Left -- Turns left and goes a block forward. #
Right -- Turns right and goes a block forward. #
Break -- Breaks the sign and the block behind it, then places a Stop sign. # %
Stop -- Stops the program.
Forward -- Breaks the sign and goes forward.
Back -- Goes backward.
Up -- Goes upward.
Down -- Goes downward.
Dance -- Initiates the fun-to-watch 'dance' program.
Craft -- Crafts something with the current blocks. NOTE: WILL NOT WORK DUE TO THERE NOT BEING CRAFTY READING TURTLES.
Place -- Places a block. *
# -- Will work on. (Mostly adding arguments)
% -- Requires a Mining Reading Turtle
* -- Uses arguments
There is also an arguments system for adding extra points, on separate lines of the sign. Currently the only command to use them is Place, but I will add them to Break, Left and Right later on. Currently, this is how the Place arguments work:
[Text (If sign)]
[Direction (Left, right, up or down. Leave blank for front. Back currently does not work.)]
You can download this from pastebin here, or you can download from your turtle (with HTTP enabled) with:
pastebin get fkrv7r4V signCmd
Shhhhh! Secret image for my upcoming RCTurtle!