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Started by Turtlemoviesco, 29 March 2012 - 10:29 AM
Turtlemoviesco #1
Posted 29 March 2012 - 12:29 PM
All my programs will be running this OS :o/>/>

Hey this my first program, yes I know this is really easy to make but I thought I would upload it.
If you have any improvements to add to it, be my guest.

ReedPicker: [attachment=124:ReedPicker.txt] put a turtle infornt of a reed (must be miner) and run ReedPicker.
Reprogramming to be 1 turtle for multiple Sugarcane

TreeCutter: [attachment=130:TreeCutterVS2.txt] code below please tell me if it works, I have not got a chance to test it. Place the turtle facing the tree, put sapplings in slot 1 and run the program
Needs to be Reprogrammed

FloppyNamer: [attachment=127:FloppyNamer.txt] Allows you to name a floppy so it has a subscript ouside of the computer.

MelonPicker: [attachment=126:MelonPicker.txt] this at the moment is for 29 melon stems. One turtle goes back and forth checking for melons, layout below. s = stem t = turtle m = melon
ssssssssss 29 times
mmmmmm 29 time

t make turtle face the melon/spot for melon but one block between them at start.
Turtlemoviesco #2
Posted 30 March 2012 - 08:45 PM
No comments? Are all my programs that lame? :o/>/>
sabian8 #3
Posted 31 March 2012 - 02:45 PM
Your programs are not lame! :)/>/> . However i have to admit that floppy namer is kind of useless because you could just use the label program, but your programs are a lot better than any i have ever made :o/>/> . keep making them! :o/>/>
FuzzyPurp #4
Posted 31 March 2012 - 04:05 PM
Topic moved to the appropriate section.
sabian8 #5
Posted 31 March 2012 - 06:17 PM
Topic moved to the appropriate section.
??? it was already in the correct forum, wasn't it?
Turtlemoviesco #6
Posted 01 April 2012 - 01:43 AM
Topic moved to the appropriate section.
??? it was already in the correct forum, wasn't it?
Why was my original section wrong?
Turtlemoviesco #7
Posted 01 April 2012 - 01:46 AM
Your programs are not lame! :)/>/> . However i have to admit that floppy namer is kind of useless because you could just use the label program, but your programs are a lot better than any i have ever made :o/>/> . keep making them! :o/>/>
Thank you
I did not know the label thing, I cant get it to work with computers… whats the point of a label on a computer?
Well the floppy namer programs was the first step to my key card program that I plan to make.
Right now working on a turtle that make a room that you decide lole 5x5x5 or something goes up to 100x100x50.
Ever though it mines blocks and could be used for that, I am intending it for building underground bases.
Turtlemoviesco #8
Posted 01 April 2012 - 01:47 AM
Topic moved to the appropriate section.
I am not only making Turtle Programs so my original forum choice was curret wasn't it?
ficolas #9
Posted 23 October 2012 - 09:30 PM
Txt? Really??
And they are so simple