3 posts
Posted 20 February 2013 - 04:55 PM
Title: How can I get rednet.receive(x) to pause the program until a timeout/receive?
I need my app to confirm its rednet connection by sending a rednet string to the server, and for the server to respond with another word, so that it knows it's working. It checks if it receives by checking if the variable "message" returned by rednet.receive() is nil or the string. However, it begins to check this before the server even has a chance to respond. I know the signal is getting to the "ping" server, because it prints on the screen a notification that it's receiving and sending the signal.
436 posts
Posted 21 February 2013 - 04:40 AM
Well, I would use a pullEvent loop instead of rednet.receive.
Something like this,
timr = os.startTimer(x) -- Set x to however long you want it to check for.
while true do
evt, id, msg = os.pullEvent()
if evt == "rednet_message" then
if id == server then -- The numerical id for the server computer
-- Confirmed Ping
-- Still waiting for confirmation
elseif evt == "timer" and id == timr then
-- Confirmation failed
My assumption is that you are trying to filter out certain other messages. This will help that.
8543 posts
Posted 21 February 2013 - 06:36 AM
I think you underestimate how fast rednet is.
259 posts
Posted 22 February 2013 - 12:11 PM
If it is a time issue try a repeat and until like if you are sending it a message then
id, message = rednet.recieve()
if message == "something" then
rednet.send("id", "i got your message")
until message == "something"
there was something else i had but i forgot while making the code :P/>
997 posts
Wellington, New Zealand
Posted 22 February 2013 - 09:16 PM
If it is a time issue try a repeat and until like if you are sending it a message then
id, message = rednet.recieve()
if message == "something" then
rednet.send("id", "i got your message")
until message == "something"
there was something else i had but i forgot while making the code :P/>/>
Maybe the thing you forgot was that running the program inside itself is stupid and pointless and leads to stack overflows?
Btw your code doesn't even compile, it's missing an end.
OP: You're supposed to start waiting for messages, so if you're doing that, it's not wrong. If you weren't waiting for messages when the server sent the message, then how would the client know it's interested in that message? Pastebin your code.