So basically what I was wondering if anyone has a script like the one I'm about to describe or could give me some tips on how to get it working how I want then that'd be much appreciated even though my CC coding is pretty poor I could probably manage it eventually with some guidance
What I'm looking for:
The script will be outputting to a 2w x 3h advanced monitor placed on the right, I'd like to have TO DO LIST: at the top centralized in blue then below it a kind of table style pattern so it would be like
-background grey- #1 To Do Item 1
-background light grey- #2 To Do item 2
-background grey- #3 To Do Item 3
-background light grey- #4 To Do item 4
Then once the page is full of list items for it to have an option at the bottom to change page and the list will change to a new page and start all over again
Here's an image of the idea I have:
then so on like that, I'm not 100% sure if you can have bullet points or not in CC so if someone could let me know if that's possible also that'd be great. As I'd rather have it bullet pointed that numbered cause you know what it's like you never do a to do list in the order it says :P/> you just pick what you fancy at the time
Thanks in advance for any help.