This mod is not developed ANYMORE! I'd advise you do not use it!
If you do:
Wow. Much bugs. Such crash. Many corruption.
Welcome users! This is a peripheral called CCLights! CCLights features colorful light that can be changed with a computer! It uses RGB to give off pretty colors!
The Mod Includes:
Individual light pixels!Functions:
pixel.setColorRGB(r, g, b ) --sets the color to r, g, b
pixel.getColorRGB() --returns red, green, and blue
pixel.getSize() --returns 1, 1
G = Glass PanesR = Redstone Lamp
pixel.setColorRGB(r, g, b, x, y) --set pixel at x, y to r, g, b
pixel.getColorRGB(x, y) --returns red, green, and blue
pixel.getSize() --returns width, height
pixel.fill(r,g,b ) --fills light grid with specified color
pixel.filledCircle(r,g,b,x,y,radius) --Makes a filled circle at x, y with radius radius,g,b,x,y,radius) --Makes a circle at x, y with radius radius
pixel.filledRectangle(r,g,b,x,y,w,h) --Makes a filled rectangle at x, y with dimensions w, h
pixel.rectangle(r,g,b,x,y,w,h) --Makes a rectangle at x, y with dimensions w, h
pixel.line(r,g,b,x0,y0,x1,y1) --Makes a line from x0, y0 to x1, y1 (Currently not working)
L = Previous Size or Single PixelLL

Changelog (READ IT!!!):
Version 1.0- First release
- Fixed version for CC1.47
- Changed lightgrid setPixelRGB to use these arguments: (r,g,b,x,y)
- Made the lightgrids start at 1
- Fixed the download ZIP
- Made light grids use metadata
- Added 32x32, 64x64, and 128x128 light grids
- Changed crafting outputs
- Rendering is different
- Made it so that it will send packets when it needs to
- Saving is different
- Made it so that 128x128 won't corrupt the world around it.
- Optimized network sending again to fix 128x128 light grids.
- Fixed network sending again T_T
- Light Grid Linking
- Fixed Bug In Network code
- Added rasterizer for light grids
- Made rendering faster.
- Freezing bug fixed!
Join my IRC channel! #CCLights on