Posted 29 December 2012 - 08:22 AM
This program is a program that allows users to have a user friendly Rednet sender, this does not have color and is therefore compatible with any computer. The rednet modem must be placed on top. The program has 3 options, the first option allows you to state the user you want to send to [Stated by computer ID]. The second option allows you to broadcast one message. The third allows you to broadcast continuously. Once you say something, it will ask you for another. These are three user friendly options. to exit "RapidChat" [The option of which you are continuously prompted for a message] type "exit()"
You may edit and use this program any time. Free rights for this program are given. You may edit and use this program and create your own version.
You may edit and use this program any time. Free rights for this program are given. You may edit and use this program and create your own version.