82 posts
Posted 20 April 2013 - 06:59 AM
Using any computer (advanced or normal) preferrably normal. I mean like putting (-) around the edges and using key arrows to select an option?
Thanks in advance
1190 posts
Posted 20 April 2013 - 07:29 AM
I've made a menu tutorial that you can check out on Youtube (Check my sig).
As for the border, that's fairly easy:
local termX, termY = term.getSize() --Get the size of the terminal
for i=1, termY do --Use a for loop to visit each pixel on the y axis
if i==1 or i==termY then --If we're at the top or bottom of the screen
term.write(string.rep("-", termX)) --Write "-" repeated all the way across
else --Otherwise
term.write("|"..string.rep(" ", termX-2).."|") --Just use a "|" character