Hello, this is my new program to remote control turtles.
green = out in the latest version
red = experimental
orange = work in progress
blue = planned in futures versions
- Control turtles with wireless from a computer.
- Send commands to a turtle to move it step by step or directly to a specified location.
- Send command to make it mine and change the selected slot in the turtle's inventory.
- If the turtle is lost, you can print her position in the computer.
- The turtle calculates herself her position
- You can enter commands directy in the turtle
How to use it:
1)Download the program
2)In a computer, enter "turtlesender"
3)Enter the turtle's id
4)In a turtle, enter "turtlewg"
5)Enter the X,Y,Z positions of the turtle.
6)Enter the computer's id.
7)Enter commands in the computer.
8)Have fun! :unsure:/>/>/>
turnLeft : turn the turtle at 90° to left of it
turnRight : turn the turtle at 90° to right of it
forward* : forward 1 block
backward* : backward 1 block
dig : mine the in front of the turtle
digUp : mine the block on the top of the turtle
digDown : mine the block under the turtle
up* : go up 1 block
down* : go down 1 block
placeUp : place a block on the turtle
placeDown : place a block under the turtle
selectX : (replace x by a number between 1 and 9) select the slot X of the turtle's inventory
go2;X;Z;goUp?* : go to a specific location (args: X : the X pos where the turtle need to be, Z : the Z pos where the turtle need to be, goUp? : if you enter "yes", then the turtle go up to Y: 128 to avoid obstacles, and it go down to the start Y position after the task.
homeYes* : go to the positions entred on the program start and up to 128 during the displacement
homeNo* : go to the positions entred on the program start and don't up to 128 during the displacement
lost : print the position of the turtle in the computer
stopall : stop the current action of the turtle
connectTest : test the rednet connection between the turtle and the computer
tnt : drop a lit TNT under the turtle
* Warning : If the turtle block on a obstacle, she calculate always her position and it will be offset with the true positions!
1.0 Created program ^_^/>/>/>
1.1 Added command "lost"
v. 1.0 : www.bit.ly/Qwx1Cq
v. 1.1 : www.bit.ly/TC4atc
(only on the version 1.0) The file "turtlesender" is universal. You can use it for your program or for an other program.
If you found any bug, contact me (admin@minecraftmtb.netne.net) or reply this topic.
Project paused for now.