I am not against it. I'm just too dumb to see actual suggestion. (if it was really described)
Is not startup enough to load different os? If I'm not mistake redworks os installs from external disk on each comp.
The problem at least for me is that bios.lua calls shell, which is an entire environment that will wrap whatever you have run, however I'm a bit more paranoid about OS security, any minor tampering can allow you to drop to the base shell and have full OS access around everything. On top of that a lot of my code is spent
overriding what was done in the previous scripts.
I currently also just jack into the startup script, but the problems above still plague the software and require basically dirty hacks to (attempt to…) prevent.
On top of that it protects a lot of objects I wish to expand upon (fs and peripherals I've already expanded for additional functionality) are locked down.
If I understand StrangeWill right, some kind of bios rewrite access wanted.
Are you want comp/turtle behaive as disk drive when placed on another comp untill first time turn on? This would allow to rewrite rom directory one time for each comp.
That is correct, I would more shoot for some kind of BIOS rewrite in the sense of how computer BIOSes are like today: ROM/EPPROM firmware (ROM is fine), small flash memory (password/config), small boot menu (disable remote boot, secure BIOS, boot order, boot from device), and the ability to look for a boot sector (look up /boot of the device) and raw peripheral device support, most of the current bios would probably get moved to /rom/boot, and installing custom software to /boot will allow for a custom ground-up OS, and of course /disk/boot for bootable disks.