25 posts
Posted 08 June 2013 - 03:42 PM
Hey guys, I'm making a tekkit map (1.2.5) for Minecraft. Its based off of the game Fallout 3.
I need broken terminals for ambient effect. I know how to get the foremost part down, but I need help with the text. I need to make it to where whenever you type something, it appears on the terminal as one of the following "!@#$%^/". However, I do not know how to do that. Can some one please lend me a hand? Thanks.
758 posts
Budapest, Hungary
Posted 08 June 2013 - 03:54 PM
Typed "fallout terminal" into Search in the Programs forum.EDIT: By the way, the community wouldn't be able to help you anyways due to the lack of information you gave us. Which part do you have problems with? How do you want store possible passwords? etc.
25 posts
Posted 08 June 2013 - 04:09 PM
Typed "fallout terminal" into Search in the Programs forum.EDIT: By the way, the community wouldn't be able to help you anyways due to the lack of information you gave us. Which part do you have problems with? How do you want store possible passwords? etc.
I need to make it to where whenever you type something, it appears on the terminal as one of the following "!@#$%^/". However, I do not know how to do that.
They're really for ambient effect. I just need it to randomly render your letters to one of the symbols displayed. I have the password cracking and all of that other good stuff down though. :D/>
1522 posts
The Netherlands
Posted 08 June 2013 - 04:32 PM
a simple converter would be:
local convert = function( str )
local chars = "!@#$%^&*()~{}[]:;'\"<>?/,./\\-+"
local newString = ""
for i = 1, str:len() do
local randomChar = math.random( chars:len() )
newString = newString .. chars:sub( randomChar, randomChar )
return newString
I like these kind of random functions :P/>
Edit: Look at this! Awesomeness! :D/>
I literally used this:
25 posts
Posted 08 June 2013 - 05:41 PM
a simple converter would be:
local convert = function( str )
local chars = "!@#$%^&*()~{}[]:;'\"<>?/,./\\-+"
local newString = ""
for i = 1, str:len() do
local randomChar = math.random( chars:len() )
newString = newString .. chars:sub( randomChar, randomChar )
return newString
I like these kind of random functions :P/>
Edit: Look at this! Awesomeness! :D/>
I literally used this:
Wow, thanks!
1583 posts
Posted 08 June 2013 - 06:51 PM
a simple converter would be:
local convert = function( str )
local chars = "!@#$%^&*()~{}[]:;'\"<>?/,./\\-+"
local newString = ""
for i = 1, str:len() do
local randomChar = math.random( chars:len() )
newString = newString .. chars:sub( randomChar, randomChar )
return newString
I like these kind of random functions :P/>/>/>
Edit: Look at this! Awesomeness! :D/>/>/>
I literally used this:
Under the "f" of fun is a smiley :o/>
7083 posts
Tasmania (AU)
Posted 08 June 2013 - 09:52 PM
Couldn't help myself. I like random functions too.
local errors = {
"Operation complete",
"Function asdfdfwea has performed an illegal operation and will be shot",
"Error: Does not compute",
"Don't you talk about my mother like that! She was a saint!",
"Please dear, not in front of the children!",
"English, do you speak it?",
"This message will self destruct in ten seconds",
"Accessing databank for file 'meaning of life'... ... ... Error: <EOF>"}
local event,key,timer,blink,textX,textY = "",0,os.startTimer(0),false,0,0
local garbage = "!@#$%^/"
write("> ")
while true do
while true do
event,key = os.pullEventRaw()
if event == "timer" and key == timer then -- Flash the text cursor.
write(blink and "_" or " ")
blink = not blink
textX,textY = term.getCursorPos()
timer = os.startTimer(0.5)
elseif event == "key" then break end -- User typed something, so exit the current while loop.
textX,textY = term.getCursorPos()
if key == keys.enter then -- Handle a line break.
print(" ")
if textX ~= 3 then
if (math.random(10) < 10) then
print("No such program")
write("> ")
elseif key == keys.backspace then
if textX > 3 then
write(" ")
else -- User typed anything else.
key = math.random(garbage:len())