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Alex_'s | Rednet Remote Run Program (rnetrun) |Multi-Computer Remote Login Network (RedNet)

Started by Alex_, 17 March 2012 - 11:01 AM
Alex_ #1
Posted 17 March 2012 - 12:01 PM
MineCraft Telecome (InterMine) project
Multi-Computer Remote Login Network
Good news:
I have decided to keep the Multi-Computer Remote Login Network previously known as Intermine but the telecom idea is too hard for me since i havnt touched computercraft in a while. The secure version of ComputerCraft will be available before the 31/08/12
V1.0 Download

This emulates usernames and passwords across networks like in buisness domains

V0.1 Download
V0.2 Download
V1.0 Download (Latest)

How to install?
Place the contents of the client folder in the zip onto the client computer located in %appdata%/.minecraft/saves/*your map*/computers/*Your Computer ID*

Place the contents of the server folder in the zip onto the server computer located in %appdata%/.minecraft/saves/*your map*/computers/*Your Computer ID*

SpoilerHow to use for first time?
Spoiler1. Start the server
2. The server will prompt you to put the side of your modem (wireless modem)
you answer this with the side of your modem e.g. front, back, left, right, top and bottom.
3. Next it will prompt you to put the admin password in for the session. Session means the time the server is turned on.
4. Then the server should start.
5. Now go to the client computer and turn it on.
6. The client computer will prompt you for a username and password which will be for your first time "admin" and the password which you put for the session.
7. The client computer will ask you for an id just put any number (This will be removed soon).
8. You are now being logged in which should take a matter of up to 20 seconds.
9. You are now logged in.
10. Look at the next part of you chapter called how to create a user!

How to create a user?
Spoiler1. When logged in to a superuser account (e.g. admin) type "command".
2. Command will ask you to confirm your username. Type your username you logged in with.
3. It will check.
4. You are now logged into command. Command has many uses to find out more go to the command documentation.
5. type "user register".
6. It will now ask you for a username which you type a new username.
7. It will now ask you for a passowrd which you type the new users password.
8. Now it will ask you for a Privilege.
A Privilege is what security level your user has. There are currently 2.
"superuser" - This is an admin and has access to command
"norm" - This is a normal User but can't access command
just type a privilege.
9. It will display registering then display successfully registered with the details.
10. Now type "exit" to exit command and then type "logout" to logout of the system
11. Now try to login with the new username and password

Command Documentation
SpoilerHow to access command?
To access command when logged into a superuser type "command"

SpoilerGeneral Commands:
exit - exit command
help - just a list of commands

User Commands:
user register - To register a new user
user del - To delete a user
user cpass - Change the password of a user
user priv - Change the privilege of user
user help - a list of commands for user

Server Commands:
server test - test the connection with the server
server shutdown - Shutdown the server
server reboot - reboot the server
server reset - resets the server to default setting and removing all users
server help - a list of commands for server

User Command Tutorials:

How to create a new user:
Spoiler1. When logged into command
2. type "user register".
3. It will now ask you for a username which you type a new username.
4. It will now ask you for a passowrd which you type the new users password.
5. Now it will ask you for a Privilege.
A Privilege is what security level your user has. There are currently 2.
"superuser" - This is an admin and has access to command
"norm" - This is a normal User but can't access command
just type a privilege.
9. It will display registering then display successfully registered with the details.
10. Now type "exit" to exit command and then type "logout" to logout of the system
11. Now try to login with the new username and password

How to delete a user:
Spoiler1. When logged into command
2. type "user del".
3. It will then prompt you for the user you want to delete
4. If done successfully it will display "Successfully Deleted"

How to change a users password:
Spoiler1. When logged into command
2. type "user cpass".
3. It will now prompt you for a username
4. It will now prompt you for a old password
5. It will now prompt you for a new password
6. If done successfully then it will display "Successfully Changed Password"

How to change a users privilage:
Spoiler1. When logged into command
2. type "user priv"
3. It will now prompt you for a username of the account privilege you want to change.
4. It will now prompt you for a privilage to change it too.
5. If done successfully it will display "Successfully changed privilege"

Things to do by Priority;
1. Add Passwords
2. Clean up coding (getting rid of user 1 and so on and putting it into a file system) (coming in v1.0)
3. Make it terminate safe
4. Make a server control panel for client (coming in v1.0)
5. Make the server secure
6. Make the server work on multiple logins at the same time
7. Make multiple servers work on a router computer
8. Make the server faster

anymore idea's for me leave them in comments!
Also PM me if you want to help!

v1.0 *Latest
*Re-done all the code completely
*New program command added (Server Console)
*got rid of the awful
*Added Passwords
*Added Logout to Client Program

Coming Up in next version V1.1:
*Router (Working on it)
*More Secure (Working on it)
*Login Simulatanious people at the same time (Working on it)

Known Issues:
*Can't Login multiple people simultaniesly (Still can login multiple people though just not at the same time)
*Just exits if access denied on command login

Special Thanks Too for helping me correct my code: (These guys arn't part of the team but they helped me out of some broken code)

RNETRUN (Rednet Run Program)


This program is a remote run program meaning you can run any program that exists on the recieving machine over rednet. Its very simple but can be
used for many things mainly screens.

How to install on all computers:
Put the contents of the zip in "%appdata%/.minecraftModsComputerCraftluaromprograms"

How to install on seperate computers:
Put the contents of the zip in "%appdata%/.minecraft/saves/*your map*/computers/*Your Computer ID*"
Alex_ #2
Posted 21 March 2012 - 07:12 PM
CraftOs Domain Server Beta v1.0 released
Wolvan #3
Posted 21 March 2012 - 10:05 PM
If you mean forwarding computers with routers I might be able t help you. Try this: Let the computer receive and just broadcast it again until it gets to the desired client
Alex_ #4
Posted 22 March 2012 - 03:08 PM
If you mean forwarding computers with routers I might be able t help you. Try this: Let the computer receive and just broadcast it again until it gets to the desired client
Im changing the concept of it now
I was thinking of making a buisness login network but then i had an idea!
I purpose to make the internet in minecraft
BigSHinyToys #5
Posted 22 March 2012 - 04:30 PM
Thart is one heck of a routing system.

Mine is simpler
the RULE
Packet sent from Computer or node to Node. Node send direct to computer if possible or to the closest Node in meters to the destination node it can.

following that rule the worst case for a route from two computer 100 blocks apart is three routs and best case two.
also the system I'm developing can cope with nodes doping out and will reroute around damage or use a new node if closer.

But if you are making this as sort of a because i can kind of thing It will be a really interesting approach to Internet Protocol / phone exchanging.

Will your system be using cable or wireless or a combo of both?
Alex_ #6
Posted 22 March 2012 - 05:26 PM
Thart is one heck of a routing system.

Mine is simpler
the RULE
Packet sent from Computer or node to Node. Node send direct to computer if possible or to the closest Node in meters to the destination node it can.

following that rule the worst case for a route from two computer 100 blocks apart is three routs and best case two.
also the system I'm developing can cope with nodes doping out and will reroute around damage or use a new node if closer.

But if you are making this as sort of a because i can kind of thing It will be a really interesting approach to Internet Protocol / phone exchanging.

Will your system be using cable or wireless or a combo of both?
I think ill use a combination of both im currently trying to get a router to save the computers id
Wolvan #7
Posted 22 March 2012 - 06:17 PM
Can I help you? :3
Alex_ #8
Posted 24 March 2012 - 02:44 PM
Can I help you? :3
I would let you but im going to start it next month because i am having many issues with my REAL internet network at the moment after i have it fixed ill open a server so we can work on it and ill send you an ftp address to the server folder so you can use notepad++. I'll send you a link next month though
Wolvan #9
Posted 24 March 2012 - 02:52 PM
Yeah no problem and thx
Alex_ #10
Posted 25 March 2012 - 05:34 PM
Rnet Run
Wolvan #11
Posted 25 March 2012 - 06:02 PM
Rnet Run is epic
Alex_ #12
Posted 25 March 2012 - 07:22 PM
Rnet Run is epic
Thanks your programs are too
Alex_ #13
Posted 27 March 2012 - 04:10 PM
Yeah no problem and thx
Sorry but i will have to continue it on the 19th of april
Alex_ #14
Posted 25 April 2012 - 05:21 PM
Decided to discontinue the intermine project
ironsmith123 #15
Posted 12 May 2012 - 04:32 AM
ironsmith123 #16
Posted 01 June 2012 - 07:34 PM
Decided to discontinue the intermine project
Please continue! This is the only one there is…
Bossman201 #17
Posted 02 June 2012 - 03:36 AM
Here are some small functions I wrote for an auto-updater in BossChat. Maybe you can make some use of them in your program(s).

function verCheck()
  rednet.broadcast("UTIL v." .. pVer)
  local id, message = rednet.receive(5)
  if tonumber(string.sub(message, 8)) > tonumber(pVer) then
	print("Update required!")
	rednet.broadcast("UTIL READY")
	print("UTIL READY")"updater")
	terminate = true
  elseif message == "" then
	print("NOTE: No other users!")
	print("Client up-to-date!")

function messageReceive(id, message)
	if string.sub(message, 1, 4) == "UTIL" then
	handleUtilities(id, message)

function handleUtilities(id, message)
  if string.sub(message, 6, 7) == "v." then
	rednet.broadcast("UTIL v." .. pVer)
  elseif string.sub(message, 6) == "READY" then
	bosschat ="bosschat", "r")
	if bosschat then
	  local update = bosschat.readAll()
	  rednet.send(id, update)

I used a header ("UTIL") to say that this is a Utility message, and should not be displayed. That's just how I made a "behind the scenes" kind of thing. Additional utilities could be easy added/coded. Could be modified to create a handshake between clients/routers on program execution and adding them to a "client list" instead of modifying a file.

I have experience in networking so I know a thing or two.

EDIT: Note that the 'elseif' statement in verCheck will cause an error if no computers respond. This is because it message = nil. I haven't found a way to work around that.
nutcase84 #18
Posted 13 April 2013 - 11:20 AM
No pics, no clicks. I don't want to waste my time watching a video.
Shnupbups #19
Posted 13 April 2013 - 02:59 PM
No pics, no clicks. I don't want to waste my time watching a video.
Dude this topic hasn't been replied to for 10 months. YOU ARE RAISING THE DEAD.
Cranium #20
Posted 13 April 2013 - 07:17 PM
No more necro, please…