how do you make your table setup show up on the monitor as it is "after a few typo fixes" it shows up on the computer and i can click the coordinates on the monitor and it works but you cant see it on the monitor
Oh woops, forgot it must print on the monitor :D/> … Also, what typos did I make :o/>?
monitorSide = "right"
redstoneSide = "left"
mon = peripheral.wrap(monitorSide)
tButtons = {
{ text = "Redstone ON", x = 1, y = 1, col = colours.lime },
{ text = "Redstone OFF", x = 1, y = 1, col = }
local function isValidClick( tab, mx, my )
for _, v in pairs( tab ) do
if mx >= v.x and mx <= v.x + #v.text - 1 -- verifies the X position
and my == v.y then -- Y position
return true, v.text -- valid click so it returns true and what text was clicked
return false, nil -- If the button is invalid, return false and nil
local function printTable( tab ) -- Function to print any table
print("Printing the options for table onto the monitor...")
for _, v in pairs( tab ) do
term.setCursorPos( v.x, v.y )
term.setBackgroundColour( v.col )
mon.write( v.text )
printTable( tButtons )
while true do
local event, but, X, Y = os.pullEvent()
if event == "monitor_touch" then
bValidClick, sText = isValidClick( tButtons, X, Y ) -- calls the function to check if it's a valid click
if bValidClick then -- if it's a valid click
if sText == "Redstone ON" then -- if the text returned is 'Redstone ON'
redstone.setOutput( "back", true )
print( "Redstone signal has been turned ON" )
elseif sText == "Redstone OFF" -- if the text returned is 'Redstone OFF'
redstone.setOutput( "back", false )
print( "Redstone signal has been turned OFF" )