recently, i came across an excellent program and video, showing a noteblock player. program is written onto computer, songs in .nbs format are placed in the saves/worldname/computers/comp#/song folder(i think). an iron noteblock from misc peripherals is added to the side of the computer, and upon running the program, it confronts you with a simple layout which allows you to play the song with ease. it had taken me a long time to find such a thing. however, on testing this on a server i setup, i found a problem. using the wonders of paste bin, i could download the program with ease. however, i need to access the world save in order to put the .nbs files into it to play it.
i am kinda an idiot with coding, and have made repeated forays into lua with mild success, but my programing logic needs a good deal of work. i basically need someone to help me code a program which can download a .nbs file, maybe from mediafire or something similar, and insert it into the song folder.
here are links to the original program and video, all credits to author.
download to program on the video's discription
thanks, and hope you can help