Posted 17 January 2013 - 06:26 PM
This API is a wrapper to use terminal functions on CCLights light grids.
If you haven't gotten that peripheral I recommend it, its a great one.
All of the functions included in the term API exist but not all are implemented.
There are a few unknown bugs that cause the entire line to glitch when using term.redirect()
Thanks to Gopher (IRC) the font has been finished, if you find a char not implimented, please contact me.
There is a new function called init that takes the args: side, supportsColor
supportsColor is not needed and will default to true.
You must call this function before using the terminal functions.
Screenshots: - Testing script.
[Download Script]
If you haven't gotten that peripheral I recommend it, its a great one.
All of the functions included in the term API exist but not all are implemented.
There are a few unknown bugs that cause the entire line to glitch when using term.redirect()
Thanks to Gopher (IRC) the font has been finished, if you find a char not implimented, please contact me.
There is a new function called init that takes the args: side, supportsColor
supportsColor is not needed and will default to true.
You must call this function before using the terminal functions.
Screenshots: - Testing script.
[Download Script]
pastebin get b5aFzQZA lightterm