Hey guise, I'll try to get to the flickering, it doesn't happen on mine unless I goto HUGE screens in which case I'm blaming the network. Still, I'll implement something that updates only on changes, i was waiting to implement my double buffer but oh well.
1. Screen tends to flicker a lot, and it can get annoying after a while. This is especially noticable on the "About" screen.. it looks like you tried (and failed) to make a transparency effect.
Hrm.. the about screen is bugging out anyways, It's probably related. the code doesn't draw much overlap (and surely not overlapping dialogs) so i'm not sure what you mean by a "failed" transparency. I'm sure it's the flicker you mentioned not but 10 words previous ;)/>
3. Not everywhere has mouse support, and when clicking on text it appears to click 2 squares to the right of the cursor. I'm guessing this is because of the numbers on the side, but it seems to be 2 squares right even when I went down to 100, where it pushed a third row to the side. Hm.
I'm aware the menus don't have mouse support and it's mentioned in the description (future update, other things were more important). As for the 2 squares.. D'oh. Was a last minute fix.. I'll have to release this update after the multi-key update (see next)
4. Classic keyboard shortcuts would be awesome. CTRL + A, CTRL + C, CTRL + V? I know CTRL is for the menu, but if you could somehow implement these too, bonus points! (Perhaps make it so that if you press A within 500ms of CTRL or something? I'unno.)
I've actually already started on this, and yes there will have to be a delay lock.
You've been coding awesome things. xD Next thing you know you'd be making the next Excel (or similar 2d-database-thing) in CC.
Thanks man.. and yes, you caught me..
http://imgur.com/a/gScBt, that and hex-edit were part of the plan but I thought they may be overkill.. so anyways now I may add them as modes foXD