it in the main program.

Edit: This isn't saying it won't ever happen, just I won't do it now.
Edited on 21 June 2014 - 04:26 AM
metron80 #360
Posted 26 June 2014 - 05:19 PM
Yay! you have 100,000 views!
civilwargeeky #361
Posted 26 June 2014 - 06:47 PM
Yay! you have 100,000 views!

Awesome! Thanks for letting me know :)/>
Edited on 26 June 2014 - 04:48 PM
DU_HAST #362
Posted 19 July 2014 - 12:33 AM
The question for the developer program: Will you port it for use with the mod Open computers? I apologize for any errors, I do not speak English.
civilwargeeky #363
Posted 19 July 2014 - 04:05 AM
The question for the developer program: Will you port it for use with the mod Open computers? I apologize for any errors, I do not speak English.
I actually looked into porting the program to Open Computers back when Open Computers came out; however, after about 2 hours of fiddling I pretty much decided that it would be very difficult for me to port it.

I may give it another look later, but I will be very busy for awhile (sadly with not programming the shell).

I'm very sorry that I can't commit to it right now.
Danny12328 #364
Posted 21 July 2014 - 12:10 AM
This is a great program. Hats off to you. It's too bad I'm playing on Tekkit where it's got CC 1.5 so I can't do the progress monitor with rednet.
civilwargeeky #365
Posted 21 July 2014 - 05:41 AM
This is a great program. Hats off to you. It's too bad I'm playing on Tekkit where it's got CC 1.5 so I can't do the progress monitor with rednet.
Thanks! However, I don't understand, why can't you use the monitor? I just checked the changelog for CC 1.5 and it says
  • Redesigned Wireless Modems; they can now send and receive on multiple channels, independent of the computer ID. To use these features, interface with modem peripherals directly. The rednet API still functions as before.
This is (should be) the system that the monitor program uses, so is there like an error log you can give me to fix the problem? That would be great because I don't have the means to test myself.
GantradiesDracos #366
Posted 25 July 2014 - 04:12 AM
hey, i LOVE your program (first CC program ive ever run, i think the paired Turtle-monitoring computer idea is VERY cool, (im going to set up my next house on my groups techworld 2 server with a mission-control -style area), i was wondering, is there a way to set the ore quarry command to only ignore a specific ore type? redstone in particular, since the only way to get cinnabar is by smelting redstone ore blocks.
P.S: is there a way to set up relays to extend the wireless range, whether using existing items in TW2, or codeing? maybe a program to run on a separate computer with a W.modem midway between wherever the worksite is, and your control point? probably allready been asked this before, was just curious.
Edited on 25 July 2014 - 02:51 PM
civilwargeeky #367
Posted 26 July 2014 - 02:45 AM
hey, i LOVE your program (first CC program ive ever run, i think the paired Turtle-monitoring computer idea is VERY cool, (im going to set up my next house on my groups techworld 2 server with a mission-control -style area), i was wondering, is there a way to set the ore quarry command to only ignore a specific ore type? redstone in particular, since the only way to get cinnabar is by smelting redstone ore blocks.
P.S: is there a way to set up relays to extend the wireless range, whether using existing items in TW2, or codeing? maybe a program to run on a separate computer with a W.modem midway between wherever the worksite is, and your control point? probably allready been asked this before, was just curious.
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy it.
First, if all you want to do is ignore redstone ore blocks, just add in a redstone ore block to the filter when you assign it.
To your PS, yes and no. Its really easy to do if you only have one repeater, but in order to have multiple repeaters, I would have to actually get to coding my own repeater software / stealing and modifying the already existing one. This is definitely something I can do, but its not a priority right now. Thanks for letting me know that people want this :)/>
GantradiesDracos #368
Posted 27 July 2014 - 03:16 AM
hey, i LOVE your program (first CC program ive ever run, i think the paired Turtle-monitoring computer idea is VERY cool, (im going to set up my next house on my groups techworld 2 server with a mission-control -style area), i was wondering, is there a way to set the ore quarry command to only ignore a specific ore type? redstone in particular, since the only way to get cinnabar is by smelting redstone ore blocks.
P.S: is there a way to set up relays to extend the wireless range, whether using existing items in TW2, or codeing? maybe a program to run on a separate computer with a W.modem midway between wherever the worksite is, and your control point? probably allready been asked this before, was just curious.
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy it.
First, if all you want to do is ignore redstone ore blocks, just add in a redstone ore block to the filter when you assign it.
To your PS, yes and no. Its really easy to do if you only have one repeater, but in order to have multiple repeaters, I would have to actually get to coding my own repeater software / stealing and modifying the already existing one. This is definitely something I can do, but its not a priority right now. Thanks for letting me know that people want this :)/>/>

great. err. i admit im really new to this, so how do i add something to the filter? is there a prompt, and does it need one of the blocks in the turtles inventory or the block id, or to i have to add something in the command prompt after typing in the program (you know, pastebin run SyxfDFzn (orequarry command) -blockid , something like that?

oh, i Should mention ive gotten into the habit of fueling up my (advanced) W.mining turtles in advance, and in much greater amounts then the smartfueler says its needs. once or twice they've run outta fuel (usually use lava cells,) in teh middle of/almost at the end of a job. unsure if its numbers are slightly off, or something hiccuped on my groups mc server, just passing my feedback on. it might be because i used to have a habit of doing stupidly large areas ( 80/100x80/100), so it might of gotten unloaded or something similer
civilwargeeky #369
Posted 27 July 2014 - 05:39 AM

great. err. i admit im really new to this, so how do i add something to the filter? is there a prompt, and does it need one of the blocks in the turtles inventory or the block id, or to i have to add something in the command prompt after typing in the program (you know, pastebin run SyxfDFzn (orequarry command) -blockid , something like that?

oh, i Should mention ive gotten into the habit of fueling up my (advanced) W.mining turtles in advance, and in much greater amounts then the smartfueler says its needs. once or twice they've run outta fuel (usually use lava cells,) in teh middle of/almost at the end of a job. unsure if its numbers are slightly off, or something hiccuped on my groups mc server, just passing my feedback on. it might be because i used to have a habit of doing stupidly large areas ( 80/100x80/100), so it might of gotten unloaded or something similer
Well, when you start the quarry, if there aren't already blocks in its inventory it will say "You have selected Ore Quarry! Please place your compare blocks in the first slots. Press Enter when done"
So put the redstone ore block in when it says this. If it doesn't say this, you already put blocks in its inventory, and you should put the redstone ore block in before you start the program.

As for your second issue, I've noticed this happening to me as well. I've considered just going ahead and doubling the amount of fuel it asks for, but that seems like a lazy solution. If you want to increase the amount of fuel that smartfuel expects, then you can say "-uniqueExtras 15" this means that the algorithm expects 15 slots of the turtle's inventory to be different items, so it will have to go back to start much more often. This is probably true anyway if you are playing with lots of mods.
GantradiesDracos #370
Posted 29 July 2014 - 12:17 AM
just a heads up, the orequarry function may be broken. just logged in a checked my turtles home-chest, and there's 2 1/2 stacks of redstone dust in here
civilwargeeky #371
Posted 29 July 2014 - 06:14 AM
just a heads up, the orequarry function may be broken. just logged in a checked my turtles home-chest, and there's 2 1/2 stacks of redstone dust in here
I made this for you:
Bob3104558 #372
Posted 30 July 2014 - 02:30 PM
So can your program not just take fuel from a chest next to it like other programs? It is impossible to mine a 64x64 area because the fuel costs are higher than what the turtle can hold.
civilwargeeky #373
Posted 30 July 2014 - 09:28 PM
So can your program not just take fuel from a chest next to it like other programs? It is impossible to mine a 64x64 area because the fuel costs are higher than what the turtle can hold.
Just set "-doRefuel true" and it will refuel from coal and stuff it gets from its run. I could make it so that it only refuels itself up to a certain amount from its inventory, but I think that having a fuel chest is outside the spirit of the program.
Bob3104558 #374
Posted 31 July 2014 - 12:02 AM
So can your program not just take fuel from a chest next to it like other programs? It is impossible to mine a 64x64 area because the fuel costs are higher than what the turtle can hold.
Just set "-doRefuel true" and it will refuel from coal and stuff it gets from its run. I could make it so that it only refuels itself up to a certain amount from its inventory, but I think that having a fuel chest is outside the spirit of the program.
Just tried doing a 64x64x60 quarry with -doRefuel true and still asked for 142400 fuel and when I add more fuel it just consumes the coal

Maybe I need to set -doCheckFuel false?

Edit: I just setup a shell program that ran a 16x16x60 program, moved 16 blocks, pulled coal from a chest, refueled, then did another 16x16x60 program
Edited on 31 July 2014 - 01:05 PM
civilwargeeky #375
Posted 31 July 2014 - 07:28 PM
Just tried doing a 64x64x60 quarry with -doRefuel true and still asked for 142400 fuel and when I add more fuel it just consumes the coal

Maybe I need to set -doCheckFuel false?

Edit: I just setup a shell program that ran a 16x16x60 program, moved 16 blocks, pulled coal from a chest, refueled, then did another 16x16x60 program
Oh yeah. A couple days ago I added a feature to my development program so that it will not demand infinite fuel if it can't fit it…
I guess I'm about done with the next version anyway. Just some small changes. I'll push it out later.
Also yes, -doCheckFuel false would stop refueling so that you could manage it yourself :)/> Glad you got it figured out though.
Edited on 01 August 2014 - 05:47 PM
Jaguar1600 #376
Posted 12 August 2014 - 08:00 PM
Whenever I use the rednet function and it says " new 473: attempt to get length of nil " Any help?
civilwargeeky #377
Posted 19 August 2014 - 04:53 AM
Whenever I use the rednet function and it says " new 473: attempt to get length of nil " Any help?
Hi! Really sorry that it took so long to get back with you.
I'm very confused about your problem. First, what version of the quarry and receiver are you using, because you said "it" and 473 in quarry is
  local neededLayer = math.floor((yPos+1)/3)*3-1 --Make it a proper layer, +- because mining rows are 2, 5, etc.
and 473 in receiver is
Nowhere close to either of those parts is something that would be affected by rednet…
So if you could download the latest version and see if your problem persists, then let me know (with a bit more info, please :P/>). Hope you can get it working
civilwargeeky #378
Posted 01 September 2014 - 02:42 AM
Welp, it only took a month longer than I said it would, but its finally here!

Quarry Version 3.5.3 (the "Turtle hopefully won't get stuck in the mine when it runs out of fuel" update)

Get it here:

Important Changes:
  • Turtle now checks so that it doesn't over-fuel with new mechanics
  • Made uniqueExtras parameter have a much larger impact on fuel requests. For example, If uniqueExtras is 15, fuel request is about 3.3x higher (at large volumes)
  • A couple other things so that turtles ask for more fuel
  • Turtle will now measure how many spaces it takes to get back home every time it moves. If it will barely have enough to get back, it will return to start and error (if doRefuel true, it will try to emergency refuel). I think this is better than having to go find it.
Raw Changes:
Spoiler–Version 3.5.3
In saveProgress, fixed that extras would not be followed by a newLine
In refuel, turtle now will go back start of inventory if item isn't fuel. Not pretty, but it will work OK
In refueling section, turtle will check if its fuel requirement goes over the turtle fuel limit
In refueling, slightly modified the way unique extras affect the fuel count. However now 15 unique extras asks about 3x as much fuel. Fun fact, as you increase volume at unique extras = 15, the percent increase between the new and old formulas approaches 327% :D/>
In refueling, removed useless locals
In refueling, accounted for the fact that turtle must come from the far edge of layer
In mid-run refueling, turtle will not fuel itself over the fuel limit.
In main mine function, added a check to see if turtle can get back to base with the fuel that it has. If it can barely do so, it will try to emergency refuel, or else return to base and error
If turtle runs low on fuel, comes back and errors.
Fixed turtle asking rednet enabled when there is no modem
Removed invCheckFreq parameter. I doubt anyone used it. It now just checks every 1
master2421 #379
Posted 28 September 2014 - 09:59 AM
i got problem with rednet receiver. It keeps saying bios:474 invalid side. It happens all the time, even when i give modem side with param. Older versions works, but arent compatiblle with turtle scripts. Old turtle scripts randomly stops and they says Bedrock found (which is not true). I am using MC 1.4.7 FTB Ultimate.
civilwargeeky #380
Posted 28 September 2014 - 09:47 PM
Super Ore Quarry Update!
So with the release of CC 1.64, I saw the possibility of making a super-easy-to use Ore Finding Quarry, so I made one.

Its kind of a hack with some dead code that will be taken out, but I made it in about an hour (including testing). I don't really have the time right now to commit to a full release, and there are some features from my dev branch not added to this.
Without further adieu:


Just run with parameter "-oreQuarry true" and it will automatically mine everything but items in its blacklist.
If you have other items you don't want to mine, you can make your own blacklist in the file "oreQuarryBlacklist.txt"
Example blacklist file:
minecraft:stone, minecraft:gravel, ThermalExpansion:Machine
If you have bspkrsCore installed, there is a file in your config folder called "UniqueNames.txt" where you can see all blocks in your game.
If you have a better config file for me, please let me know.

Happy Mining! :)/>

Edit: There may or may not be errors I missed, so please let me know of anything
Edited on 28 September 2014 - 07:48 PM
civilwargeeky #381
Posted 28 September 2014 - 10:14 PM
i got problem with rednet receiver. It keeps saying bios:474 invalid side. It happens all the time, even when i give modem side with param. Older versions works, but arent compatiblle with turtle scripts. Old turtle scripts randomly stops and they says Bedrock found (which is not true). I am using MC 1.4.7 FTB Ultimate.
Ok, assuming you are using Quarry 3.5.3 and Receiver 3.5.2, two things:
1. In receiver, try putting a modem on the top, then run the program. When it asks what side, say "top" with no capitals.
2. If this doesn't work, somewhere near the top of the program, change the line "debug = false" to "debug = true". Then run the program with "-modem top" again, no capitals. Tell me what it says when it says "Modem Side: something"

If neither thing works, please tell me the following so I can better help you:
  1. version of computercraft (1.5?)
  2. version of quarry you are using
  3. version of receiver you are using
  4. if you know, version of forge
This way, I can actually test it for myself.

Yes, the turtle thinking random things are bedrock was a bug in MC 1.4.7. I made a workaround in later quarry versions, but the old ones definitely broke :P/>
T3rraCloud #382
Posted 06 October 2014 - 02:43 AM
I'm having issues using the oreQuarry option, as it is still mining up stone along the path.

I'm using the following command

quarry -oreQuarry true -dim 125 125 25 -startDown 63 -chest right

CC 1.63
OreQuarry 3.5.3
civilwargeeky #383
Posted 07 October 2014 - 12:14 AM
I'm having issues using the oreQuarry option, as it is still mining up stone along the path.

I'm using the following command

quarry -oreQuarry true -dim 125 125 25 -startDown 63 -chest right

CC 1.63
OreQuarry 3.5.3
Hi! Thanks for using the program :)/>
First, just to cover all bases, make sure you are using "3.5.3", not "3.5.3 OreQuarry" (the one labeled 'hack') because it only works with CC 1.64

Anyway, if you mean that you are putting the stone block on the first slot, but it is still mining out all the stone around it, then that is a serious problem, and please get back to me so I can help fix it.
However, if you mean it gives you cobblestone and you don't want that, there is a very simple fix. Add the parameter "-extraDropItems" and after it prompts you for the compare blocks, it will ask you for filter blocks. So put a stone block for compare blocks, and a cobblestone block for filter blocks. Do note you can not automate new quarries with this method, but it should work well for manual ones :)/>

Hope I helped. If you need anything else feel free to ask :)/>
T3rraCloud #384
Posted 07 October 2014 - 12:28 AM
IT appears I was using the 1.64 version of the code instead of the 1.63 version. That seems to have fixed the problem. Thank you.
civilwargeeky #385
Posted 07 October 2014 - 12:48 AM
IT appears I was using the 1.64 version of the code instead of the 1.63 version. That seems to have fixed the problem. Thank you.
Alright. Good to hear that you fixed it :)/>
I have clarified that the 1.64 version is ONLY for 1.64 in the OP, it wasn't very clear at all before.
oden the fish #386
Posted 21 October 2014 - 04:37 AM
wheres the download? i didn't see any pastebin get on the OP i need a starter quarry and this looks like just what i need
Dragon53535 #387
Posted 21 October 2014 - 04:06 PM
wheres the download? i didn't see any pastebin get on the OP i need a starter quarry and this looks like just what i need

This is what you're looking for, to use pastebin get, you need that little bit after the so in this case you need

4tgPJQRn and would thus type pastebin get 4tgPJQRn <filename>
oden the fish #388
Posted 22 October 2014 - 03:03 AM
thank you! i would have never would have tried that without your help
oden the fish #389
Posted 22 October 2014 - 10:14 AM
hmm it doesn't seem to be working im using " pastebin get 4tgPJQRn <filename> " and its saying " connecting to… failed. " is that a problem with the command or pastebin? i am pretty bad with CC but it mesmerizes me with its coolness
KingofGamesYami #390
Posted 22 October 2014 - 02:10 PM
hmm it doesn't seem to be working im using " pastebin get 4tgPJQRn <filename> " and its saying " connecting to… failed. " is that a problem with the command or pastebin? i am pretty bad with CC but it mesmerizes me with its coolness
If you are using CC 1.64, there is an issue with the http api which the pastebin program uses. You can either keep trying, or update to CC 1.65.
oden the fish #391
Posted 22 October 2014 - 08:25 PM
ok thank you! thats pretty much all i can say on this forum hehe ill make sure to update
Teslakoyal #392
Posted 01 November 2014 - 06:38 PM
so not sure if I am just missing something or not but in the newest Quarry 3.5.3 I am trying to run it and it gives me an error;
quarry:532: attempt to compare number with string expected, got number

got the same error with the one marked quarry hack as well just a different line number 582 I think

cc 1.65
and quarry 3.5.3
civilwargeeky #393
Posted 01 November 2014 - 08:06 PM
so not sure if I am just missing something or not but in the newest Quarry 3.5.3 I am trying to run it and it gives me an error;
quarry:532: attempt to compare number with string expected, got number

got the same error with the one marked quarry hack as well just a different line number 582 I think

cc 1.65
and quarry 3.5.3
Thanks for the bug report! This one should actually be pretty easy to fix. Judging from the error, I'm guessing you are using infinite fuel with your turtles. I error checked the turtle.getFuelLevel() function but not the turtle.getFuelLimit() function. I will fix that and release it with a big update later today.

Sorry I didn't think of this when coding :)/>
civilwargeeky #394
Posted 02 November 2014 - 01:36 AM
Quarry Version 3.5.4 (The massive rednet update)

Important changes:
  • Ridiculous amount of changes to rednet receiver program
  • Seriously, I basically rewrote everything but what gets displayed
  • You can have multiple screens listening to multiple channels now
  • Far away turtles can listen from a repeater now
  • You can just name the repeater program startup, it automatically saves listened channels
  • Fixed a bug where infinite fuel would crash quarry

Raw Changes:
–Version 3.5.4
Updated rednet sending for new protocol
Phased out turtle.getFuelLevel in favor of checkFuel

–Version 3.5.4 (first recorded)
Modified rednet system to new protocols
Added in-program command line
So many new commands
So many new parameters
New theme system
Multiple screen supported and encouraged!
–Known Issues:
1. Receiver cannot connect properly over repeaters. Old quarry won't recognize new format
2. Receiver cannot properly display the stop message for old quarries. It was sent in two different messages so it won't work

–Version 1.0 (first release)
Everything is new :)/>
–Version 1.0.1
Added "quarryReceiver" to expected fingerprints
–Version 1.0.2
Fixed many bugs
Ping now works

This version has a lot of use changes, so I will definitely put out a use video… eventually. For now I'm just giving you a list of commands and parameters and a crappy use video.

List of parameters (straight from the code comments):
  -receiveChannel [channel] --For only the main screen
  -theme --Sets a default theme
  -screen [side] [channel] [theme]
  -auto --Prompts for all sides, or you can supply a list of receive channels for random assignment!

Commands and other features (description of event handler):

  Wait for events
	if valid channel and valid message, update appropriate screen
	if any letter, add to command string if room.
	if enter key
	  if valid self command, execute command. Commands:
		command [side] [command] --If only one screen, then dont need channel. Send a command to a turtle
		screen [side] [channel] [theme] --Links a new screen to use.
		remove [side] --Removes a screen
		theme [themeName] --Sets the default theme
		theme [side] [themeName] --Changes this screens theme
		savetheme [new name] [themeName]
		color [side/theme] [colorName] [textColor] [backgroundColor]
		side [side] --Sets a default side, added to prompts
		set [string] --Sets a default command, added to display immediately
		receive [side] [newChannel] --Changes the channel of the selected screen
		send [side] [newChannel]
		auto --Automatically adds screens not connected
	check what was lost, if modem, set to nil. If screen side, do screen:setSize()
	check if screen side already added
	  reset screen size
	resize proper screen
	if screen already added
	  select screen on main computer
	  add screen

Thanks for reading!

This is what a theme looks like in the code.
You can see all the required colors here
  :addColor("title",, colors.gray)
  :addColor("subtitle", colors.white,
  :addColor("dim", colors.lightBlue,
  :addColor("extra", colors.lightGray,
  :addColor("error",, colors.white)
  :addColor("info",, colors.lightGray)
  :addColor("inverse", colors.yellow, colors.lightGray)
  :addColor("command", colors.lightBlue,
  :addColor("help",, colors.white)
  :addColor("background", colors.white,

Here is what a user-made theme looks like (with a few colors) (generated themes use numbers instead of colors):
title blue white
subtitle yellow red
pos green lightBlue
command pink purple
Edited on 02 November 2014 - 01:38 AM
civilwargeeky #395
Posted 02 November 2014 - 03:40 AM
Here is a youtube video demonstrating use that will be up eventually. When its done I'll add some skip links.

Edited on 02 November 2014 - 02:57 AM
DJF #396
Posted 02 November 2014 - 02:26 PM
I am not sure why, so the problem can by on my side but the reciever code is giving me "No modem connected" error. It happens when I am using normal computer (haven't tested with advanced one).

Reciever version is 3.5.4.
civilwargeeky #397
Posted 02 November 2014 - 08:45 PM
I am not sure why, so the problem can by on my side but the reciever code is giving me "No modem connected" error. It happens when I am using normal computer (haven't tested with advanced one).

Reciever version is 3.5.4.
Hi! So I tested using the receiver on a basic computer to make sure I didn't mess anything up, but it looks like it works. I made a video for you:

What version of minecraft are you using? There may be some problems in MC 1.5.2, but I haven't tested that yet.

Edit, I went back and checked in minecraft 1.5.2 and there was a bug. It is now fixed, redownload from the pastebin

P.S. I'm not actually sure how well the new receiver will work in 1.5.2, because I'm now sending tables. The turtle program may or may not work.
Edited on 02 November 2014 - 08:46 PM
DJF #398
Posted 03 November 2014 - 11:30 AM
I am not sure why, so the problem can by on my side but the reciever code is giving me "No modem connected" error. It happens when I am using normal computer (haven't tested with advanced one).

Reciever version is 3.5.4.
Hi! So I tested using the receiver on a basic computer to make sure I didn't mess anything up, but it looks like it works. I made a video for you:

What version of minecraft are you using? There may be some problems in MC 1.5.2, but I haven't tested that yet.

Edit, I went back and checked in minecraft 1.5.2 and there was a bug. It is now fixed, redownload from the pastebin

P.S. I'm not actually sure how well the new receiver will work in 1.5.2, because I'm now sending tables. The turtle program may or may not work.

WOW, this is amazing support. Thanks for update, I will try it and let you know if it worked.

Edit: So your fix works. Thanks again. Now after the initial welcome message it says:

No modem is connected, please attach one
What side was that on?
And if I give it the side of my wireless modem, then it works. So thanks again for your fast fix.

Another thing that is not working for me, is monitor connected by wire. It just did not show up in station mode. Event after sending the "AUTO" command. But this is again probably caused by my older version of game, so don't bother with it. I can live without it and I can always upgrade my game version to make it work. (I tried with both types of computers)

Anyway, your programs are pretty amazing, that's for sure. Thanks for them!
Edited on 03 November 2014 - 08:04 PM
civilwargeeky #399
Posted 04 November 2014 - 04:29 AM

Another thing that is not working for me, is monitor connected by wire. It just did not show up in station mode. Event after sending the "AUTO" command. But this is again probably caused by my older version of game, so don't bother with it. I can live without it and I can always upgrade my game version to make it work. (I tried with both types of computers)

Anyway, your programs are pretty amazing, that's for sure. Thanks for them!

Actually it does work. I just went back and tested for you. Make sure you right click on the wired modem to connect it, or else it won't work. The screen name appears in chat.

Also thanks! It's people like you that keep me making them :D/>
Edited on 04 November 2014 - 03:32 AM
DJF #400
Posted 04 November 2014 - 12:43 PM
Actually it does work. I just went back and tested for you. Make sure you right click on the wired modem to connect it, or else it won't work. The screen name appears in chat.

Also thanks! It's people like you that keep me making them :D/>

Thanks for video. Yes, it works. Amazing.

I also tried your Repeater code and found there one small bug. In the text you say, <code>'r' to remove channels</code> but in your code, you wait for letter c.
I fixed it and added 2 small features: If user tries to add already added channel, the channel won't be added. And when the repeater receives message, it automatically tries to add replay channel in channels.

So user can only add the channel, the turtle will tell him and don't have to bother with the reply number.
(I spent more then hour trying to find out, why the turtle did not get the return message from Receiver while using Repeater in the middle :-D )

I uploaded the modified code to pastebin so feel free to use it in one of your future updates:
civilwargeeky #401
Posted 04 November 2014 - 06:58 PM
Actually it does work. I just went back and tested for you. Make sure you right click on the wired modem to connect it, or else it won't work. The screen name appears in chat.

Also thanks! It's people like you that keep me making them :D/>

Thanks for video. Yes, it works. Amazing.

I also tried your Repeater code and found there one small bug. In the text you say, <code>'r' to remove channels</code> but in your code, you wait for letter c.
I fixed it and added 2 small features: If user tries to add already added channel, the channel won't be added. And when the repeater receives message, it automatically tries to add replay channel in channels.

So user can only add the channel, the turtle will tell him and don't have to bother with the reply number.
(I spent more then hour trying to find out, why the turtle did not get the return message from Receiver while using Repeater in the middle :-D )

I uploaded the modified code to pastebin so feel free to use it in one of your future updates:
Glad it works :)/>

Thank you so much for the repeater revisions! I had neglected to add in 1.5.2 support to the repeater, I guess I just forgot. Also I didn't even think of auto-adding reply channels. That's a great idea and a simple solution :)/>

I have added your code to the OP, and your code will be put into the next release with a couple small changes.

If you ever want a more direct way (that gives you a bit more credit) to contribute, you can submit a pull request on Github :)/>

Thanks for being awesome!

Edit: 400th thread post :D/>
Edited on 04 November 2014 - 05:59 PM
elektronemulo #402
Posted 05 November 2014 - 09:51 AM
Might I make a couple of suggestions for new features?
  • -flatBedrock [y/N]
    • would have the turtle mine down to the flat bedrock layer.
    • The Direwolf20 packs have had flat bedrock and the 1.7.10 version of his pack has diamonds concentrated a touch lower than default, so I hear. Also, Dark Iron tends to be down in the bedrock layers.)
  • -enderRefuel [y/N]
    • would have the turtle place an enderchest full of fuel, pull fuel from the ender chest and refuel itself, return the extra fuel back to the enderchest, break the chest, and resume.
Thanks for a superb program; it's one of my go-to programs for CC. As a matter of fact, it's the first one on my list.
civilwargeeky #403
Posted 05 November 2014 - 01:48 PM
Might I make a couple of suggestions for new features?
  • -flatBedrock [y/N]
    • would have the turtle mine down to the flat bedrock layer.
    • The Direwolf20 packs have had flat bedrock and the 1.7.10 version of his pack has diamonds concentrated a touch lower than default, so I hear. Also, Dark Iron tends to be down in the bedrock layers.)
  • -enderRefuel [y/N]
    • would have the turtle place an enderchest full of fuel, pull fuel from the ender chest and refuel itself, return the extra fuel back to the enderchest, break the chest, and resume.
Thanks for a superb program; it's one of my go-to programs for CC. As a matter of fact, it's the first one on my list.
Thanks! These are really good feature suggestions, and have been slated for release in 3.5.6, after I finish integrating the new oreQuarry system into the base program.
civilwargeeky #404
Posted 13 November 2014 - 07:04 PM
Quarry Version 3.5.5 (The auto-restart update)

Important changes:
  • Now makes an auto-restore file, and automatically renames startup. Re-adds old startup when done
  • Added new quarry to this version. Old Quarry still accessible with -oldOreQuarry
  • Added help to receiver
  • Added new theme: seagle (based on seagle23's old receiver hack)
  • Repeater has DJF's changes and a couple more
Repeater: (same)

Raw Changes:
–Version 3.5.5
Added new ore quarry to main program
Removed inverting doDigUp and doDigDown in mine function
digUp and digDown are now relative everywhere
Now autoresumes by default!
Fixed bug where turtle would loudly error when done
Fixed bug where turtle does not immediately select 1 after fueling
New parameters:
-blacklist: set the name of the oreQuarry blacklist file
-oldOreQuarry: forces use of old ore quarry, instead of new
-autoResume: saves a startup file to run quarry with resume
-autoRestart: same as above
-startupRename: changes what the startup file is renamed to
-startupName: the file to save the startup to (usually "startup" but I don't know what OSs may do)
-promptAll: feeling adventurous? This will prompt you for literally every parameter
–Quarry Receiver–
–Version 3.5.5
Added in seagle23's old theme as "seagle"
Added in proper help
Slightly changed key handling
Added support for directly copying pastebin themes into code
–Quarry Repeater–
–Version 1.0.3
Thanks to DJF on the CC forums:
Auto-Adds Reply Channels
Remove channel function waits for proper char
MC 1.5.2 Support
Receiver won't add repeated channels

New Parameters!
  • -blacklist: set the name of the oreQuarry blacklist file
  • -oldOreQuarry: forces use of old ore quarry, instead of new
  • -autoResume: saves a startup file to run quarry with resume
  • -autoRestart: same as above
  • -startupRename: changes what the startup file is renamed to
  • -startupName: the file to save the startup to (usually "startup" but I don't know what OSs may do)
  • -promptAll: feeling adventurous? This will prompt you for literally every parameter
Edited on 13 November 2014 - 06:11 PM
Kotawolf #405
Posted 14 November 2014 - 12:54 AM
Got an error when trying to run the Receiver program with the -screen switch.

qrec:258: Expected String

It works fine if I don't push to the monitors, and I am using inf fuel.
Newest CC, and it is MC 1.7.10

Thanks for the help.

Tried with fuel turned on and off.
Using Advanced Computer and Monitors.

*Edit* just saw the new versions posted, will check those out.

With the new one, getting
name:455: Expected string
Again this is only when trying to send to the monitors
Edited on 13 November 2014 - 11:58 PM
civilwargeeky #406
Posted 14 November 2014 - 05:02 AM
Hi! Thanks for using the programs
Wow, there were some pretty blatant errors. Another example was that pressing any key errored and the "resume" command didn't work.

What happened in your error was you said "-screen" without giving it a side name, causing an error. (You may have been looking for "auto"?)
Anyway, I sanitized that input now so it should properly work (or not work cuz you didn't give a screen…). And actually I misunderstood a function, so my fail-safe had broken too. Now that's fixed as well :)/>

All the bugs I found have been fixed, and the pastebins are updated. Just redownload :)/>
Thanks for the bug report!

Edit: Also sorry this took so long, it actually took me an unnecessary hour to figure out why the pause message wasn't sending.
Edited on 14 November 2014 - 04:04 AM
Renari #407
Posted 14 November 2014 - 07:11 AM
Would anyone be willing to look over the changes I made to the code to attempt to make it work with the chunky mining peripheral? Every time I try to run this it goes forward once and then says "Cannot serialize type function".

Here's the changes I made and I've tested that the peripheral functions for digging do in-fact exist.
Imred Gemu #408
Posted 14 November 2014 - 09:20 AM
Found a crash bug in version 3.5.5 in the function midRunRefuel at line 1469

turtle.refuel(math.min(numToRefuel-1, math.ceil((checkFuelLimit-checkFuel()) / singleFuel))) --The refueling part of the the doRefuel option
The error occurs where I assume you intended to subtract the output of checkFuel from the output of checkFuelLimit. You did not call checkFuelLimit, but instead referenced it as a variable. This causes the program to attempt to subtract the output of checkFuel from the value of checkFuelLimit, which causes an error. Instead it should read

turtle.refuel(math.min(numToRefuel-1, math.ceil((checkFuelLimit()-checkFuel()) / singleFuel))) --The refueling part of the the doRefuel option
civilwargeeky #409
Posted 14 November 2014 - 10:22 PM
Would anyone be willing to look over the changes I made to the code to attempt to make it work with the chunky mining peripheral? Every time I try to run this it goes forward once and then says "Cannot serialize type function".

Here's the changes I made and I've tested that the peripheral functions for digging do in-fact exist.
Hi! Cool edit.
The error you are getting actually took me forever to figure out, because it used to happen with modems too. In the save function, it tries to serialize all tables that are loaded, including your mcm. However, it errors when trying to serialize functions. You have 3 options, all of them easy.
  1. When you define your mcm table "mcm = whatever", make it a local. Just write "local mcm = whatever"
  2. In function saveProgress, there is a table called "exclusions", add to it saying "mcm = true"
  3. Use the "-doBackup false" parameter to turn off saving (not recommended)
Any one of these will fix your problem :D/>
Also, when you defined dig functions, why did you use turtle.inspectUp for the digDown function? That might also be a problem as it will detect up, then try to dig down.

Edit: Also, if you want, when you finish I can add it to the OP if you want for others to use.

Found a crash bug in version 3.5.5 in the function midRunRefuel at line 1469

turtle.refuel(math.min(numToRefuel-1, math.ceil((checkFuelLimit-checkFuel()) / singleFuel))) --The refueling part of the the doRefuel option
The error occurs where I assume you intended to subtract the output of checkFuel from the output of checkFuelLimit. You did not call checkFuelLimit, but instead referenced it as a variable. This causes the program to attempt to subtract the output of checkFuel from the value of checkFuelLimit, which causes an error. Instead it should read

turtle.refuel(math.min(numToRefuel-1, math.ceil((checkFuelLimit()-checkFuel()) / singleFuel))) --The refueling part of the the doRefuel option
Wow. It is now fixed, just redownload the program :)/>
Thanks so much for the bug report!
Edited on 14 November 2014 - 09:50 PM
Stylomax #410
Posted 15 November 2014 - 03:13 AM
I really like the progress that has been made on this program. The only issue I have is that for some reason it refuses to pay attention to the blacklist file. I created an oreQuarryBlacklist.txt file with the following in it:

minecraft:stone, minecraft:dirt, minecraft:cobblestone, minecraft:gravel

I run it with the OreQuarry option set to true, and the turtle recognizes that the option has been set when it starts, yet it still mines the items on the blacklist. It may be because I'm running CC 1.65 as a part of the DW20 1.7.10 server set. Is there a way to get this to work or is there a way I can at least use the compare blocks option?

edit I must've missed the oldOreQuarry option the first time around. I just tried it and it's still mining the blocks I don't want it to mine. I put the blocks I don't want it to mine in the first 4 slots for comparison, or are they supposed to go elsewhere?
Edited on 15 November 2014 - 03:09 AM
Imred Gemu #411
Posted 15 November 2014 - 05:22 AM
Wow. It is now fixed, just redownload the program :)/>
Thanks so much for the bug report!
I already fixed it in my copy. I just wanted to let you know so other people wouldn't run into the same issue. I'm glad I could help. Issues like that are easy to overlook in lua since they don't cause compilation errors.
Kotawolf #412
Posted 15 November 2014 - 03:16 PM
I really like the progress that has been made on this program. The only issue I have is that for some reason it refuses to pay attention to the blacklist file. I created an oreQuarryBlacklist.txt file with the following in it:

minecraft:stone, minecraft:dirt, minecraft:cobblestone, minecraft:gravel

I run it with the OreQuarry option set to true, and the turtle recognizes that the option has been set when it starts, yet it still mines the items on the blacklist. It may be because I'm running CC 1.65 as a part of the DW20 1.7.10 server set. Is there a way to get this to work or is there a way I can at least use the compare blocks option?

edit I must've missed the oldOreQuarry option the first time around. I just tried it and it's still mining the blocks I don't want it to mine. I put the blocks I don't want it to mine in the first 4 slots for comparison, or are they supposed to go elsewhere?

I think I'm having the same issue, I tried to run the "new" oreQuarry option, CC 1.65 and MC 1.7.10 (my custom built pack), and it started mining everything, tried with compare blocks, it still mined everything, I'm at a point that I am sure I did it wrong, but I thought it said with the newest version, we didn't need the Blacklist file.

slightly confused.
civilwargeeky #413
Posted 15 November 2014 - 05:18 PM
I already fixed it in my copy. I just wanted to let you know so other people wouldn't run into the same issue. I'm glad I could help. Issues like that are easy to overlook in lua since they don't cause compilation errors.
Glad to hear, thanks again :)/>

I really like the progress that has been made on this program. The only issue I have is that for some reason it refuses to pay attention to the blacklist file. I created an oreQuarryBlacklist.txt file with the following in it:

minecraft:stone, minecraft:dirt, minecraft:cobblestone, minecraft:gravel

I run it with the OreQuarry option set to true, and the turtle recognizes that the option has been set when it starts, yet it still mines the items on the blacklist. It may be because I'm running CC 1.65 as a part of the DW20 1.7.10 server set. Is there a way to get this to work or is there a way I can at least use the compare blocks option?

edit I must've missed the oldOreQuarry option the first time around. I just tried it and it's still mining the blocks I don't want it to mine. I put the blocks I don't want it to mine in the first 4 slots for comparison, or are they supposed to go elsewhere?

I think I'm having the same issue, I tried to run the "new" oreQuarry option, CC 1.65 and MC 1.7.10 (my custom built pack), and it started mining everything, tried with compare blocks, it still mined everything, I'm at a point that I am sure I did it wrong, but I thought it said with the newest version, we didn't need the Blacklist file.

slightly confused.

Okay, so I went in to a new world with a fresh turtle and tried the oreQuarry functions, thinking I had done something painfully dumb, but everything worked out fine… I tried without blacklist, with blacklist, and with oldOreQuarry, and they all worked fine.
So, to make sure you guys are aware of how to properly use oreQuarry, I made a video that will be going in the OP. Here you go :)/>


Also, if you don't want any cobble/dirt/gravel, check out the "dumpCompareItems" and "extraDropItems" parameters for oldOreQuarry. The dumpCompareItems doesn't yet work with new oreQuarry, but I have it on my todo for 3.5.6, which will hopefully come out soonish.

Edit: If it still doesn't work for you, could you please provide some more information so I can properly help you?
Edited on 15 November 2014 - 04:39 PM
Renari #414
Posted 16 November 2014 - 03:40 AM
Any attempt I've had at getting a working build that retains the base codes functionality hasn't panned out. For example the current code tends to randomly crash when changing inventory slots.
function getChangedSlots(tab1, tab2) --Returns a table of changed slots. Format is {slotNumber, numberChanged}
  local toRet = {}
  for i=1, min(#tab1, #tab2) do
	diff = math.abs(tab2[i]-tab1[i])
	if diff > 0 then
	  table.insert(toRet, {i, diff})
  return toRet -- crash here (attempt to call nil)

I haven't changed anything relating to that however, the builds I've got that work tend to be a full replacement and make mining turtles not function with that code anymore.
Edited on 16 November 2014 - 02:41 AM
civilwargeeky #415
Posted 16 November 2014 - 03:55 AM
Well, that is a very strange error, considering it says "attempt to call nil", and there's literally nothing there to call (and table.insert and math.abs are pre-defined…)

I would love to help you make this work, and I feel that private message would be the best way to continue this. Talk with you soon!
Bullen #416
Posted 19 November 2014 - 04:07 PM

I got the same problem as they do. What I think is the problem is that even though dumpCompareItems is true by default, it will still not drop the blocks on the ground but return to the chest.
Edited on 19 November 2014 - 03:12 PM
civilwargeeky #417
Posted 19 November 2014 - 11:18 PM

I got the same problem as they do. What I think is the problem is that even though dumpCompareItems is true by default, it will still not drop the blocks on the ground but return to the chest.

The dumpCompareItems doesn't yet work with new oreQuarry, but I have it on my todo for 3.5.6, which will hopefully come out soonish.

The update should be out by the end of this weekend. I just need to test the ender-refueling and code in the dumpCompareItems. The code for dropping compareItems should be easy, but I was thinking of expanding the inventory system to possibly record everything that was mined. I think that would be a cool option, for the turtle to tell you that you got 12 diamonds, 70 tin, etc. I could even send it back through rednet and maybe pop up when you get diamonds or something. But that will come at a later time.

Anyway, I could probably mock something up real quick. I'll post back in a little bit

Edit: Coding one line in to fix it was not working in a timely manner. It'll get done later :)/>
Edited on 19 November 2014 - 11:39 PM
civilwargeeky #418
Posted 22 November 2014 - 03:32 AM
Quarry Version 3.6.0 (The Basic Changes Update)

Important changes:
  • Quarries can left instead of right now! Just use "-left true"
  • Turtle no longer goes back to start at the end of a layer, it just goes down! This is very important as it saves tons of time and fuel
  • dumpCompareItems parameter works with new oreQuarry
  • With -flatBedrock parameter, turtle will automatically go to bedrock before starting quarry (still starts from top of defined range)
  • Fixed bedrock function to help with above and account for new row switching
  • You can now fuel turtles via enderChest! Recommended use: "-fuelChest [true/slot] -doCheckFuel false -maxFuel [someNumber]" (if you don't use doCheckFuel false, still does initial fuel check)
  • In receiver, up arrow selects last command and down arrow clears command line

Raw Changes:
Added in command aliases, like "kill" and "quit" for "stop" and "unpause" and "pause" for "resume"
Fixed bug where turtle would error with auto-restart if rename file already exists
Accounts for left quarry in GPS location (untested)
Modified dig, up, down, and detect functions
Improved startup file, if quarry save doesn't exist, will delete self as well. This is just an added safeguard.
Added torch to default blacklist
Added in a new option: inventoryMax. Not assignable by parameters, but if anyone still uses 1.2.5, this might work (a little late, but still, why not?)
Added "specialSlots" table to easily check if a slot should not be dropped. Still need to implement it
max fuel turtle can hold now respects doCheckFuel
dumpCompareItems works with new oreQuarry
Fixed bedrock function
Fixed bug in rednet pausing
Cool Ideas from elektronemulo
New Parameters:
-flatBedrock [t/f]: The turtle will initially dig down to bedrock (or possibly a mob) and set startDown from that
-left [t/f]: The turtle will quarry to the left instead of the right
-maxFuel [number]: The number the turtle will stop fueling at. Basically just sets checkFuelLimit to this number
-fuelChest [nothing or slot number]: Prompts for a chest with fuel it. This will be used if the turtle runs out of fuel. Recommended with maxfuel and doCheckFuel false

Command sending is now per-screen, not global. Prevents issues where messages send in wrong order
Up key now loads previous command
Down key now clears command line
Using the -auto command automatically sets the computer as a station
Fixed remove command
All sided commands now accept screen IDs as well as side names
New Parameter:
-modem: sets the side that the modem is on
New Parameters!
-flatBedrock [t/f]: The turtle will initially dig down to bedrock (or possibly a mob) and set startDown from that
-left [t/f]: The turtle will quarry to the left instead of the right
-maxFuel [number]: The number the turtle will stop fueling at. Basically just sets checkFuelLimit to this number
-fuelChest [nothing or slot number]: Prompts for a chest with fuel it. This will be used if the turtle runs out of fuel. Recommended with maxfuel and doCheckFuel false

Receiver Parameter!
-modem: sets the side that the modem is on
civilwargeeky #419
Posted 22 November 2014 - 03:41 AM
Also, to anyone who reads this, I hope to eventually make a video series on all the cool different things you can do with the quarry now. I would do like a full tutorial, but that would be like half an hour long or more, and no one wants to watch that long :)/>

I hope to have a basic video that goes over the basics, maybe oreQuarry, then different parameters by grouping, like a fuel and enderChests video, then a quarry restarting video, then a miscellaneous video. I hope it will be useful and fun
Kotawolf #420
Posted 23 November 2014 - 12:42 PM
Not sure what it means, but may have found something.
Setup a quarry, 32x32

Left it to run overnight. It stopped about 29% in.
This is what I came back to: (Bah won't let me paste a screenshot apparently.

quarry: 262: Too long without yielding

I'll restart it, but thought you should know.
This was done with the update you posted

MC 1.7.10, CC 1.65
If you need other information, just ask and I'll give you what I can.

I was able to restart it from the same spot, so the recovery/restart function worked perfectly.
Edited on 23 November 2014 - 12:04 PM
civilwargeeky #421
Posted 24 November 2014 - 12:29 AM
Well I'm glad the restart worked :)/>

The "too long without yielding" error means that the program spent too long doing operations without calling "coroutine.yield", "sleep", or any turtle function. I really have no idea what causes this error, as it happens seldomly to some people yet I've never had it happen to me :\

The best idea I have of why this happens would be a lag spike, but I honestly don't know. I could try throwing sleep(0) in every for loop around, but I don't know if that would make a difference. Unless you can reliably reproduce it, I won't be able to fix it :(/>

Thanks for the error report, though! I always appreciate them. :)/>
Minx #422
Posted 26 November 2014 - 04:14 AM
Hello, I have downloaded the latest builds and when i do
receiver -screen right [CHANNEL]
it waits for the channel then once is receives the channel i get this error.
receiver:761: tryAddRaw got nil, expected string

But when i do just
and then
it works just fine, I really needs some help cause i don't wanna have to keep checking the the computer.

Used builds from what you posted on Nov. 24th…whenever you can thanks! :D/>
Cycomantis #423
Posted 26 November 2014 - 08:25 AM
I believe that is due to the height of your monitors not being one of the 3 valid heights. Try changing your setup to just being 2 monitors high and see if it works.
Minx #424
Posted 26 November 2014 - 05:19 PM
I believe that is due to the height of your monitors not being one of the 3 valid heights. Try changing your setup to just being 2 monitors high and see if it works.

I used a 2x2 setup with monitors on most of the sides.
civilwargeeky #425
Posted 26 November 2014 - 11:23 PM
Thanks for the bug report!

This bug happens in the newest version if you use any 2 wide monitor. There is a new message the turtle can send back called "status" that is usually nil. I was thinking it would just not get added if it didn't exist, but it actually errors. I have fixed the small bug, so just redownload.

Thanks for using the program! :)/>
Jonnhycraft #426
Posted 03 December 2014 - 01:24 PM
I'm getting an error when I try to use the Quarry only.

I entered for example (others dont work neither):
quarry -help

The error is:
quarry:242: attemp to call nil

I loaded this version ( today.

Is anyone else getting this error?
civilwargeeky #427
Posted 04 December 2014 - 12:50 AM
I'm getting an error when I try to use the Quarry only.

I entered for example (others dont work neither):
quarry -help

The error is:
quarry:242: attemp to call nil

I loaded this version ( today.

Is anyone else getting this error?
Oops, you're using an older version of MC. There was a check for a function that doesn't exist in older versions that was supposed to be error-checked but wasn't. Try re-downloading, should be fixed now :)/>

Thanks for the bug report
Wurstmann #428
Posted 05 December 2014 - 06:35 PM
I'm getting an error when I try to use the Quarry only.

I entered for example (others dont work neither):
quarry -help

The error is:
quarry:242: attemp to call nil

I loaded this version ( today.

Is anyone else getting this error?
Oops, you're using an older version of MC. There was a check for a function that doesn't exist in older versions that was supposed to be error-checked but wasn't. Try re-downloading, should be fixed now :)/>

Thanks for the bug report

I downloaded it today and have the same error :/ so i use tekkit lite. MC 1.4.7
civilwargeeky #429
Posted 05 December 2014 - 07:20 PM

I downloaded it today and have the same error :/ so i use tekkit lite. MC 1.4.7

I updated in my git repo, but forgot to actually update the pastebin…

Try downloading again
ailmanki #430
Posted 12 December 2014 - 10:22 PM
Very good script, only 2 questions,
This points to the program for the turtle, at least it tells me that when I use it.
Version 3.6.0 Rednet Companion Program (this goes on computer, compatible with 3.5.2 - current):
I used the quarryReceiver.lua from github.

Second question, how can I send a command to the turtles once I have multiple ones connected over rednet?
civilwargeeky #431
Posted 13 December 2014 - 12:47 AM
Very good script, only 2 questions,
This points to the program for the turtle, at least it tells me that when I use it.
Version 3.6.0 Rednet Companion Program (this goes on computer, compatible with 3.5.2 - current):
I used the quarryReceiver.lua from github.

Second question, how can I send a command to the turtles once I have multiple ones connected over rednet?
Wow. I can't believe that no one else noticed the receiver didn't actually go to the receiver. Thanks for telling me :)/> I have fixed the pastebin

To your other question, you use "COMMAND [screen side or screen id #] [command]"
I really need to better document my commands… For now, though, here they are:
stop, quit, kill: Stops turtle where it is
return: immediately goes back to start, drops stuff off and quits
drop: drops off inventory, then continues
pause: turtle will wait until unpaused
resume, unpause, pause (if paused): the turtle resumes if it was paused
Edited on 12 December 2014 - 11:48 PM
kim_yannick #432
Posted 17 December 2014 - 04:02 PM
There is an annoying bug: The turtle finds "Bedrock" at high layers. There is also no block at the last position that the turtle can't mine: The surrounding blocks are just stone and peridot ore.
Edited on 17 December 2014 - 03:06 PM
civilwargeeky #433
Posted 17 December 2014 - 08:55 PM
There is an annoying bug: The turtle finds "Bedrock" at high layers. There is also no block at the last position that the turtle can't mine: The surrounding blocks are just stone and peridot ore.
I don't know why this happens (unless you are playing 1.4.7). To work around this, use the "-startY [current y coordinate]" argument. Then it will only find bedrock when its close to the bottom of the world :)/>
Otherwise it will continue trying to mine no matter what.

Edit: Say you are at y=70. You would use "quarry -startY 70" (In case that wasn't clear)
Edited on 17 December 2014 - 07:56 PM
Kotawolf #434
Posted 17 December 2014 - 11:30 PM
There is an annoying bug: The turtle finds "Bedrock" at high layers. There is also no block at the last position that the turtle can't mine: The surrounding blocks are just stone and peridot ore.


Could you provide some more information. There was an instance using FTB Monster - the turtles had issues with the "Gas blocks" from GasCraft, the blocks were a "gas" block and not really mineable. I never ran into the issue myself, but I read where others had. Also, I don't know if someone found a fix for this. My fix was to disable GasCraft.

Are you going through your own pack or is this a build out pack?
What other mods are there?

Just trying to give you a direction to look.
kim_yannick #435
Posted 19 December 2014 - 11:33 AM
There is an annoying bug: The turtle finds "Bedrock" at high layers. There is also no block at the last position that the turtle can't mine: The surrounding blocks are just stone and peridot ore.
I don't know why this happens (unless you are playing 1.4.7). To work around this, use the "-startY [current y coordinate]" argument. Then it will only find bedrock when its close to the bottom of the world :)/>
Otherwise it will continue trying to mine no matter what.

Edit: Say you are at y=70. You would use "quarry -startY 70" (In case that wasn't clear)

I restarted the turtle with this parameter on the right Y Pos but the turtle failed at y=34. I also used -maxTries 500.

I am playing TPPI (Test Pack Please Ignore). There is no GasCraft. I don't think there is a block that the turtle can't mine.

The problem must be in the VerticalMove function. Only this function does not check the height. What I can see is that the hole on that the turtle goes up to the chest goes completely down to bedrock, not just to the last mined layer.
Edited on 20 December 2014 - 09:45 AM
civilwargeeky #436
Posted 21 December 2014 - 01:48 AM

I restarted the turtle with this parameter on the right Y Pos but the turtle failed at y=34. I also used -maxTries 500. I am playing TPPI (Test Pack Please Ignore). There is no GasCraft. I don't think there is a block that the turtle can't mine. The problem must be in the VerticalMove function. Only this function does not check the height. What I can see is that the hole on that the turtle goes up to the chest goes completely down to bedrock, not just to the last mined layer.
Hmm… I still don't know why the turtle is finding bedrock. I have, however, fixed the pastebin and put a check for startY in the verticalMove function as well. So that feature should work as intended now.
Really though, you must be waiting an awful long time for it to error. If you say -maxTries 500, you should be waiting a couple minutes for it to fail on one move…

If you want I could come to a server and see the behavior sometime. Make sure something else isn't messing up the turtle.
Cycomantis #437
Posted 23 December 2014 - 06:27 AM
I've noticed that when mining in the dark and the turtle is trying to return to mining after emptying its inventory it will get hung up on mobs(they will fall into the shaft the turtle uses to travel in so you end up with a bunch of mobs in 1 spot) for more then the default number of tries. I pretty much have to constantly run at -maxTries 100 to not have false bedrock detections(wasted a ton of fuel figuring this out…).

How hard would it be to move from the maxTries logic to something more like "if turtle.detect() and not turtle.dig() then" logic which is what I have been using in my scripts and seems to work flawlessly without all the extra waiting.

EDIT: It is probably worth noting that at times mobs will be blocking the turtle from moving but not quite in a possion to where he can actually hit them. I have found turtle sitting idle with a single mob in front of him, when I kill the mob he takes off again.
Edited on 23 December 2014 - 07:20 AM
civilwargeeky #438
Posted 25 December 2014 - 03:46 AM
I've noticed that when mining in the dark and the turtle is trying to return to mining after emptying its inventory it will get hung up on mobs(they will fall into the shaft the turtle uses to travel in so you end up with a bunch of mobs in 1 spot) for more then the default number of tries. I pretty much have to constantly run at -maxTries 100 to not have false bedrock detections(wasted a ton of fuel figuring this out…).

How hard would it be to move from the maxTries logic to something more like "if turtle.detect() and not turtle.dig() then" logic which is what I have been using in my scripts and seems to work flawlessly without all the extra waiting.
The thing is, it already does this. To find literal bedrock, it doesn't actually try hitting it fifty times, it says there is a block there that it can't mine, so it is bedrock. The "maxTries" is indeed there for mobs, but it just says it found "bedrock" as a general "I found something I can't get past, go fix it"
EDIT: It is probably worth noting that at times mobs will be blocking the turtle from moving but not quite in a possion to where he can actually hit them. I have found turtle sitting idle with a single mob in front of him, when I kill the mob he takes off again.

You see, here is the heart of the problem. I figure if the turtle spends about a whole minute trying to move one block, then it probably won't be able to move anytime soon, either. If the turtle can't hit the mob, and the mob won't move, then increasing maxTries will only make it wait longer before it fails. That is why I've set maxTries at only 50.
If you typically set the turtle to maxTries 100 or more anyway, go up to the config at the top of the program, and change 50 to 100 :)/>
civilwargeeky #439
Posted 03 January 2015 - 02:19 AM
Quarry 3.6.1 (The Quadracopters Update)

Important Changes:
  • Quadracopters! See the attached video (They will also refuel with quadracopters when out of fuel)
Raw Changes:
–Version 3.6.1
New command: Refuel will do an emergency refuel by enderchest, quadrotor, or inventory (in that order)
Add QuadCopter to available modes of refueling
All boolean commands now only look for "n" or "f" to mark false, anything else is now true :)/>
If turtle dies due to lack of fuel without a method of refueling, it will turn doRefuel on for when it is restarted. Also it reboots itself.
New Parameters:
-quad [t/f]: Allows a quadcopter to come and refuel the turtle. Doesn't work without rednet
-quadTimeout [number]: The amount of time the turtle will wait for a quadcopter


–Version 3.6.1
Changed so that receiver can drop in while turtle is going
Fixed bug where computer would glitch out if "-screen computer [number]" was used
New Parameter:
-quad [cardinal direction]: This is the direction your quadBase should be set up in with a chest past it filled with fuel. This works with multiple quadRotors at once

-quad [t/f]: Allows a quadcopter to come and refuel the turtle. Doesn't work without rednet
-quadTimeout [number]: The amount of time the turtle will wait for a quadcopter

Receiver Parameters:

-quad [cardinal direction]: This is the direction your quadBase should be set up in with a chest past it filled with fuel. This works with multiple quadRotors at once

Video :3
unknownskill #440
Posted 05 January 2015 - 09:00 PM
hey every time i try to use the rednet receiver
i use the command monitor left quarryreceiver
i get no modem is connected please attach one
what side was that on? the computer has a wireless modem on the top
so i type top.
then it say on main computer type
Receiver computer desired channel. typing anything of the sort and the computer dosen't do anything
civilwargeeky #441
Posted 06 January 2015 - 04:01 AM
hey every time i try to use the rednet receiver
i use the command monitor left quarryreceiver
i get no modem is connected please attach one
what side was that on? the computer has a wireless modem on the top
so i type top.
then it say on main computer type
Receiver computer desired channel. typing anything of the sort and the computer dosen't do anything
Hi! Before I test out various things regarding bugs, please watch the receiver demonstration video from about 1:45 in to see how to properly use the "auto" command.

Or, since it seems like you are using a really old version of minecraft, maybe this video will help you out more (it deals with wired modems)

If neither of these videos makes it clear, to use a screen on the left, use "quarryreceiver -screen left [channel]" or "quarryreceiver -auto [first found screen channel]" or once the program is started on a computer use "AUTO [first found screen channel]" or "SCREEN LEFT [channel]"

You have a whole lot of options :D/>
civilwargeeky #442
Posted 17 January 2015 - 09:03 PM
Quarry 3.6.2 (The Backwards-Compatible Update)

Important changes:
  • Rednet now works (in a limited fashion) in Minecraft 1.4.7

Raw changes:
–Version 3.6.2
Allowed for 1.4.7 users to use rednet
New Parameters:
-legacyRednet [t/f]: Allows for 1.4.7 rednet

—-Quarry Receiver—-
–Version 3.6.2
Fixed bugs for 1.4.7 users

New Parameters:
-legacyRednet [t/f]: Allows for 1.4.7 rednet

NOTE:Repeater doesn't work in 1.4.7, and I don't think that sending commands was working well either. Just basic functionality
Edited on 17 January 2015 - 08:04 PM
Flandy #443
Posted 22 January 2015 - 03:18 PM

Is there a way to add so your script will make the turtle put down torches by any chance?
And is there a way to change it so it doesn't have to dig down or up once before going?
So that it will just go straight and start digging right away.

And if I have missed you replying to similar questions, then I am sorry for asking the same one :P/>
civilwargeeky #444
Posted 22 January 2015 - 04:33 PM

Is there a way to add so your script will make the turtle put down torches by any chance?
And is there a way to change it so it doesn't have to dig down or up once before going?
So that it will just go straight and start digging right away.

And if I have missed you replying to similar questions, then I am sorry for asking the same one :P/>
Hi! Don't worry, these are both new and very good questions :)/>
For torches, adding torches to walls is actually a planned feature, but it does not exist yet. In the todo file:
    Maybe in future, option to place torches on walls efficiently
I have a system in place to deal with slots that shouldn't be dropped, but I'm just not sure exactly how I would implement it (how far apart should torches be, should they only be on the bottom layer, what if the wall isn't there, etc) If you have any suggestions that would help me out :)/>

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "dig down or up once before going". Do you mean how it goes forward one and then down one? If I didn't have this, it would make the first row mathematically different than all the other rows, and make it difficult to keep the program working. I could probably allow a "-startDown -1", but I'm not sure if this would work as intended.

I will probably write you a more detailed response tonight when I get home. Thanks for asking :)/>
Flandy #445
Posted 22 January 2015 - 08:01 PM

Is there a way to add so your script will make the turtle put down torches by any chance?
And is there a way to change it so it doesn't have to dig down or up once before going?
So that it will just go straight and start digging right away.

And if I have missed you replying to similar questions, then I am sorry for asking the same one :P/>
Hi! Don't worry, these are both new and very good questions :)/>
For torches, adding torches to walls is actually a planned feature, but it does not exist yet. In the todo file:
	Maybe in future, option to place torches on walls efficiently
I have a system in place to deal with slots that shouldn't be dropped, but I'm just not sure exactly how I would implement it (how far apart should torches be, should they only be on the bottom layer, what if the wall isn't there, etc) If you have any suggestions that would help me out :)/>

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "dig down or up once before going". Do you mean how it goes forward one and then down one? If I didn't have this, it would make the first row mathematically different than all the other rows, and make it difficult to keep the program working. I could probably allow a "-startDown -1", but I'm not sure if this would work as intended.

I will probably write you a more detailed response tonight when I get home. Thanks for asking :)/>

Ah alright! About the torches I would say that it would be better if it could place it on the ground instead of the wall just to avoid it getting removed incease a turtle or person would mine there in the future.
Might be abit harder to implement that it will put it on the ground instead. But I've seen a few scripts that does that. And IF it is okey with you since it is your code, I can always try to add the torches myself and then give you the code when it works as intended.

Yea, exactly when it goes forward and then down. I just wanted to know where I could perhaps change that, but its not needed since I can just place the turtle differently. :P/>

I must say that overall, I really like the script and it works really well and all the info you've put beside the code to tell what it does is excellent! Keep up the great work! :)/>
civilwargeeky #446
Posted 23 January 2015 - 01:37 AM
Alright! Well thanks for clarifying.
I can definitely point you in the right direction :)/>

(Note: All line numbers are relative to an unmodified 3.6.2 program)

Starting with the second problem first, to stop it from going down you would remove the part that actually makes it go down at 1867:
  elseif not(y == 1 or y == 2) then
    down() --Go down to align properly. If y is one or two, it doesn't need to do this.
If that just works off the bat, then that is cool Ignore the rest of this paragraph. If it doesn't, a few more things to look for: you could try setting its starting yPos to 2 on line 192, but then you'd have to change all the places where it says "goto 0 1 1" to "goto 0 1 2" including in the event system. Alternatively, you may be able to get away with just changing lastHeight on line 669 so that it mines the last row properly (if it doesn't already…) (you can see how lastHeight is used in the parts past 1832). Around where lastHeight was defined, you may also have to tweak how layers are calculated. I don't really know what will change if you get rid of the initial down. These are just ideas as to what may fix potential issues.

Now, going onto the next problem, torches. If you only want to have one stack of torches then this problem isn't very hard because the infrastructure is already (mostly) set up for having special slots that don't get dropped off :)/>
Assuming you want to make this a parameter, and not always on, you would start by making a variable in the user config (starts at line 19). Look at enderChestEnabled and enderChestSlot. Its best to have two variables, one for slot and true/false. Then you need to add them as parameters. Go down to 484 and see where there two lines starting "addParam('enderChest'…" and a line starting "newSpecialSlot(…" copy those but using your torch variables. This allows you to do both "-enderChest true" to use the default slot or "-enderChest [number]" to put the chest in a specific slot. You can do the same for torches. Next go down to 775 and copy the part there for enderChests. You may have to go into the two functions above it and change the getItemCount == whatever so that it makes sense for having multiple torches.
Then to actually do the part where it places torches, you'll want to go into the length part of the main mining loop (1884 - 1866). Here you will want to do something like this:
if lastLayer and (something with zPos so you don't put torches every row) and (something with xPos so you don't put torches on every space) then
  select(specialSlots.whatever you named it in "newSpecialSlot" so probably specialSlots.torch)
  if turtle.getItemCount(specialSlots.torch) > 1 then --If you place all of them junk can get in this slot

So summary of process
  • Add variable initializations
  • Add parameters
  • Register specialSlot
  • Put actual code in mining loop
Hopefully you have now allowed your program to use torches :)/>
If you want to use more than one slot for torches, you could probably register more than one specialSlot and do some fancy things. For dynamically changing what is allowed in the inventory, you could look for instances of the variable "oldOreQuarry" to see how the quarry used to handle compare slots (and still can :P/>)

Hope that helps you get on the right track :)/>
Flandy #447
Posted 23 January 2015 - 12:40 PM

Great and clear answer!
Thanks for the help and I hope I didn't bother you that much with this. :P/>
Gonna try and add the changes and torches later today. :)/>
Flandy #448
Posted 24 January 2015 - 01:20 AM
Something that might need some looking over, we noticed when it encounters like alot of Gravel, it will eventually count it as Bedrock and go back and stop.
So maxtries might have to have a higher value.
Just wanted to tell you, I pretty much know how to fix it myself :)/> But I thought you might want feedback!
Edited on 24 January 2015 - 12:25 AM
civilwargeeky #449
Posted 24 January 2015 - 07:15 AM
Something that might need some looking over, we noticed when it encounters like alot of Gravel, it will eventually count it as Bedrock and go back and stop.
So maxtries might have to have a higher value.
Just wanted to tell you, I pretty much know how to fix it myself :)/> But I thought you might want feedback!
Thanks for the input. You know, so many people have commented now that default maxTries is too low, I have decided I may as well raise it. I've never really run into issues with it, but I guess 200 should probably be good :)/>
Starting 3.6.3, that's the new default
Edited on 24 January 2015 - 06:16 AM
Flandy #450
Posted 24 January 2015 - 04:53 PM
I changed the maxtries to 500 and yet it wont like gravel, any suggestion?
ItsRodrick #451
Posted 01 February 2015 - 03:08 PM
I love this program… Did like, 8 quarries with it xD

Just a suggestion: A argument to go left instead of right (So it can start at the right corner instead of right corner)
civilwargeeky #452
Posted 01 February 2015 - 08:10 PM
I love this program… Did like, 8 quarries with it xD

Just a suggestion: A argument to go left instead of right (So it can start at the right corner instead of right corner)
Haha! You're too late!
That's already an option :D/>
just do
quarry -left true
when you start your quarries :)/>
filippe999 #453
Posted 04 February 2015 - 10:22 AM
Great program you just made my underground expansion efforts 3x easier
civilwargeeky #454
Posted 18 February 2015 - 02:15 AM
Quarry 3.6.3 (The Parameter Files Update)

I've actually been sitting on most of the features of this for awhile, waiting for myself to finish the shell, but I figured that won't happen for awhile so here it is!

Important Changes:
  • You can load parameters from files! Just make a file with each parameter on a different line and run with "-file [filename]"
  • String arguments now accept "/" so you can load files from inside folders!
  • You can now force prompt (almost) any parameter! Use "-forcePrompt [parameter]"
  • Fuel Multiplier! You can now fuel your turtle for multiple runs! Using "-fuelMultiplier [number]" your turtle will multiply its calculated needed fuel by that amount

Raw Changes:
SpoilerTurtle will attempt to drop "junk" items in oreQuarry before moving to drop stuff off. If two or less stacks changed, will still do full drop
SmartFuel displays the current fuel multiplier
Number parameters no longer silently convert negatives to positive, they just won't accept them
Implemented "float" type of parameter that just doesn't math.floor the number
String arguments now accept "/" (they can actually do file names in directories
Removed sleep(1) from autostartup file because it was annoying
Made bedrock function try to get out of bedrock intelligently. Hopefully won't get stuck
Raised maxTries to 200
Fixed bug where refueling had unexpected behavior near maxFuelLimit
Added more options if neededFuel is over fuel limit
Fixed -flatBedrock not working with -oreQuarry
Added support for parameter aliases so I don't have to type as much adding aliases
newSpecialSlot now intelligently errors if you try to have two slots the same
New Parameters:
-overfuel/fuelMultiplier [number]: This number is is what neededFuel is multiplied by when fuel is low.
-version: This will display the current version number and end the program
-file [fileName]: This will load a custom configuration file (basically a list of parameters). "#" starts comment lines. In the future "##" will start programs to run (but only through shell)
-preciseTotals [t/f]: If true, turtle will write exactly what it mined to the logs. It may also transmit it over rednet.
-forcePrompt [param]: This will add to a list of parameters to force prompt for. So if you say "-forcePrompt doRefuel" it will prompt you "Length","Width","Height","Invert","Do Refuel" etc.

New Parameters:
-overfuel/fuelMultiplier [number]: This number is is what neededFuel is multiplied by when fuel is low.
-version: This will display the current version number and end the program
-file [fileName]: This will load a custom configuration file (basically a list of parameters). "##" starts comment lines. In the future "#" will start programs to run (but only through shell)
-preciseTotals [t/f]: If true, turtle will write exactly what it mined to the logs. It may also transmit it over rednet.
-forcePrompt [param]: This will add to a list of parameters to force prompt for. So if you say "-forcePrompt doRefuel" it will prompt you "Length","Width","Height","Invert","Do Refuel" etc.

Example Parameter File (named "basic")

# Starting a line with a single pound sign (hashtag) denotes a comment
# You can have comments anywhere, but they don't work at the end of parameter lines

#This file will be a "basic" file that holds all the things I like to change as default

#I want my turtles to always fuel themselves, but only to about half max
doRefuel true
maxFuel 100000

#I prefer to always have a chest below
chest bottom

#I always want maxTries to be really large, I don't like logging mining runs, and I want more than twice the fuel necessary
#I can do multiple parameters on one line if I use dashes
-maxTries 100000 -logging false -fuelMultiplier 2.2

#I also want to prompt whether to do an oreQuarry or not
forcePrompt oreQuarry
You can then load this with other (situational) arguments like so:
quarry -file basic -dim 16 16 64 -flatBedrock true -default

Once the quarry shell is done, you will be able to "load" configurations in configurations. To prepare for that, you can do something like this

#This will be called "ores"
#I will "load" the basic quarry and then start an oreQuarry

#To load other files, use ##

oreQuarry true
blacklist myBlacklist.txt

dim 16 16 70

enderchest true
When the shell is done, there will be a cool gui to load and make your own config files :)/>/&amp;gt;

Also! The program has surpassed 2000 lines (at 2065)! I may try to cut this down at some point, but I feel most of it is necessary.
Also for those that may like looking at the code / modifying it, I have added a paramAlias function that makes it easy to add your own names for existing parameters. You can see some examples in the parameter section.

Great program you just made my underground expansion efforts 3x easier
Thanks! Glad to help :)/>/&amp;gt;
Edited on 23 February 2015 - 01:57 PM
civilwargeeky #455
Posted 23 February 2015 - 03:21 AM
I would just like to comment here as well that I have fixed a bug where the turtle would come back to start after it had been emergency-refueled by a quadrotor. It now continues in the mining run like it was supposed to. Same version, you can just redownload.

Also, as a bit of a status update, I'm almost ready to release the first version of the quarry shell! This will have auto-updating features so that you never have to worry if you have the most recent version again.
Kotawolf #456
Posted 23 February 2015 - 12:11 PM
-file [fileName]: This will load a custom configuration file (basically a list of parameters). "##" starts comment lines. In the future "#" will start programs to run (but only through shell)

Silly question:
Where do you put the file at?
Running on a server if that matters.

I've wondered this sense you put in the Ore Quarry, and I apparently missed that post where it was specified where to put it.
And how to format the files.
civilwargeeky #457
Posted 23 February 2015 - 03:01 PM
No problem.
For both the quarry and configuration files, you can just put them in the base directory. So install quarry
pastebin get [whatever] quarry
Then using the example (From the comment you quoted :P/> ) you would type
edit basic
Then inside the file, you could type whatever arguments you want. Here is an example file

# Starting a line with a single pound sign (hashtag) denotes a comment
# You can have comments anywhere, but they don't work at the end of parameter lines

#This file will be a "basic" file that holds all the things I like to change as default

#I want my turtles to always refuel themselves when done, but only to about half max
doRefuel true
maxFuel 100000

#I prefer to always have a chest below
chest bottom

#I always want maxTries to be really large, I don't like logging mining runs, and I want more than twice the fuel necessary
#I can do multiple parameters on one line if I use dashes
-maxTries 100000 -logging false -fuelMultiplier 2.2

#I also want to prompt whether to do an oreQuarry or not
forcePrompt oreQuarry

Then to run the quarry with the file you would type
quarry -file basic

Also I derped a little bit in the description post. "#" starts a comment line. All other lines are loaded as parameters.

Edit: Also not exactly what you meant by "since you put in the Ore Quarry" because -oreQuarry has been in for a few months now (since 3.5.0) while using parameter files has only been in since last week :)/>
So if you need any more help, feel free to ask :)/>
Edited on 23 February 2015 - 02:05 PM
Kotawolf #458
Posted 23 February 2015 - 03:27 PM

Edit: Also not exactly what you meant by "since you put in the Ore Quarry" because -oreQuarry has been in for a few months now (since 3.5.0) while using parameter files has only been in since last week :)/>
So if you need any more help, feel free to ask :)/>

Okay I didn't say that clearly, sorry.
One of the previous versions I thought that there was an option to load a compare list from a file. The new ore quarry works great, but the server has Artifice added to it, so I've got 8 extra types of cobble along with several other blocks that I don't need tons of, that it does not dump.
Along with the blocks from Chisel 2.
Edited on 23 February 2015 - 02:59 PM
utybo #459
Posted 23 February 2015 - 04:36 PM
Can the turtle come back to start to put all the items in the chest when its inventory is full? It just throws everything away right now :(/>

Edit : Never mind, it was a problem on my part (Iron chests cannot be filled by turtles)
Edited on 23 February 2015 - 03:56 PM
civilwargeeky #460
Posted 23 February 2015 - 06:56 PM
One of the previous versions I thought that there was an option to load a compare list from a file. The new ore quarry works great, but the server has Artifice added to it, so I've got 8 extra types of cobble along with several other blocks that I don't need tons of, that it does not dump.
Along with the blocks from Chisel 2.
Oh! Okay. Yes. The parameter is "-blacklist [filename]" so if you did
edit blacklist
then you would use
quarry -oreQuarry true -blacklist blacklist
In your file, you would enter the ID of each. One on each line. So for example, stone is "minecraft:stone" a quick example file would look like this:
To find out the id, place a block in front of the turtle, type

Hope that answers your question now :)/>

Can the turtle come back to start to put all the items in the chest when its inventory is full? It just throws everything away right now :(/>

Edit : Never mind, it was a problem on my part (Iron chests cannot be filled by turtles)
That's weird. I use iron chests all the time. As long as you placed it in the proper direction it should drop into the chest… Do note if you are using an ore quarry it dumps out compare blocks on the not-chest side.
Edit: If you want, you could give me a picture to see?
Edited on 23 February 2015 - 06:13 PM
Lyqyd #461
Posted 23 February 2015 - 10:21 PM
The more relevant question is, what version of CC is he using? Many people still play on Tekkit classic, prior to the update that gave turtles the ability to interact with chests.
utybo #462
Posted 24 February 2015 - 09:15 AM
I am using the latest 1.7.10 version.

That might be a temporary bug, it disappeared…
utybo #463
Posted 01 March 2015 - 05:00 PM
Alright, I am currently uploading an almost full showcase of this program. I will edit this message with a link once it is fully uploaded :)/>
I could not test the Quadracopters feature though, it was a weird problem on my part… meh

EDIT : The upload is taking a bit longer than expected, I probably won't be able to edit this post, so please check my channel to see if it's there. Sorry… (
Edited on 01 March 2015 - 04:41 PM
The Lone Wolfling #464
Posted 01 March 2015 - 06:11 PM
Nice quarry!

A request: Could you make it check if blocks are lava, and if so, scoop it up with a bucket and use it to refuel? This should be possible with turtle.inspect() without being too slow.
utybo #465
Posted 01 March 2015 - 11:09 PM
The video I made is available here :
civilwargeeky #466
Posted 02 March 2015 - 02:11 AM
The video I made is available here :
Awesome! Thanks so much for the video! No one has done a showcase video for me before :)/>
The video is definitely going the OP so everyone can see it.

Nice quarry!

A request: Could you make it check if blocks are lava, and if so, scoop it up with a bucket and use it to refuel? This should be possible with turtle.inspect() without being too slow.
That's actually a pretty cool idea, now that I don't care much how the turtle gets fueled. With quarry 3.6.4 I will be simplifying the way that I set up special slots (like enderchests), so adding in a bucket slot should be easy.

The way I imagine it would work is you set "quarry -lava true" or "quarry -lava 14", put the bucket in. When it gets to lava it will check if it needs fuel, then detect if lava, then place in bucket and refuel self. Do note, it would only fuel itself if it was 1000 less than "excessFuelAmount" (which can be set by parameter). Does this sound like what you were thinking?

I will probably be able to get to it next weekend, which is spring break for me :)/>
psi_overtake #467
Posted 02 March 2015 - 06:58 AM
Heya! I'm new to ComputerCraft, but found AustinKK's OreQuarry script and it was pretty awesome! Afterwards, I stumbled across your script and loved it, but wondered why checking for (and emptying) chests wasn't part of your script? I also noticed that I would sometimes get an error with post-refueling with line 1831.

Also, after a while of searching, I realized that your script's blacklist wasn't working on my TPPI server because it's running ComputerCraft 1.63, which is just before the turtle.getItemDetail() command was implemented! I can't wait for TPPI2 to come out!

But anyways, thank you so much for all the time you've put into your script! It's really awesome! :)/>
civilwargeeky #468
Posted 02 March 2015 - 07:05 PM
Heya! I'm new to ComputerCraft, but found AustinKK's OreQuarry script and it was pretty awesome! Afterwards, I stumbled across your script and loved it, but wondered why checking for (and emptying) chests wasn't part of your script? I also noticed that I would sometimes get an error with post-refueling with line 1831.

Also, after a while of searching, I realized that your script's blacklist wasn't working on my TPPI server because it's running ComputerCraft 1.63, which is just before the turtle.getItemDetail() command was implemented! I can't wait for TPPI2 to come out!

But anyways, thank you so much for all the time you've put into your script! It's really awesome! :)/>
Awesome! Glad you like it :)/>

The reason I don't normally check for and empty chests (assuming you mean like dungeon chests) is that checking for them requires a compare/inspect call, which takes time and makes the quarry take considerably longer for very minimal benefit. However, you bringing this up again made me think about how I already do a compare/inspect when in the oreQuarry, so there is no lost time. I think I will indeed add in chest checking to the next version for Ore Quarries. The new oreQuarry will do it automatically, but the oldOreQuarry will have a "-chest [slot]" parameter added for which slot contains the chest. Thanks for the cool idea! Added to the todo.

By the way, you said there was an error sometimes on line 1831 with refueling? If you get the error again, please tell me exactly what the error message says. Then I will be able to actually fix the error :)/>

Edit: Actually I would only be able to scan above and below the turtle. If I wanted to scan in front of the turtle it would take longer. Do you think it is preferable to make the turtle slower to check in front of it on the very rare chance of finding a chest?
Edited on 02 March 2015 - 06:23 PM
psi_overtake #469
Posted 04 March 2015 - 06:59 AM
Awesome! Glad you like it :)/>

The reason I don't normally check for and empty chests (assuming you mean like dungeon chests) is that checking for them requires a compare/inspect call, which takes time and makes the quarry take considerably longer for very minimal benefit. However, you bringing this up again made me think about how I already do a compare/inspect when in the oreQuarry, so there is no lost time. I think I will indeed add in chest checking to the next version for Ore Quarries. The new oreQuarry will do it automatically, but the oldOreQuarry will have a "-chest [slot]" parameter added for which slot contains the chest. Thanks for the cool idea! Added to the todo.

By the way, you said there was an error sometimes on line 1831 with refueling? If you get the error again, please tell me exactly what the error message says. Then I will be able to actually fix the error :)/>

Edit: Actually I would only be able to scan above and below the turtle. If I wanted to scan in front of the turtle it would take longer. Do you think it is preferable to make the turtle slower to check in front of it on the very rare chance of finding a chest?

Yeah, I was thinking of dungeon chests. I think towards the beginning of the game it wouldn't be such a huge deal, but seeing as how they could contain very valuable materials (like Shiny Metal / Platinum, or Chrome), I don't mind having a turtle taking longer on the off-chance of actually coming across a chest. I could see it being an optional setting that defaults to false for checking.

I was able to reproduce the error. I think it happens when the turtle needs to make multiple trips back due to having a blacklist longer than a few items, perhaps? I noticed that the turtle dumps all the fuel but one back into the chest on its first trip back, and the error only happens when there's only one piece of fuel left. This is the first time I've received the error at the chest.
civilwargeeky #470
Posted 04 March 2015 - 05:08 PM

Yeah, I was thinking of dungeon chests. I think towards the beginning of the game it wouldn't be such a huge deal, but seeing as how they could contain very valuable materials (like Shiny Metal / Platinum, or Chrome), I don't mind having a turtle taking longer on the off-chance of actually coming across a chest. I could see it being an optional setting that defaults to false for checking.

I was able to reproduce the error. I think it happens when the turtle needs to make multiple trips back due to having a blacklist longer than a few items, perhaps? I noticed that the turtle dumps all the fuel but one back into the chest on its first trip back, and the error only happens when there's only one piece of fuel left. This is the first time I've received the error at the chest.
Okay. I don't see why I can't have an option to check in front of the turtle if you want :)/>

As for the error, it took me a little bit to understand how it could try and refuel -1, but I think I got it. In the code, what we are concerned about boils down to this:
function midRunRefuel(i, allowed)
  allowed = allowed or allowedItems[i] --#Because the coal is a compare item, this becomes 1
  local numToRefuel = turtle.getItemCount(i) - allowed --#Since there is only 1 coal, this becomes 0
  turtle.refuel(math.min( numToRefuel - 1, amount to fill to full) ) --#Now here, it takes the lesser of the needed amount of fuel, and the available amount of fuel. numToRefuel - 1 becomes -1, which is the smallest, so turtle.refuel errors
With all that said, I think to fix it, I just need to say "don't refuel if there is no fuel available"
I have updated the pastebin with one line changed. Redownload and hopefully it works :)/>

Btw, this error would happen any time your put use "-doRefuel true" and an oreQuarry with some fuel as a compare item and there is only one of the fuel. I don't know how nobody noticed this sooner!

Thanks so much for the bug report!
psi_overtake #471
Posted 04 March 2015 - 05:33 PM
-sheer awesomeness-

Thanks for the update! I was making the mistake of leaving fuel in the first slot when it was asking for the compare items step, so my mistake too xD

I also noticed that when the turtle finds bedrock, it completely backs out and returns to the chest and ends the program. I know this is intentional, but would it be possible to have it keep searching (at least for that level, perhaps, if it finds bedrock below it) even after finding bedrock? I know that sounds a bit more complicated than at first glance, but just a thought :)/>

Thanks again for all your work!! Going to start the updated program up :)/>
civilwargeeky #472
Posted 09 March 2015 - 05:44 AM
To anyone who reads the comments and uses this:
Would you prefer that if you use "-fuelChest" that it

a) forces a prompt of "doCheckFuel" and "maxFuel" or
b ) It stops the program for a bit, warning you about your decision and offering a key to stop the program

I'm not really sure which way I want to take the IO, so any input would be useful. Whichever system is chosen will be used for future things like this.
Edited on 09 March 2015 - 04:45 AM
The Lone Wolfling #473
Posted 12 March 2015 - 04:56 PM
That's actually a pretty cool idea, now that I don't care much how the turtle gets fueled. With quarry 3.6.4 I will be simplifying the way that I set up special slots (like enderchests), so adding in a bucket slot should be easy.

The way I imagine it would work is you set "quarry -lava true" or "quarry -lava 14", put the bucket in. When it gets to lava it will check if it needs fuel, then detect if lava, then place in bucket and refuel self. Do note, it would only fuel itself if it was 1000 less than "excessFuelAmount" (which can be set by parameter). Does this sound like what you were thinking?

I will probably be able to get to it next weekend, which is spring break for me :)/>
That's pretty much what I was thinking, yes. Though an option to whenever possible refuel (i.e. even if you're 2 fuel down from max) would be useful too.
civilwargeeky #474
Posted 13 March 2015 - 06:40 PM
Quarry 3.6.4 (The Lava and Chests and Things Update)

I had entirely too much fun with the receiver stuff this time around, but there are some cool new quarry features!

Important Changes (Quarry):
  • Reworked slot logic! They are smarter now and will never error unless you explicitly say like "-fuelChest 16 -enderChest 16"
  • Precise Totals works properly now! It sends messages to rednet. Its really cool! (You will be prompted if you use rednet)
  • Can refuel from lava (if oreQuarry)
  • Will now take from dungeon chests! (If oreQuarry)
Important Changes (Receiver):
  • Displays items from preciseTotals (in order!)
  • Clickable buttons! (Thanks Javatech)
  • Colors in themes can now have a "none" value to take from default color
  • New Command: STATION [side] makes the given side a station
  • Clicking on screens without channels auto-puts "RECEIVE [side]" in the computer for easy adding
  • Pocket displays are a lot better

Raw Changes (quarry):
Spoiler–Version 3.6.4
Added alias for fuelChest: enderRefuel
Blacklist file parser now matches alpha-numeric characters and "_", but not commas :)/>
enderChest and fuelChest are no longer assignable in the written config because I don't check for their existence except through parameters
When not explicitly assigned, specialSlots like enderChests will auto-assign themselves if conflicts occur.
prmoptCompareSlot has a hacky "limit" parameter to allow multiple items in slots
Added a "eventInsertionPoint" to control where events are inserted
When doing persistence work for frontChests and things, I discovered that I have no idea how the restore system works so perfectly. It just does… (Just pointing this out)
Fixed preciseTotals not actually counting things properly
Now prompts for preciseTotals if rednet and turtle.inspect
Added "going to dropoff" message for rednet
New Parameters:
-testParams [force]: Lists all the parameters you've selected and ends the program
-lava/lavaBucket/lavaRefuel [slot]: Turtle will check itself and refuel with lava if possible.
-compareChest [slot]: This is the chest slot for oldOreQuarry
-frontChest [t/f]: If true, turtle will also check in front of itself for chests when mining. (May only work on odd rows…)
-lavaBuffer [number]: The buffer of fuel before checks for lava again.
Raw Changes (receiver):
SpoilerDisplays sorted item counts from precise totals now
Changed the way that themes are loaded. You can now type "NONE" for a 0 value that just uses a "default" color for text or background
Modified how the classes interact with each other.
If one or more screens and computer has no channel, make computer a station
Help function uses current theme
Changed several colors
Added new theme: Rainbow, Green
There are now clickable buttons! Thanks Javatech
Made pocket display a whole lot better :)/>
Removed clicking on screens to "side" select them
Clicking on screens without channel adds "RECEIVE [side]" to command string
New Parameter:
autoRestart [t/f]: If true, instead of ending when screens are done, will just wait for restart. [default false]
New Commmand:
STATION <screen> [channel]: sets or unsets a monitor as station. If unsetting, screen receive will be channel

New Parameters (quarry):
	-testParams [force]: Lists all the parameters youve selected and ends the program
	-lava/lavaBucket/lavaRefuel [slot]: Turtle will check itself and refuel with lava if possible.
	-compareChest [slot]: This is the chest slot for oldOreQuarry
	-frontChest [t/f]: If true, turtle will also check in front of itself for chests when mining. (May only work on odd rows...)
	-lavaBuffer [number]: The buffer of fuel before checks for lava again

New Parameters (receiver):
	autoRestart [t/f]: If true, instead of ending when screens are done, will just wait for restart. [default false]
Edited on 15 March 2015 - 08:00 PM
civilwargeeky #475
Posted 13 March 2015 - 09:21 PM
That's pretty much what I was thinking, yes. Though an option to whenever possible refuel (i.e. even if you're 2 fuel down from max) would be useful too.
Also, with the new release, you would want to do
quarry -lava [slot/true] -lavaBuffer 2
So that it will fuel whenever it is only 2 down from max.
Hope you like the new features :)/>
vdubmastertech #476
Posted 15 March 2015 - 05:46 AM
Thank you for such an awesome program! I absolutely love it.

Sadly, I have a bug to report. This is all using the newest versions directly from your pastebin pages with no changes. I'm getting an error whenever I try to add ANYTHING to the oreQuarryBlacklist.txt file. Brief description of what happens (the program was saved as "quarry"):

quarry -oreQuarry true

It then asks me for all of the options like normal, until directly after the last option is entered and it tries to start the quarry. I then get this error:

quarry:776: table index expected, got nil

This is what I have in my oreQuarryBlacklist.txt file


It also happens if I put anything vanilla or otherwise in the blacklist file as well, such as


If I leave the blacklist file blank, the quarry starts and operates ok. However, it will ignore the default blacklisted items that you have hard coded into the program. In other words it will still mine all dirt, sand, gravel, and stone. I'm not sure if this is intended or not but I thought it was worth mentioning in relation to the above.

If I delete the blacklist file completely, everything works great.


So I want to thank you for unintentionally creating this bug. I started out knowing ZERO lua and now I know more about lua pattern matching classes than I probably need to LOL. I spent the last few hours trying to solve the bug myself in an effort to try and understand some of the program, (as opposed to just using it and not knowing what's going on behind the scenes like I normally would).

Anyways, here is the fix, it seems you have an extra "%" in line 776.


blacklist[a:match("[%w_]+:%[%w_]+")] = true --Grab only the actual characters, not whitespaces

Needs to be changed to this:

blacklist[a:match("[%w_]+:[%w_]+")] = true --Grab only the actual characters, not whitespaces


Also, I'm assuming the blacklist file needs to be comma separated item names or it won't work properly. You might want to change the help section to reflect this, right now it seems like you need to put each item on a new line.
Edited on 15 March 2015 - 04:39 PM
civilwargeeky #477
Posted 15 March 2015 - 08:58 PM
Haha! Wow. Thanks a lot for the great bug report. Not only that, you actually submitted a github pull request (which I merged :)/> )

Although I feel really dumb for the bug, I'm glad that you got to learn a bit of regex and lua, so that's good :)/>
I went back and checked when that bug was added, and it is indeed only in the most recent version. I had been coding for 15 minutes in the morning before school and I guess all those % and [ symbols confused me :P/>

Also, I didn't realize I was only checking for commas! I had thought when I wrote the help that I checked for newLines :\ Now that is fixed too, it accepts both. I have updated the pastebin and everything should be fine (there at least).
Thanks again for the bug report! :)/>
basdxz #478
Posted 15 March 2015 - 09:08 PM
Great scrypt! The only things I could ask for is: When in inverted mode, anti-gravel. And some way to list exact blocks mined..
civilwargeeky #479
Posted 16 March 2015 - 12:36 AM
Great scrypt! The only things I could ask for is: When in inverted mode, anti-gravel. And some way to list exact blocks mined..
By anti-gravel you mean like it mines the first layer again? That could be possible, but I don't think that's something I want to do right now.

For listing exact blocks mined, it already can record exact blocks mined, and it send them to the rednet receiver. I think for the next release I'll go ahead and have that part be automatic and put on the turtle screen too.

Thanks for the good ideas!
vdubmastertech #480
Posted 17 March 2015 - 02:52 AM

I submitted another pull request on github to fix the oreQuarry blacklist not recognizing block names with "." in the name. I.e. "TwilightForest:tile.TFRoots"

Thanks! :)/>
KaidoX #481
Posted 06 April 2015 - 09:07 PM
Hey, I'm still fairly a noob with the turtles but love this program. I was trying to set a few of my own parameters using the -forcePrompt [parameter] and couldn't quite get it to ask for those parameters when starting up the program. The main ones I'm interested in are:
  • -oreQuarry
  • -startDown
  • -restore or autoRestore
  • -doRefuel
  • -lava/lavaBucket/lavaRefuel [slot]
I know how to do each one individually, just trying to figure out how to get the program to ask these every time in a prompt like it does with the dims.
civilwargeeky #482
Posted 07 April 2015 - 04:24 AM
Unfortunately the current version does not allow you to change the program config to load a file, so you have two options that I can think of.

Option 1 (Preferable)
Open a file (better with a short name)
edit a
Now, just type each parameter you want to add on a new line, so for you it would be like this
forcePrompt oreQuarry
forcePrompt startDown
forcePrompt autoResume
forcePrompt doRefuel
forcePrompt lava
Then save the file

Now, when you run quarry just do this:
quarry -file a

Option 2 (Not preferable and kind of annoying to do)
Go down to the parameter definitions (starting at line 625), and change the 4th parameter of the items you want to force prompt to "true". For example,
addParam("oreQuarry", "Ore Quarry", "boolean" )
would become
addParam("oreQuarry", "Ore Quarry", "boolean", true )
addParam("lavaBucket","Lava Bucket Slot", "slot 14", nil, oreQuarry)
would become
addParam("lavaBucket","Lava Bucket Slot", "slot 14", true, oreQuarry)

Then you would save the file and run it normally

Hope I helped :)/>
Thanks for your interest in the program :D/>
Edited on 07 April 2015 - 02:24 AM
KaidoX #483
Posted 07 April 2015 - 04:31 AM
Thanks, that helped a lot. Option 1 is definitely best.
keystyles #484
Posted 12 April 2015 - 04:38 PM
this is an awesome program! I have a question though… is it possible for the program to treat spawners like bedrock and give you their location and stop mining?
civilwargeeky #485
Posted 13 April 2015 - 02:16 PM
this is an awesome program! I have a question though… is it possible for the program to treat spawners like bedrock and give you their location and stop mining?
Not with how the current program is set up, but you can do this yourself!

Step 1:
Place a spawner in some world, place turtle in front of it. Type "lua" then type
Write down whatever it says for "name"

Step 2:
Open up the code for the quarry somewhere. Go to line 1701 (If doing this on turtle I recommend one of the advanced editing programs). Type in something like the following:
if check and == "the thing you wrote down" then
Then, go to line 1570 and type
if == "the thing you wrote down" then

Step 3:
Now run the program with
-oreQuarry true -frontChest true

Hope this does what you want! :D/>
Kotawolf #486
Posted 14 April 2015 - 03:25 AM
Hello again.

I've been playing around again and I've found something they may not be resolvable.

Not sure when this started, but with the recent update, the turtle will dump the trash blocks without having to come back up. But if it is say down below 20, and it dumps, say for instance it had 20 red stone in slot 10. But when it dumps, it dumps cobble from slots 3, 5, 12. The next block is red stone, that will go into slot 3 instead of stacking.

Don't know if it is possible, but is there a way to tell the turtle to try and stack these more logically, instead of having two or three or four partial stacks of things?
civilwargeeky #487
Posted 14 April 2015 - 03:41 AM
Hello again.

I've been playing around again and I've found something they may not be resolvable.

Not sure when this started, but with the recent update, the turtle will dump the trash blocks without having to come back up. But if it is say down below 20, and it dumps, say for instance it had 20 red stone in slot 10. But when it dumps, it dumps cobble from slots 3, 5, 12. The next block is red stone, that will go into slot 3 instead of stacking.

Don't know if it is possible, but is there a way to tell the turtle to try and stack these more logically, instead of having two or three or four partial stacks of things?
Hmm. Yeah.No way for it to do that right now, but I could definitely write a "compress" function so the stacking is a bit more intelligent. Added to the todo! (Don't when I can get to it though :(/> )

Thanks for the awesome suggestion!

Actually, since I figured why not, I just added that small change to my progress on 3.6.5
Here you go:
Completely untested, but should theoretically work properly. Hope you enjoy :)/>
Edited on 14 April 2015 - 02:00 AM
mugsy888 #488
Posted 28 April 2015 - 01:26 PM
ok. I'm a dumbass.

can somebody explain why my blacklist isn't working. the damn thing just keeps picking up everything and i have no handling equipment for the just blocks yet.


I have the obvious ones and this doesnt even work edit: ok i got this working. apparently it didnt want the lines spaced in the txt file.
i would also like to add the other rubbish like granite andesite marble

it does not appear to like having spaces in the names?
chisel 2:diorite
chisel 2:granite
chisel 2:andesite
chisel 2:marble
thaumcraft:fire infused stone
thaumcraft:water infused stone
thaumcraft:earth infused stone
thaumcraft:air infused stone
thaumcraft:order infused stone
thaumcraft:entropy infused stone
thaumcraft:cinnabar ore
thaimcraft:amber bearing stone

definitely need to get the blacklist working, i have received 25 stacks of garbage chisel 2 blocks in a single chunk.
i have destroyed so much coal trying to get this to work i am just about ready to get a different script :(/> which is a pity because its just what i wanted.
Edited on 28 April 2015 - 01:14 PM
PiggyWhiskey #489
Posted 28 April 2015 - 03:07 PM
it does not appear to like having spaces in the names?
chisel 2:diorite
chisel 2:granite
chisel 2:andesite
chisel 2:marble
thaumcraft:fire infused stone
thaumcraft:water infused stone
thaumcraft:earth infused stone
thaumcraft:air infused stone
thaumcraft:order infused stone
thaumcraft:entropy infused stone
thaumcraft:cinnabar ore
thaimcraft:amber bearing stone

i have destroyed so much coal trying to get this to work i am just about ready to get a different script :(/> which is a pity because its just what i wanted.

Thats because the names don't have spaces. The Localised names do (The names that are translated between languages set in your MC Client)

Use F3+H to see items in NEI with the name of the block.
Usually its in camelCase (starting with lowercase and every word after it is a capital letter)
Also, some blocks are common items with different meta data

Thaumcraft:blockCustomOre with meta data of 1 = Air Infused Stone
2 = Fire Infused
3 = Water Infused
4 = Earth Infused
5 = Order Infused
6 = Entropy Infused

I don't have Chisel on my modpack to check the exact names for you. Use F3+H to see them.
mugsy888 #490
Posted 29 April 2015 - 12:12 AM
Thanks for that!

If I'm only mining one chunk at a time (16x16x62~)
what would be a good guess at setting a max fuel so I actually get some coal back or should I set it relatively low and provide a fuel chest?
Edited on 29 April 2015 - 05:18 AM
Kotawolf #491
Posted 29 April 2015 - 03:34 AM
Quarry 3.6.4 (The Lava and Chests and Things Update)
Okay, I've came across this error a couple times now with this version of the receiver.

The turtle and receiver were running in a Mining world. And I'd come back to check on the receiver to find it this way.
Edited on 29 April 2015 - 01:36 AM
civilwargeeky #492
Posted 29 April 2015 - 03:44 AM
Quarry 3.6.4 (The Lava and Chests and Things Update)
Okay, I've came across this error a couple times now with this version of the receiver.
The turtle and receiver were running in a Mining world. And I'd come back to check on the receiver to find it this way.
Uhhhh Hmmm.
Well, Java errors are usually not my fault, as they are from the underlying code of computercraft, but if you could give me some steps to reliably reproduce the bug I could hopefully fix it :)/>

Edit: Also, does this only happen for only this version of receiver or for other ones too?
Edited on 29 April 2015 - 01:46 AM
civilwargeeky #493
Posted 29 April 2015 - 03:53 AM

Ok. So first off, no it does not like spaces in the names, because as far as I know, you can't have spaces in the names.
To find the block that you want to add to the blacklist, place the block in front of a turtle, type "lua" then "turtle.inspect()" the thing under "name = " is the name you want to add to the blacklist file.
Alternatively, if you have bspkrsCore installed, there should be a file in your config folder called "UniqueNames.txt"
For example, here is mine:
Spoiler# generated by bspkrsCore 20150412 20:57:11

* #### # ### ### # # #### *
* # # # # # # # # # # *
* #### # # # # ### ### *
* # # # # # # # # # *
* #### ##### ### #### # # #### *

BiblioCraft:Armor Stand
BiblioCraft:Printing Press
BiblioCraft:Typesetting Machine

* ##### ##### ##### # # #### *
* # # # ## ## # *
* # # ### # # # ### *
* # # # # # # *
* ##### # ##### # # #### *

BiblioCraft:Armor Stand
BiblioCraft:Printing Press
BiblioCraft:Typesetting Machine
This includes both items and blocks, though, so it could take a while to find the block you're looking for :)/>

Hope I helped you in your quest.

P.S. It also shouldn't have any problems with spaces at the start of lines. The regex it uses is this:
Which just captures groups of alphanumeric characters separated by a colon.

Edit: Also, because you asked about the fuel, as long as you're consistently mining coal, you should be fine to keep -maxFuel at a fairly low number and turn -doRefuel on :)/>
Edited on 29 April 2015 - 01:56 AM
mugsy888 #494
Posted 30 April 2015 - 07:00 AM
hey thanks, that was a quick reply.

I am still having issues though with my blacklist. I used the inspect command and that's great now that I know how to get the names.

the inspect command gives me chisel:marble with meta data zero, does this mean I am supposed to use chisel:marble or chisel:marble0 ? neither work for me in any case… it still picks up everything with either or both in the blacklist.txt.

once i get all this working, how do I load it to other turtles? I have already used -startupname or something like in my quarry parameters that but cant work out how to load it again.

and how do I give the turtle a name that I can re-use?

The turtles I have been using end up filling up their inventory with coal.. how do i get them to refuel with what they find but dump the excess in the chest so it doesn't have to come back as often.

civilwargeeky #495
Posted 30 April 2015 - 07:09 AM
Okay… that's odd then.
First you should use "chisel:marble" as I don't accept or check for the metadata right now.
For sharing the blacklist file, you will have to figure it out using disk drives or physically moving files on your computer :P/> You can place a disk drive in front of the turtle and put a floppy in, then copy the files to a disk and then to another turtle.
Or, you could use "pastebin put theFileYouHave" and then do "pastebin get theCodeYouGot fileName" on another turtle

To give turtles names so you can reuse them, do "label set NameNoSpaces"

So, to make sure that you are getting everything you want, use the turtle with the following parameters:
quarry -doRefuel true -maxFuel [some number like 2000 maybe] -oreQuarry true -blacklist [fileName] -dumpCompareItems true [any other parameters after this]

Edit: For an explanation, doRefuel makes it try to refuel itself whenever it drops stuff off. It will refuel itself up to "maxFuel" and then dump the rest in the chest. oreQuarry makes the turtle only mine the stuff in the blacklist. blacklist loads a custom blacklist. dumpCompareItems should already be true by default, but saying true makes the turtle dump compare items instead of putting them in the chest.
For more parameters, do "quarry -help"

Also, if you want to use these same parameters multiple times or for multiple turtles, you can make a parameter file and load it as well. So, say you do "edit aFile" in the file, just type out all the parameters you want

doRefuel true
maxFuel 2000
oreQuarry true
blacklist someFileName
dumpCompareItems true
Save it, then run
quarry -file aFile
Much shorter :)/>

P.S. If you are still having problems, you're going to need to provide me with more information like modpack, minecraft version, CC version. If you could provide a video showing your files and what is going wrong, that'd be great. If you use the receiver as well, use advanced monitors and you can hit buttons to make the turtle drop stuff off at the chest when you tell it to (this speeds up the checking for blacklist working) (also you could do "COMMAND [screen side] DROP" on the receiver program)

Edit 2: It may also be helpful to watch this video I made :)/>
Edited on 30 April 2015 - 05:20 AM
mugsy888 #496
Posted 02 May 2015 - 12:45 PM
hi civilwargeeky! thanks again for the prompt replies.
the strangest thing happened today with your script.

I had continued to have trouble with the blacklist and one of my friends was having serious lag issues on my server. in an attempt to solve some of the lag problems i switched from windows7 to linux on my server box which always works wonders, all of a sudden the blacklist works without changing a thing!?! I switch back to windows to test and it doesn't read the blacklist again. anyway that works now oddly enough.

I have noticed 2 things;
1. my turtles never put coal in the chest. my last one came back with 12 stacks of coal and it took ages to finish because the inventory would be full all the time.
i have -dorefuel t -maxFuel 10000 and the turtles are pretty much always full of fuel but not once have i received coal in the chest at the top.

2. twice now when the server has been vacant for a bit (about an hour) a turtle seems to just disappear even though i have 2 spot loaders per quarry (one for the mined chunk and one for the previous chunk with the receiver). i cant find it anywhere, the return command doesn't work and the receiver just sits there with no errors still showing everything its supposed to. the second time I whipped out a pocket computer just as an experiment and bound it as a second receiver, the turtle re-appears and keeps digging though it is not in the same location as it stopped and i need to go hunting for it. it is not difficult to find as you can clearly see where it has kept digging straight after is reaches the edge of the chunk i am mining as if it has reset from the chest at wherever it re-appeared.

I managed to replicate the problem a third time with a bit of trial and error but not again since.
  • only happened when i had 2 quarries going side by side.
  • all three times it was the second one placed.
  • the receivers functioned like normal, just the second one stalled with no errors.
  • the second and third time i got the turtle back by binding a pocket pc (the first one is gone because i re-used the rednet channel).
  • i am using the latest direwolf20 in a world only a few days old and no other computercraft or rednet objects are present in the server.
  • linux dedicated server
civilwargeeky #497
Posted 02 May 2015 - 05:35 PM
Hello again. First, thanks for the very thorough bug report. I'm glad that you were able to give me some reproduction steps :)/>
Unfortunately, though, I won't have the time to properly find and squash the bug before the end of next week, as this is finals week for me :P/>

That is really strange that the blacklist works fine on linux os, but not windows. Especially since I run servers on windows 7 and 8 and it works fine :P/>
One theory for the receiver becoming unresponsive is that the turtle somehow got lost and went out of range of the computer modem. By default, the modems have a ridiculously short range (I don't know about in DW20 pack). When it goes out of range, the receiver will continue to just sit there forever because it receives no messages and thinks the turtle is just doing something that takes awhile. Also, if you don't set the receiver as startup, when it is unloaded it will display the last screen it had open, but the program won't be running. Just make sure it is :)/>

I did, however, look at the drop code (which I should have done earlier but didn't), and I discovered it indeed does not ever drop off fuel if doRefuel is on. So I wrote in a line that makes it drop off fuel if it is already fully fueled. This also has a change from last page that compresses inventory items when it drops off excess compare items, so this should work well for you :)/>
Edit: I didn't just add this to the main release because its experimental, so if you could give some feedback, that would be nice.

I'm sorry I couldn't get to testing your stalling bug, I promise I will look into it next week :)/>
Edited on 02 May 2015 - 03:36 PM
mugsy888 #498
Posted 03 May 2015 - 11:53 PM
Hi again,

Yes its good you didn't add it to the main release :)/> The first time it stops for full inventory it throws an error and cancels the script… next time! :D/> Thanks a lot for the quick try though.

I have not managed to replicate my disappearing turtle a fourth time yet but I will keep trying haha.

edit: I will admit though that in experimenting with the pocket pc to get my turtles back i have realised how totally awsome they are. i am nervous to do what i am thinking incase i stumble on some bugs… but i suppse thats what this thread is for!!!!

so what im going to start doing is binding an advanced computer as the receiver locally at the quarry like normal. i am going to bind my advanced pocket computer to whichever quarry i want to keep an eye on… i am expecting to have problems with that quarry when i disconnect (unload the pocket pc). but we will see how it goes when i fiddle with it tomorrow.
Edited on 04 May 2015 - 12:59 PM
FunkDooBiesT #499
Posted 11 May 2015 - 01:14 AM
1st of all, GOOD JOB!

I have used this program since I found it and never looked back! Really good job on the coding!

Right now I have been adding a personal feature to your program since I started using it but with the update to the turtle now being able to identify blocks I am having some trouble to get this to work the way I want.

The feature I'd like you to consider is as follows:

parameter -plugHoles t/f –Places a unwanted block from the turtle's inventory in the location of a mined block, open air, water &amp; lava blocks.

I used to just add a function to the part of code where the turtle mines a block and then I run a select on one of the blocks that I knew was always a unwanted block and place it.
Now with the new id's method I'm having trouble locating these blocks to select them for placing.

I know this might seem weird feature to add but I have three reasones for it:
1) Leaves less room for mobs to spawn.
2) Allows the turtle mine longer.
3) I prefer not to drop items in world on servers.

Cool beans, I hope you consider this as a feature to your program.
mugsy888 #500
Posted 15 May 2015 - 02:37 AM
filling in lava would be great.
I often go down to the bottom of my quarries to collect the missed ores (I don't use flat bottom world, when we started it was just to test the server.. now we don't want to restart the world :D/> )
civilwargeeky #501
Posted 18 May 2015 - 11:10 PM
500th reply!!!

Hello again :)/>
Unfortunately I was actually not home at all last week! Apparently graduating will do that to you :P/> Today I finally got a break day to clean everything and get around to coding. I am trying to look into your bug right now, but I am unsure how in depth I want to get to coding because I plan to have a major refactor with the next version :\ But just know that it is actually being worked on.
I did however look at the dropping off fuel and compressing inventory code I posted and fixed some errors. I think it works now and the changes are in the pastebin below.

Thanks! So I actually think this is really cool idea as I have definitely had issues myself with monsters spawning when I go back to check on my own quarries. I will most certainly add this feature to the main release when I am done with refactoring everything. I implemented a pretty naive solution that definitely works well (I tested :)/> ), but possibly not in all situations. The way I added it in makes the turtle fairly slower though. To use, just do "-plugHoles t" like you specified. Please give feedback if you choose to use it.
It also includes the actually dumping off fuel when its supposed to and compressing inventory space before coming back to start.
Quarry 3.6.5 Beta 3:

filling in lava would be great.
I often go down to the bottom of my quarries to collect the missed ores (I don't use flat bottom world, when we started it was just to test the server.. now we don't want to restart the world :D/> )
Also just fyi, there is a config in COFH Core for "retrogen flat bedrock" or something like that :)/> It will make flat bedrock on an already not flat bedrock world.
FunkDooBiesT #502
Posted 19 May 2015 - 06:44 PM
Howdy civilwargeeky,

First test is in and I noticed the turtle place down the enderchest that was in slot 1, i since changed the slot for it to 16 and it seems ok while it has "filter" blocks.

The other thing it's doing is placing blocks at 1,1 so it places and mines right after in the main shaft :)/>/&amp;gt;

Then the parameter -dumpCompareItems don't work if you set it to false from the parameter line. If you set it in the variable list it's fine.

That's all for now.

Edit: So the first slot was empty and the turtle was not using the other slots for possible "filter" blocks.
Edited on 19 May 2015 - 05:30 PM
civilwargeeky #503
Posted 19 May 2015 - 08:12 PM
Hey again. So for it using the enderchest as filler and also not using other slots, that's a problem with the current typing system that I use to designate slots. I'm not exactly sure what is going on right now, and I'm not going to dig too deeply to look right now. The dumpCompareItems parameter wasn't working because I had set its "parameter filter" to "oldOreQuarry" which means it would only check for the parameter if you were using old ore quarry. I have fixed that issue so you can redownload the beta thing from pastebin.

With placing blocks at 1,1, I don't think it should… It only places blocks when in the mining path, then after it moves forward. It didn't do that in my tests either. Strange…
When I integrate this into the main program, I guarantee it will be more polished and less buggy. This is a bit of a hack for now :P/>
mugsy888 #504
Posted 23 May 2015 - 11:53 AM
Then the parameter -dumpCompareItems don't work if you set it to false from the parameter line. If you set it in the variable list it's fine.

yes i have noticed this too, my mate wants me to keep cobble but i not mine stone, so keep the cobble from the mined layers but not empty the whole world of stone…. storage is too hard at the moment haha.

i have also come across a new one multiple times now.
quarry:2061: 'for' limit must be a number
im not sure whats causing this but i have switched to using an enderchest in slot 16
civilwargeeky #505
Posted 23 May 2015 - 05:47 PM
Then the parameter -dumpCompareItems don't work if you set it to false from the parameter line. If you set it in the variable list it's fine.

yes i have noticed this too, my mate wants me to keep cobble but i not mine stone, so keep the cobble from the mined layers but not empty the whole world of stone…. storage is too hard at the moment haha.

i have also come across a new one multiple times now.
quarry:2061: 'for' limit must be a number
im not sure whats causing this but i have switched to using an enderchest in slot 16
Hey again. I fixed the dumpCompareItems with the beta 3 link I posted up top
That also fixes the 2061 for limit must be a number (I had screwed up with a variable name).
On the turtle its affecting, do "quarry -version" if it says "3.6.5" then update to the new pastebin. If it says "3.6.4" or "3.6.5 Beta 3", then I have no idea what you did :P/> There isn't a for loop there
mugsy888 #506
Posted 24 May 2015 - 09:08 AM
500th reply!!!

mate, for something that is as versatile as your program i am surprised the thread is not twice the size that it is…. considering you work on it actively and add features based on recommendations and requests.

which i applaud by the way.


mugsy888 #507
Posted 24 May 2015 - 09:17 AM
i just lost another turtle haha…
same issue i had with the other 3 times, once again it was the second one placed.
its so weird. you go down to see whats wrong with it …. it not anywhere to be seen. bind the pda to it and it just magically re-appears and digs off into the middle of nowhere… after it does this (if your not there to collect it) i turns off because it goes out of the chunks i have loaded (as per your recommendations i am using spot loaders).

took me 40 minutes to find the little turd this time. lolz.
civilwargeeky #508
Posted 26 May 2015 - 03:38 PM
Okay, as I have yet to reproduce your issue myself, I want you to use this quarry version on your turtles:
On this version, I un-commented old code that will just error and stop the turtle if it goes out of bounds while mining. If you find a turtle one or two blocks outside of mining area, do
pastebin put Civil_Quarry_Restore
and give me that pastebin.

If you still have the issue but did not find the turtle one or two blocks away, that narrows my search down to
a ) System is restoring from saves incorrectly (but it should still keep mining somewhere else and be easy to find?)
b ) Something in the go-to-chest/go-to-home pathfinding is screwed up.

So if you could just use that, hopefully I can better solve your issue :)/>
Edited on 26 May 2015 - 01:38 PM
strass #509
Posted 29 May 2015 - 08:51 AM
Strange problem with this script! With Biomes O'Plenty loaded, the Nether contains Ash Blocks, which break into Pile of Ashes when mined. The turtle is able to mine them receives the Pile of Ashes in its inventory as it mines. However, the script doesn't seem to want to put the Piles of Ash into a chest and so the turtles inventory continues to fill with Piles until it is completely full at which point it becomes jammed, placing and picking up the ender chest I am using and cycling through its inventory ad infinitum.

I tried adding the items to the blacklist. I found the following in my UniqueNames.txt and added them to the blacklist. However, the script still isn't able to place them in chests or drop them as waste.

Can't figure this one out. I'd appreciate your input CivilWarGeeky :)/>
civilwargeeky #510
Posted 30 May 2015 - 02:50 AM
Hmm, I'm going to guess (hope) that the turtle can use ash as a fuel source. There is actually a bug in the current version where turtles won't ever drop off fuel items. As you reminded me, I went in and fixed it. Please redownload the current pastebin. Hopefully it works :)/>
I think there may also be a bug where things get designated as fuel and so can't be designated as filler/blacklist items to be dropped off. That has been added to the list of things to refactor in the next version.

Thanks for using my script and bringing up the bug report.
strass #511
Posted 30 May 2015 - 07:11 AM
Thanks for the quick reply! I am so impressed with your dedication to this script.

Just redownloaded the pastebin and threw it on my nether miner. It threw out all the stacks except the first and then proceeded to mine. Works for me :)/>

Oh, it just used some of that first stack it hung on to in order to refuel. Awesome!
subarct1c #512
Posted 07 June 2015 - 06:26 AM
I'm loving the script so far, and love the receiver even more so I can keep track of my turtles. Our server restarts nightly to clear up lag, do backups, ect…and I noticed that the turtle ran its normal resume function to continue on with its mining, but was waiting on the computer to receive its signal before it went on its way. I checked the computer and it seems it doesn't auto resume. Is there something special I need to do to set that up, or is it even possible? Thanks for the amazing script, and keep up the good work!
civilwargeeky #513
Posted 07 June 2015 - 09:45 PM
I'm loving the script so far, and love the receiver even more so I can keep track of my turtles. Our server restarts nightly to clear up lag, do backups, ect…and I noticed that the turtle ran its normal resume function to continue on with its mining, but was waiting on the computer to receive its signal before it went on its way. I checked the computer and it seems it doesn't auto resume. Is there something special I need to do to set that up, or is it even possible? Thanks for the amazing script, and keep up the good work!
Ah, startup for the receiver was something I had planned to do at one point but forgot about/never got around to. For now, you can rename the program "startup" or do "edit startup" and type"nameOfProgram")
then hit save and you're good :)/>
Neander_King #514
Posted 14 June 2015 - 02:12 PM
I love your program, and I've used it for at least a year, but I just ran into a problem when trying to recover from accidentally not chunkloading the area. The turtle got unloaded, and when I went to reactivate it, the positioning was slightly off. That's not a problem, thanks to -restore -atChest, but when I typed:

quarry -restore -atChest
It game me an error message:

quarry:751: attempt to index ? (a nil value)
Is there anything you or I could do to fix it?
civilwargeeky #515
Posted 15 June 2015 - 04:33 AM
Hello! I'm glad that you've been using my program so long :)/>

This issue took me a lot longer to figure out than I hoped originally, but I got it done with 3 lines of code :)/>
The issue was that, for whatever reason, calling "" on the savefile would remove the "shell" table from the calling environment, so I just copied the table from one side of the call to the other and added it to the saving exclusion list.

Anyway, redownload the pastebin and it should work properly!
CloudKitteh #516
Posted 18 June 2015 - 04:40 AM
The quarry gives me an error on line 277 after resuming from unloaded chunk on a server. "bad argument: table expected, got nil"

I was starting it like this "quarry -oreQuarry true -sendChannel 143 -receiveChannel 143"

and it ran fine, but when the chunk unloaded and I came back it started counting down from 5 - 0 and then gave the error?
civilwargeeky #517
Posted 18 June 2015 - 09:56 PM
The quarry gives me an error on line 277 after resuming from unloaded chunk on a server. "bad argument: table expected, got nil"

I was starting it like this "quarry -oreQuarry true -sendChannel 143 -receiveChannel 143"

and it ran fine, but when the chunk unloaded and I came back it started counting down from 5 - 0 and then gave the error?
Unfortunately, that error tells me only that it failed in copying a table. It doesn't help me much at all… Could you try this pastebin out and tell me what happens This adds a line to call out the erroring line if it fails to copy a table.
Compu_MAG #518
Posted 30 June 2015 - 03:57 AM
The quarry gives me an error on line 277 after resuming from unloaded chunk on a server. "bad argument: table expected, got nil"

I was starting it like this "quarry -oreQuarry true -sendChannel 143 -receiveChannel 143"

and it ran fine, but when the chunk unloaded and I came back it started counting down from 5 - 0 and then gave the error?
Unfortunately, that error tells me only that it failed in copying a table. It doesn't help me much at all… Could you try this pastebin out and tell me what happens This adds a line to call out the erroring line if it fails to copy a table.
Same problem as Mew99. After resume I got "bad argument: table expected, got nil" Using your pastebin, the new error code was "528: not a table"
civilwargeeky #519
Posted 01 July 2015 - 03:31 AM

Ah. Thanks so much! It was trying to copy the "shell" table, but that doesn't exist when you resume. I'm kind of surprised that so few people have commented on it :\

Anyway, I have fixed and reuploaded the pastebin as
Thanks for the bug report!
Compu_MAG #520
Posted 03 July 2015 - 01:05 AM
Thanks for taking the time to correct the issue, explain what's the problem, and report it here.
elektronemulo #521
Posted 03 July 2015 - 11:46 PM
Could you add a routine to pick the enderchest back up when the entire quarry finishes so all I have to do to mine the next chunk is sent the turtle forward 16 blocks and run the quarry command, again?

Would you also mine creating a routine to tell the turtle to repeat the quarry a certain number of times? (parameter "-repeat 12" would dig the quarry 12 times by moving forward the length of the original quarry and starting the process over).

Thanks for your already awesome program!
Compu_MAG #522
Posted 14 July 2015 - 07:03 PM
I'm getting error message "Cannot serialize type function" juster after resume from an unload chunk or game restart. What could it be?
HPWebcamAble #523
Posted 15 July 2015 - 12:02 AM
I'm getting error message "Cannot serialize type function" juster after resume from an unload chunk or game restart. What could it be?

What version of CC are you using?

And does the error have the line number?
Compu_MAG #524
Posted 15 July 2015 - 01:54 PM
Version 1.74
And there are no line numbers. Just the message.
Edited on 15 July 2015 - 11:55 AM
HPWebcamAble #525
Posted 16 July 2015 - 02:10 AM
Version 1.74
And there are no line numbers. Just the message.

Right, that's from 'textutils.serialize()', so it won't have a line number.

Glancing at the code, I didn't see very many places that could happen.

Are you using the rednet feature?
Compu_MAG #526
Posted 16 July 2015 - 01:46 PM
Version 1.74
And there are no line numbers. Just the message.

Right, that's from 'textutils.serialize()', so it won't have a line number.

Glancing at the code, I didn't see very many places that could happen.

Are you using the rednet feature?

I'm not using redenet.

Command was "quarry 16 16 62 no". I hope that helps.
HPWebcamAble #527
Posted 16 July 2015 - 05:19 PM
Command was "quarry 16 16 62 no". I hope that helps.

Try running it with no arguments, it should prompt you.
Compu_MAG #528
Posted 17 July 2015 - 09:31 PM
Tried with no arguments.
Turtle runs fine until I leave the area. On resume the turtle stops. I go down there, open the GUI, counting from 5 down to 1 starts, then the message "Cannot serialize type function" appears.
AutomatedRandomated #529
Posted 17 July 2015 - 11:09 PM
I'm getting an error when my mining turtle fills up? The error is:

turtle:18: Expected number

and it always only happens when the turtle's inventory is full (but not necessarily fully stacked)

The command was:

quarry -dim 75 100 65 -oreQuarry t -blacklist blacklist.txt -dumpCompareItems

and the blacklist file looks like this:

minecraft:Cobblestone, minecraft:Cracked Sand, minecraft: Dirt
HPWebcamAble #530
Posted 18 July 2015 - 01:06 AM
Tried with no arguments.
Turtle runs fine until I leave the area. On resume the turtle stops. I go down there, open the GUI, counting from 5 down to 1 starts, then the message "Cannot serialize type function" appears.
SpoilerI'm getting an error when my mining turtle fills up? The error is:

turtle:18: Expected number

and it always only happens when the turtle's inventory is full (but not necessarily fully stacked)

The command was:

quarry -dim 75 100 65 -oreQuarry t -blacklist blacklist.txt -dumpCompareItems

and the blacklist file looks like this:

minecraft:Cobblestone, minecraft:Cracked Sand, minecraft: Dirt

Unfortunately, I don't know the program very well, I only used it once.

It seemed to work, and resumed several times correctly, though the last time, it resumed mining in the completely wrong direction.

I used it in CC 1.73 (The DW20 needs to update :P/>)

Anywho, you two may need to wait until civilwargeeky sees this, he was last around on July 11, so it may be a few days.
Until then, there are a number of more powerful (and expensive) ways to mine (unless you only have CC)
Edited on 17 July 2015 - 11:07 PM
civilwargeeky #531
Posted 24 July 2015 - 04:09 AM
I'm getting error message "Cannot serialize type function" juster after resume from an unload chunk or game restart. What could it be?

Hmm. That sounds like an issue that I had fixed recentlyish. Try redownloading the program please.
If the issue still happens, I really don't know what is going on. I just tried starting up a new world and loading a turtle with the program, then exiting the world and coming back. The turtle started up just fine right where it was before. I know where the issue is, but I can't fix it.
Oh! If the issue continues, try using this version that tells me what line the program errors on:

I'm getting an error when my mining turtle fills up? The error is:

turtle:18: Expected number

and it always only happens when the turtle's inventory is full (but not necessarily fully stacked)

The command was:

quarry -dim 75 100 65 -oreQuarry t -blacklist blacklist.txt -dumpCompareItems

and the blacklist file looks like this:

minecraft:Cobblestone, minecraft:Cracked Sand, minecraft: Dirt

Hmm. In the same test world I tried out your situation, and although it looked like the turtle was behaving kind of weird, it didn't error at all and dumped its stuff off and came back properly. Can you ensure that in your blacklist you are using
and I don't know what cracked sand is. Its definitely not from vanilla minecraft. In your blacklist you have to use proper capitalization and you can't have spaces in the names as far as I know.

If you could provide a video or more detailed reproduction steps, that would really help me solve the problem. Thanks!

Also thanks so much HPWebcamAble for trying to help out!
I was indeed at a summer camp for the past two weeks, so I couldn't answer any issues.
Edited on 24 July 2015 - 02:10 AM
HPWebcamAble #532
Posted 24 July 2015 - 07:01 AM
Can you ensure that in your blacklist you are using
and I don't know what cracked sand is. Its definitely not from vanilla minecraft. In your blacklist you have to use proper capitalization and you can't have spaces in the names as far as I know.

Its from ExtrabiomesXL:

I'd guess it's ID is

But you can check by giving it to yourself:

/give @p extrabiomsxl:cracked_sand
(Try variants of that, and hit tab to get MC to auto complete it)

Also thanks so much HPWebcamAble for trying to help out!
I was indeed at a summer camp for the past two weeks, so I couldn't answer any issues.

Well I certainly tried ;)/>
Edited on 24 July 2015 - 05:02 AM
Pyeroh #533
Posted 15 August 2015 - 08:31 AM
Hello =) Your program is awesome, really complete, but I noticed it doesn't work anymore on ComputerCraft 1.74 (because of Lua 5.2 being introduced in that version).

Some functions are removed or replaced (table.maxn, unpack, loadstring…). Are you working on it ? Or will it stay only available on CC 1.73 ? :/
HPWebcamAble #534
Posted 16 August 2015 - 02:10 AM
- snip-

It should still work in CC 1.74, as Lua 5.1 is still supported, but some Lua 5.2 functions have been introduced.
Lua 5.1 support will be removed in an up coming version.

Also, where did you hear that 'unpack' and 'loadstring' are changing?
This page doesn't mention them:
Edited on 16 August 2015 - 12:11 AM
Pyeroh #535
Posted 16 August 2015 - 08:30 AM
Indeed, I forgot to update the config file to allow Lua 5.1 functions. Thank you for pointing it

About 'unpack' : (search unpack). It says that the function is renamed for table.unpack
About 'loadstring' : Maybe it's just a discussion…
HPWebcamAble #536
Posted 17 August 2015 - 12:31 AM
- snip -

Looks like you are correct:
loadstring is deprecated. Use load instead; it now accepts string arguments and are exactly equivalent to loadstring
unpack was moved into the table library and therefore must be called as table.unpack

There are a few other major changes, but these are the only ones that I ever used from the list.
In fact, its really just 'unpack' that I use on a regular basis.
teddybird #537
Posted 18 August 2015 - 08:05 PM
I have a question on your Rednet Repeater Program.

I tried to use it in combination with my turtle and computer which worked fine before. The repeater receives messages send by the turtle and the computer receives the handshake and starts the receiver program. But the turtle keeps on sending messages and won't start mining. Seems to me like the turtle doesnt receive messages back from the repeater? Am i doing something wrong here or is this a bug?

BTW, awesome quarry and receiver programs. Very impressive
Mr_TC #538
Posted 18 August 2015 - 11:48 PM
I'm getting error message "Cannot serialize type function" juster after resume from an unload chunk or game restart. What could it be?

Hmm. That sounds like an issue that I had fixed recentlyish. Try redownloading the program please.
If the issue still happens, I really don't know what is going on. I just tried starting up a new world and loading a turtle with the program, then exiting the world and coming back. The turtle started up just fine right where it was before. I know where the issue is, but I can't fix it.
Oh! If the issue continues, try using this version that tells me what line the program errors on:

I am getting the same error when reloading my game.
The error is thrown in the saveProgress() function when it is trying to serialize a table.
The last debug printout before the error is
_ENV   table:1a5c6869   table
The original quarry command used the default values and 3,3,3 for the quarry size
civilwargeeky #539
Posted 20 August 2015 - 01:28 AM
I have a question on your Rednet Repeater Program. I tried to use it in combination with my turtle and computer which worked fine before. The repeater receives messages send by the turtle and the computer receives the handshake and starts the receiver program. But the turtle keeps on sending messages and won't start mining. Seems to me like the turtle doesnt receive messages back from the repeater? Am i doing something wrong here or is this a bug? BTW, awesome quarry and receiver programs. Very impressive
What version of CC are you using? I just went on a brand new world and tested a setup about 120 blocks away with 2 repeaters and it worked perfectly. There may be an issue where because of where the turtle is situated, it can receive messages but not send them. This is because the transmit distance increases with increasing height of the modem. I actually had the issue you described for a bit, but I reposititioned the repeaters and it worked perfectly :)/>
So unless you can reliably reproduce this issue with closer distances, then I don't think I can per se "fix" your problem.

I'm getting error message "Cannot serialize type function" juster after resume from an unload chunk or game restart. What could it be?
Hmm. That sounds like an issue that I had fixed recentlyish. Try redownloading the program please. If the issue still happens, I really don't know what is going on. I just tried starting up a new world and loading a turtle with the program, then exiting the world and coming back. The turtle started up just fine right where it was before. I know where the issue is, but I can't fix it. Oh! If the issue continues, try using this version that tells me what line the program errors on:
I am getting the same error when reloading my game. The error is thrown in the saveProgress() function when it is trying to serialize a table. The last debug printout before the error is
_ENV table:1a5c6869 table
The original quarry command used the default values and 3,3,3 for the quarry size
Okay, is this the new debug printout in the latest version of minecraft? I don't really have the ability at the moment to test it out. Can you please try out the pastebin in the comment you linked and tell me what the output is when you error. If that was what you provided, let me know so that I can work on this issue more later.
teddybird #540
Posted 20 August 2015 - 09:58 PM
Thanks for your response wargeeky. I am using CC version 1.74. I also tried to reproduce the issue. And it happens every time i try to use your repeater program.

I have tried on a flat world with all computers and the turtle on the same y coordinate and all about 40-50 blocks apart. Also tried in my normal world again. With my turtle being at y=30, repeater at y=50, and the receiver at y= 80.
I have also tried using the repeater as some kind of satellite at y=200, cause i read on some forums wireless modems get more range the highter they are up. up to 381 blocks i believe? All gave me the same results.

The program versions i used are:
Quarry 3.6.4:
Quarry Receiver 3.6.4:
Quarry Repeater 1.0.3:
Mr_TC #541
Posted 21 August 2015 - 07:13 PM
There is no output other than 'Cannot serialize type function' when using the pastebin code.
The output I am referencing above is what is printed out when uncommenting line 813 in the code.
It manages to dig one block before the error happens.
I am using the latest FTB Direwolf20 modpack pack. Might that have an influence?
civilwargeeky #542
Posted 30 August 2015 - 08:20 PM
To both of you I would just like to say I'm really sorry for taking so long to investigate and respond. It usually doesn't take me this long to find time for coding and things :\

Thanks for your response wargeeky. I am using CC version 1.74. I also tried to reproduce the issue. And it happens every time i try to use your repeater program.

I have tried on a flat world with all computers and the turtle on the same y coordinate and all about 40-50 blocks apart. Also tried in my normal world again. With my turtle being at y=30, repeater at y=50, and the receiver at y= 80.
I have also tried using the repeater as some kind of satellite at y=200, cause i read on some forums wireless modems get more range the highter they are up. up to 381 blocks i believe? All gave me the same results.

The program versions i used are:
Quarry 3.6.4:
Quarry Receiver 3.6.4:
Quarry Repeater 1.0.3:

I've been working on fixing this, but the error and my solution to it makes no sense. I've been able to reproduce the error, and for me fixing it involves going to every repeater and pressing a key, then enter. This is just setting a blank channel, and there is nothing in that area of the code that would do anything… I don't really understand why it doesn't work all the time, since it should work fine in both directions. I may try some looking back at old code to see if I can figure it out, but for now I can't fix it :(/>

There is no output other than 'Cannot serialize type function' when using the pastebin code.
The output I am referencing above is what is printed out when uncommenting line 813 in the code.
It manages to dig one block before the error happens.
I am using the latest FTB Direwolf20 modpack pack. Might that have an influence?

So, I went and uncommented the line that tells me everything it saves when it does, and discovered that in CC 1.74 there is a new table called "_ENV" that contains the current environment (I guess, I didn't really look into yet) and also contains functions. I simply added it to the list of excluded functions and now the program works fine. Please redownload :)/>
bonafide666 #543
Posted 05 September 2015 - 08:40 AM
Hello Guys. Was hoping for a little help with this program. Everything is working fine for the turtle but i cans seem to get the computer program to work. When i type in recieve channel 8 (or any other number for that matter) nothing seems to happen. Having seen youtube videos on how to use the program it seems that it might be because of rednet? i have a wireless modem on the top of the computer and 9 monitor blocks to the left of it. On the turtle the modem seems to be on but on the compute the modem dosent turn red. Do you have to manually turn on the modem? and if so how? ive tried the newest version and 4 versions back of both the turlt and computer program but to no avail. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. I have also teted this both on a server ( as part of Ultra modded survival modpack) and in single player (again in ultra modded survival modpack) Could the pack not allow rednet? and if o where can i check this. Thanks again in advance :)/>
HPWebcamAble #544
Posted 05 September 2015 - 10:30 PM
- snip -

What version of CC are you using?
Also note that wireless modems have a limited range, around 100 or so blocks (Depending on their height in the world)
civilwargeeky #545
Posted 06 September 2015 - 04:10 AM
If you can't figure it out, please try watching this video.

If you have watched the whole video and it still doesn't work, then come back here and tell me what is broken.

A couple other things: Make sure you are using wireless modem, not wired. Make sure that you are using the receiver program, not repeater or quarry. Make sure you have started the receiver, and want to set the receive channel for the screen, use "RECEIVE [side] [number]" like "RECEIVE COMPUTER 8"

Hope I helped
Edited on 06 September 2015 - 02:11 AM
HPWebcamAble #546
Posted 06 September 2015 - 06:03 AM
want to set the receive channel for the screen, use "RECEIVE [side] [number]" like "RECEIVE COMPUTER 8

COMPUTER isn't a side :P/>
civilwargeeky #547
Posted 06 September 2015 - 06:53 AM
want to set the receive channel for the screen, use "RECEIVE [side] [number]" like "RECEIVE COMPUTER 8

COMPUTER isn't a side :P/>
It is in my case :P/>
COMPUTER is the default side (the main screen). Since all other screens are already named peripherals, I just used COMPUTER as the name of the screen that already exists (and isn't a handily named peripheral).
bonafide666 #548
Posted 06 September 2015 - 07:20 AM
- snip -

What version of CC are you using?
Also note that wireless modems have a limited range, around 100 or so blocks (Depending on their height in the world)

Im using CC 1.7.4. The turtle has been tested standing around 10 blocks from the computer so sadly that is not it.

If you can't figure it out, please try watching this video.

If you have watched the whole video and it still doesn't work, then come back here and tell me what is broken.

A couple other things: Make sure you are using wireless modem, not wired. Make sure that you are using the receiver program, not repeater or quarry. Make sure you have started the receiver, and want to set the receive channel for the screen, use "RECEIVE [side] [number]" like "RECEIVE COMPUTER 8"

Hope I helped

thanks for the help so far. I have rewatched your video and the only new thing i found was that you labeled your computer. tried that out and it did not work. I have uploaded a video to youtube of the setup to show the error / problem. here is the link:

Also thought i would link to the modpack m using a that might have something to do with it. The Modpack is:

Thanks again everyone for the replies and ad looking forward to your responses.
HPWebcamAble #549
Posted 06 September 2015 - 07:54 AM
Ah, so its the computer terminal? Interesting…

Why not just do it like this:

receive <id> [side]
Where <id> is required, but [side] isn't. So if the user doesn't provide [side], it just uses the terminal.
Just a thought :)/>
civilwargeeky #550
Posted 07 September 2015 - 12:45 AM

thanks for the help so far. I have rewatched your video and the only new thing i found was that you labeled your computer. tried that out and it did not work. I have uploaded a video to youtube of the setup to show the error / problem. here is the link:

Also thought i would link to the modpack m using a that might have something to do with it. The Modpack is: http://www.technicpa...101.698929/mods

Thanks again everyone for the replies and ad looking forward to your responses.
Hopefully this is the issue: In your video, you spelled "RECEIVE" wrong both times. The first time you put "RECIEVE" and the second you put "RECEIVER", neither of which are commands :)/>
I hope this spelling is the only issue. Please get back with me if it works properly.
theminstrell #551
Posted 17 September 2015 - 08:46 AM
Hi! I found a problem when I'm using OreQuarry feature. My turtles throw mined coal out together with cobblestone, dirt and gravel when they clean their inventories. I'm using standard -oreQuarry true option with no putting blocks (f.e.: dirt, stone, gravel) into the inventory. How can I get rid of this problem?
civilwargeeky #552
Posted 18 September 2015 - 11:24 PM
Hi! I found a problem when I'm using OreQuarry feature. My turtles throw mined coal out together with cobblestone, dirt and gravel when they clean their inventories. I'm using standard -oreQuarry true option with no putting blocks (f.e.: dirt, stone, gravel) into the inventory. How can I get rid of this problem?
Hi! I was actually consolidating my code database today (so I can write code in a more structured way), and I noticed that I had a commit in my "UnofficialQuarryFeatures" branch titled "Quarry dumps excess coal ಠ_ಠ". I have added this change to the release branch, so the issue should hopefully (maybe) be fixed. Please redownload and let me know if the issue is fixed (also if it is not fixed. Please, let me know whether or not it worked).
Edited on 18 September 2015 - 09:25 PM
danilox6 #553
Posted 23 September 2015 - 09:25 AM
Looks like maxSlots at line 2062 isn't defined. I guess you meant inventoryMax. Nice job by the way!
civilwargeeky #554
Posted 24 September 2015 - 04:28 AM
Looks like maxSlots at line 2062 isn't defined. I guess you meant inventoryMax. Nice job by the way!
Thanks! Fixed and pushed.
GantradiesDracos #555
Posted 27 October 2015 - 06:36 AM
hey, erm. its been a really long time since ive last loaded up the programs ( or minecraft itself, for that matter), and the receiver used to give feedback on how far though the quarry was with a Percentage and possibally an ETA ( as i said, it has been an EXTREMELY long time, almost 9 months since i played regularly), and the program currently isnt displaying it on my monitors. is it bugged/ am i doing something wrong, or was this removed? >.<

Current Server: FTB Infinity ver 1.11.2

*edit* its also no longer showing reaming/required fuel on the telemetry
*edit the second* huh. ok, and now it is. i was fiddleing around with my monitor dimensions since it got a bit glitchy, and it started showing the rest of the telementry again. odd.
is currently 5 horizontallyx3 vertically >.<
Edited on 27 October 2015 - 10:20 AM
HPWebcamAble #556
Posted 27 October 2015 - 11:43 PM
- snip -

Probably related to the monitor bug in CC 1.74

Sometimes monitors don't display anything, changing the text size (monitor.setTextScale()) to something else then back to what you'd like it to be fixes the issue.
GantradiesDracos #557
Posted 30 October 2015 - 05:06 PM
hey everyone. ive been fiddling with multishell (trying to set up bot clusters using only a single computer for the receiver program), and im having issues with getting it to display the two instances on separate monitors ( it keeps flickering between showing the data for each of the two turtles rapidly on one monitor, other is still at the prompt to input the channel). i went tough having them in the same network with a single modem connected to the adv comp with two instances of the reciever program running in separate sessions (basically an overhead networking cable running between teh modems attached to each screen coming down to a modem atop the adv.comp)

have i done something wrong, or does multishell/ the modems just not liek the program? :P/>
Adirelle #558
Posted 01 November 2015 - 11:38 AM
Is there any text documentation about using the repeater ? I successfully runs a quarry turtle with a quarry receiver using a single channel. When it comes to repeater, I'm not sure how to set up the rednet channels (both on the receiver and turtle) to make use of it.
civilwargeeky #559
Posted 03 November 2015 - 05:19 AM

Hi! With any issues you guys are having, feel free to make your own modifications (my license allows modification with attribution) but I am fairly swamped with schoolwork and probably will be until Christmas break. I probably won't be hunting bugs with the new MC versions any time soon. I myself haven't touched minecraft to play in over half a year now :\

As for documentation with the repeater, I think there was some in the post where I released it, but there's not much to it. Place the repeater down, add the channel the turtle says, and then it works (or doesn't work) as its intended to :)/>

Sorry I can't help more. Thanks for sticking with my program! :D/>
Jonnhycraft #560
Posted 05 November 2015 - 12:43 PM
Is there anyway to whitelist coal some how? Because it seems to be dropping coal for some reason.

Thanks in advance!
Edited on 05 November 2015 - 01:49 PM
civilwargeeky #561
Posted 05 November 2015 - 05:43 PM
Is there anyway to whitelist coal some how? Because it seems to be dropping coal for some reason.

Thanks in advance!
Hmm. Well, I looked at the code for awhile, trying to figure out what could be going wrong, then I tried to test my program, but my outdated minecraft setup apparently doesn't work with pastebin anymore… so I looked at more code for awhile… And I have no idea why it isn't working. Unless "turtle.refuel(0)" no longer returns true for a fuel item, I can't see any reason why it would count the fuel as a junk block. Possibly try "-doRefuel true" to see if that fixes it? I don't think it will but it might…

I'm sorry I can't reproduce or fix your problem immediately :(/>
dkittrell #562
Posted 18 November 2015 - 04:59 PM
First off great program, I use this anytime I use a turtle for a quarry.Havent had to use a turtle in quite some time so i came back to this code and found it updated alot.So i was looking for some help, im probably being a big newb here so im sorry. I put the program on the turtle and named it quarry. I looked under the help screen and found the oreQuarry and doRefuel options which I liked so I started the program and wrote this exactly: quarry oreQuarry doRefuel ,I also put a block of stone,dirt and Gravel in 1-3 slots. The program asked me about size and inverted then it started but I don’t think I did the arguments right. Its still brining back all the cobble,dirt,and gravel and it doesn’t appear to be refueling it self with the coal it picks up. Did I understand these arguments wrong or did I put them in wrong?
Edited on 18 November 2015 - 04:00 PM
civilwargeeky #563
Posted 19 November 2015 - 05:44 PM

You need to use "-" before parameters. So you would write "quarry -oreQuarry true -doRefuel true"
onContentStop #564
Posted 23 November 2015 - 02:15 AM
Is there anyway to whitelist coal some how? Because it seems to be dropping coal for some reason.

Thanks in advance!
Hmm. Well, I looked at the code for awhile, trying to figure out what could be going wrong, then I tried to test my program, but my outdated minecraft setup apparently doesn't work with pastebin anymore… so I looked at more code for awhile… And I have no idea why it isn't working. Unless "turtle.refuel(0)" no longer returns true for a fuel item, I can't see any reason why it would count the fuel as a junk block. Possibly try "-doRefuel true" to see if that fixes it? I don't think it will but it might…

I'm sorry I can't reproduce or fix your problem immediately :(/>
Yeah using -doRefuel true does stop it from dropping coal, but it seems like there's no way to get the coal in the chest.
ego003 #565
Posted 01 January 2016 - 09:56 PM

I would really love to use this turtle program but with the newest version i get this error:

If I use the Version 3.0.3 it works but crashes when unloading items to the chest.

Im using the newist tekkit legends mod.

Does somebody know a program for mining, which works with the newist versions?


Does somebody know a program for mining, which works with the newist versions?

It seems to be this line:

civilTable = nil; _G.civilTable = {}; setmetatable(civilTable, {__index = getfenv()}); setfenv(1,civilTable)

Does somebody know, why the error "attempt to call nil" appear for this line? I am not good enough with LUA.

Thank You!
Plebbian #566
Posted 22 January 2016 - 04:18 AM
Hi Civilwargeeky, great program! I'm trying to run the below parameters and having an issue with it. The turtle accepts the bucket that I place in slot 16 but when it comes back up to drop off its load it drops off the bucket as well! Any idea what I could be doing wrong?

-dim 32 8 50 -autoresume -oreQuarry true -dorefuel true -lava 16 -lavabuffer 2
HeroCC #567
Posted 22 January 2016 - 09:18 PM

I would really love to use this turtle program but with the newest version i get this error:

If I use the Version 3.0.3 it works but crashes when unloading items to the chest.

Im using the newist tekkit legends mod.

Does somebody know a program for mining, which works with the newist versions?


Does somebody know a program for mining, which works with the newist versions?

It seems to be this line:

civilTable = nil; _G.civilTable = {}; setmetatable(civilTable, {__index = getfenv()}); setfenv(1,civilTable)

Does somebody know, why the error "attempt to call nil" appear for this line? I am not good enough with LUA.

Thank You!
Same problem here, anybody have a fix?
civilwargeeky #568
Posted 23 January 2016 - 09:42 PM
Hi all! Sorry it has taken me so long to respond to all of these, but alas, I'm here now :)/>

So for you two, at first I thought I had an issue with the 1.8.9 versions of minecraft, so I went and downloaded that and checked, and it worked fine… So then I actually looked up what Tekkit Legends was and tested it out. Apparently, Tekkit Legends does not use Computercraft, but ComputerCraftEdu, which removes several functions related to tables and environments that are essential to many parts of my program. I could make extra logic to implement those functions myself, but I don't want to add in all that logic to the main program for everyone, and I don't really to make a specialty version for Tekkit Legends right now.
I'm sorry, but for now you cannot use my program with that mod pack :(/>

As for you, I went and did some testing and discovered that when the turtle attempts to consolidate its inventory before going back to chest, it would take the bucket out of its protected slot 16, and just move it somewhere towards the top. I am uploading 3.6.4 bugfix 5 which fixes that issue. Please redownload :)/>
Edited on 23 January 2016 - 08:44 PM
HeroCC #569
Posted 25 January 2016 - 04:57 PM
Hi all! Sorry it has taken me so long to respond to all of these, but alas, I'm here now :)/>

So for you two, at first I thought I had an issue with the 1.8.9 versions of minecraft, so I went and downloaded that and checked, and it worked fine… So then I actually looked up what Tekkit Legends was and tested it out. Apparently, Tekkit Legends does not use Computercraft, but ComputerCraftEdu, which removes several functions related to tables and environments that are essential to many parts of my program. I could make extra logic to implement those functions myself, but I don't want to add in all that logic to the main program for everyone, and I don't really to make a specialty version for Tekkit Legends right now.
I'm sorry, but for now you cannot use my program with that mod pack :(/>

As for you, I went and did some testing and discovered that when the turtle attempts to consolidate its inventory before going back to chest, it would take the bucket out of its protected slot 16, and just move it somewhere towards the top. I am uploading 3.6.4 bugfix 5 which fixes that issue. Please redownload :)/>

Thanks for the reply, that is OK it doesn't work.
Draaven #570
Posted 26 January 2016 - 10:03 AM
Hi all! Sorry it has taken me so long to respond to all of these, but alas, I'm here now :)/>

So for you two, at first I thought I had an issue with the 1.8.9 versions of minecraft, so I went and downloaded that and checked, and it worked fine… So then I actually looked up what Tekkit Legends was and tested it out. Apparently, Tekkit Legends does not use Computercraft, but ComputerCraftEdu, which removes several functions related to tables and environments that are essential to many parts of my program. I could make extra logic to implement those functions myself, but I don't want to add in all that logic to the main program for everyone, and I don't really to make a specialty version for Tekkit Legends right now.
I'm sorry, but for now you cannot use my program with that mod pack :(/>

As for you, I went and did some testing and discovered that when the turtle attempts to consolidate its inventory before going back to chest, it would take the bucket out of its protected slot 16, and just move it somewhere towards the top. I am uploading 3.6.4 bugfix 5 which fixes that issue. Please redownload :)/>

I was getting the same with the Ender Chest. It was ending up out of it's slot after being used. I'll redownload this version and see if it's fixed in this latest version.
iambob1012 #571
Posted 07 February 2016 - 04:46 AM
hi mate is there anyway to get the rednet reciever program to work on the wireless handheld computer?
civilwargeeky #572
Posted 08 February 2016 - 06:50 PM
hi mate is there anyway to get the rednet reciever program to work on the wireless handheld computer?
Uhm, it does?
Rancordian #573
Posted 28 February 2016 - 02:50 AM
Hello, i have a problem with this programm.
First: I'm running a server with Tekkit Legends and deletet ComputercraftEdu and changed it with Computercraft 1.75,

But i didn't get any of the version running. Every version i'm getting a error:

Hopefully someone can help because i used this so often but yet after trying a new Modpack i can't use it anymore.

P.s: sry for my bad english ^^
HPWebcamAble #574
Posted 28 February 2016 - 04:44 PM
Hello, i have a problem with this programm.
First: I'm running a server with Tekkit Legends and deletet ComputercraftEdu and changed it with Computercraft 1.75,

But i didn't get any of the version running. Every version i'm getting a error:

Here's line 18:

civilTable = nil; _G.civilTable = {}; setmetatable(civilTable, {__index = getfenv()}); setfenv(1,civilTable)

My guess is that you have Lua 5.1 features disabled in your config
Separate it into two lines, like this:

civilTable = nil; _G.civilTable = {}; setmetatable(civilTable, {__index =
getfenv()}); setfenv(1,civilTable)

If the new error is on line 19, then we'll know for sure
Rancordian #575
Posted 28 February 2016 - 09:06 PM
Hello, i have a problem with this programm.
First: I'm running a server with Tekkit Legends and deletet ComputercraftEdu and changed it with Computercraft 1.75,

But i didn't get any of the version running. Every version i'm getting a error:

Here's line 18:

civilTable = nil; _G.civilTable = {}; setmetatable(civilTable, {__index = getfenv()}); setfenv(1,civilTable)

My guess is that you have Lua 5.1 features disabled in your config
Separate it into two lines, like this:

civilTable = nil; _G.civilTable = {}; setmetatable(civilTable, {__index =
getfenv()}); setfenv(1,civilTable)

If the new error is on line 19, then we'll know for sure

You are right. Now line 19 is the error
If i understand it right i can enable lua5.1 in the cinfig and it should be fixed?
civilwargeeky #576
Posted 29 February 2016 - 01:35 AM

You are right. Now line 19 is the error
If i understand it right i can enable lua5.1 in the cinfig and it should be fixed?
Oh wow. I didn't even know that was a thing. Yes. In your Computercraft config there should be a line
	# Set this to true to disable Lua 5.1 functions that will be removed in a future update. Useful for ensuring forward compatibility of your programs now.
And setting this to false should allow my program to work.
Lua 5.1 has altered the concept of environment so I can no longer get a function's environment or set it through a function.

I don't know if this would also allow my program to work with ComputercraftEdu as well or not. I guess they had different defaults.

I will add a note in the OP to warn people if they are having trouble in the newer versions of CC. Thanks HPWebcamAble!
Edited on 29 February 2016 - 12:36 AM
Rancordian #577
Posted 29 February 2016 - 12:35 PM
Thanks you two :D/> It is now working again.
And a special thanks to civil, i like your programm and used it alot since i startet with computercraft =)
elektronemulo #578
Posted 19 March 2016 - 02:55 PM
Bug Report: Version

First Attempt:

[indent=1]Command line: VarQuarry -startDown 74[/indent]

[indent=1]Length: 30[/indent]
[indent=1]Width: 30[/indent]
[indent=1]Height: 74[/indent]
[indent=1]Inverted: y[/indent]

Turtle goes up 74 and starts digging up. What I expected to do was go down 74 and start digging up a layer at a time.

Second Attempt:

[indent=1]Command line: VarQuarry -startUp 74[/indent]

[indent=1]Length: 30[/indent]
[indent=1]Width: 30[/indent]
[indent=1]Height: 74[/indent]
[indent=1]Inverted: y[/indent]

Turtle goes up 74 and starts digging down. Behavior as expected.

Thanks for my most frequently used turtle program!!!
Edited on 19 March 2016 - 01:58 PM
Radien #579
Posted 31 March 2016 - 07:01 PM
Hi i'm using this on FTB infinity 1.7.10 and have loaded both scripts to the turtle &amp; computer and i've placed a 4x3 monitor next to the computer and sent the command it asked to link them but once the command is sent nothing is shown and the message on the monitor doesn't change, is there something wrong with the script or do I need to edit something somewhere to get it to work? (also is it possible to just have a monitor to auto load information from the computer?)
SyberSmoke #580
Posted 05 April 2016 - 08:38 PM
Hi i'm using this on FTB infinity 1.7.10 and have loaded both scripts to the turtle &amp; computer and i've placed a 4x3 monitor next to the computer and sent the command it asked to link them but once the command is sent nothing is shown and the message on the monitor doesn't change, is there something wrong with the script or do I need to edit something somewhere to get it to work? (also is it possible to just have a monitor to auto load information from the computer?)

Run the program on the computer with (program name) -auto this will find the monitor then when it starts do receiver (monitor side right/left) (net ID) to get the data to display. Worked out of the box for me, just had to learn it.

@Civilwargeeky Thank you for the excellent programs. I do have a question though. Is there a parameter to define a refuel chest, but one that is placed by the dump chest instead of an ender chest? I am in FTB Infinity Evolved also, but playing in expert and well ender chests are WAY pricy. So a wood chest stuffed with charcoal would be excellent for this situation as I kind of need the coal to make steel.
civilwargeeky #581
Posted 06 April 2016 - 03:03 AM

Hi! Sorry but that is not a bug. The way that inverted works is literally by switching the move up and move down commands. If you want, you could poke around the code and make some changes.
At line 2210 of the most recent release is where the program adds all the downs for startDown. You could probably do some sort of logic there, but I don't have the time to add something into a release.

@Civilwargeeky Thank you for the excellent programs. I do have a question though. Is there a parameter to define a refuel chest, but one that is placed by the dump chest instead of an ender chest? I am in FTB Infinity Evolved also, but playing in expert and well ender chests are WAY pricy. So a wood chest stuffed with charcoal would be excellent for this situation as I kind of need the coal to make steel.

I could have sworn I added this feature so I looked back through and I sort of did. Same for above, I don't have time to code it myself, but if you want to look into it, look for functions "emergencyRefuel" at 1448 and this section at 1758

if not outOfPath and (checkFuel() <= xPos + zPos + yPos + 5) then --If the turtle can just barely get back to the start, we need to get it there. We don't want this to activate coming back though...
    local continueEvac = false --It will be set true unless at start
    if xPos ~= 0 then
	  continueEvac = emergencyRefuel() --This is a huge list of things to do in an emergency
    if continueEvac then
	  eventClear() --Clear any annoying events for evac
	  local currPos = yPos
	  endingProcedure() --End the program
	  print("Turtle ran low on fuel so was brought back to start for you :)/>\n\nTo resume where you left off, use '-startDown "..tostring(currPos-1).."' when you start")
and functions "drop" and "dropOff" at 2017 and 2080 respectively. If you also look at how to add a parameter around 630, you should be well on your way to making something that can do what you intend :)/>
SyberSmoke #582
Posted 06 April 2016 - 08:35 AM

Hi! Sorry but that is not a bug. The way that inverted works is literally by switching the move up and move down commands. If you want, you could poke around the code and make some changes.
At line 2210 of the most recent release is where the program adds all the downs for startDown. You could probably do some sort of logic there, but I don't have the time to add something into a release.

@Civilwargeeky Thank you for the excellent programs. I do have a question though. Is there a parameter to define a refuel chest, but one that is placed by the dump chest instead of an ender chest? I am in FTB Infinity Evolved also, but playing in expert and well ender chests are WAY pricy. So a wood chest stuffed with charcoal would be excellent for this situation as I kind of need the coal to make steel.

I could have sworn I added this feature so I looked back through and I sort of did. Same for above, I don't have time to code it myself, but if you want to look into it, look for functions "emergencyRefuel" at 1448 and this section at 1758

if not outOfPath and (checkFuel() <= xPos + zPos + yPos + 5) then --If the turtle can just barely get back to the start, we need to get it there. We don't want this to activate coming back though...
	local continueEvac = false --It will be set true unless at start
	if xPos ~= 0 then
	  continueEvac = emergencyRefuel() --This is a huge list of things to do in an emergency
	if continueEvac then
	  eventClear() --Clear any annoying events for evac
	  local currPos = yPos
	  endingProcedure() --End the program
	  print("Turtle ran low on fuel so was brought back to start for you :)/>/>\n\nTo resume where you left off, use '-startDown "..tostring(currPos-1).."' when you start")
and functions "drop" and "dropOff" at 2017 and 2080 respectively. If you also look at how to add a parameter around 630, you should be well on your way to making something that can do what you intend :)/>

I wish I could…sadly my brain is pretty pictures and not code. I have honestly tried several times to learn…classes and al…just did not stick. May be someone else though…please?? Pretty please??? And the Cherry?
civilwargeeky #583
Posted 08 April 2016 - 06:29 AM

Well you know what, since you asked so nicely, I decided to take like an hour and a half and code something up. It's a touch hacky, but it should work alright. Let me know how it goes! (very slightly tested)

Recommended usage:
quarry -basicFuelChest [side the fuel chest will be on] -doCheckFuel false -maxFuel [maximum fuel to fuel it to]
The doCheckFuel false is so it doesn't ask for large amounts of fuel at the start.

Happy Trails!
Edited on 08 April 2016 - 04:30 AM
SyberSmoke #584
Posted 25 April 2016 - 06:02 PM
Thank you, I will give it a try. Was taking a break from playing. Hurm, lets see how this goes. hehe
ABLukas #585
Posted 22 May 2016 - 03:03 AM
so i set up a quary to remove a bunch of obsidian a previous owner left on his plot but when i set it to run i get found bedrock at these coridinates
civilwargeeky #586
Posted 23 May 2016 - 01:45 AM
so i set up a quary to remove a bunch of obsidian a previous owner left on his plot but when i set it to run i get found bedrock at these coridinates
Uhh… Is there more context? If its says it found bedrock, it probably tried mining bedrock (or some other material it can't break). Make sure it is set to mine the exact dimensions of the unwanted obsidian so it doesn't go and try mining nearby bedrock or something.

If these steps did not get you want you want, I will need more information.
Bomb Bloke #587
Posted 23 May 2016 - 04:18 AM
If a turtle is telling you it can't mine something it should, and the server uses some sort of system for defining "plots" (presumably barring anyone but their owner from mining there), then that'd suggest you should asking the server owner, yeah?
Vex #588
Posted 23 May 2016 - 07:24 AM
Quarry programs are always useful, thanks for releasing it!
FunkDooBiesT #589
Posted 17 October 2016 - 01:54 PM
Howdy again, I'd simply like to point out that I'm missing the -plugHoles parameter big time.

I'm going to attemp to hack it into the new version you have updated.

civilwargeeky #590
Posted 18 October 2016 - 06:59 PM
Howdy again, I'd simply like to point out that I'm missing the -plugHoles parameter big time.

I'm going to attemp to hack it into the new version you have updated.

By "-plugHoles parameter", do you mean it should cover up a quarry hole it made? That was never a part of this program. If you want I could also try to hack it in and post it here, but the program really wasn't designed with placing blocks in mind. I suppose it could conditionally work on an oreQuarry after the last run was done… Maybe it could check if it has enough "filler" blocks to cover the top section, and then do it if it has enough, otherwise don't bother.

That's what you meant, right?
FunkDooBiesT #591
Posted 19 October 2016 - 11:51 AM
Lol nope, You actually made a new branch for your program that had a feature I requested in it. This version of the program that had the feature got rather outdated as time went on.

So then I went to your Github and grabbed the newest version I could find and compared if to the one you made me. I found everything I could relating to plugHoles and just put it into the new program.

Here is a link to the post with the description of the feature request.
1st issue:
So ATM the hacked program is plugging the holes it finds but with whatever it can find in the inventory.

I need a way for the turtle to check and use only cobble or dirt or maybe modded items like granite or marble, not gravel as gravel placed above it will just fall down.

i think you refer to these blocks as fillers in the program somewhere.

2nd issue:
When the turtle drops off the items, I need it to keep at most one stack or half a stack of cobble, dirt whatever. This will give it a buffer to plug hole with until it can mine more.

I have a pastebin of the hacked version that I used to get the program onto the turtle if you want to see what I did.

Anyway glad to see your still around man and I hope you can help me out!
civilwargeeky #592
Posted 20 October 2016 - 05:13 AM

Wow! Its been a long time since I've coded lua :P/>
I stopped adding computercraft to my mod packs awhile ago, and haven't been playing minecraft significantly in a long time, but I still remembered most important things about my code! (and then disregarded some systems anyway :P/>)

So I took the "hacked" version that you showed me, and I added in some logic to make it better. So first, whenever it plugs the holes, instead of doing a complicated inventory checking thing with types and slots and assumptions and things, it just checks directly against the blacklist and uses unwanted blocks. It should also be very efficient, as it only looks for a new slot when it runs out of blocks in that slot. The only way it could fail is if there is ore directly in front of it and it uses its last piece of filler :\ . NOTE: This requires that you are using at least Computercraft 1.64 and will not work with older versions. If that's a problem for you, let me know.
The second thing I did is go into the drop function. When it is dropping off things, it tries to keep 32 filler material in its inventory for filling purposes (this applies to every time it drops stuff off, including mid-run without going to a chest, just fyi) (also this only applies if plug holes is on).

To stop it from dropping gravel, or add mod blocks to its blacklist, go to line 919 and take out gravel, add mod blocks, etc. To find out what the name of the mod block you want to add is, there are a few ways I know. First, there is a setting in NEI you can turn on. Second, if you have bspkrs core, there is an output file in your config file that has a list of all blocks installed. Third, if you have bibliocraft, there is a debug book you can give yourself that tells you the name of item stacks you put in it. Just add them to the blacklist in a way similar to the other ones

If you want to change the amount of filler material it tries to keep in its inventory, go to line 2237 and change the number there. It will keep it in multiple slots if necessary.

Anyway, now that I have talked you to death, here's the program:
Tested it on my machine. Can't guarantee it will always work. Hope it is an improvement. Thank you so much for sticking with my program for so long. It makes me happy to know all of my effort is still appreciated :D/>
FunkDooBiesT #593
Posted 22 October 2016 - 02:53 PM
Hey there,

I do get some very weird behavior when I try to use the parameter -dumpCompareItems f, I was forced to change it in the variable table. After that the turtle was great with 32 items in slot 1 mainly cobble that it mined.

I then gave it a enderchest in slot 15 and sent it off this was last night and the server is down for maintenance so can't tell you how that worked out.

Thanks for the update on the program man, I really do appreciate!
civilwargeeky #594
Posted 22 October 2016 - 06:03 PM

Went back and checked, turns out that I was specifically checking for "oldOreQuarry" for whether or not to accept the dumpCompareItems switch. I just removed that restriction, so it should work fine now :)/>
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