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The KJV Bible Reader v1 - The Bible in Minecraft!

Started by Jan, 21 March 2012 - 07:56 PM
Jan #1
Posted 21 March 2012 - 08:56 PM
The Bible in Minecraft!

- Works with every resolution (use "monitor <side> reader"!)
- Parses XML
- Compatible with OSIS
- Whole King James Version included
- Verse numbers
- Easy navigation


Genesis 1 on a large monitor (monitor right reader)

John 1 on a computer screen:

Download program, xml api, and King James Bible:
(follow instruction in readme.txt)

Up/Down - verse
Left/Right - chapter
[ / ] - book

reader - without arguments to open instruction page
reader <book> <chapter> <verse> - (book as number)

- Book names instead of number
- Way to exit the program instead of CRTL+T
(any suggestions? Please reply!)
Liraal #2
Posted 21 March 2012 - 09:04 PM
Great work, downloading!

as for the coding:
names are simple: make a table like:

local names={"Genesis",and so on}
(sorry, but I don't know the english titles)
and when you get a number of the book do sth like:

function bookName(num)
return names[num]
And ending the program is really simple, just add an instruction on key press, like:

if key==1 then return true end

Edit: your download link seems to be broken. Now it works.
Jan #3
Posted 21 March 2012 - 09:12 PM
Great work, downloading!

as for the coding:
names are simple: make a table like:

local names={"Genesis",and so on}
(sorry, but I don't know the english titles)
and when you get a number of the book do sth like:

function bookName(num)
return names[num]
And ending the program is really simple, just add an instruction on key press, like:

if key==1 then return true end

Edit: your download link seems to be broken.
Ok thanks for the tip on the booknames.
the exit button was something I forgotten, not worth a fix for now
And I have tried to fix the link, does it work now?
Zer0t3ch #4
Posted 24 March 2012 - 02:19 AM
Not to be rude, and this is a cool program at all and could have some more practical uses, but what exactly is the objective of this program?
Nailcannon #5
Posted 25 March 2012 - 12:56 AM
Not to be rude, and this is a cool program at all and could have some more practical uses, but what exactly is the objective of this program?
to convert those paganistic testificates to christianity of course! :(/>/>
Casper7526 #6
Posted 25 March 2012 - 03:39 AM
Keep it clean here, or I will not be a happy person… I myself am atheist, but if there's any sort of religion bashing going on in ANYWAY on the forums, I will not hesitate to take action. I like the fact that people are using CC for every reason under the sun, including a in-game bible.