1688 posts
Posted 18 November 2012 - 10:32 AM
Making your life easier one implementation at a time.
DescriptionAllows you to append the code of another file at the top of the file(s) of your choosing. It also removes existing implementations. Useful if, for example, you have a checkFuel() function stored in another file, and you'd like to copy it over to other turtle programs.
Works with normal and advanced computers.
Usageimplement <source> into <file> (<file2> <file3> ...)
536 posts
Posted 18 November 2012 - 10:54 AM
I'll let this pass my personal rule of not posting anything unless it's above or around 100 lines of code :)/>/>
It looks pretty good; but isn't it essentially fs.combine but with a comment either side of the inputted lines?
I kinda made something similar as my first program and am working on something vaguely similar to this now :D/>/>
1688 posts
Posted 18 November 2012 - 11:07 AM
I'll let this pass my personal rule of not posting anything unless it's above or around 100 lines of code :)/>/>
It's pretty simple and tiny, but useful nonetheless. My analog clock was smaller, I'm pretty sure. :D/>/>
It looks pretty good; but isn't it essentially fs.combine but with a comment either side of the inputted lines?
Those comments are there so that the script knows there's an existing implementation, and to remove it before readding the implementation.
And I don't think this really does the job of fs.combine. Even if it did, there are a couple more features with this, and it's more convenient as a command line application.
I kinda made something similar as my first program and am working on something vaguely similar to this now :D/>/>
That's pretty cool. Good luck on that.
536 posts
Posted 18 November 2012 - 11:16 AM
not saying you shouldn't have made it, maybe try making it unimplement it by writing the file again but missing any lines which equal
and anything in between
I created this function for that other project and as it's of utter relevance to the suggestion I just made I though I would post it:
local function getChunk(lns, open, close)
local lines = {}
local on = false
for i=1,#lns do
local line = lns[i]
if line == close then on = false end
if on then
lines[#lines + 1] = line
if line == open then on = true end
return lines
This specific code gets all of the lines in a table (lns) between the opening and closing statement, but it could be easily modified to include the opening and closing statement.
1688 posts
Posted 18 November 2012 - 11:28 AM
I would rather use :gsub than loop through the file's lines. I'll keep the suggestion in mind, though.