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An apiarist Program (databank)

Started by lironbenaun, 18 April 2013 - 11:58 PM
lironbenaun #1
Posted 19 April 2013 - 01:58 AM
i wanna make a program that basicly dont need to do any thing exept holding info about the bees
so i need a gui inside the computer that if i will choose one option he will show me somthing else untill
i will hit a key on keyboard then it will go back to the gui

this is the info i want to get in SPOILER alert!
Spongy141 #2
Posted 19 April 2013 - 03:42 AM
The only thing I can think of doing is inputing ALL the info into a program, that will sort it all by name. when your done (make sure to either do "thingBee = info about it" or "local thingBee = info about it" either will work, but fi your going to have the info in a separate file do "os.loadAPI("<FIle Name>")")
Engineer #3
Posted 19 April 2013 - 03:44 AM
I want to help you, but you have to do one thing for me.

Put all the contents in a proper table and I will help you:

local bees = {
  ["species"] = { 1,2,3,4,5},
  ["branch"] = { 1,2,3,4,5},
  ["All the other stuff in these kinds of tables"] = { 1,2,3,4,5 }

Replace the 1,2,3,4,5 with all the name in strings in order of that list. And you must do that for every table.
And if a cell is empy, just do "-" for that.
lironbenaun #4
Posted 19 April 2013 - 05:31 AM
Just checking like so??

local bees = {
["species"] = { Forest,Meadows,Common,Cultivated,Noble,Majestic,imperial,Diligent,Unweary,Ind},
["branch"] = { Common,Common,Common,Common,Noble,Noble,Noble,},
["All the other stuff in these kinds of tables"] = { 1,2,3,4,5 }
Engineer #5
Posted 19 April 2013 - 07:42 AM
yup, but then for every topic of course, and everything must be in between " "
lironbenaun #6
Posted 19 April 2013 - 08:22 AM
do you mean this is ok
local bees = {
["species"] = { Forest,Meadows,Common,Cultivated,Noble,Majestic,Imperial,Diligent,Unweary,Industrious,Steadfast,Valiant,Heroic,Sinister,Fiendish,Demonic,Modest,Frugal,Austere,Ender,Tropical,Exotic,Edenic,Wintry,Icy,Glacial,Frigid,Absolute,Leporine,Merry,Tipsy,Celebratory,Rural,Farmed,Marshy,Swamp,Boggy,Fungal,Fermented,Bovine,Caffeine,Citrus,Minty,Arid,Barren,Desolate,Decaying,Skeletal,Creepy,Rocky,Tolerant,Hardy,Resilient,Rusty,Corroded,Tarnished,Leaden,Lustered,Galvanized,Invincible,Impregnable,Resolute,Brazen,Fortified,Lustrous,Shining,Glittering,Precious,Valuable,Lapis,Sodalite,Pyrite,Bauxite,Cinnabar,Sphalerite,Emerald,Ruby,Sapphire,Olivine,Diamond,Unstable,Nuclear,Radioactive,Ancient,Primeval,Prehistoric,Relic,Fossiled,Resinous,Oily,Preserved,Distilled,Refined,Tarry,Elastic,Water,River,Ocean,Inked,Sweetened,Sugary,Fruity,Marbled,Roman,Greek,Classical,Embittered,Angry,Furious,Volcanic,Glowering,Viscous,Glutinous,Sticky,Malicious,Infectious,Virulent,Corrosive,Caustic,Acidic,Excited,Energetic,Ecstasic,Shadowed,Darkened,Abyssmal,Maroon,Saffron,Prussian,Natural,Ebony,Bleached,Sepia,Amber,Turquiose,Indigo,Slate,Azure,Lavender,Lime,Fuchsia,Ashen,Hungry,Starved,Ravenous,Dazed,Irrational,Delirious,Pulped,Spoiled,Decomposed,Wooden,Lumbered,Timbered,Jaded,Esoteric,Mysterious,Arcane,Charmed,Enchanted,Supernatural,Pupil,Scholarly,Savant,Stark,Aura,Ignis,Aqua,Solum,Preacantatio,Skulking,Brainy,Gossamer,Wispy,Batty,Ghastly,Aware,Vis,Pure,Flux,Node,Timely,Lordly,Doctoral },
["branch"] = { Common,Common,Common,Common,Noble,Noble,Noble,Industrious,Industrious,Industrious,Heroic,Heroic,Heroic,Infernal,Infernal,Infernal,Austere,Austere,Austere,Tropical,Tropical,Tropical,End,Frozen,Frozen,Frozen,Festive,Festive,Festive,Agrarian,Boggy,Barren,Barren,Barren,Hostile,Hostile,Hostile,Rocky,Rocky,Rocky,Rocky,Rusty,Rusty,Rusty,Rusty,Metallic,Metallic,Alloyed,Alloyed,Alloyed,Metallic,Precious,Precious,Precious,Precious,Mineral,Mineral,Mineral,Mineral,Mineral,Mineral,Gemstone,Gemstone,Gemstone,Gemstone,Gemstone,Nuclear,Nuclear,Nuclear,Historic,Historic,Historic,Historic,Fossilized,Fossilized,Fossilized,Fossilized,Refined,Refined,Refined,Refined,Aquatic,Aquatic,Aquatic,Aquatic,Saccharine,Saccharine,Saccharine,Agricultural,Agrarian,Agricultural,Agricultural,Agricultural,Agricultural,Boggy,Boggy,Boggy,Classical,Classical,Classical,Classical,Volcanic,Volcanic,Volcanic,Volcanic,Virulent,Virulent,Virulent,Viscous,Viscous,Viscous,Caustic,Caustic,Caustic,Energetic,Energetic,Energetic,Frozen,Frozen,Shadow,Shadow,Shadow,Primary,Primary,Primary,Primary,Primary,Primary,Primary,Secondary,Secondary,Secondary,Secondary,Secondary,Secondary,Secondary,Tertiary,Tertiary,Festive,Beastly,-,Metallic,Alloyed,Hungry,Hungry,Hungry,Confused,Confused,Confused,Forestry,Forestry,Forestry,Wooden,Wooden,Wooden,Arcane,Arcane,Arcane,Supernatural,Supernatural,Supernatural,Scholarly,Scholarly,Scholarly,Thaumic,Thaumic,Thaumic,Thaumic,Thaumic,Thaumic,Vis,Vis,Vis,Vis,Vis,Skulking,Skulking,Skulking,Skulking,Skulking,Skulking,Time,Time,Time },
["Resultant Mutations"] = { Forest Hive,Meadows Hive,Forest+Meadows,Common+Forest/Meadows,Common+Cultivated,Noble+Cultivated,Noble+Majestic,Common+Cultivated,Diligent+Cultivated,Dilligent+Unweary,Dungeons,Rare from hives-Dungeons,Steadfast+Valiant,Modest/Tropical+Cultivated (Nether),Sinister+Cultivate,Sinister+Fiendish,Desert Hive,Modest+Sinister/Fiendish,Modest+Frugal,End Hive,Jungle Hive,Austere+Tropical,Exotic+Tropical,Snow Hive,Industrious+Wintry,Icy+Wintry,Wintry+Diligent,Ocean+Frogod,Meadows+Forest,Wintry+Forest,Wintry+Meadows,Austere+Excited,Meadows+Forest (Plains),Wintry+Forest,Swamp Hive,Common+Marshy,Swamp+Marshy,Boggy+Swamp,Fruity+Rural,Water+Rural,Tropical+Rural,Modest+Farmed,Tropical+Farmed,Meadows+Modest,Common+Arid,Common+Barren,Desolate+Modest,Desolate+Frugal,Desolate+Austere,Rock Hive,Rocky+Diligent,Rocky+Tolerant,Tolerant+Hardy,Resilient+Diligent,Resilient+Diligent,Resilient+Diligent,Resilient+Diligent,Resilient+Unweary,Tarnished+Cultivated,Resilient+Ender,Noble+Resilient,Corroded+Tarnished,Corroded+Galvanized,Rusty+Fossiled,Resilient+Imperial,Rusty+Noble,Resolute+Noble,Glittering+Shiny,Glittering+Ender,Resilient+Water,Lapis+Diligent,Rusty+Sinister,Resilient+Diligent,Resilient+Sinister,Tarnished+Sinister,Lapis+Noble,Emerald+Austere,Emerald+Ocean,Emerald+Ender,Sapphire+Imperial,Austere+Rocky,Unstable+Rusty,Nuclear+Glittering,Noble+Diligent,Ancient+Noble,Primeval+Majestic,Prehistoric+Imperial,Primeval+Forest,Primeval+Marshy,Primeval+Modest,Primeval+Boggy,Oily+Industrious,Oily+Distilled,Refined+Fossiled,Refined+Resinous,Water Hive,,Water+Common,Water+Common,Water+Ocean,Tropical+Diligent,Sweetened+Diligent,Sugary+Forest,Marbled,Marbled+Heroic,Marbled+Roman,Greek+Romean,Nether Hive,Embittered+Sinister,Angry+Sinister,Furious+Angry,Angry+Excited,Water+Exotic,Viscous+Exotic,Viscous+Glutinous,Sinister+Tropical,Malicious+Tropical,Malicious+Infectious,Virulent+Sticky,Corrosive+Fiendish,Corrosive+Caustic,Cultivated+Valiant,Excited+Valiant,Excited+Energetic,Rocky+Furious,Shadowy+Embittered,Shadowy+Darkened,Forest+Valiant,Meadows+Valiant,Water+Valiant,Tropical+Valiant,Rocky+Valiant,Wintry+Valiant,Marshy+Valiant,Maroon+Saffron,Forest+Prussian,Maroon+Prussian,Ebony+Bleached,Prussian+Bleached,Maroon+Bleached,Natural+Bleached,Indigo+Lavneder,Slate+Bleached,Arid+Rural,Barren+Hungry,Hungry+Starved,Arid+Edenic,Barren+Dazed,Dazed+Irrational,Unweary+Forest,Pulped+Decaying,Pulped+Decaying,Diligent+Forest,Diligent+Wooden,Wooden+Lumberes,Ender+Relic,Imperial/Heroic+Demonic,Esoteric+Ender,Esoteric+Mysterious,Diligent+Valiant,Charmed+Valiant,Charmed+Enchanted,Arcane+Enchanted,Pupil+Arcane,Pupil+Scholarly,Arcane+Supernatural,Stark+Air Shard,Stark+Fire Shard,Stark+Water Shard,Stark+Earth Shard,Stark+Vis Shard,Mysterious+Desolate,Skulking+Rotten,Skulking+Ancient,Gossamer+Cultivate,Skulking+Rocky,Skulking+Creepy,Demonic+Edenic,Aware+Arcane/Star,Vis+Edenic,Vis+Edenic,Vis+Vis,Industrious+Enchanted,Timely+Imperial,Timely+Lordly }
["Flower"] = {
Engineer #7
Posted 19 April 2013 - 08:37 AM
Yup, also: please put it on pastebin. ( Pastre the table and give me the link :D/>
lironbenaun #8
Posted 19 April 2013 - 09:11 AM
workink on it :)/>
Smiley43210 #9
Posted 19 April 2013 - 11:36 AM
Don't forget the double quotes (or single quotes, whichever you prefer)
Engineer #10
Posted 19 April 2013 - 11:54 AM
Don't forget the double quotes (or single quotes, whichever you prefer)
He shouldnt because I suspect he already has a lot done. I have an editor wich does it very easily so that cant be bothered. Also once I got the code finished, I will add comments to the code.
lironbenaun #11
Posted 19 April 2013 - 10:25 PM
Here you go brother!
Engineer #12
Posted 19 April 2013 - 11:08 PM
Im going to start in about 7 hours :P/>
Smiley43210 #13
Posted 19 April 2013 - 11:15 PM
Don't forget the double quotes (or single quotes, whichever you prefer)
He shouldnt because I suspect he already has a lot done. I have an editor wich does it very easily so that cant be bothered. Also once I got the code finished, I will add comments to the code.
I said that because in his last post where he had about 1/4 of it in there, none of them had quotes around them. And it's like that on the pastebin link. But good thing you can do it easily with your editor.
lironbenaun #14
Posted 19 April 2013 - 11:28 PM
well he probly went to sleep
Engineer #15
Posted 20 April 2013 - 12:16 AM
Ik actually on school. I can start a little bit now, because my teacher is ill :P/>

But it would be completed still after 6/7 hours after posting this
Engineer #16
Posted 20 April 2013 - 02:25 PM
Teaser Time! It is taking much longer then expected, but Im making it overcomplicated than it should be, just because I can :D/>

Here is the screenshot, and scrolling is already fully implemented:

I think in 24 hours its completed :P/>

The picture is kind of different than the real one. Take this as a concept! :P/>

Also Im going to post the final product in the programs section, but lironbenaun will get a huge credit. He typed all the info over in a table.
Spongy141 #17
Posted 20 April 2013 - 02:40 PM
Lol nice!
lironbenaun #18
Posted 20 April 2013 - 08:01 PM
Very nice looking
BigSHinyToys #19
Posted 21 April 2013 - 12:11 AM
For the challenge I made a spredsheet display program.
Program :
DataFIle :
Data Original source :;f=true&amp;noheader=true&amp;gid=0
Engineer #20
Posted 21 April 2013 - 12:50 AM
*selects project -> shift + delete*

Damn.. BigShinyToys, thats awesome! The only thing I would add is something that prevents the 'out-of-screen-scrolling'.

Im sure you know how to do it, but I figured I would post it anyway:

local width, height = term.getSize()
if event[2] == 1 and  grid.selOffY + 1 ~= <amount of lines> - height + 3 then
	  grid.selOffY =  grid.selOffY + 1
elseif event[2] == -1 and  grid.selOffY - 1 >= 0 then
	   grid.selOffY =  grid.selOffY - 1

The +3 worked for me,not sure if it will work in these conditions. :)/>
BigSHinyToys #21
Posted 21 April 2013 - 01:22 AM
*selects project -> shift + delete*

Damn.. BigShinyToys, thats awesome! The only thing I would add is something that prevents the 'out-of-screen-scrolling'.

Im sure you know how to do it, but I figured I would post it anyway:

local width, height = term.getSize()
if event[2] == 1 and  grid.selOffY + 1 ~= <amount of lines> - height + 3 then
	  grid.selOffY =  grid.selOffY + 1
elseif event[2] == -1 and  grid.selOffY - 1 >= 0 then
	   grid.selOffY =  grid.selOffY - 1

The +3 worked for me,not sure if it will work in these conditions. :)/>
Thanks for brining that over sight to me attention. Problem fixed same pastebin link new ver 0.2
lironbenaun #22
Posted 21 April 2013 - 02:46 AM
how do i get the program
Engineer #23
Posted 21 April 2013 - 02:48 AM
For now this will do:

Im going to update it next week, I already know some issues
BigSHinyToys #24
Posted 21 April 2013 - 03:33 AM
how do i get the program
enable the http api by editing your computer craft config
then use pastebin get
example :

pastebin get ykWv7Ejz bee
after that run the bee program that you just downloaded
masterdisasterHD #25
Posted 05 August 2013 - 12:00 PM
will the update ever get released? and also the pastebin is deleted