Finially! A true app store.
EDIT: Can anyone host a simple PHP script for me? I'd really appreciate it, as I would like to get my app suggestion back up and running. :/
Of course, you'll need HTTP enabled for this to work.
The app is able to have multiple software sources, given that someone will host them.
Sadly, there isn't much to download off of it yet. I don't want to put anyone's software
on my server unless they give me the OK.
If you would like to host your own software source, or would like to contact me about adding
their program to the default source, just drop me a PM.
Late-start changelog :D/>
–Version 1.5331 - 1/27/13In preparation for my website (which hosts an email php script) to be taken down, I have removed the "suggest app" functionality.
–Version 1.531 - 1/26/13
Fixed hard-to-explain bug (hopefully)
–Version 1.53 - 1/26/13
Programs can now be added with "–APPSTORE-FS.ABSOULTE_PATH:true" so that it will put the program in the root of the computer, not the App directory.
–Version 1.525 - 1/26/13
Arrow buttons now move scrollbar. (Thanks for the report, BigShiny!)
–Version 1.52 - 1/25/13
Removed debug code.
Added revolutionary scrollbar magic by allowing you to hold the mouse down to scroll anywhere if you START from the scrollbar like a truu prugrum.
–Version 1.51 - 1/25/13
Fixed ADDDIR bug.
–Version 1.5 - 1/25/13
Added scrollbars! Scroll to your heart's content with a mouse scrollbar.
Allows programs with multiple files to be downloaded!
–Version 1.2661215 - 1/7/13
Fixed crash if download path is set to " ", " ", "/" or "\" Now that will put the file in the default path instead of crashing :D/>/>
–Version 1.2661214 - 1/7/13
Hotfix for startup crash bug
Sorry, guys… no public publishing (kinda)
In order to set up an automated public publishing system, there would have to be a complicated php script so that people couldn't hack my website to pieces. Therefore, I just won't allow uploads. I'm going to put a button at the top right where you can suggest your program, but only I will add software to the database. Keep in mind, anyone can run a database, and any notable DB's will be moved to the OP.
Put a run button in AppDetails screen if the app is installedDownload:
"pastebin get uEj3ZuM7 fname"
(I had the lua code here, but it made the post messy and the code can be viewed from the dropbox link)
Distributional rights:
Many people have asked me, both in this thread and out, if they can put my AppStore in a software collection/OS/Server/etc. To that question, my answer is a gracious "YES." I am a very community-oriented person, so why should I disallow what makes a community thrive: Sharing and Building off of eachother?
Feel free to put my program in any package, with only one condition:
You don't have too per se, but it would be nice if you would put a post in my thread linking to your thread so that I could see how my program is evolving. :D/>
Add non-official software source
type in this command:edit .AppStore/softwareSources
Append the URL.
Save and exit.
Create a directory structure as follows on your serverappstore
| programs
| | program_name_1
| | | shortDesc.txt
| | | longDesc.txt
| | | app.txt
| http://png-2.findico...xt_document.pngprogramlist.txt
programlist.txt should look like this:
ProgramAuthor;Appstore Name;internal foldername|
Program2Author;Appstore Name;downloaded filename
Separate the author, title, and internal names with a ; and separate entries with a |
the name on the server (EX. program_name_1) is also the name that the file will download as.
Every program has a separate folder. If you had FireWolf on your server, then there would be a folder in appstore/programs called firewolf.
app.txt is the program. If the program is
The first file given will be the file that the Appstore tells the user to run.
BEGIN = Start file with name after the ":"
END = End file
ADDDIR= Create directory of given name ( :)/>
New app.txt structure:
111 111
shortDesc should be two lines or less, and don't make it too long.
longDesc should be eleven lines or less, and don't make the lines excessively long.
Now all you have to do is tell your users how to use it! (Go up for very simple guide)