What's your question exactly? I only see 4 lines of code with obscure comments after them. :P/> What do you mean with 'any possible string'? What do you want it to do? And what do you mean with 'made-up' values? And can you explain the format of the output from Misc-Peripherals to us? What are "north", "south", … used for? Do you need to specify them, or do you get a table with those keys, or …?
Also, you're example is syntactically incorrect, you can only use the []'s on tables using indices? In this case you could only use ["east"], ["west"], …
For the MiscPeripherals:
the interactive sorter has 6 outputs, those depend on the direction you are facing (north, south, east west)
I have this table setup, so the first number is right, then left, then forward and then back. Those can be called individually. My question was for that:
Can I use directions["north"] , or any other string for a direction. !! I derped hard on that post and edited it the right way !!
The actual questions of the topic:
With any possible string I mean that you can input a string for a variable (var1 = "IamAstringButYouKnowThisDefinitly") I still remember that you are the god here:P
With 'made-up' values I mean (this is also the main question) that I can set:
var4 = ImadeThisUp
var4 = anything
So its like you got a boolean (that is without strings if I remember correctly or true or false) but then made-up.
The question is than, is var4 possible? (I dont think so, but I want to be very sure. This can save me quite some lines if this is possible, and its handy for future scripts.)
I hope I made it clear, please let me know if you still dont understand me.
Many thanks,