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Why do you hack?

Started by ben657, 06 December 2012 - 07:59 PM
ben657 #1
Posted 06 December 2012 - 08:59 PM

Whilst browsing the forums and playing on various CC servers, it seems that a worryingly large amount of people are obsessed with "hacking" (in the loosest sense of the word, given that we're playing minecraft) peoples programs and computers. I mean I can understand it to a certain extent in real life, there is actually something to gain from it generally, whether information, money, or even blackmail of sorts. I can even understand it in CC if someone says "This program is completely secure, you can't break it" that's basically a challenge to prove them wrong.

But why when somebody releases a perfectly innocent program, no claims of super-security or general awesomeness, do you go and say "Hacked it straight away, needs more security". No it doesn't, it needs people like you to realise that it's just a game and hacking a program doesn't really matter… especially if you aren't even on a server with the person using it to annoy them by hacking!


tl;dr Why do you hack CC programs?
BigSHinyToys #2
Posted 06 December 2012 - 09:29 PM
I have to preface this with "I am not a hacker in real life"
That out of the way all references to hacking are made with the assumption of being computer craft related.

I think people like the challenge of it to have power over someone else's system's is quite satisfying. the Computer craft world is basically set up for hacking. Yes there are super secure rednet send but that is being takes care of. The intellectual challenge of understanding an opposing forces computer systems to a point where weaknesses are found is a fun process. Also lets face it how hasn't seen a movie of TV show doing "hacking" (it is in quotes because they are not even close to actual methods) and thought it cool and wanted to do it them selves. some turn to real hacking others do it in computer craft I think the latter is the better choice jail being a place most avoid.

Bottom line there are many reasons, The first real life hackers did it to learn about systems subsequent people used that learned knowledge for malicious prepossess and hackers became a hunted species. The game of hack = strengthen program = get hacked keeps looping around and is a fun game to an intellectual mind.
KaoS #3
Posted 06 December 2012 - 10:29 PM
I hack to modify and gain influence, I like to embed coroutines in people's startup programs that gather info and send it back to me as well as allow me to take control of their systems remotely when necessary, I play PvP so if I can control the traps in your base you are pretty screwed, it brings on a whole new level of spawn killing and I can't even be blamed as well as allowing me to sneak in when I need to
Jasonfran #4
Posted 07 December 2012 - 04:56 AM
I hate it when people use the term "hack" on Facebook when they only know their password (just thought I'd put that out there). Most people who play minecraft and use computer craft will want to do something in IT when they are older, like I want to work at Google London. And if people hack their programs they can fix the exploits and gain experience and get a more logical brain. So hacking computer craft is the way some people learn, same as hackers on the internet a lot of them are about 15 and learning how to script and program. Bug exploiting a hacking can earn you a lot of money. Google and Facebook will award you for finding loopholes up to $50,000!

And I must say, computer craft multiplayer + "hacks" = a lot of fun. Nothing more fun that remotely controlling peoples computers and gathering Intel
ben657 #5
Posted 07 December 2012 - 08:44 AM
Hmm, never thought about it as a learning excersise, I guess I can understand that one.

I suppose my only gripe really is that people often take it upon themselves to point out that they have "hacked" a system in an incredibly obnoxious way, usually in a way that degrades the aforementioned system, whether it works well or not.

Idk, maybe it's more of a silent majority sort of thing where I've only had experience with those more obnoxious "hackers".
PixelToast #6
Posted 07 December 2012 - 09:31 AM
because i like trolling people with insecure rednet code
its a lot of fun c:
AndreWalia #7
Posted 07 December 2012 - 06:53 PM
because i like trolling people with insecure rednet code
its a lot of fun c:
Awesome! High five brothah! :D/>
Sammich Lord #8
Posted 08 December 2012 - 03:19 AM
I "hack" in ComputerCraft for two reasons. The first is to learn. I find it very fun to see how somebody designed their system and find a exploit in it to use it to my advantage. The second reason is that I love to troll. I like going to a PvP server that has ComputerCraft, finding somebody's base that is surrounded by traps, put a keylogger on his main computer, and have the logs sent to my base, while also adding remote controls to his/her traps so I can turn his/her base against them.
BigSHinyToys #9
Posted 08 December 2012 - 03:25 AM
I "hack" in ComputerCraft for two reasons. The first is to learn. I find it very fun to see how somebody designed their system and find a exploit in it to use it to my advantage. The second reason is that I love to troll. I like going to a PvP server that has ComputerCraft, finding somebody's base that is surrounded by traps, put a keylogger on his main computer, and have the logs sent to my base, while also adding remote controls to his/her traps so I can turn his/her base against them.
yes it is kinda nice to have a big red button that makes them go boom lolz.
lieudusty #10
Posted 10 December 2012 - 02:06 PM
I "hack" people in CC for the fun of it. I love noobs that make faulty code that I can easily bypass.
Mailmanq! #11
Posted 19 December 2012 - 12:49 PM
I love it for trolling my friends, I am not mean with it though. I never "hack" people who don't have that good knowledge of Lua and CC. It is also just to test their program. It is also fun to mess with somebody's like MFFS setup and like nuclear reactor, especially on my server when I can do crazy shenanigans because I made a backup. As well it is useful for making my friends angry by simulating real probable situations.