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[API] ART - Advanced art utils [v1.1]

Started by billysback, 10 November 2012 - 09:41 AM
billysback #1
Posted 10 November 2012 - 10:41 AM

Art API is essentially a advanced (in my opinon) version of paintutilis.

First, lets just strait off list the functions:
-for in-API function use, returns the index of the pixel in table format, not metatable format.

-clears the terminal of all colors and clears the pixel table, resets the API.

getPixelByLoc(x, y)
-returns this index of a pixel in table format at the x and y coordinate, the last found one.

setPixel(x, y, bcolor, tcolor, ch, id, index)
-adds a new pixel in table format and add it to the storage, it also returns this pixel.
-bcolor is background color to set the terminal to when the pixel is drawn (nil for none)
-tcolor is text color for the pixel
-ch is the character
-id is mainly for use of in-API functions, nil to ignore it
-index is mainly for use of in-API functions, nil to ignore it.

setPixelByData(x, y, data)
-data is a table containing: bcolor, tcolor, ch, id, index in that order.

drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, data)
-returns a table containing pixels in table format.

drawLineP(p1, p2, data)
-same as drawLine() but p1 is a table containing x, y and p2 is a table containing x, y of point 2

drawSquare(corner1, corner2, corner3, corner4, data)
-draws line between corners

drawCircle(center, radius, data, fill)
-draws a circle around the center.

drawPolygon(points, data)
-draws a polygon by joining up each point with a line


-returns a pixel array based off the pixel table in table format (pixs)

createPixel(x, y, bcolor, tcolor, character)
-returns a pixel in pixel format using x, y, bcolor, tcolor, character.

createPixelByLoc(x, y)
-returns a pixel in pixel format using the x, y to look at stored pixels in table format to create a pixel

It adds two "objects" or metatables through this API, Pixel and Pixelarray.
Here are the Pixel functions:
Spoilerpixel:getID() - returns the id of the pixel
pixel:getX() - returns the x of the pixel
pixel:getY() - returns the y of the pixel
pixel:getBackgroundColor() - returns the color of the pixel
pixel:getTextColor() - returns the color of the pixel
pixel:getChar() - returns the character of the pixel
pixel:setX(x) - sets the pixel x to x
pixel:setY(y) - sets the pixel y to y
pixel:setBackgroundColor(color) - sets the pixel background color to color
pixel:setTextColor(color) - sets the pixel background color to color
pixel:setChar(character) - sets the pixel character to character
pixel:updatePixel() - updates the pixel to store it in table format.
pixel:draw() - draws the pixel
Here are the Pixel Array functions:
-returns the table of pixels

-returns a pixel inside the pixelarray which has this ID

pixelarray:getPixelByLoc(x, y)
-returns a pixel inside the pixelarray which has the X as x and the Y as y

-draws all the pixels in the pixelarray

-updates all the pixels

-merges the pixelarray in to the pixelarray the function is called through

-adds pixels in pixel format the the pixelarray

Download (Pastebin):

Thats pretty much it, it's reasonably simple but make some things, such as games, easier to manipulate and easier to make graphical programs in general.

Heres a small example game I made using the art API as an example:

Heres a Screenshot:

arrow keys to move around the "village", up to 6 houses will spawn, you can walk around and look at these houses.

Walking past the edge of your current map view will walk you one that way in the real map if it can;
To change the map size or the amount of houses go to line 6 and 7 for map width and height, change those values, line 66 change the math.random(6) to math.random(number_of_houses).

There are now people as well, walk in to the people to talk to them.

Spoilerv1.0: initial release
v1.1: bug fixes, fixed draw functions.

Leo Verto #2
Posted 10 November 2012 - 12:25 PM
Impressive, am I allowed to use it to make a paint program?
billysback #3
Posted 10 November 2012 - 09:05 PM
Sure, use it for whatever just credit me :unsure:/>/>
billysback #4
Posted 11 November 2012 - 01:45 AM
updated to version 1.1, numerous bug fixed, took drawLine from paintutilis because mine wasn't working and fixed draw functions.
Pretty much every function is tested now, and all bugs I have found have been fixed.