Posted 12 February 2012 - 11:16 PM
Logging Script
Read Glossary and study Mcedit schems before complaining pl0x, ty
Stuff going on in life may not have time to update
This is my first released script so don't be too harsh pl0x
Required mods : RP2
Optional mods : E.E2 1.10 needs to be at least this version
Note : i haven't changed my config files for these mods at all
The folder Fartmanner's Treebane contains the floppy code install like redworks floppy edition
the other folder has some mcedit schem's that explain how it works melon is a Tree controller pumpkin is a Supply controller the E.E one needs E.E they are not very well built but they still explain it e.g. much MUCH MUCH more compact designs are possible mcedit schems are not ment for use just studing
Tree - bonemeal and a saplingTree controller - A computer installed with a Tree module
Supply controller - A computer installed with a Supply module
Supplier - A computer installed with a Supplier module and hooked up to hardware
Schem - schematic
E.E Supplier - A Supplier installed with E.E hardware that can run forever
Logging operation - A computer installed with a Tree module and hooked up to hardware
Backed Logging operation - A logging operation with a Supplier
Perpetual Logging operation - A logging operation with a E.E Supplier
What side is ? on - A question with 6 anwsers(bottom,top,left,right,front,back)
What color is ? on - A question with 16 anwsers(Type help color on a vanilla computer)
Toggler - Redwire that toggles a toggle latch
Wood Transposer - a transposer hooked up too the output chest(where the wood is)
Tree Transposer's - 2 transposers which output a tree to a deployer
Sand pusher - the most elevated part of the Logging operation hard to explain
Tree request line - toggles a toggle latch to make a supplier grab a tree
Tree input line - tells a Backed\Perpetual logger to increase its tree count and ask for another
Vanilla computer - a computer that hasn't been changed
Change log :
1.00 - State saving, masters and supplier overhaul0.49 stable and uploading vid
0.41-0.44 ninja bug fixes
0.40 So SO SO SO changes majors are supplier is event driven and can press q to quit(let the Logger run out of tree's too stop it) oh and did i mention BUNDLED CABLES FTW
0.12 license added had a hell of a time converting to bb code
0.11 converted to configer(s) to english XD
0.1 First release
Pix here
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