Disclaimer: Strictly speaking impersonal. No offense meant in any way!
I was just trying to find good explanations and comparisons. If anything sounds sarcastic, it is not meant like that!
And sorry if I'm being too apologetic. *trololo*
It's 7 in the morning here (again) so I might not think very straight anymore.Lua is not getting any closer to being an OS than a picture of a bird is to being an actual bird.
The reason for that is that Lua is a high level programming language. More than that, it is a scripting language.
It has nowhere near the capabilites for low-level ISA programming like e.g. assembler, which would be needed to talk directly to the hardware.
MS-DOS and Lua just look alike, that is all. The difference is in what's going on in the background.
Lua doesn't have a file-system, DOS has. Lua can't directly talk to the hardware, MS-DOS can.
Every simple shell nowadays might look like MS-DOS, but don't get deceived simply by what something looks like.
If we're talking about "simulating" a computer, then sure, something like ComputerCraft can give you that illusion.
But that's all it is, an illusion. Because in the case of ComputerCraft, Lua is running on Java.
And Java is running on the application layer
of the operating system, which itself then (finally) runs on the hardware.
ComputerCraft is a simulator of a computer, if you will. It imitates being a computer.
The RP2 computer would be an example of an emulator, i.e. it actually emulates the functions of a real computer.
One of ComputerCraft's advantages of being a simulator is its speed (runs on Java) and ease of use due to its Lua implementation.
RP2's computer is much slower, because it actually emulates CPU operations, which is exactly what its advantage is if that is what you were looking for.
Both have their uses for different purposes, depending on what you need, want and are able to.
But here you can see how there's already a big difference between two virtual computer types such as these two.^^
Please don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to bash you or something. Just thought you might be interested to know more about this.
If you're interested to know all the ins and outs, here are some sources to start out with:
Operating System FunctionsWhen you turn on the power to a computer...Wikipedia: Operating systemWikipedia: Shell (computing)Wikipedia: Low-level programming languageWikipedia: High-level programming language