This is a read-only snapshot of the ComputerCraft forums,
taken in April 2020.

Redpower2 FrameElevator powered by CC (of course) (gasp Selkitty's still alive?!)
Started by Selkitty, 30 December 2012 - 12:02 AMPosted 30 December 2012 - 01:02 AM
The video doesn't show off the juicy bits of the construction, because the whole thing is terribly messy and inefficient, but it does show the concept in a functional state on a multiplayer 1.4.6 server.
Also, yes I'm still alive :o/>
and when your gone I'll be… Still alive…
To those interested the server is the newly created HazardCorps minecraft server, Our group is mainly an APB:R clan but we do play other games (of course) minecraft being one.
While we're not against people joining the server, it is not public for various reasons.
Invites are sent to people we know and/or have actually gamed with.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 11:04 AM
That is cool any chance of a behind the scenes vid. also maybe add some glow stone to the elevator to light it up while it moves. frames can move the glow stone. I have made a lift like this before. The top opening up looks great.


Posted 30 December 2012 - 03:37 PM
Small suggestion: use 1.8 sec delays instead of 2, that will make frames move without that weird stopping.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 03:58 PM
The darkness is on purpose, its supposed to give a sort of dungeon-y feel to 'intimidate any unlucky soul who happens to stumble upon and manage to activate it gaining acess to my lab' (I would remove the water above the lava in the hole the little bridge goes over but I'd have to replace all that wool lol) x3 as for a behind the scenes… the WHOLE thing is really messy. I turned on creative mode and mainly just screwed around with redpower cabeling and then cc untill it worked XD but I suppose if theres enough call for it I might do a behind the scenes tour of my noobish work ^^;
Thanks! when I was writing the code I was to impatient to go test and figure out what the timing was XD .5 broke things instantly, 1 seemed to work then suddenly stopped and 2 was just slow but it worked lol
The darkness is on purpose, its supposed to give a sort of dungeon-y feel to 'intimidate any unlucky soul who happens to stumble upon and manage to activate it gaining acess to my lab' (I would remove the water above the lava in the hole the little bridge goes over but I'd have to replace all that wool lol) x3 as for a behind the scenes… the WHOLE thing is really messy. I turned on creative mode and mainly just screwed around with redpower cabeling and then cc untill it worked XD but I suppose if theres enough call for it I might do a behind the scenes tour of my noobish work ^^;
Thanks! when I was writing the code I was to impatient to go test and figure out what the timing was XD .5 broke things instantly, 1 seemed to work then suddenly stopped and 2 was just slow but it worked lol
Posted 31 December 2012 - 12:07 AM
yea, Eloraam was mad making time of frame movement 18 ticks(.9 second) instead of full 20(1 sec) :D/>
Posted 31 December 2012 - 09:31 AM
well, funny then .75 is the optimal time… just saying…
Posted 31 December 2012 - 11:03 AM
maybe you had other code that was making 1 tick delay ;)/>
Posted 01 January 2013 - 08:38 AM
I am abit smarter than that. From my title, "lua maniac", you can probably guess I am not a noob at lua.
Posted 01 January 2013 - 03:17 PM
Oh, sorry I don't look at titles. Then maybe your code after sleep was just at the edge, when CC was 'releasing' tick so you had additional tick delay, who knows ;)/>
Anyways, has anyone there build frame elevator with redpower 2 Control ?
At 1.2.5 I was in middle of work, but then something came wrong and disk with all words was corrupted, so I just left it. Programming in forth is a little hard ;)/>
Anyways, has anyone there build frame elevator with redpower 2 Control ?
At 1.2.5 I was in middle of work, but then something came wrong and disk with all words was corrupted, so I just left it. Programming in forth is a little hard ;)/>
Posted 01 January 2013 - 04:10 PM
grabie, my results are correct. since a redstone clock and a FORTH computer give me the same results. And yes, I know my FORTH and my redstone. Just realize you're wrong already.
Posted 01 January 2013 - 08:02 PM
Woah woah.. Chill out folks, be polite or dont post please. ^^;
@Grabie2 One of my first automated hangar door systems used rp2 control because I didnt have cc http access on the server it was built on and didnt feel like writing all the code in the cc console; little did I realize that even though the lines were shorter it was just as much of a pain lol (this was back on a tekkit server.) the door did nothing intresting other than slide down then sideways to open a giant hole but it was a learning step in what eventually lead to this build. I built this version in CC because frankly <3 CC > RP2Controll (and also because I own the server and http was the first thing I turned on <.<) Once I learn more about redpower frames though I hope to make an omni directional vehicle. Though I noticed an issue with standing inside frames while they move (which can be seen at the end of the vid) so Not entirely sure how that'll work… perhaps minecarts or something… Iduno. the end result I want to achieve is a sort of compact version of Direwolf20's RP2Frame-mining platform (no extendy bits but it doesnt have to worry about mountians exct) also space inside for passengers
@Grabie2 One of my first automated hangar door systems used rp2 control because I didnt have cc http access on the server it was built on and didnt feel like writing all the code in the cc console; little did I realize that even though the lines were shorter it was just as much of a pain lol (this was back on a tekkit server.) the door did nothing intresting other than slide down then sideways to open a giant hole but it was a learning step in what eventually lead to this build. I built this version in CC because frankly <3 CC > RP2Controll (and also because I own the server and http was the first thing I turned on <.<) Once I learn more about redpower frames though I hope to make an omni directional vehicle. Though I noticed an issue with standing inside frames while they move (which can be seen at the end of the vid) so Not entirely sure how that'll work… perhaps minecarts or something… Iduno. the end result I want to achieve is a sort of compact version of Direwolf20's RP2Frame-mining platform (no extendy bits but it doesnt have to worry about mountians exct) also space inside for passengers
Posted 02 January 2013 - 02:47 AM
It gets kinda strange-ish with too high delay. Also, going up is generaly buggy. Going left or right at .75 delay is really smooth. Same for forwards, backwards and down.
Posted 02 January 2013 - 10:27 AM
OK then, for me .75 delay was always too small, but don't argue again ;)/>. For each build you have to set timings individually.
Talking about redpower2 Control machines, see that: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96hzIMIGtGk[/media]
(by wayOfFlowingTime, over 20 minutes!)
Simple and awesome, I've done something similar with CC and misc peripherals, but that wasn't effective, more fun build than useful.
Talking about redpower2 Control machines, see that: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96hzIMIGtGk[/media]
(by wayOfFlowingTime, over 20 minutes!)
Simple and awesome, I've done something similar with CC and misc peripherals, but that wasn't effective, more fun build than useful.
Posted 02 January 2013 - 11:37 AM
I remember creating an elevator back in 1.2.5 on my Tekkit *cough* server.
I seem not to have any screenshots of it which is really a shame, but basically it was a floating 5x5x4 cube with the edges cut off and a computer and solar panels on top.
I seem not to have any screenshots of it which is really a shame, but basically it was a floating 5x5x4 cube with the edges cut off and a computer and solar panels on top.