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[QUESTION] Mouse input for more than one spot?

Started by Mackan90096, 10 April 2013 - 07:41 PM
Mackan90096 #1
Posted 10 April 2013 - 09:41 PM
Hi there!
I am making a game where if you click on a pixel a number gets bigger..
I wonder if you can have pixels randomly appear and when clicked dissapear..
Well.. My question is if you can have mouse detection for all of them without having a code snippet for all of the pixels?
theoriginalbit #2
Posted 10 April 2013 - 09:43 PM
If you do it in an Object-Oriented way it will mean that you wont have to have heaps of identical code. you can just loop through all the pixels and 'ask' if they have been clicked with a function like wasClicked or something of the such…
Mackan90096 #3
Posted 10 April 2013 - 09:51 PM
Yeah.. That sounds like a good idea..

But.. how do I do that?
theoriginalbit #4
Posted 10 April 2013 - 09:58 PM
make a table. and store a table inside of it. in the second table store things such as the x position, y position…

then make a function that loops through the main table checking if the clicking position matches to any of the pixels inside it. if they match, remove them.
Mackan90096 #5
Posted 10 April 2013 - 10:00 PM
Mackan90096 #6
Posted 10 April 2013 - 10:23 PM
What exactly do you mean?
Can you explain it a bit simpler?
JokerRH #7
Posted 10 April 2013 - 10:55 PM

local tab = {
  {1, 1},
  {15, 3}
Mackan90096 #8
Posted 10 April 2013 - 10:55 PM
Mackan90096 #9
Posted 10 April 2013 - 11:18 PM

local tab = {
  {1, 1},
  {15, 3}

Explain please..
Smiley43210 #10
Posted 10 April 2013 - 11:52 PM
There is a table within a table. A box within a box. The inner tables store the x and y positions of the pixel. The outer table holds all of the inner tables.

Each time you make a new pixel appear, add a table of coordinates to the main table.
Then, when something is clicked, you just check to see if the coordinates clicked are the same as the pixel coordinates.

It's 11:58 PM (by my clock), I can't be bothered to explain it any further right now.
Mackan90096 #11
Posted 11 April 2013 - 12:05 AM
Ok.. But when you have time.. How do I check to see if the coordinates clicked are the same as the pixel coordinates?
Kingdaro #12
Posted 11 April 2013 - 12:10 AM
I'll try to explain it to the best of my ability.

local pixels = {}

function newPixel(x, y)
  table.insert(pixels, {x=x, y=y})

This function here allows you to create a new pixel by adding a table to the "pixels" table, with the values of it, x and y, set to what you've given it respectively. If I wanted to make 20 random pixels:

local w,h = term.getSize()
for i=1, 20 do
  newPixel(math.random(1, w), math.random(1, h))

And then we just make a loop, first drawing the pixels, then getting a mouse click, and checking them all against the mouse click.

while true do
  -- "start off by clearing the screen with the color black before drawing anything"

  -- "we start at 1, and add 1 until we reach the length of the pixels table"
  -- "this is only where we draw the pixels"
  for i=1, #pixels do
  	-- "for simplification, we get the current pixel and store it in a variable."
    local pixel = pixels[i]
    -- "then access the pixel's data, go to it's position, and write a white space."
    term.setCursorPos(pixel.x, pixel.y)
    term.write(' ')

  -- "we get a click event from the user"
  local _, button, mx, my = os.pullEvent('mouse_click')

  -- "then loop through the buttons again."
  for i=1, #pixels do
    -- "again, storing it"
    local pixel = pixels[i]
    -- "checking for a like position"
    if pixel.x == mx and pixel.y == my then
      -- "if the positions match up, draw a lime green space for half a second."
      term.setCursorPos(pixel.x, pixel.y)
      term.write(' ')

      -- "since we've already found a pixel to click, no need to check for others."
      -- "so we break out of the loop."

  -- "after the pixel is green for half a second, the loop resumes, and all pixels are redrawn white again."
Mackan90096 #13
Posted 11 April 2013 - 12:23 AM
I want it to when the pixel is clicked remove it and regen it afterwards at random and when its clicked add to a number.
I want to have it inside a frame…

And how do i use it kingdaro?
Smiley43210 #14
Posted 11 April 2013 - 12:47 AM
In the code handling the pixel clicks, increment the variable you want to increase by one.
Mackan90096 #15
Posted 11 April 2013 - 12:50 AM
Umm… could you show an example?
Mackan90096 #16
Posted 11 April 2013 - 12:57 AM
Here's my current code:

-- Sprites --
bar1 = paintutils.loadImage("/sprites/bars/.bar1")
gameBar = paintutils.loadImage("/sprites/bars/.game1")
-- Gems --

gem1 = paintutils.loadImage("/sprites/gems/.gem1")
gem1Name = "Orange Gem"
gem1Status = true
gem2 = paintutils.loadImage("/sprites/gems/.gem2")
gem2Name = "Lime Gem"
gem2Status = true

gems = 10
gemprice = 50
money = 0
multi = 2

function  Main()
slc = 0
paintutils.drawImage(gameBar, 1,1)
print("Money: "
print("Gems: "..gems)
paintutils.drawImage(gem1, 13,2)
while true do
event, button, X, Y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  if event == "mouse_click" then
   if slc == 0 then
      if X == 13 and Y == 2 and button == 1 then
       gems = gems + (1*multi)

Smiley43210 #17
Posted 11 April 2013 - 01:00 AM
If someone else doesn't beat me to it, I'll post some code tomorrow (I just got on my iPod and shut off my computer, so I'm not going to type code)

But someone probably will :P/>
Mackan90096 #18
Posted 11 April 2013 - 01:00 AM
Ah… Ok thanks in advance Smiley
Smiley43210 #19
Posted 11 April 2013 - 01:03 AM
Ah, quick question: Are those sprite files just images of differently colored pixels (1x1 rectangles)?
Mackan90096 #20
Posted 11 April 2013 - 01:05 AM
Yeah.. as of current
Smiley43210 #21
Posted 11 April 2013 - 01:06 AM
That makes one more thing to do

That probably should be streamlined…

In fact…here's an example. I haven't tested it, and there may be bugs, as I typed it from my iPod.
-- Add in possible colors for the pixel here in the table
local colorChoices = {,, colors.lime, }
-- Will store the pixel coordinates
local gems = { }

function newGem()
    local w, h = term.getSize()
    -- Pick a random spot for the pixel to appear
    -- Random number for the x coordinate from 1 to the width of the screen (you can change this)
    local x = math.random(1, w)
    -- Random number for the y coordinate from 1 to the height of the screen
    local y = math.random(1, h)
    -- This holds the coordinates of the new pixel
    local gem = {x, y}
    table.insert(gems, gem)

    -- Now, we choose a random color for the pixel (maybe you don't need this)
    local color = colorChoices[math.random(1, #colorChoices)]
    -- Draw the gem now
    write(" ")

while true do
    local e, p1, p2, p3 = os.pullEvent()
    -- Check if the coordinates clicked are any of the pixel's coordinates
    for i, v in ipairs(gems) do
        if v[1] == p2 and v[2] == p3 then
            -- The gem was clicked
            -- Do stuff here
            -- Do more stuff
            -- Remove the gem
            term.setCursorPos(v[1], v[2])
            write(" ")
            table.remove(gems, i)
Mackan90096 #22
Posted 11 April 2013 - 01:10 AM
What to do list?
Mackan90096 #23
Posted 11 April 2013 - 01:18 AM
That makes one more item to add to the todo list :P/>

That probably should be streamlined…

In fact…
-- Add in possible colors for the pixel here in the table
local colorChoices = {,, colors.lime, }

Hold on, I'm still typing (check this post every few minutes)

Mackan90096 #24
Posted 11 April 2013 - 01:22 AM
What exactly are you doing?
Do you want a picture of my current script running?
Mackan90096 #25
Posted 11 April 2013 - 01:24 AM
You know that i want the pixels to appear in a box?

So minumum x : 13
and minimum y : 2
max y : bottom-1
max x: 47/48
Mackan90096 #26
Posted 11 April 2013 - 01:26 AM
Not a box.. Well kinda..
Rather inside a frame kindof thing..
Smiley43210 #27
Posted 11 April 2013 - 01:35 AM
The gem is strictly a blank, colored, pixel right?
SuicidalSTDz #28
Posted 11 April 2013 - 01:50 AM
local tab = {x = 1,y = 1}
local _,p1,p2,p3 = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
for _,v in pairs(tab) do
 If (p2 >= v.x and p2 <= v.x and p3 == v.y) then
  print("This cord is in my table!")

Add positons in the table as you need.
Mackan90096 #29
Posted 11 April 2013 - 03:11 AM
Yeah. They are just 1 colored pixels
And i want some to be worth more than others.
theoriginalbit #30
Posted 11 April 2013 - 04:58 AM
And i want some to be worth more than others.
Random or a deeming quality?
Mackan90096 #31
Posted 11 April 2013 - 06:16 AM
A deeming value (If thats a value that doen't change)
diegodan1893 #32
Posted 11 April 2013 - 08:36 AM
If you want them inside of a frame, when you generate the pixels you can do:

--"based on the example code posted by Kingdaro"

local minX = 5 --"The x coordinate of the top left corner"
local minY = 5 --"The y coordinate of the top left corner"
local maxX = 40 --"The x coordinate of the bottom right corner"
local maxY = 12 --"The y coordinate of the bottom right corner"
for i=1, 20 do
  newPixel(math.random(minX, maxX), math.random(minY, maxY)) --"This will draw randomly the pixels inside the frame"
Mackan90096 #33
Posted 11 April 2013 - 08:37 AM
Smiley43210 #34
Posted 11 April 2013 - 10:31 AM
If you set a "worth" (money value) for each color of gem, when a gem is clicked, just check the color of it.

New code:
theoriginalbit #35
Posted 11 April 2013 - 06:46 PM
Just saying, but you should make different colour gems require different mouse clicks too, like left button, right button and middle button. Or certain colour ones require more clicks to remove. Like layers, they change colours down the scale until they are removed.
Mackan90096 #36
Posted 11 April 2013 - 11:59 PM
Just saying, but you should make different colour gems require different mouse clicks too, like left button, right button and middle button. Or certain colour ones require more clicks to remove. Like layers, they change colours down the scale until they are removed.

Thats a really good idea!

Oh, Smiley, Ya code ain't working.
Smiley43210 #37
Posted 12 April 2013 - 12:27 AM
Okay, I was feeling quite good, so I decided I would incorporate your code into mine. Here's what I got. It works.

Normal version:
Debug version:

The only difference is that the debug version shows the coordinates and has edge markers to show exactly where the previously generated gem was generated.

You'd have to put in the image files and use paintutils to draw it, unless you put the files up somewhere. I left it out so that I could provide a working example without needing those files.

Not quite sure how you wanted to do the multiplier, but you could make it go up if a certain number of gems are clicked in a certain period of time. And then it could go down if a gem isn't clicked in time.

Edit: Why am I doing this? Y'know, I actually found it fun to write parts of it. Glad to help :)/>
Mackan90096 #38
Posted 12 April 2013 - 03:46 AM
I want the multiplier as a upgrade you could buy
LordIkol #39
Posted 12 April 2013 - 04:40 AM
Edit: Why am I doing this? Y'know, I actually found it fun to write parts of it. Glad to help :)/>/>

Actually you are making the game not just a part of it :)/>
But i can not say anything about it, cause i am the same when someone has an interesting idea or problem, i can solve i dont care to be "the coding Monkey"

On the other side we should remind the saying: "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime"
But in this case i have the feeling the man does not want to learn fishing :D/>

Just my humble opinion
Have fun and i like to see the finished game cause the idea is nice
Mackan90096 #40
Posted 12 April 2013 - 05:29 AM
Edit: Why am I doing this? Y'know, I actually found it fun to write parts of it. Glad to help :)/>/>

Actually you are making the game not just a part of it :)/>
But i can not say anything about it, cause i am the same when someone has an interesting idea or problem, i can solve i dont care to be "the coding Monkey"

On the other side we should remind the saying: "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime"
But in this case i have the feeling the man does not want to learn fishing :D/>

Just my humble opinion
Have fun and i like to see the finished game cause the idea is nice

Well.. In that case i would like to "learn to fish" xD

And i'll release the game in two "versions". In my OS and a "stand-alone".

Oh, smiley, Where do I put this and how do I format it to work?

	 if  x >= 1 and x <= 11 and y == 7 then
		if money == multiCost then
			multiCost = multiCost*2
			  multi = multi+1

It's for the multiplier upgrade,
LordIkol #41
Posted 12 April 2013 - 06:35 AM
If you call this, learning than you should learn how to learn, things :D/>
Below you find some quotes of you from this topic, below i give you the reaction and answer of someone who wants to learn sth.
maybe you can learn sth from this, if not then not maybe it makes someone smiling.

Instead of postingthis, someone who wants to learn sth. would have done this steps
1. Open Google or CC-Wiki search for "tables computercraft" and "for loop Computercraft"
2. Test a bit around with it. Try Examples.
3. Search for the keywords table and loop in the ask a pro forum. to check how others did solve their problems with them
4. Try to put it in my existing Code.
5. Post the new code and the problem you have and say thank you to Bit for the great tip

when you would have done the things in the first step this post would not have happend :D/>

I want it to when the pixel is clicked remove it and regen it afterwards at random and when its clicked add to a number.
I want to have it inside a frame…

And how do i use it kingdaro?
1. Wow, thanks king this is a well commented code you wrote exactly fitting to my question.
2. with the knowledge you would have gathered from step 1 of the first quote you would already have a clue about what kingdaro is talking
3. put together the knowlegde this two people gave you already which is
- that you need tables and loops
- how you can make pixels appear randomly.
4. take this knowledge and implement it in your code, or at least try it.
4.1 If its not working post the new code with new error
4.2 If its working post the new code and ask someone how you could implement that the pixels disappear and appear somewhere else

What to do list?
What exactly are you doing?
Do you want a picture of my current script running?

1. Again,when you would have done the things i wrote before this questions would not have happend
2. "Wow Smiley thats a good advice let me play around with this a bit"
3. Use the sources I mentioned in the very first step to get known about math.random and ipairs (everything else should already be covered from the steps before)
4. Again, post your new code and new problem or Question

Not a box.. Well kinda..
Rather inside a frame kindof thing..
1. Hey guys thanks to the information i got from you i did a big step in my programm and learned a lot of lua maybe someone can give me a clue on how to make pixels in a kind of frame thing?

Yeah. They are just 1 colored pixels
And i want some to be worth more than others.
1. cool suizide this is exactly what i asked for just need to wrap it into a function make some adjustments (which is no problem for me cause i have read all the stuff in the forums and wiki already)
2. put it into your existing code and post it
3. ask how you could make some more worth than others.

I want the multiplier as a upgrade you could buy
i think when you would have done the steps i mentioned before you would already know enought to implement this feature cause you learned sth :D/>

sorry for bad grammar and spelling im just a German :D/>
And take it with a twinkle in one eye and not as offense ;)/>

so far
LordIkol #42
Posted 12 April 2013 - 06:53 AM
Well.. In that case i would like to "learn to fish" xD

And i'll release the game in two "versions". In my OS and a "stand-alone".

Oh, smiley, Where do I put this and how do I format it to work?

	 if  x >= 1 and x <= 11 and y == 7 then
		if money == multiCost then
			multiCost = multiCost*2
			  multi = multi+1

It's for the multiplier upgrade,

thats a good step in the learning direction :)/>

cause i am still learning too im not sure if this works (minecraft does not let me work at the moment :)/>)
but i put your code into the code of Smiley and added comments so you see where i put it and what was not good

look at the functions section where i added buymultiply
User Data where i added the multiplier costs
And the ———— Running Code ——–
where i added the code to check if you clicked the position for buying the multiply
PixelToast #43
Posted 12 April 2013 - 07:53 AM
If you do it in an Object-Oriented way it will mean that you wont have to have heaps of identical code. you can just loop through all the pixels and 'ask' if they have been clicked with a function like wasClicked or something of the such…
you dont need OOP to loop though a table .-.
Smiley43210 #44
Posted 12 April 2013 - 07:59 AM
you dont need OOP to loop though a table .-.
True, but thats kinda the way we've done it. And if you use a function to add a table of data about one 'pixel' to a main table that holds all of such, isn't that kinda OOP?
Mackan90096 #45
Posted 12 April 2013 - 08:00 AM
Well… Lord…
Thank you for helping me..
There are some emulators that you could use to test CC things.

Edit: The upgrade button wont work :(/>

Pastebin for the .game1 bar:

And my current code:

Edit (Again, yes)
It does work.. But it doesn't show up until you click a gem after..

More edits! (xD)

The button doesn't work properly… :(/>
PixelToast #46
Posted 12 April 2013 - 08:13 AM
you dont need OOP to loop though a table .-.
True, but thats kinda the way we've done it. And if you use a function to add a table of data about one 'pixel' to a main table that holds all of such, isn't that kinda OOP?
then everything in lua would be OOP
i dont want to continue this, the last thread discussing OOP went down the toilet
Smiley43210 #47
Posted 12 April 2013 - 08:25 AM
Updated both programs to reflect changes (can't test thought cause I'm at school)

Normal version:
Debug version:
Mackan90096 #48
Posted 12 April 2013 - 08:31 AM
Smiley.. Lord's version work better honestly..

But not as I want it to xD

Current code:

-- Change absolutely whatever you need to, even if it says you shouldn't

gamebar = paintutils.loadImage("/sprites/bars/.game1")
------------ General Settings ------------

------ Required Internal ------
-- Changing anything in this section isn't recommended
local width, height = term.getSize() -- Must be defined before Gem Settings

------ Gem Settings ------
-- The number of gems to have on the screen at all times
local gemsOnScreen = 10
-- The minimum x coordinate that a gem can be generated at
local minX = 13
-- The minimum y coordinate that a gem can be generated at
local minY = 4
-- The maximum x coordinate that a gem can be generated at
local maxX = 47
-- The maximum y coordinate that a gem can be generated at
local maxY = height - 1
-- List of possible gem colors
local colorChoices = { colors.purple, colors.yellow, colors.lime, colors.lightBlue }
-- Define the gem worth value (money received when clicked)
local gemValue = { }
gemValue[colors.purple] = 10 -- Get 10 money when you click a purple gem
gemValue[colors.yellow] = 5 -- Get 5 money when you click a pink gem
gemValue[colors.lime] = 15 -- Get 15 money when you click a lime gem
gemValue[colors.lightBlue] = 20 -- Get 20 money when you click a blue gem

------ Screen Settings ------
-- Background color
local bgColor =
-- Text color
local txtColor = colors.white

------------ Internals ------------

------ User Data ------
local money = 0
local gemsClicked = 0
local multi = 1
local multiCost = 100 -- add new variable for multiCost

------ Gem Data ------
-- Table that stores the pixel data (coordinates and color)
local gems = { }

------------ Functions ------------

local function buymultiply() -- make a function out of it so you can use it where you need it  
if money >= multiCost then  -- should be > else you only can buy it when you have exactly this amount
multiCost = multiCost*2
 multi = multi+1
 money = money - multiCost

function newGem()
    local w, h = term.getSize()
    local x, y

    -- Pick a random spot for the pixel to appear
    while true do
        x = math.random(minX, maxX) -- Random number for the x coordinate
        y = math.random(minY, maxY) -- Random number for the y coordinate
        if #gems > 0 then
            local good = true
            for i, v in ipairs(gems) do
                -- Check to see if a gem already exists in that position
                if v[1] == x and v[2] == y then good = false end
            if good then break end

    -- Now, we choose a random color for the pixel (maybe you don't need this)
    local color = colorChoices[math.random(1, #colorChoices)]

    -- This holds the coordinates and the color of the gem
    local gem = {x, y, color}
    table.insert(gems, gem) -- Adds the gem data to the main table

    -- Draw the gem
    term.setCursorPos(x, y)
    write(" ")

function spawnGems(n)
    for i = 1, n do

function stats()
    paintutils.drawImage(gamebar, 1,1)
    -- You don't need term.setCursorPos(1, 2) since print automatically moves a line down each time
    print("Money: "
    print("Gems: "..gemsClicked)
    print("Multiplier: ")
------------ Running Code ------------

-- Don't use a number for the color unless absolutely nessecary...and I have no idea when it would be
-- Use the colors API. 16384 is the same as saying

while true do
    local e, p1, p2, p3 = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
    -- Check if the coordinates clicked are any of the pixel's coordinates
if  p1 >= 1 and p1 <= 11 and p2 == 7 then  -- im not sure about this but i thik this should work cause needs to be checked after click and has to be outside the loop for getting gemcoords
    for i, v in ipairs(gems) do
        if p1 == 1 and v[1] == p2 and v[2] == p3 then -- A gem was LEFT clicked
            -- Do stuff here
            -- Do more stuff
            -- Increment variables
            gemsClicked = gemsClicked + 1

            -- Give money
            money = money + (gemValue[v[3]] * multi) -- Gem value multiplied by the multiplier

            -- Remove the gem
            term.setCursorPos(v[1], v[2])
            write(" ")
            table.remove(gems, i)

            -- Spawn a new gem

            -- Update stats

It should when the upgrade multiplier button, remove the cost of it from the money and print the new multiplier value.
LordIkol #49
Posted 12 April 2013 - 10:03 AM
will check it and give you feedback :)/>
Smiley43210 #50
Posted 12 April 2013 - 10:25 AM
It should when the upgrade multiplier button, remove the cost of it from the money and print the new multiplier value.
It should…double checking…

Fixed problem in click detection (copy/pasted the pseudo code and forgot to change var names)
Updated upgrade 'store' with your design
Fixed taking twice as much money for the multiplier upgrade
Removed debug code from the non-debug one that made marks on side(I left some in by accident)
LordIkol #51
Posted 12 April 2013 - 11:29 AM
hehe smiley we are such coding monkeys :D/>

i updated too made it so that upgrade option shows up in the top right corner when you have enough money

fixed some small things i forgot to change back
Edited on 12 April 2013 - 09:37 AM
SuicidalSTDz #52
Posted 12 April 2013 - 11:49 AM
hehe smiley we are such coding monkeys :D/>
Just be aware, if you do all the work for them, they almost never learn how to do it themselves. However, if you insist on being 'coding monkeys' be sure to comment each, and I mean each, line so the user knows what that line does.
Smiley43210 #53
Posted 12 April 2013 - 05:28 PM
hehe smiley we are such coding monkeys :D/>
Just be aware, if you do all the work for them, they almost never learn how to do it themselves. However, if you insist on being 'coding monkeys' be sure to comment each, and I mean each, line so the user knows what that line does.
Yeah, I'm aware of that.
LordIkol #54
Posted 12 April 2013 - 06:32 PM
hehe smiley we are such coding monkeys :D/>/>
Just be aware, if you do all the work for them, they almost never learn how to do it themselves. However, if you insist on being 'coding monkeys' be sure to comment each, and I mean each, line so the user knows what that line does.

You can not teach people who are not willing to learn. (See spoiler above)
But i like the Idea of the Game and im learning from this too so everything is fine.
And about the comments,i will update code with some more comments, thats a good advice
Smiley43210 #55
Posted 12 April 2013 - 07:47 PM
Seems like he wants to learn, and it looks like he's learning.

"All is not what it seems" :P/>
LordIkol #56
Posted 12 April 2013 - 09:20 PM
Seems like he wants to learn, and it looks like he's learning.

"All is not what it seems" :P/>

Muhaha well spoken :D/>
i think we gave him a good base to work with.
When im back Home i will add some comments in my code paste some sources for him to learn and than he can show his will and ability to learn :D/>
Enough Coding Monkeyness for me, but maybe i will work on on the game on my own if i get bored at weekend think you could make something funny of this if you put some work into

edit: grats to post number 100, you are not a Kiddie anymore :D/> :D/>
so far Loki
SuicidalSTDz #57
Posted 13 April 2013 - 01:45 AM
Seems like he wants to learn, and it looks like he's learning.

"All is not what it seems" :P/>/>

Muhaha well spoken :D/>/>
i think we gave him a good base to work with.
When im back Home i will add some comments in my code paste some sources for him to learn and than he can show his will and ability to learn :D/>/>
Enough Coding Monkeyness for me, but maybe i will work on on the game on my own if i get bored at weekend think you could make something funny of this if you put some work into

edit: grats to post number 100, you are not a Kiddie anymore :D/>/> :D/>/>
so far Loki
This is obviously not a situation in which all the work is being given to the user. Disregard my last comment.

Good job ^_^/>
LordIkol #58
Posted 13 April 2013 - 02:53 AM
Hehe look at the last post i made on page 2 and especially first post i made on this page, then you see im not willing to be a coding monkey for people who are not willing to put work in on their own :D/>
but the Idea is nice as has potential so i worthship this idea with a code and some info to get it running :)/>

Smiley43210 #59
Posted 13 April 2013 - 09:19 AM
Hehe look at the last post i made on page 2 and especially first post i made on this page, then you see im not willing to be a coding monkey for people who are not willing to put work in on their own :D/>
but the Idea is nice as has potential so i worthship this idea with a code and some info to get it running :)/>

Same for me, as you could see, if you have seen some other posts I've made in other topics.
Hey the beginning rhymes :D/>

Oh and ty lord (for the grats)