*** Have programs for the new Advanced computer.
* Have programs for the normal computers.
Game Center Pastebin Downloads
||| ***Installer: pastebin get ppgbE708 aInstaller ||| http://pastebin.com/ppgbE708 |||
||| *War: pastebin get PU8Wf7Yk War ||| http://pastebin.com/PU8Wf7Yk
||| *startup: pastebin get bFtG4zhe startup ||| http://pastebin.com/bFtG4zhe
||| *Dice: pastebin get T4ge6aMT Dice ||| http://pastebin.com/T4ge6aMT
||| *Slots: pastebin get Ursy3Yn5 Slots ||| http://pastebin.com/Ursy3Yn5
*** = Requires an advanced computer.
* = Doesn't require an advanced computer.
Change log
>Created new game *War (Play the old card game WAR!)
>Later created ***War (Play the old card game WAR!)
>Added touchscreen to ***War and ***Dice
>Added multiplayer to *Dice (Multiplayer dice game! Roll the dice, and whoever has the higher roll wins!)
>Added multiplayer to ***Dice (Multiplayer dice game! Roll the dice, and whoever has the higher roll wins!)
>Added ***Installer (Installs all of the *** programs for you, just reboot your computer!)
>Added ***Minecraft (It's just a better GUI for adventure!)
>Changed name from GameOS to Game Center! (Idea from NitrogenFingers, and I also think this isn't really an OS, but a game threshold.)
>Added ***Credits to aInstaller (Shows ideas/owners of programs!)
>Added ***Cobble, Paper, Shears (Minecraft themed Rock, Paper, Scissors with multiplayer!)
>Added a new ***Startup GUI ( I started having too many programs so I had to move the options around.)
\\| Leave feedback! Positive and negative both help, so feel free! |//
***Startup screen