This is development thread - here we're discussing newest versions on project SVN, if you want to get current release see netOS main thread: http://www.computerc...uild-innot-yet/
I'm looking for someone to help me with that pretty difficult task, I will need:
- printer driver (printing queue, page management, paper/ink management, API for it, user application[console], future printing over network, mapping network printers)
- beta tester
- someone to help programming GUI
- printer application for GUI that will be created
- possibly more
I'm Bartek from Poland, 15 years old and I love computer networks. I'm creating my own implementation of Internet that will work on CC computers. The protocols i'm planning to have native support:
Network will be made of layers - similar to real Internet:
1st - rednet
2nd - IP - thx to huettner94
3rd - UDP/TCP
4th - application protocols for example DNS, HTTP, FTP
I also plan(later) to implement AES cryptography, so there will be things like:
BUT performance will be big issue, possibly I will make addon to CC(like peripherals) that will add special encrypting API.
There will be native dynamic routing protocols, I don't yet know which, or maybe my own - that's really far future.
For more see project page(below).
It's multitasking OS, so you'll be able to have multiple consoles at the same time,
Of course I'll make it so you can easily switch between terminals.
I've implemented VTYs - virtual terminals. Currently they aren't supporting colors, but will soon.
Also textutils API has disabled all printing features, cause they aren't supporting VTYs.
To switch between terminals use CTRL+<number>.
Here is project page:
If you found any bugs please post it on bugtracker:
Do download source code use SVN:
user: netos
password: netos
Currently I have implemented about 60% of OS API and very little of networking. After I've done working OS I'll go back to networking stuff.
Changelog(SVN revisions):
- working IP layer
- ifconfig program(for now) that shows all interfaces and their configuration
- moved ip manipulating functions to separate library
- the same with interfaces
- ARP is working
- fixed few bugs
- added "lock" mode ONLY for drivers, this locks execution of other tasks for some critical operations
- probably other changes that I forgot about
- everything form revisions 18-20, I forgot about this change log, sorry.
- initial version
- added VTYs
- locked printing functions of textutils API
- first step in program privilege levels
- some bug fixes
netOS and all included programs made by grabie2 are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.