This is a read-only snapshot of the ComputerCraft forums, taken in April 2020.
Okyloky9's profile picture


Started by Okyloky9, 30 December 2012 - 01:59 PM
Okyloky9 #1
Posted 30 December 2012 - 02:59 PM
A whole center dedicated to the games I've made. They aren't anything special but they are some of my first programs I've made.
*** Have programs for the new Advanced computer.
* Have programs for the normal computers.

Game Center Pastebin Downloads

||| ***Installer: pastebin get ppgbE708 aInstaller ||| |||


||| *War: pastebin get PU8Wf7Yk War |||
||| *startup: pastebin get bFtG4zhe startup |||
||| *Dice: pastebin get T4ge6aMT Dice |||
||| *Slots: pastebin get Ursy3Yn5 Slots |||

*** = Requires an advanced computer.
* = Doesn't require an advanced computer.


Change log

>Created new game *War (Play the old card game WAR!)
>Later created ***War (Play the old card game WAR!)
>Added touchscreen to ***War and ***Dice
>Added multiplayer to *Dice (Multiplayer dice game! Roll the dice, and whoever has the higher roll wins!)
>Added multiplayer to ***Dice (Multiplayer dice game! Roll the dice, and whoever has the higher roll wins!)
>Added ***Installer (Installs all of the *** programs for you, just reboot your computer!)
>Added ***Minecraft (It's just a better GUI for adventure!)
>Changed name from GameOS to Game Center! (Idea from NitrogenFingers, and I also think this isn't really an OS, but a game threshold.)
>Added ***Credits to aInstaller (Shows ideas/owners of programs!)
>Added ***Cobble, Paper, Shears (Minecraft themed Rock, Paper, Scissors with multiplayer!)
>Added a new ***Startup GUI ( I started having too many programs so I had to move the options around.)
\\| Leave feedback! Positive and negative both help, so feel free! |//
***Startup screen
Okyloky9 #2
Posted 30 December 2012 - 04:29 PM
Any feedback at all would be great. What to add to a game, what to take away from it, some new game ideas maybe.
Okyloky9 #3
Posted 30 December 2012 - 09:36 PM
|||*Dice now has a multiplayer feature ||| Hopefully *War will soon. ||| More likely a ***Dice multiplayer first. |||
Okyloky9 #4
Posted 31 December 2012 - 08:28 AM
It's going to take a while but I am going to work on a game that almost everyone loves. The first version might not have such a good gui but I'm hoping to make it better as time goes on. I'm going to start working on the project right… now.
AndreWalia #5
Posted 31 December 2012 - 08:32 AM
It's going to take a while but I am going to work on a game that almost everyone loves. The first version might night have such a good gui but I'm hoping to make it better as time goes on. I'm going to start working on the project right… now.
No offense but you're kind of making your self look foolish person because you're the only one posting :P/>
Lyqyd #6
Posted 31 December 2012 - 08:50 AM
Please use the edit button to add to your previous post when no one has replied since you posted it.
Okyloky9 #7
Posted 31 December 2012 - 09:04 AM
Thank you all for making look idiotic :D/>, I greatly appreciate it :D/>. And, how do I add Spoilers? It would make my post take up less space.
AndreWalia #8
Posted 31 December 2012 - 10:11 AM
Thank you all for making look idiotic :D/>, I greatly appreciate it :D/>. And, how do I add Spoilers? It would make my post take up less space.
Sorry if I offended you :P/> just a tip of advice. Also, the reason i said foolish is because idiot was mean
Dlcruz129 #9
Posted 31 December 2012 - 10:44 AM
Thank you all for making look idiotic :D/>/>, I greatly appreciate it :D/>/>. And, how do I add Spoilers? It would make my post take up less space.

Use [*spoiler]stuff[*/spoiler] without the *s
Okyloky9 #10
Posted 01 January 2013 - 08:07 AM
How do I keep my thread active without bumping it? Since I know it's frowned upon. I know this isn't that good but I think it should get a little attention at least :P/>
BustedEarLobes #11
Posted 01 January 2013 - 05:32 PM
How do I keep my thread active without bumping it? Since I know it's frowned upon. I know this isn't that good but I think it should get a little attention at least :P/>/>/>/>

In my opinion, I don't mind very limited bumping. I feel excessive bumping is unprofessional and appears childish, however, I also feel that bumping is "OK" once in a blue moon as long as it is not obnoxious and the post is not old (Like bumping a month old topic). I understand you spent a lot of time on your OS and you want people to see it, so here's a few suggestions. First, you need to make your post appeasing with pictures and detailed examples of how it works and why you should use it. On top of that, you get people who like it, download it, but don't give feedback. So if you ask people politely and not obtrusively to give feedback whether positive or negative, people will be more inclined to comment. A good rule of thumb is that you should get the users active and involved in your post without being annoying.
TheOutcast5 #12
Posted 02 January 2013 - 01:30 AM
Maybe you could make a side scrolling game like Mario or a top down shooter or maybe even a tower defense game
Okyloky9 #13
Posted 02 January 2013 - 03:05 AM
Very interesting… I don't know if I am advanced enough or not but those sound really good. I'll check them out.
Okyloky9 #14
Posted 02 January 2013 - 09:01 PM
If anyone would like to also tell me.. how do I add screen shots?
brett122798 #15
Posted 02 January 2013 - 10:43 PM
How do I keep my thread active without bumping it? Since I know it's frowned upon. I know this isn't that good but I think it should get a little attention at least :P/>
Well, in the MCF, bumping is allowed whenever you add new content to your post. In your case, it would be a new software update.

If anyone would like to also tell me.. how do I add screen shots?
In your editor, you should see a little icon that looks like a picture, click it. If you don't see what I'm talking about, hover your mouse over every single little thing in your editor and look what it says it is.

I like your games you've made, in fact, I'll try it right now. If I like your thing, I might give you Rock Paper Scissors that I made and you can add that to your program if you want it.

EDIT: I tested out War(because I was most interested in that) and it's not quite what I expected. But keep making progress! You're doing good! :D/>
Okyloky9 #16
Posted 03 January 2013 - 03:31 AM
Thanks a lot, if you could expand on that it would be cool, if you could think of anything specific that I could add.
Is it ok if I make a rock paper scissors of my own? I can give you credit for the idea. One last thing. Which should I expand on more? * or ***? I feel like not everyone would have the gold to make the advanced computer, but I want to mostly focus on advanced. What is your guy's opinions
brett122798 #17
Posted 03 January 2013 - 09:22 AM
Thanks a lot, if you could expand on that it would be cool, if you could think of anything specific that I could add.
Is it ok if I make a rock paper scissors of my own? I can give you credit for the idea. One last thing. Which should I expand on more? * or ***? I feel like not everyone would have the gold to make the advanced computer, but I want to mostly focus on advanced. What is your guy's opinions
Yeah, that's fine. My Rock Paper Scissors actually has SP and MP and it's a lot of fun! :D/> I wouldn't be worried about people not having the gold for computers, most of the people probably use TMI to get computers anyway, however, I'm sure lots of people are playing Tekkit, which does not have gold computers. My suggestion would be releasing non-colored programs first, then colored.

Good luck!
Okyloky9 #18
Posted 05 January 2013 - 04:18 AM
Thanks a lot, if you could expand on that it would be cool, if you could think of anything specific that I could add.
Is it ok if I make a rock paper scissors of my own? I can give you credit for the idea. One last thing. Which should I expand on more? * or ***? I feel like not everyone would have the gold to make the advanced computer, but I want to mostly focus on advanced. What is your guy's opinions
Yeah, that's fine. My Rock Paper Scissors actually has SP and MP and it's a lot of fun! :D/> I wouldn't be worried about people not having the gold for computers, most of the people probably use TMI to get computers anyway, however, I'm sure lots of people are playing Tekkit, which does not have gold computers. My suggestion would be releasing non-colored programs first, then colored.

Good luck!
Could I have your game to put in it? I'm not really calling this an os anymore, it's just a place that anyone can put games into to be played. Nitrogen fingers says once he finishes it, I could use his rpg in the Game Center ;p I'll def. make a credits area and I'll add everyone's names next to what they made. So if ANYONE has a game they would like me to put in, just send me a pastebin link or something!
brett122798 #19
Posted 05 January 2013 - 10:57 AM
Thanks a lot, if you could expand on that it would be cool, if you could think of anything specific that I could add.
Is it ok if I make a rock paper scissors of my own? I can give you credit for the idea. One last thing. Which should I expand on more? * or ***? I feel like not everyone would have the gold to make the advanced computer, but I want to mostly focus on advanced. What is your guy's opinions
Yeah, that's fine. My Rock Paper Scissors actually has SP and MP and it's a lot of fun! :D/> I wouldn't be worried about people not having the gold for computers, most of the people probably use TMI to get computers anyway, however, I'm sure lots of people are playing Tekkit, which does not have gold computers. My suggestion would be releasing non-colored programs first, then colored.

Good luck!
Could I have your game to put in it? I'm not really calling this an os anymore, it's just a place that anyone can put games into to be played. Nitrogen fingers says once he finishes it, I could use his rpg in the Game Center ;p I'll def. make a credits area and I'll add everyone's names next to what they made. So if ANYONE has a game they would like me to put in, just send me a pastebin link or something!
Sure thing, check it out.

I will provide updates when available.
Okyloky9 #20
Posted 05 January 2013 - 01:03 PM
Thanks brett! I added in a Minecraft-themed version of what you made and I added you to ***Credits, I think this is turning into a nice project!

Edit: When I bug test it before releasing, it turns into a REALLY nice project -.- sorry to everyone downloading this mostly non-working version

Edit2: I fixed it, the ***aInstaller is now ready for installation.
TheOddByte #21
Posted 18 January 2013 - 10:58 AM
Could you maybe upload some screenshots of some games instead of just showing the menu.
Since I really wonder what the game "War" is.
brett122798 #22
Posted 18 January 2013 - 12:40 PM
Could you maybe upload some screenshots of some games instead of just showing the menu.
Since I really wonder what the game "War" is.
It's actually a one card draw. I keep suggesting to him to have an actual deck of cards.
Okyloky9 #23
Posted 19 January 2013 - 04:35 AM
(yawn) Your discussion bores me, if there was a way to discontinue this I would, these games pretty much all suck except brett's, go check out his rock paper scissors if you want to have fun. Unless you guys find this entertaining, which I have no proof of, because noone provides feedback.
brett122798 #24
Posted 19 January 2013 - 09:00 PM
(yawn) Your discussion bores me, if there was a way to discontinue this I would, these games pretty much all suck except brett's, go check out his rock paper scissors if you want to have fun. Unless you guys find this entertaining, which I have no proof of, because noone provides feedback.
Why are you just turning people away? You might be able to get people to download and try out this program if you have a good attitude..