Posted 30 December 2012 - 10:15 PM
To begin, I want to give credit where it's due. The bulk of the code, actually roughly 90% was provided by nO_OnE (link) I borrowed code from warfar's (link) tree program for refueling.
I have been on a search for a good tree farm program that didn't require bone meal, and worked as expected, to my surprise, I found none. I did however find one I liked especially because it used Rednet, but the logging was spotty, and for some reason every time I sent the turtle on a run, he only cut down one block and kept moving in sequence… idk why. So I found this one by nO_OnE and loved it, though found myself frustrated when I kept running out of fuel and the turtle just died, thus forcing me to break it and re-place it and refueling it prior.
So… I figured I would borrow some code from warfar's Tree Farming program, which requires bonemeal, and adapt it to nO_OnE's code. I also made it to where slot #3 is now the default fuel slot, so you can put your burnable fuels in there to start. I had originally attempted to calculate fuel costs, but found myself too lazy to do so, and in-turn just added a minimum fuel variable. The turtle checks the minimum fuel against current fuel level before every run.
I'm sure someone can get the fuel calculation down to a science, but I have no idea how, it's too late for me atm.
*Changelog *
Link to Pastebin (Install yourself)
I'm not going over how to install it manually sorry.
Setup Video (Cuz I'm lazy)
You can force terminate the program via Ctrl+T and edit the farmer.cfg directly to change default sleep time and minimum fuel level. Currently that's the ONLY way to edit minimum fuel level.
I have been on a search for a good tree farm program that didn't require bone meal, and worked as expected, to my surprise, I found none. I did however find one I liked especially because it used Rednet, but the logging was spotty, and for some reason every time I sent the turtle on a run, he only cut down one block and kept moving in sequence… idk why. So I found this one by nO_OnE and loved it, though found myself frustrated when I kept running out of fuel and the turtle just died, thus forcing me to break it and re-place it and refueling it prior.
So… I figured I would borrow some code from warfar's Tree Farming program, which requires bonemeal, and adapt it to nO_OnE's code. I also made it to where slot #3 is now the default fuel slot, so you can put your burnable fuels in there to start. I had originally attempted to calculate fuel costs, but found myself too lazy to do so, and in-turn just added a minimum fuel variable. The turtle checks the minimum fuel against current fuel level before every run.
I'm sure someone can get the fuel calculation down to a science, but I have no idea how, it's too late for me atm.
*Changelog *
- Changed key binds F = Refuel Q = Quit
- Slot #3 now holds default fuel and will not "drop"
- Added minFuel to config file (last line)
- Added default 60s wait time (stop wasting fuel…)
pastebin get j52uTKKK tree
Link to Pastebin (Install yourself)
I'm not going over how to install it manually sorry.
Setup Video (Cuz I'm lazy)
You can force terminate the program via Ctrl+T and edit the farmer.cfg directly to change default sleep time and minimum fuel level. Currently that's the ONLY way to edit minimum fuel level.
- Interactive Setup Menu
- Add fueling station
- Cleanup UI