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Advanced Monitor Door Protection v1.1

Started by imef, 17 January 2013 - 04:35 AM
imef #1
Posted 17 January 2013 - 05:35 AM
SafePad v1.1

SafePad is a program to protect doors with a 4 digit password.
The password is inputed with a an advanced monitor.

Though there are only 10 different digits and the password is only 4 characters long, there are 10000 combinations.
Using a monitor to input the password also prevents people from accessing the terminal and end the program with CTRL+T (this can easily be avoided) or by doing a Floppy Bypass.

The default side of the monitor is back. This can be changed by editing line 1 of the code.
If the password is correct, a redstone signal will be sent below the computer. The side can be changed by editing line 2.

The default password is 1234. It can easily be changed by editing line 4.

Usage :
  • safePad set <new password> : changes the password. If there are not 4 numeric digits, it will not work.
  • safePad <monitor> <output> : will start the program. It will not work if the sides given are invalid or if there is no monitor.

Videos :

Showing the program and explaining the code:

Download :
SafePad v1.1 : pastebin
Skullblade #2
Posted 17 January 2013 - 05:43 AM
Cool…just a quick question did you get the idea from my FreezeLock? or do great minds think alike?

Anyways i would add a hashing algorithm to secure the passwords

EDIT:just tried it out works well. good job
imef #3
Posted 17 January 2013 - 07:56 AM
Cool…just a quick question did you get the idea from my FreezeLock? or do great minds think alike?

Anyways i would add a hashing algorithm to secure the passwords

EDIT:just tried it out works well. good job

Great minds do think alike. ^^
And thanks for the tip.
Skullblade #4
Posted 17 January 2013 - 07:59 AM
yeah hashing isn't to hard but AMAZINGLY helpful
imef #5
Posted 01 February 2013 - 08:27 AM
SafePad has been updated!
SteveofLua #6
Posted 18 March 2013 - 04:15 PM
Cool program! Not sure how to CTRL-C CTRL-V though, if you know what I mean… ;)/>